Cake Love: All Things Payne (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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My mouth refuses to move for fear of what might come out. I want to stop him, but at the same time, I want to tell him to never stop touching me. He knows this; it's probably written all over my face. Instead, he watches me without a sound but keeps moving, waiting for me to tell him to stop. Of course, I don't say a word.

His hand slips down and under my dress, sliding up my thigh. I'm breathing hard now, and I already know when his fingers reach their destination I will be soaked for him.

The tips of his fingers lightly brush past the edge of my lace panties before slipping inside. I moan as they slide along my slick folds. Henrik closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again. His other hand moves from my neck and curls into my hair, tugging until my head is pushed back.

The women in the bathroom have stayed by the sinks the entire time, completely unaware that we are here. Finally, I hear the front door creak open and their voices fade away. We are alone as he slips his fingers inside me. His thumb pulses around my clit.

I press my hand against the wood paneled wall and press my other hand against the stall, firmly holding me in place. Henrik stares into my eyes as his hand fucks me. I'm starting to melt in front of him, not just from his touch, but the scent that is only Henrik. The expression of awe in his features and the look in his eyes as if I am his world, is enough to make me succumb to his skilled hand. I’m in the depths of Henrik sensory overload, and I don’t know how much longer I can last.

I close my eyes as my body trembles while I skirt the edge of my climax.

"Look at me Morgana."

My eyes fly open to see him. It's as if time reversed and I am seeing the Henrik from a month ago. The Henrik staring back at me is the same one who joked about my cake obsession, and the one who finally told his rules to go fuck themselves. What I see before me is the Henrik who proclaimed his love to me thinking I would never run away, but I did.

In that split second, it all comes flooding into me like a lightning bolt, quick and white-hot. The awful words he said to me after we were found out. He was hurt. Henrik changed so much since I first met him, from a stubborn workaholic to a man willing to open up and be free with his heart. Well, a little more free.

My orgasm explodes and white dots fill my vision of his face as everything blurs. I moan out his name and his eyes become lost to me. He releases his grip of my hair and my head falls back. After a few moments, his fingers slip out and Henrik pulls me in for a hug as I bring my arms down from the wall.

I feel his firm arousal dig into my hip and hear him breathe in my hair. I come back to my senses and am about to pull away when he speaks, “God, I missed you Morgana. I miss this; feeling you, holding you, and watching your eyes melt in pleasure. I had to do it Morgana. I’m selfish. I needed the Mimir brothers to understand who I really am. They see me like they did over a decade ago, especially Edgar. I’m not that guy anymore, I haven’t been him in a long time. That carefree goofball died with my family that cold December night.”

Henrik gives me a tight squeeze before pulling away. He does not completely let go before continuing, "But when I met you, part of that guy came back; you brought him back. You are stronger than I am. You put up with me when no one does. If I had met me at work, I would have had me fired. I'm an asshole." He chuckles as I smirk.

"You came up with that idea so you are smarter than me too. What I do...correction, what I
I learned over the years. You came to work at Mimir and in a few months came up with an idea that is saving the company. So, you see why I had to tell them it was mine?"

Anger fills my vision. Mad at myself for focusing on how much he has changed as if it is a good thing. Henrik has changed. He has become a liar and a coward. In the month he has had to think about all this, he still believes it was necessary to steal my idea. I angrily try to pull from his grasp but his grip is firm.

"No Henrik, I don't see. You have had your fun, now if you don't mind, my family is waiting for me. My food is probably getting cold."

"Morgana. I'm not explaining this right. I'm not used to having to explain myself. There are many things I have been doing recently I'm not used to. What I mean is, you need to be at Mimir. They need you. You don't need them. You don't even need me. So, because I'm selfish and need to see you happy, I lied to them and told them it was my idea."

"That doesn't even make sense Henrik—“   He puts his hand over my mouth, effectively cutting me off. I can smell myself on him and start to become aroused once more. It’s moments like this that I wish my body had an off switch.

