Caged (4 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

BOOK: Caged
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It was going to take her some time to accept the change her
professional life was about to undergo. The group was moving fast. Around the
table they discussed, debated and chose which pieces they’d like to include in
their exhibition. She was thrilled by their excitement.

Chapter Four


The rest of the morning went by in a haze—a pleasant, blurry
haze. Sharing the rest of the pieces and drawings she’d brought helped Gabby
accept it was happening. Her work was actually going to be in a show at the
Victoria & Albert Museum.

Once they came up with a tentative list of what they wanted
to show, they went for lunch in the museum café. From there, the discussions
had turned in a more detailed direction.

They’d bantered back and forth about where particular pieces
would show best. Notes were taken as to whether specific items were better
suited for a mannequin, bust or in a case. The last thing they did was tour the
V&A space reserved for the show. It was hard to imagine with another show
on the floor, then she reminded herself they were the experts and knew what
they were doing.

By three she was walking through her front door. Dashing for
the phone, she dialed Max’s mobile number. She hadn’t taken her cell to the
meeting on purpose and had promptly forgotten the device she carried everywhere
wasn’t with her. There was no way she’d wanted the distraction it normally

There was nothing more to her wanting him to know other than
that she was excited. She had no hidden agenda, she wanted to share the good
news with him. They were going out later, but she was simply eager to talk to


“Hey there, it’s Gabby.”

“Hey, how’d it go?” He sounded pleased to hear from her and
added to her excitement with what she had to tell him. “Give me details.”

“Great! They offered me a place as one of two contemporary
designers in a jewelry show they’re doing.”

“Congratulations! I didn’t doubt they’d see how good you
are, but it’s nice to be proved right.” Her smile grew exponentially with his
enthusiasm and confidence over her good news.

She was happy and her life was in a great place, but with
his support, it all became even brighter.

“Oh stop, you’ve never seen any of my work.” She laughed.

“You’re wrong. This morning I went online to find out what I
could about your work. Personally, the lion in the Astrolgique series was my
favorite and not because I’m a Leo. Oh, and the conch shell. The incredible
artistry and creative skill are clearly evident in your work. I would like to
see your collections in person.”

“I’m speechless…” She was left without a word to say. He’d
taken the time to look up her work when he had many other things to do.

“Why?” There was a querying tone to his question she hadn’t
expected to hear.

“You’re busy preparing for an important meeting with the
prime minister and yet you took the time to look for my work. I’m surprised and
honored.” Blushing, she went into the living room and sat down. She was amazed
at the discovery and wondered how much more there was to learn about Max.

“What can I say? When I woke up this morning, you were on my
mind. I showered, dressed, ate breakfast and drank a second cup of tea. I
didn’t bother to work because I was thinking about you. Not when it was obvious
I had to appease my curiosity. I had to discover more about you, only then
could I settle in to making water reclamation recommendations an easy yet
interesting sell.”

“Well, I’m flattered.”

“And as I said before, I’m impressed.” He sounded sincere
and made her feel as giddy as a schoolgirl.

“Okay, stop, you’re making me blush.” She raised a hand and
pressed it against her heated face. Max had the ability to turn her inside out
with a few well-placed compliments. If she weren’t careful, she’d beg him to
come over and fuck her hard.

“I bet right now your cheeks are a lovely shade of pink.
Remember when I spanked your ass our first night together at the club? As far
as I’m concerned it was a fabulous scene.”

“You don’t play fair.”
Oh man, he went there.
brought up sex they’d had at the club after they’d decided to keep it out of
their budding relationship.

With a few words she was reliving the night of the wicked
spanking. Bound, clamps on her nipples and a plug in her ass, she hadn’t been
able to move and she’d had to take the smacks from his hand. There’d only been
a half-dozen swats, but each one had sent her closer to climaxing. Ultimately,
she hadn’t broken until he’d pushed his cock in her pussy. One thurst and she’d
spiraled out of control.

They’d done more wicked games that night, which had ensured
she’d return the next evening and a third for more of his passion. What an
introduction they’d had to each other.


Gabby almost laughed as wicked humor trickled through his
voice. He was teasing her and she loved it. With her naughty side taking
control of her brain, she gave him and his libido a nudge.

