Cake Love: All Things Payne (32 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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Chapter 22 - THE Payne Perspective ...

The Henrik Payne Guest Post


"So, my heart right now is bleeding. Not in the literal sense but symbolically! Do you know what I mean?"

I stare at the blue pillow that lays lifeless on my charcoal couch. Pillow and I have been through a lot together, we have hugged and molested many times in the past. Some things we have done together are best left unsaid.

"I know what you are thinking, that I, Henrik Payne, wall of steel, let a sexy as sin woman destroy me. That I don't know anything anymore and I'm a fool. And you would be right!"

I lift my glass filled with amber gold and take a sip and then another and finally gulp it all down. Let's get one thing straight, I don't drink ... normally. It's just being fired from the one job I have loved for over a decade and poured my heart and soul into sort of leads me down a whiskey soaked highway.

I'm laughing now as I grab the pillow for a little more love and affection.

"She used me, Pillow. Jesus! How could I let a hot piece of ass like that seduce me like a ... someone who ... I don't know like someone who gets seduced. It's like she must have known all those months ago when she walked in for the interview that she gave me an instant boner."

I shake my head and rest it back on the couch, rubbing the pillow to my cheek. It's soft, but lifeless. I need something soft but full of life like Morgana's ass cheek rubbing up against my face. Gah! How am I still lusting after her?

Glancing down at my crotch I see my dick starting to get up. I point to it, "You! Captain Cock, you did this to me. Can't you just let her go? I'll try to picture Betty Rubble. That always worked when we were young."

Images of a naked and very voluptuous Stone Age raven haired cartoon character dance around in my head. I begin to smile as I make her bend over the granite table but am interrupted by the sound of my cell phone going off.

I grab it from the coffee table and see it's Morgana. My heart pounds and then I am mad at my heart for caring at all about the caller.

"Hello, Ms. Drake."

"Mr. Payne?"

The voice is lighter than Morgana's and I wonder who this woman is.

"Who is this?"

"Mr. Payne, this is Aria, Morgana's roommate. We met at the diner."

"Yes, I remember. Why are you calling me and on Morg ... Ms. Drake's phone?"

There is a pause and I can hear loud music in the background.

"I think Morgana might be in trouble. My boss sort of dragged her away and I think ... God I hope not, but I think he may try to force her to do something she doesn't ..."

My heart is about to burst out of my chest and I feel my palms beginning to sweat.

"Just out with it, Aria!"

"I think my boss might try to rape Morgana."

I shake my head trying to fit all this together.

"Why would you think that? Where are you?"

"Mr. Payne, I work at a club called The Mercer off of Adams in the Loop. Morgana stopped by to hang out and my boss took one look at her and ... well, apparently he takes whatever he wants."

This right here has caused my fist to hit, no, beat the crap out my friend Pillow. My knuckles are white and the tightness in my jaw makes it hard to form words.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes."

That's when I start running and I don't stop. I race out of my place and to the street. It’s bitterly cold but I don't feel it as I dodge people and cars trying to get about fifteen blocks as fast as I can. I hear a lot of "watch it" and "hey, asshole" but I don't care.

Before I know it I'm outside the club, the blue neon sign a blur as I race past the bouncer to the bar where I see a hand waving at me form the middle of a mass of white blonde hair. I grip the bar trying to catch my breath and she points to stairs in the back.

"He took her up there. One of the waitresses told me she saw him go in the last door at the end of the hall. I'll distract Gary, the bouncer, just give me a minute."

Aria grabs something from under the bar and raises a black walkie-talkie to her face.

"Hey Gary, there is an issue at the bar. A guy is getting a little grabby."

She widens her brown eyes at me and points to the stairs with her thumb. I head back there and pass, who I presume is Gary, a very large man with a spike through his nose.

Racing up the stairs I go straight to the back and put my ear to the door. I can hear Morgana's muffled voice, "What did I just say earlier, no means no. It doesn't mean yes or maybe or I kinda do but I am saying no because I am a stupid tease. It means no." There is a yelp and some movement.