"Shh. Let me finish. You had told me Evaleen knew of your idea. Do you really think she would have let me get away with passing your idea off as my own?"

I try to say no but his hand muffles my words, so it sounds like, “Memmo.” Henrik’s brow creases in confusion so I end up shaking my head.

"Exactly. When I saw her face light up as I explained your idea to the Mimir brothers, I knew she would destroy me. She has wanted me out of that company since, well that's her story to tell, not mine. But, I went into that meeting with them so I could be fired and they would start to see you as I do."

Henrik moves his hand away and steps back, letting go of me. I try to wrap my head around all of this. He lied to save me, to save my career, and in the process destroy his. Mimir was his life and to a certain extent his only family.

"But you love working there as much as I do Henrik. Why would you walk away from that?"

He has moved to sit on the toilet seat as I walk over to him. Henrik looks up at me and gives me a sad smile.

"Because—“ Henrik is cut off from the door to the bathroom opening and I hear Aria.

"Morgana! Are you in here?"

Henrik takes my hand and brings it to his lips to brush a sweet kiss across the back. His eyes grab a hold of mine and he mouths the word 'go' just as the handicap stall door swings open.

Aria is standing there with a sneer on her face. She brings her arm up and points at Henrik. “You! Don’t you touch her!” She grabs my arm and yanks me back. Henrik stands and opens his mouth, but is cut off again by Aria.

"Save us from your pathetic lies Mr. Payne! Your dark, sexy thing may have Morgana fooled, but I see who you really are. Oh, by the way, I talked to my dad about what you did, and he thinks Morgana has a case against you. That's right, my dad the 'lawyer' is ready to sue!"

No she hasn't. The last time she talked to her dad was two years ago.

"Aria, it's okay. He's not—“

"No Morgana, it's not okay. He tried to steal your idea, not to mention the multiple times he got you fired using his 'Vixen-Magic' on you!"

She is tugging me with her as we head to the door.

"I think you mean Voodoo-Magic, Aria."

Aria waves her hand in the air and then grabs the door, opening it. Once we cross over the threshold, she pauses and leans back inside.

"Morgana doesn't need some pervy guy who likes to hang out in women's bathrooms!" She raises her voice loud enough for the wait staff to hear. I turn my head just as I see a gray haired man that is balding on top in a black suit with a look of determination striding toward us.

"Is everything alright ladies?" He stops just in front of us.

"No. I just caught some creeper in there trying to watch my friend pee," Aria explains as she pulls me back toward our table.

Just as I take my seat, my food already waiting for me, I turn to see Henrik being escorted out of the restaurant by the balding man and another large guy with blond hair in a black suit. Henrik turns his head to me and smirks, tapping his fingers to his head to give me a small salute.

"Who was that Morgana?" My mom's eyes dart between me and Henrik.

"You have all just witnessed Mr. Henrik Payne, Morgana's former boss and major dirt bag, being escorted from this fine restaurant. I just hope they rough him up a bit before kicking him out," Aria explains as she digs her fork into her fish and pops a morsel in her mouth, chewing with satisfaction.

All eyes turn to me in confusion. I groan. Aria knows all about Henrik, while my parents and grandma only know that Henrik and I occasionally flirted. I tend to keep any details about my sex life far from my family’s ears. It seems a bit disturbing to explain to my parents that my boss kept getting me fired because we like to have sex on office desks.

But now that Aria has opened her big mouth they will want some explanation. So, I tell them, glossing over the intimate bits. My father is turning red and I can tell he is planning in his head how to dispose of Henrik's body so no one will find it, until I tell them what Henrik told me in the restroom. That he lied to save my job.

"Well, shit. Now I feel like the jerk. Morgana why didn’t you stop me from having him kicked out?" Aria has ceased eating. Good food is Aria's heroin, so I know she regrets doing that if she has actually put down her fork.

"It's not like you let me speak Aria. It's okay. I can always talk to him later. Right now I want to enjoy a nice meal with my family and you." I smile at everyone and put my hand on Aria's back.

