Caiden (A MacLaughlin Family Novella Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Caiden (A MacLaughlin Family Novella Book 2)
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They were safe for now and he intended to make the most of his time with her. She was the first girl in a long time he cared whether or not he saw again. Lina Mathews wasn’t a fly by night one time thing. He wanted to keep her, but first he wanted to make her fly.

A grin curved his lip upward and he settled between her thighs. Her light musky scent had his dick rock hard, but first her beautiful pussy needed some attention.

“Are you ready to fly?”

A moaned yes came from deep in her throat. He wrapped his arms around her hips and held her in place, licking the length of her slit up to her clitoris. She shuddered. Her hands ran through his hair and fisted handfuls, pushing him down onto her sex.

He twirled his tongue around the swollen pearl, but never quite touched it. Then nipped at her labia before thrusting his tongue deep into her vagina. She tasted better than honey and the mewling sounds she was making was heaven to his ears. Her legs flexed in his grasp, but she couldn’t move an inch. He tightened his grip and latched onto her clit, sucking it hard.

She screamed. Her hips bucked against his face but he held her fast, keeping the pressure from his mouth steady, allowing her to ride the full length of her climax.

When the shudders turned to shivers and she went limp in his arms he licked her clit one more time for good measure before releasing her hips and climbing off the bed.


“Shhhh.” He pulled his shirt off and shucked his pants and underwear before climbing back onto the bed.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to move again.” She smiled and stroked his chest with her soft hands.

“Naked and forever in my bed. I’m good with that.”

A giggle rippled through her body. He crawled over top of her and leaned down, taking one breast into his mouth, while kneading the other with a free hand. The giggle turned into a moan and her hand moved to stroke his cock. Her feathery touch sent flames licking through his nervous system.
Not yet, sugar.

He moved out of her reach and smiled when she whined her protest. He nipped her breast and loved the way her body natural arced toward his mouth. She liked a little pain with her pleasure. He rolled the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger until it was tight and hard.

“Caiden,” she moaned.

His name on her lips sounded perfect. Her voice was raspy with need and he was going to give her everything she could ever want.

She’d never leave him.

He moved between her legs again.

“Nooooo,” she moaned, flexing her legs trying to clamp them together.

“Yes.” He easily parted her thighs and settled his mouth over her sex, drinking in her up. She squirmed and moaned, fisting handfuls of the bed sheets. He slid one hand up to her breast and found a still pebbled nipple to toy with. “Come for me again, Lina.” He teased her clit and nipple, trading the pressure back and forth until she was shaking. “Now.” He pinched hard and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth.

A growl tore from her throat and her body arched halfway off the bed as the climax tore through her frame. Every muscle in her legs clenched and a light sheen of sweat coated her naked form.



Exactly how he wanted her. For as long as he could have her.

Eventually she would leave him too.




Jello. That’s what her body felt like.

She’d never had orgasms like that…ever. It was like he knew exactly what her body craved and he was determined to kill her with pleasure. Her heart was beating so hard, it seemed to be pushing against her chest wall. Her nipples were sore, her clit was sore, and everything throbbed with a need that wouldn’t abate.

She opened her eyes and caught his gaze. The moonlight filtering through the bedroom curtains was just enough to give her a peek at his heated stare. He crawled up from her navel, reached to the side and fished a condom out of his night table. The crinkle of the tearing wrapper excited her even more.
He settled into the cradle of her hips. His erection prodded at her pulsing sex and she moaned.


“Anything for you, sugar.” He pushed inside with one thrust, filling her completely, stretching her further than she thought possible. It seemed like hours before he started moving inside her. The fullness was uncomfortable for only a few moments before she wanted nothing more than to have him push her more.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and matched his rhythm stroke for stroke.

“Lina,” he growled, grabbing a handful of her hair and captured her mouth, sweeping his tongue deep into her mouth. He thrust harder and she moaned into his mouth.

The swirling heat of a fast rising climax rushed through her central nervous system. It couldn’t be possible. How could her body think itself capable of another orgasm? But her pussy spasmed and clenched hard on his cock. Her legs tightened their hold as well, ignoring the fact that only minutes ago she’d hadn’t the energy to lift a finger.

He growled through the kiss and moved one hand to a breast. He caught the already tender nipple and rolled it, squeezing hard. Then drove into her deep, stiffening as he found his release. Hers came rushing forward too, and she clawed at his back as her vision went white and her mind shattered in a kaleidoscope of pleasure and heat.




Her hand brushed over the empty bed beside her. The bed was huge and strangely cold. Her body ached in places it hadn’t ached in… She couldn’t remember.

She open her eyes and stared at the white ceiling above her. She was in his house. She’d slept with him last night.
Several times.
A grin curved the edge of her lips. Rolling to her side she stared out the open bedroom door. Line of sight was blocked by a wall, but the smell of warm waffles and maple syrup couldn’t be mistaken.

Cold air met her naked skin when she pushed the covers down and slid to the floor. She looked back at the soft warm bed and then her stomach growled. The rumble sent her scampering across the room toward Caiden’s dresser.

She pulled open a couple of drawers until she found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Rubbing her arms, the shook off the cold chill and walked out into the hallway. Two pairs of intense golden eyes greeted her. Both of his shepherds were sitting in the hall blocking her way. She stifled a squeak of surprise.

“Hi, Duke and King, right?”

The dogs stood and walked toward her. She held her breath. They nuzzled her hands and she released a sigh and laughed. She wasn’t afraid of dogs, but these were more like trained soldiers than the floppy-eared mutt she had back at home.