“Ooo, Sir, thinking of your big hands slapping my backside
makes me hot.” She started panting with theatrical moans and groans mixed in.
Eventually, she spoke again with a husky voice. “Some hard spanks before you
tell me to open my mouth and beg for your seed is what I want. You know I enjoy
sucking on your cock. Oh Max, will you please…”

“What do you need?” His voice made it clear he was eager to
hear whatever was coming next.

“Remind me again,” she seductively moaned, “what time we’re
meeting for dinner tonight?”

“Shit Gabby, you are one wicked woman! My cock is hard as a
rock with the image of your lips surrounding it dancing through my head.” He
spoke with some lightness in his voice, but there was also a note of tension
running beside it. Good. He needed to be in as much pain as she was.

“We’re keeping sex out of things, aren’t we?” Hopes of maybe
changing his mind had her whispering the question.

Technically, if she counted the three times they’d connected
at Succulent, they’d been on four dates. Five if she counted the one they were
going to have later. They were consenting adults able to enjoy an intimate
connection with each other if they wanted. And absolutely, she wanted him to
take her. On the other hand Gabby wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure she was ready
for whatever type of relationship they made together. Things between them would
definitely change and she was happy with what they had at the club.

“Yes and I already regret making the suggestion.” An
interesting twist, but she still wasn’t sure what to do.

“Let’s discuss it over dinner.” They were both comfortable
with their sexual play. To deny an avenue of expression, in the end, wouldn’t
benefit either of them.

“It’s a plan.” Sounding emphatic, his quick, simple answer
made her feel more confident in their finding a better solution for them both.

“See you later Max.”

“I’m looking forward to it, Gabby.”

By the time they hung up she’d lost her light mood. He’d
sounded as serious as she. What kept her thinking ahead with pleasure was her
confidence he was as keen as she was to find a solution. All they needed to
figure out was how to have a relationship
keep their club life

No problem.

They weren’t asking for much, but nothing was simple when
sex was involved. She’d joined Succulent to take the mess out of seeking
satisfaction, but it had turned out she’d been wrong. Pleasure and
relationships were apparently full of hills and valleys. At the moment she was
almost at the top of a hill with Max, one she’d been on at the club.
Unfortunately, there were a few boulders to climb over first.

However, what if he could give her what she wanted outside
the club as well? Could they have what other people had? They weren’t asking
for anything more than a real and fulfilling relationship with a kinky flavor
added into the mix. Maybe what they had to do was kick all preconceived notions
to the curb and commit to each other. Once done, she was sure everything else
would fall into place. At least she hoped all the kinks were worked out and
they could get on with life.

Being together as a committed couple would allow her time to
discover who he was. There was a great deal she didn’t know about him and she
wanted to know it all. Gabby wanted to discover him for herself, not be told
the little details.

The answer was right there in front of her. All she had to
do was say yes to connecting with him, except she was too afraid to say it. The
fear of having neither the club nor an outside relationship with him was more
than she wanted to face. As an adult, she made decisions and ran her own

Gabby could go over and over the issue without finding any
answers on her own. They had to do it together. Pushing it all from her mind
with a sigh, she got on with work. She started by making a list of everything
she needed in order to pull her projects together for the museum. First and
most importantly she needed to order an archival box for each project. She
already had those for past works and would have no problem setting them up for
those she’d been working on recently.


Later, after she’d finished her list and placed a few
orders, she soaked in a hot bubble bath. Not thinking about work meant she had
to think about her upcoming date. Having Max in her head opened the door for
their earlier conversation to drift through.

No, she told herself firmly while swishing hot bubbles over
her belly and chest. She didn’t believe they were meant for a bondage club
alone. They may not make it as a couple, but it wouldn’t be for lack of trying.
When it came to Max, she didn’t want to miss experiencing anything with him.
She wanted to give a real chance to whatever was growing between them to work.

What they had at the club was important and special. What
else they had could be figured out over dinner.

She stepped out of the tub and got ready for the night.
After wrapping a towel around her, she stood in front of her closet looking for
the perfect outfit. It was actually hard to find. She wanted to find something
subtly seductive and yet comfortable.

Pulling a few items out, she finally settled on what to
wear, her lips spreading into a wicked grin.

After she was dressed, Gabby checked her appearance in the
full-length mirror on her bathroom door. Turning around, she looked at herself
from all angles and was pleased with what she’d chosen. She found contentment
twirling before the mirror.