We enjoy the rest of the meal, especially Aria who insists on talking to the chef. My mind drifts in and out during the meal to thoughts of Henrik. I wish he could have joined us, then perhaps he could have explained why he gave up his career.

I am a little sad that we don't have dessert, but my parents surprise me when we head back to their room. My mom brought a cake she made. I black out the rest of the evening. I wake up the next day, thankfully alone in my own bed, with frosting smeared all over my dress and face.

I told you her cake is like crack.


Chapter 4

Morgana’s Problem: Her Lack of Payne

I stand nervously at my parent’s window watching a black car drive down the lane. It doesn’t slow, just keeps on going. I drop my head shaking it, trying to rattle the nervous thoughts from my head.

Think positive Morgana!

I graduated the Executive Development Program, top in my class. Mr. Jacob Mimir even came to the graduation ceremony on Friday to give an award. After wards he offered me Henrik’s old job, temporarily of course, until they can find someone to fill his shoes. I’m honored just to have been asked to fill in, that position is second highest in the entire company.

Jacob has faith in me. My parents are proud of me, throwing me this dinner to celebrate my graduation and return to Chicago. Aria is even bringing her new boyfriend. All good things, so why am I so depressed?

I got what I want. The program. The job. But now what? It’s been three weeks since I saw Henrik in the bathroom, and I haven’t heard from him since. I tried calling, texting, I even sent an email to his Hi-Ed-Junior account. Nothing.

My mother told me she invited him to the party tonight, but he didn’t respond. So, I wait patiently by the window hoping to see that black Lincoln Town car pull up and Henrik hop out. I imagine it will be something like
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
where Henrik is Phoebe Cates character. Instead of coming out of a pool, he’s hopping out of the car dripping wet. Don’t ask me why he is soaked from a car ride, he just is. This is my fantasy! Don’t judge me!

My heart sinks further with each passing moment.

“I’m going to be outside for a minute, okay?” I yell back at my mom and grandma who are fighting about who does the cooking.

“You took up smoking Morgana?” My mom yells back.

“What? No! I said I would be outside.” I walk over and glance into the kitchen, witnessing both my mom’s and grandma’s hand on the same spoon, stirring the same pot, “Why would you think I was smoking?”

My mom laughs while shaking her head. I glance up at my grandmother who appears more perplexed than me.

“People who smoke ‘step outside for a minute’ to light up. That should be obvious Morgana.” My mom air quotes and my grandma uses that opportunity to seize the spoon, hip checking my mom away from the pot.

“Okayyyy. Well, I don’t smoke. It’s just a nice, warm evening and I want to take a walk.”

I turn to make my way to the door when I hear my mom yell out, “Okay, if your brother shows up with his new girlfriend tell him he needs to help Dad move the picnic table in the backyard.”

Why am I surprised Daniel has a girlfriend already? A twinge of jealously streaks through my veins. I want to be able to get over relationships quickly like my brother. Move on to the next fling without taking a moment to think about the last person I laid my head next to.

I storm out the door, slamming it behind me. That door didn’t deserve my anger but it got it anyway. I am feeling slammy right now, and hitty. I swipe my hand against the wide leaves on a branch of the Bur Oak that dominates my parent’s front yard.

“Take that! And that!” I yell at the green leaves as they float to the ground, while my hand rips them from their home.

I hear a car roll up. It’s a Bentley, not a Lincoln. Perhaps Henrik got a new car. My heart practically leaps out of my chest. I stand and watch as the driver, who also seems familiar to me but not from knowing Henrik, runs to open the back passenger door.

Out steps Aria and my heart takes a nosedive.

“Give my love to Vagina, Morgana. Tell Brain to suck it
.” Heart closes her eyes and jumps off the cliff.

I force a smile onto my face and open my arms up so Aria can run into them. Which she does at full speed. That brings the natural grin to my face. I’m happy to see Aria. I don’t have to fake that. Pulling away, I gaze into her beautiful brown eyes. “Where’s your hottie?”