Reaching for the handle I come to find out it's locked. I step back and look around to see if I can find anything to break the door. There is a red fire extinguisher on the wall and I begin to pry it off. After a few tugs it breaks free.

Racing to the door I begin to bash at the door knob with the extinguisher. Finally, after what feels like forever the handle loosens and I put down the metal extinguisher and use my body for the remaining blows. I don't even feel the pain when the door finally splinters open.

Looking around the room I see the asshat in question with his hipster douche beard on top of Morgana and she is pinned beneath him on the couch.

"Get the fuck off her now!" I yell.

He has the fucking nerve to just smirk at me, so I grab the shit-bag by the pants and toss him aside. Out of the corner of my eye I see Morgana scurry away toward the door. Suddenly I feel several hands grab my arms and someone is punching me. They drag me down the hall and I can see Morgana turn and go back into the room and kick the jerk, still curled up on the floor. This makes me smile, only a little as one of the guys punched me in the face and it hurts to move my lips.

I won't bore you with the details, but the usual happened in this sort of scenario: I got punched a bit, threw up (due to a good stomach punch) on the sidewalk outside the club where the men deposited me, and listened to them scream at me to stay away from the club. Little do they know I could buy the club and make their lives a living hell. Maybe I will do that on Monday, I need something to do anyway.

Suddenly I feel warmth on my neck and I look up to see Morgana wrapping her scarf around me. She looks beautiful and I can't help but smile as she puts her arms around me. I nuzzle into her neck, ignoring the stabs of pain from my torso as I move, and realize this is what I need. She's the soft, warm living thing I want to rub my cheek on.


Chapter 23 - THE Sleepover ...

So I am still pinned down by Jackson as Mr. Payne storms into the room. Before Jackson can do anything Henrik is lifting him up by his belt loop and tossing him aside into the coffee table. As fast as I can I scoot off the couch and into the doorway to notice two very large men, John from earlier and the man I saw at the bottom of the stairs, barrel down the hall.

It all happens so fast. I watch as the two men pull Mr. Payne off Jackson and give him a punch in the face and stomach before dragging him away. Glancing back I see Jackson curled up in a ball so I yell at him from the doorway.

"I told you no means no, but you didn't listen, did you." Yelling at him isn’t enough so I run in and kick him.

Then I dash down the hall in the direction that Henrik and the two men took, for fear Jackson might get back up. I make it to the bar when I see Aria. She is waving me over and pushing my coat and purse at me.

"Oh god, Morgana, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Aria, just a little shook up. Thanks for trying to set me up with a rapist by the way!"

She flinches at my sarcastic line.

"I had no idea. When he dragged you off like that I got nervous and talked to Kelly one of the waitresses here and she told me he has a habit of taking what he wants no matter what. God, I have worked here for a year, how did I not know that?" She nervously looks at her hands as if they hold the answer before continuing, "Anyway, I grabbed your phone and found Mr. Payne's number. I would have called your father or brother but they live too far away."

"Fuck. I can't believe he came. He hates me. I better go and see if he's all right. Thanks for calling someone, Aria."

She gives me a sad smile and nods as I walk out the door. I notice Henrik on the curb lying on his side. I scurry over to help him up. Noticing he has no coat I quickly take off my scarf and sit beside him on the sidewalk to wrap him in the little scrap of warmth I can offer. I wonder where his coat is as he just has a cashmere sweater keeping him warm against the bitter winter cold of Chicago.

I hold him for a while until I feel him relax a bit.

"Let me help you to your car and I will drive you to the hospital."

"No I don't need a hospital. Just some bruises and cuts, they'll heal. I didn't bring a car, just ran here."

I look around and realize we are at least fifteen blocks away from his neighborhood. While that is a short drive it would be at least a ten minute run. Perhaps he is used to running but I can't imagine without a coat in this weather?

"Let me grab a taxi."

I hail one down in no time as they swarm the bars at night waiting for a drunken fare. When we get inside I place his head in my lap and ask him his address again as I don't remember it off hand. He just moans in response so I finally give the driver my address.