In her quest to settle their relationship, she decided to
highlight one asset in particular to turn his mind toward sex. Bare or covered,
he got off when he played with her breasts and she’d present them for his

Her outfit was nothing fancy. She wore black trousers, a
white blouse and a pair of heels. Basic, except her cleavage was on show due to
the shirt. It wrapped around her instead of the traditional button up the
front. Beneath the blouse she wore an all lace bra created and chosen not for
function, but for looks. When her nipples were hard, they pointed through the
elaborate cutwork of the cup and ended up poking the thin material of her top.

Rubbing her hands over each mound, she accepted and was
thrilled with how much she wanted him. Pinching the two firm tips, Gabby rolled
them between her thumbs and forefingers until she needed to squeeze her legs
together to ease the throbbing. Once outside the evening chill would keep her
nipples hard.

With a smile for their future, she set out on her path of seduction.

Scary, but she also found the night’s prospects exciting.
She had no doubt he’d be panting to get his mouth on her breasts in seconds. She
wanted his undivided attention until they were both sexually satisfied.

Picking up her lightweight shawl, Gabby put it on and tossed
an end over her shoulder. The fabric would cover her chest until she decided

Chapter Five


Heading for the door, she set the alarm and closed it behind
her. Hopefully she’d have some company coming back with her later. Or maybe
they’d go to his place. She didn’t care which house they went to, as long as it

Walking out to the road, she stood there and raised her arm,
eventually flagging a black cab. There was a little traffic, the usual
end-of-day stuff, although not horrible. In no time the car pulled up to the
edge of Chinatown near Leicester Square. Max was waiting for her beneath the
ornamental entrance, looking handsome and in control. Dang, seeing him made her
need push right back to the surface.

“Hi.” She placed her hands on his chest, went up onto her
toes and kissed him on the cheek. It wasn’t a serious kiss, although she
considered it better than a handshake. She stopped for a second and questioned
what she was doing. All of a sudden a greeting was something with more weight
attached to it and needed to be handled correctly. Relationships were tricky

“Hey,” he whispered as he held onto her waist. Liking the
feel of his hands, she hoped they’d be back soon as he pulled them away. If she
were lucky, the next time he touched her it would be while she was naked. She
wanted his hands to stroke from her waist, round to her hips where they’d
clench her backside. She wanted his all-encompassing possession.

Oh yes, she wanted all of it and more from him.

Before she could take advantage of him, Max cleared his
throat and asked if she still wanted dinner or if they should get to his place
or hers. Gabby had a moment’s pause to think and eventually figured she’d do
food first. Energy and etiquette said she should. Bed with him sounded better,
but she went ahead and said yes to dinner.

With a shared smile they walked down the short
pedestrian-only street. It was a fun yet short cobbled road to walk. She didn’t
look too closely at the windows they passed. They found a plain-fronted
restaurant and went inside.

“Yum, I love crispy duck and only get it once, sometimes
twice a year.” Looking out the window, she watched tourists wandering
aimlessly. She didn’t care if they all came inside, not as long as they had her
favorite dish.

“We’ll have to order it then, as long as you share.” His
lips lifted, but the resulting smile wasn’t loose and carefree. Apparently her
lover was under strain, possibly suffering from the same tension she was

Her lover
. She liked calling Max her lover.

“I’ll try my hardest but can’t promise you anything. When I
taste the plum sauce and strips of crisp cucumber piled on top of the shredded
duck, all rolled up in a steamed pancake, my sanity flies out the window.”

“Well, I can’t fault your honesty.” He laughed.

From there, their easy conversation kept going, lightening
the mood until they ordered. She was enjoying herself and without thinking,
pulled her shawl off. The silence was second only to the passion filling his
eyes as his gaze fell and stayed on her breasts.

Her nipples grew even harder as she remembered how much she
wanted his attention right there. Thrusting her chest out, she tried to hold
her smile back as his gorgeous blue eyes darkened further. Excellent, she’d
gotten the reaction she’d wanted.

“You’re not being fair, Gabby. Those hard nipples make it
difficult to concentrate. I want to reach out and touch them, pinch them, bite
them. Will you beg for me to lean over and take one hard tip between my teeth
and tug until you gasp? Are you ready for the wall between us to come down?”