She pulls back and I see him getting out of the car. His hair is an inky black with a complexion the color of caramel, but his eyes knock the wind out of me. They are the lightest blue I have ever seen, almost gray. He’s big and, wait a minute! I recognize him.

“Isn’t that hypno-eyes from when we dropped off your painting a few months ago?” I ask while staring and pointing at him.

“Yes, he is the one who bought it. That’s Alexander Hawthorne.”

“What?” My face scrunches up in confusion as I turn to look at Aria. “I thought he was just part of Hawthorne’s security. Wait a second, so that means he’s the mega rich, reclusive guy you went on about that night.”

Aria’s cheeks flame and her eyes fall to her foot, which is kicking at the grass.


“That’s it? Yeah? You, who never goes out on more than one date with a guy, let alone have boyfriends, lands an ultra-sexy Howard Hughes and all you can say is

Aria giggles, biting her lower lip while still refusing to make eye contact with me.


“Hello. I’m Alexander, it’s nice to meet you…” Alexander stands beside Aria, reaching a hand for me. His jaw is set tight and his eyes flicker to mine, but then dart around nervously.

“Hi, I’m Morgana, Aria’s roommate and best friend. Nice to see you again, Alexander.” I give him an inviting smile to calm his nerves while shaking his hand.

Aria and Alexander glance at each other before looking back at me. There is an awkward silence for a minute. He wraps his arm around Aria in a possessive and comforting move. My heart aches witnessing this simple, sweet act and reminds me why I came outside to begin with. To watch for Henrik.

Oh, let’s face it, he isn’t coming.

“So, did you two meet up after we dropped off the painting?” I glance at both of them and then back at the street behind them, hoping a specific black car rolls by.

“Umm, you could say that. How about we talk later? Maybe tomorrow we could go for a walk by the lake and get some lunch? I have a few things I need to tell you.”

My eyes widen in surprise and I dart my gaze between Alexander and Aria, deciding who should reap the full extent of my overactive mind. I choose Aria.

“You’re pregnant!” I yelp while grabbing her arms.

Alexander gasps and turns to face Aria. “What? You didn’t tell me that. When? How? Boy or girl?”

He is more hysterical than I am, and based on the rapid movement of his chest, I would assume he is hyperventilating. Aria is shaking her head and pushing out of my grasp. Her hands wave wildly in the air, desperately trying to get Alexander’s attention.

“No! No, I’m not pregnant. Jesus Morgana, you are so like your mother.” She turns to face Alexander and puts her hands on her hip. “How? Really? How would I have gotten pregnant? That’s what you ask me Alexander?”

Alexander rubs the back of his neck and shrugs. “It just came out. I was in shock.”

Aria takes his hand and tugs him toward the house. She shouts back at me, “Excuse me Morgana, I have to take my boyfriend in the house and have a talk with him about the birds and the bees.”

I hear the door slam and wonder if I should follow them inside. Maybe give Alexander a few pointers when dealing with Aria. He seems sweet, if not a little goofy; perfect for Aria.

My feet do the thinking for me and send me down the driveway. I pass the driver and give him a wave. Just as I am about to turn onto the sidewalk an idea pops in my head, so I turn to Alexander’s driver.

“Hey, you were there with Alexander when we dropped off the painting a few months ago, weren’t you?”

“Yes. I am sorry that I grabbed you and made you come inside that night. It’s just that we can’t be too careful with Mr. Hawthorne. Many people have posed as delivery people only to try to steal artwork from his home.” He gives a small smile and bows his head slightly to show his sympathy.

“I’ll tell you what. You can make it up to me by letting me borrow your phone. I’ll even give you mine in exchange so you know I will bring it back. I just want to walk around the block and make a private phone call.”

He knits his brow while cocking his head to the side. “Why would you need my phone…oh, I get it. Ex-boyfriend?” He smirks as he reaches in his pocket and hands over the sleek silver iPhone.