After paying the cab I get him out and do my best to open the door and that's when I smell it. He's been drinking. For a man who has rules and does not drink (except the holiday party – which still makes no sense to me) I seem to catch him quite often drunk. The driver must have noticed my struggle because he helps me into my building all the way to my apartment. We make it to my bedroom and place him on my bed. I give the driver an extra ten for the help.

"Did he hurt you?"

Henrik mumbles to me as I walk back into the bedroom from seeing the driver out.

"No. Thank you for coming to help. I am quite surprised you did."

He is curled up on his side as I make my way to face him. Henrik smiles and looks up at me while squinting.

"I'm surprised too but as much as I never wanted to see you again I couldn't let anyone hurt you. In fact, if those two guys had not shown up I would probably be facing murder charges right now."

"But if you did that, it would just make it easier for me to take your job," I joke but he's not laughing. His smile disappears and he turns his gaze onto my clock.

"It was a joke, Henrik. Not a very good one, but still a joke. I don't want your job ... well not if I have to hurt you to get it."

His eyes snap back to my face and he winces as he adjusts his position.

"But you admitted that you knew Bechmann was showing up so you could get me in trouble."

I just stare at him and roll my eyes. I'm no martyr so I can't take him hating me. If he is mad that is one thing, but hate is too strong even for me. I shake my head and walk into my bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit. Once I return I get down on my knees in front of him and try to lift his sweater to see where he is hurt, but his arm grabs my wrist.

"Why did you lie to us-- or did you, Morgana?"

I sigh and turn my head to face him. He's confused and I'm a liar. I lied to Evaleen and I lied to Henrik. As much as I don't want Henrik to lose his job I don't like to lie. It is unsettling.

"So you wouldn't lose your job, Henrik. As much as I want to get into the Executive Development Program -- and believe me I want it almost as much as I want cake-- if you lost your job with the company it would not just hurt you but also the people at Mimir. Even if they hired a great executive to take your place I honestly don't think that person could ever do as good of a job as you. Mimir is like family to you and it would be their loss if you went away. If I got fired, well ... it may be a nuisance for you to have to find another assistant but the company would be fine without me. If anyone has to leave, it's best for the company if I leave."

Henrik remains quiet for a minute staring at me. I try to raise his shirt again but his hand continues to push it away. Finally, he begins to sit up so I help him until he is standing.

"Give me the first aid kit. I'll do it myself."

"Henrik, seriously stop being a baby and just let me take care of you."

He holds out his hand as if he didn't hear me so I groan and begrudgingly give him the kit. Henrik walks into my bathroom and shuts the door. I head out into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make us some tea. I am mainly a coffee drinker, but there is a special tea that my father would drink when he came back from hard training or a mission. My dad is an ex-Navy Seal. Once my dad learned about what Trevor did to me I never heard from Trevor again. My dad swears he didn't make Trevor disappear. He tells me, "I'm not in the Mafia, Morgana." And then he just chuckles and mumbles something under his breath. I really hope he didn't kill Trevor.

Anyway, the tea is supposed to help with aching muscles. So, carrying the steeping cups into the bedroom, I wait for Henrik to emerge. I never took him for being shy about his appearance, but people surprise me all the time.

Henrik comes out and stands in front of me, his eyes burning into me. Something in me aches as I gaze up into his darkening eyes.

"I made some tea. It will help with the pain." My words tumble out of my mouth a little too fast. His head turns to the cups and then back to me. I swallow trying to suppress a moan. Henrik bends and winces while picking up the tea bringing it to his lips as he sips. His face scrunches as he squeezes his lips together.

"Ugg, that's awful. Are you trying to kill me, Ms. Drake?"

I bring up my fingers, pinching the air.

"Just a little, Mr. Payne."

He chuckles and then grabs his side in pain.

"Here come lie down and I vow not to make you laugh, but I can't promise anything about poison."

His eyebrow lifts as his lips crease into a smile. Henrik puts down the cup and crawls onto the bed to lie in the middle. I get up and get a few things from my dresser then turn to him as I make my way to the door.

"I'll sleep out on the couch if you need me. I know the tea tastes bad but it really will make you feel better by morning so try and drink it."



"Stay with me tonight."

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