“I think I am,” she murmured while keeping her eyes locked
with his.

“We won’t have a friends-with-benefits thing or casually
date other people. I want a real relationship, do you?”

They waited to continue the conversation while their waiter
brought drinks to the table. She looked at Max carefully. He appeared tense and
ready to leap across the table to have her, other people be damned. The power
she had over him was enticing.

“No more circling the truth. You and I want each other for
more than sex, right?”

“Yes, I want sex and much more with you outside of the
proverbial bed.” She grinned back at him.

“Good. Tonight, you’ll come home with me. We won’t deny our
pleasure for each other any longer. But I think for now we keep it vanilla, no

“Why?” She was curious why he’d make this condition,
although she agreed with the idea of keeping things tame at the start.

“I think we need to take things slow. Eventually, hopefully,
we can have what we want from each other. I want it all with you.” He reached
across the table and took her hands in his. His touch brought feelings of
importance, respect and desired along with it.

Looking at him and thinking about everything she already
knew about him, she understood what he meant. Gabby remembered showing up at Succulent
three nights in a row, wanting to be with him. The excitement of their date at
The Dorchester and today, attending the meeting and hearing incredible news was
all great. Oddly enough, despite the sex and dates, being anywhere with him was
what she wanted.

“What if we want to get kinky? Do we go to the club for some
seriously hot interludes?” She was always excited and satisfied when he tied
her up and spanked her, told her what he wanted. None of what she fancied was

“I’m not sure. Maybe we take things as they come. As long as
we’re honest and talk about things, we’re in the best place to move forward
together.” Even though his words were a compromise, there was an aura of
confidence around him encouraging her to feel the same way.

“Yes, you’re right. If we’re careful and freely share what
we want, then we could have an incredible time together.”

“To us.” He lifted his glass of chilled beer and they
clinked their rims together.

“To us.”

After they enjoyed a meal of crispy duck and chow mein, they
walked through the usual crowds of Leicester Square holding hands. From there
they shared a black cab to his place in Westminster.

The narrow road was filled with mismatched row homes
repurposed for businesses. They pulled to a stop in front of a red-brick
building with a black door and multi-paned, bowed front window. While he paid
the driver, she stepped onto the street and looked up at his place in the low

He’d told her how he lived above his offices when in London.
He’d also spoken of a house up north in York, which sounded as if it were a
real historical treasure.

With his hand in the small of her back, he led her forward.
After opening the front door, he let her step in first. Reaching around her,
Max flicked a light switch in time for her to see him turn off the alarm. Max
stepped closer to her and closed the door behind them. Setting the locks added
a note of finality that had her shaking. Fear didn’t cause her to shiver—not
knowing what was to come built her excitement.

Without saying a word, he hung her shawl and purse up on the
coat rack before easily slipping his hands around to cup her breasts. He
strummed his thumbs over her hard nipples while he placed gentle kisses along
her neck up to her ear. She was thankful she’d decided to wear her hair up.

The man was working his special brand of magic on her body
and she wasn’t even naked. The hard cock pressing against her backside said he
wasn’t entirely immune to her either. She enjoyed knowing she was a weakness
for him.

“These two steely points have been taunting me all night.
Letting me know exactly how turned-on you were when I couldn’t do a thing about

He slid his hands down, over her belly to her hips. One went
straight down to cup her pussy through her pants. He pulled her close against
his hard body and she knew what is was like to be cherished by him. Gabby let
her head fall back against his chest. She stretched up with a twist to press
her lips against his neck. Before she could catch her breath, he leaned over
and kissed her softly.

Sighing, Gabby turned around in his arms and threaded the
fingers through his soft hair. She pulled his head down as she stretched up to
meet his lips for more. He traced his tongue along the line between the folds as
she opened for him. Without rushing, he shared his breath until she couldn’t
wait any longer and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

“Please,” she moaned with hunger. It took her no time to
want more with him. She needed to feel his naked body against hers—his heart
beat with pleasure, his breath pant with need—to feel him want her as much as
she did him. She shifted and wrapped her leg around his hip, pulling him closer
to her. Right as she was about to collapse, he lifted her up in his arms.

On instinct and trust he’d keep her from falling, she
climbed his body. The reward was his stiff cock nudging her pussy. He pulled
back from their kiss. With a reflective groan of unhappiness, she let him know
she missed his touch and tried to find his lips again.