I take the device and start to dig into my pocket while nodding. “Yeah.” I sigh and push my old Galaxy S4 with the pink cake decorated cover at him. He pushes it away while shaking his head.

“Nah, you keep it. I trust you. This is your parents’ place, so I am assuming you will come back eventually. Go; call the guy who was stupid enough to let you go.” He smiles at me warmly.

“Thank you.” I nod and walk off.

Pulling up the number pad, I call Henrik’s phone. It rings and my hands tingle while butterflies dance inside my chest. A car goes by but I can’t hear it, only the ringing and finally, the crackle of someone answering the phone.

“Hello?” His deep rich voice floats through the earpiece causing my brain to conjure up images of him on top of me, behind me, and his lips speaking the word while nibbling my ears.

“Why haven’t I heard from you?” I choose to jump right in. I’m hurt that he’s been ignoring me. It’s confusing how he plays with my heart. Telling me he gave up his job for me, exclaiming his love for me, and then never taking my calls or answering my texts. How is this love? I want to know. I want to know now.

“Morgana.” His voice is breathy and there is surprise behind it.

“Yes. Morgana. You know, the one you finger fucked in a New York bathroom a few weeks ago. Why Henrik? Why do you do this to me?”

My answer from him is silence. All I can hear is some movement on his end but no words.

“I’m proud of you. Congratulations on graduating. Top of your class I hear.” He finally speaks what I don’t care to hear.

My eyes begin to burn and I have to stop walking. I’m standing in front of a large pine tree that borders the lawn of a house, thankful it’s blocking the view of tears from anyone who might be looking out a window at this moment. Because they are now streaming down my face.

“Yes, because that was the only thing that was ever important in my life.” I roll my eyes as the sarcasm seeps from my lips.

I can hear him sigh. “Look Morgana, I’ve been busy. I just haven’t had time to…I mean, you have been in New York, you were busy yourself.”

Wow. That’s the biggest brush off line I have ever heard. What’s he going to say next,
“It’s not you, it’s me.”
I can’t believe that he doesn’t want me around. Why did he even bother in New York if that was the case?

“Just say you don’t want to see me anymore Henrik, instead of these little mind games you keep playing. I am getting really tired of being pulled in all different directions by you. I was fine in New York until you showed up. I may not have been happy, but I was getting over you. Why did you even follow me if you were so busy?”

“It’s not that Morgana. Please believe me. I just…” He stops talking and there is a muffled sound. I hear someone in the background. A female voice.

“Just give me a minute. I’ll be right there…” His voice is distant as though he has the phone pulled away from his face.

“All right, but don’t be too long. I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into this…”
The woman’s voice trails off.

“Morgana?” He gets back to the phone, his voice crisp and present.

“I get it Henrik. No need to explain. God, I’m an idiot. I know you’re busy so I’ll say goodbye. I have to get back to the party; my mom is probably about to serve dinner. I called to find out why you didn’t come and other things as well, but I understand now. Um, thanks for uh…helping me learn about the company Henrik. You taught me a lot, and I don’t think I would have been half as good in the Executive Development Program if it wasn’t for you. Just wanted to let you know that. I’ll say goodbye now.”

I take the phone away from my face, a soft sob consuming me. I can hear Henrik calling my name just as I press the end button on the phone. I can’t take my eyes off the screen, still brightly lit with various colored apps.

“I love you,” I whisper before sitting on the sidewalk, my legs turning to jelly.

Letting the cry overtake me, I curse myself for constantly going back to him. The moment he smiles, touches me, or calls my name, I run into his arms as if nothing ever happened. God, I’m a fool.

I guess New York was his crazy way of saying goodbye to me. Letting me know he cared but ultimately walked away from me in the end. My breathing stammers as I accept his logic, however selfish it may be. He did tell me he was selfish. I guess I am finally realizing how much.

After a few minutes, I finally get up and make my way back to the party. Ready to be rid of the phone that delivered the bad news, so that I can truly begin to move on.

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