“Let’s go see what Caiden is cooking for breakfast.” The dogs broke form and both tails wagged in unison as their tongues lolled out. They woofed and dashed down the hallway.

Caiden’s deep voice boomed from across the house, scolding the dogs for leaving their post.

She hurried across his nearly empty living room. Well, it had a big leather couch, a coffee table, and a monstrous TV attached to the wall. No artwork, no pillows, no blankets or any type of décor. “I’m awake. Don’t be mad at them.”

Stepping around the corner, she stopped in her tracks and squelched the moan that nearly leapt from her throat. He was six and a half feet of solid golden muscle. A unique Celtic shoulder tattoo covered one shoulder and most of his upper left arm. The knots and twists reminded her of a sleeve of medieval chainmail armor. It was beautiful. His dark hair curled adorably around his ears and his brown eyes glanced up at her and twinkled. He was too good to be true.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m dragging you back to bed.”

A giggle slipped from between her lips. “I’m hungry. I’ll fight you.”

“Really?” He put down the bowl of batter he’d been stirring and moved to stand next to her. His hands went to her breasts and his lips caressed her neck.
God. It wasn’t fair what he could do. How he could make her feel. Like maybe the shit with Luke wasn’t going to ruin her life forever.

“Okay! I won’t fight.” She threw up her hands in surrender, laughing as his caresses turned to tickling. “No! Noooooooo! Stop.”

He chuckled and abandoned his torture, moving back to the waffle batter. “I’ve got a few more to cook and then we can sit down. Can you grab a couple of glasses and pour some orange juice?”

“Of course.”

She filled the glasses and sat down at the small dinette table while the scent of fresh waffle continued to tease her olfactory senses. “So, about that bid for the property…”

Caiden nodded. “I have it on my laptop. I’ll go over it with you later. Oh, and the sheriff dropped your things off earlier. They are sitting in the den at the front of the house.”

“Oh. That was really nice of him.”

“We are high school buddies. He didn’t mind. I told him to keep an eye out for anyone in rental cars. By now, though, I’m sure Luke knows you aren’t at the hotel any more... If he is here, that is.”

“I have a bad feeling he is. When I talked to Dad yesterday, he sounded so upset. I think Luke has done something terrible, but Dad wouldn’t say anything. The fact that Cole came all the way out here against my Dad’s advice, speaks volumes. Something is wrong.”

“But he didn’t say anything in the parking lot, did he?”

“No, just argued with me about staying with someone I don’t know instead of him. Still, he didn’t seem himself. I think he knew Luke would follow him, but…it was like he had to see me. It’s probably me just being paranoid.”

“When someone is stalking or harassing you, a little paranoia can keep you safe.”

“I’m so sick of him ruining my life. For almost two years I’ve lived, wondering when he would show up. At a restaurant when I’m out with friends. Movies. Dinner. Church. He would appear anywhere public. Flowers show up at work constantly. Every time I went out with someone, something bad would happen. Their tires would get slashed. Dead flowers would show up at my house or at the office. One guy’s dog was poisoned the day after we had dinner together.” She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “I just stopped one day...about six months ago.”

Caiden raised and eyebrow and slid into the chair opposite her. “What do you mean you stopped?”

“I stopped living. I went to work with Dad. Came home. Went to bed. Started again the next day… I stopped going out with friends. I refused to leave the house after dark. I just hid, because I hated the feeling of being watched.”

Tears welled in her eyes and burned. It wasn’t fair that a man could steal her life from her and nobody could do anything about it. The police couldn’t prove anything. He’d never threatened her…not directly, anyway.

“I’m sorry.” She sniffed and wiped her face. “I can’t believe I just fell apart on you.”

Caiden stood and took her hand, pulling her up against his chest. His arms wrapped around her like a warm blanket. He laid his cheek gently to the top of her head. “Eventually he will make a mistake, Lina. And that will be the end of him, I promise.






Three days had passed and still no sign of Luke could be found, though Caiden’s sheriff friend had confirmed he’d bought a plane ticket to DFW Airport and landed two days after she arrived. She’d told her dad she was staying with Caiden. He drove back and forth from the site for the first few days, until he got one of his managers assigned to it to take over.

She smiled. He’d argued with her about taking time away from the office to be with her, but she told him that would just be letting Luke win. She was more than content to stay cuddled in his house with his two big dogs, reading, cooking, and running on the treadmill in his study.

Anything about the jobsite, Pete took care of it. She wasn’t needed. But, she was starting to be quite bored. He’d promised they were going to his mother’s to eat dinner tonight. His mother’s exact words were
‘You’d better introduce me to the woman who keeps you away from my breakfast table. I could care less if the bloody boogie man follows you here. Your father’s rifle is above the doorway where it’s always been.’
Lina didn’t doubt for second that his mother would hesitate to use the weapon either. She seemed like the mama bear type.

Movement outside the front window caught her eye. A white vehicle pulled away from the mailbox.
It was so sad. She was excited at the prospect of walking down the front walkway to get the mail, but it was the only time she left the house without Caiden.

“Come on, boys. It’s time to fetch the mail.” The dogs leapt to their feet and followed her to the door. She pulled it open and saw his face.
Her heart jumped to her throat and the taste of bile rose into her mouth.

She shoved the door back closed but not fast enough. His booted foot blocked the door jam. She screamed and the dogs growled. Duke and King snarled beside her, but he didn’t seem to care.

“You thought you could just move and forget about me, Lina.” His raspy voice dripped with anger.

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