“Are you sure, baby girl?” She shifted her attention to his
ear and answered by tugging on the lobe with her teeth. However, he asked again—apparently
he wanted the words.

“Come on, let me see your golden-brown eyes and hear your
answer. Otherwise we stop.” His softly voiced warning got through the morass
their pleasure created. In her mind she’d given him the okay back when they’d
their first date, but if he needed to hear her say it, she would.

“Yes, yes, Max. I want you to take me upstairs and make love
to me.” With his hands under her ass, he walked them through the dark house.
They paused once in the stairwell and he used his elbow to turn a light on. He
easily carried her up to the top floor. Once there, he set her down at the foot
of his bed and turned to kneel before a fireplace.

A fireplace in London? She hadn’t expected to see one of
those and loved it.

Slipping out of her shoes, she took off her clothes before
he’d finished building a fire. When he turned around, she stood there in her
white lace bra and panties. Under his attention, she started to unbutton his
shirt. They may be keeping things vanilla, but being a submissive was an
attitude she couldn’t turn on and off.

“I want you naked in front of the fire, looking wild and
hungry,” he growled as he shrugged off his shirt.

“I’m starved for you,” she confided on a whisper. Gabby was
beyond the point of putting off the inevitable. She needed him.

With his shirt off, she started working on his belt and
pants, but moved to her knees when she remembered shoes and socks had to come
off first. For a second she almost laughed. It was hard to think about the
order of undressing when desire ruled the brain and body.

“Riding between my thighs,” she continued, lost to the call
of his need.

“Oh shit!” he cried out before moving quickly. Max stripped
while she leaned back and took in all of him. The position put her mouth within
breathing distance of his cock. The hard rod bounced each time she exhaled over
its silken surface. Her gaze was drawn to the four shining balls decorating his
rod around the crown.

As she was leaning forward, eager to take him in her mouth,
he helped her stand and wrapped his arms her. She wasn’t pressed against him,
but close enough to feel his heat and strength. With his eyes on hers, he unhooked
her bra, slid it down her arms and dropped it. Next he used his fingers to
shift her panties until they landed on the floor. She stepped out of them and
closer to him, but he had other plans.

Once he laid her out on a soft rug and settled himself between
her spread legs, he teased his breath over her bare mound.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine, but I’ll be much better when you’re inside me.” She
moved her feet to the ground, giving her a chance to lift her hips and bring
herself closer to his mouth.

“Let me feast on your sweet cunt first.” The gorgeous man
kept his eyes locked with hers as he licked her pussy. Their connection was
intense and she struggled to breathe. His tongue circled her clit before the
tip slipped inside her. The air she’d been holding escaped on a groan.

“I’m wet now,” she told him and thrust her mound up farther
to prove it.

“You are, but I want you dripping with lust.”

He didn’t stop until she was a begging mass of need. With
two fingers thrusting in and out of her clenching slit and his mouth attached
to her excited nub, she came screaming his name.


“Easy, easy, I have you,” he soothed her as she slowly
slipped back from her orgasm.

He moved up her body and held her close, pressing kisses
across her face. She loved how he held her shaking body, carefully but with
enough strength to give her comfort. She had missed not getting to experience
this side of him when they played their games at the club.

When she stopped panting for air, Gabby shifted and kissed
him on the lips, giving him her thanks for the incredible climax. There was a
new flavor and scent on him now, and it was her.

Max moved his hips, pressing her farther down onto the
floor. Her need to be taken had her body rushing back up the pleasure ladder
for more. His dick was rigid, twitching with need against her pussy. She wanted
it inside her.

“Please lover, please come inside and let me have you. All
of you. No condom. I’m clean and on birth control. I want to feel you, only you
and your piercing.”

Catching her gaze and holding it, she could tell he was
weighing something in his mind. Then he was there, slowly filling her slit with
his large rod. She couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling back in her head. Her
breath caught in the back of her throat as the silver studs of his piercings
traced along her slick walls.

The feel of his hard cock slowly driving through her
clenched pussy was utterly divine. She didn’t dare move in case he stopped.
With each inch he pushed inside her, four silken tracks were drawn through her
slit until there was no more space. Then they reversed direction and again
caught her in their wicked trap.

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