Call Me Crazy

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Authors: Quinn Loftis,M Bagley Designs

BOOK: Call Me Crazy
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Call Me Crazy

By USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Quinn Lofits

Call Me Crazy

Copyright © 2013 Quinn Loftis Books LLC


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I dedicate this book to Kathleen Campbell. You are missed dearly and I will never forget the love, grace and wisdom you shared with me. Rest in God’s hands and save a place at His table for me.



There are so many people who have become such important parts of my writing process. It would take nearly a whole book to thank them all but I will give it my best shot to do it in one paragraph. Thank you to my family for their constant support and encouragement. Thank you to my beloved for taking care of the house, our son, the bills, laundry, and all other sorts of things that wouldn’t get done while I’m away in my writ
ing cave. Thank you to the ever amazing Wolf Pack, as usual your support is invaluable and I thank God so much that he brought each of you into my life. Thank you to Candace Selph for your relentless dedication to my books. You are a treasure to me and I am so glad that we are friends. Thank you Hell Cats, you girls keep me sane on even the toughest of days and all of your wisdom and guidance is so very appreciated. Thank you to every psychiatrist I have ever known for the knowledge and tools you gave me to make healthy choices and live an abundant life even while living with bipolar disorder. Thank you to one of my best friends Megan for being there when I needed to vent and for not giving up on me when I wasn’t very pleasant to be around, you are truly one of a kind. Thank you to the beautiful Jodi, another of one of my best friends and most favorite people in the world for allowing me to use her face as Tally. There are so many more I need to thank and I hope that all of you know that I appreciate more than words all of your help and support. And any author worth their salt knows that none of this would be possible without you the readers. Thank you for taking your time to read my books. Thank you for your emails, Facebook messages, tweets, and Goodreads comments. Time and again people amaze me with their kindness and I can’t ever say enough what a blessing it has been to get to share my crazy worlds with all of you!


Other titles by Quinn

The Grey Wolves Series:

Prince of Wolves, Book 1

Blood Rites, Book 2

Just One Drop, Book 3

Out of the Dark, Book 4

Beyond the Veil, Book 5

Fate and Fury, Book 6


Elfin Series:

Elfin, Book 1

Rapture, Book 2 Coming September 2013

Table of Contents


apter 1

apter 2

er 3

hapter 4

er 5

apter 6

ter 7

Chapter 8

apter 9

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pter 11

pter 12

pter 13

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er 15

er 16

apter 17

er 18

apter 19

apter 20

pter 21

er 22

er 23

r 24

er 25

r 26

r 27


Amy Ma
urer Jones

Shelly C

Raine Thomas

Laura A.H. Elliott


“I’m looking out from inside the chaos. It must be a one-way mirror because no one seems to be able to see back inside to where I am. The looks on their faces, the judgment in their eyes, tells me everything I need to know. The most frustrating part about the whole messed up situation is that even though I’m the one that they stare at in shock, I am just as shocked as they are. I know no more than they do of why I lose control. What they don’t know is that I am more scared of myself than they could ever be.” ~ Tally Baker



I walk into my second period history class. It takes every ounce of willpower that I have left to take my seat today. I need to be up moving around. I don’t need to be sitting still—I can’t sit still. I need to walk so that I can think. My mind darts from one thought to the next, never bothering to stop and complete any of them. Of course I didn’t do the assigned reading last night. I can only hope that Mr. Dickinson will not call on me.

I can hear the whispers from the other students.  I can feel their stares on the back of my neck and I just want to turn and scream at them. My foot is tapping restlessly; my hands are shaking like an addict desperate for a fix. I’m not an addict. I’m not going through any form of withdrawal. I’m broken. Something inside of me is defective and refuses to operate properly, like a busted radio that won’t tune into your favorite station.

Looking down, I notice that I actually brought my history book today. I utter a prayer of thanks as I pull it out of my backpack. I open it to a random page because I have no idea what unit we are on. I have no idea what the topic has been for the past couple of weeks actually. Would I like to know? Absolutely.  I would love to do my homework like everyone else.  I would love to pass a test once in a while. But broken people don’t do homework and broken people can’t pass tests. And as much as I would love to do those things, the shattered soul inside me brings me to a place where I don’t care. Getting from one second to the next is all I care about, it’s all I can think about. Just breathe Tally, in-out-in-out.

I don’t even realize that class has started until I hear my name. My jaw clenches as Mr. Dickinson’s nasally voice reaches my ears.


I look up, briefly meeting his stare before my eyes dart away. I wonder what he sees when he looks at me. Does he see the monster crawling under my skin, clawing to get out, to take over? If he does, he gives no indication of it.

“Would you care to summarize last night’s reading?” He gives me a knowing smirk; or maybe I just perceive it that way.

“I can’t,” I admit and my voice is dry and gravely, sounding more like a smoker of twenty years than that of a seventeen year old. 

He adjusts his glasses on his long beaklike nose. His condescending smile reveals two rows of coffee-stained teeth. “You can’t, or you won’t?” He asks me.

My pulse is racing and my hands are growing clammier by the second.  I’m clenching them tightly, trying to clear my head and fight the rage that is building ins
ide of me. I don’t know why I’m so angry. Mr. Dickinson is a jerk and everyone knows it. Every student in his class has, at some point, been on the receiving end of his degradation. Somehow I know that it is not him that I am truly angry at, but that doesn’t matter to me right now. All that matters right now is that I can’t handle his smartass comments. I can’t handle his belittling. I feel small enough right now.

“If my answer had been
I won’t
then that is what I would have said. The word
is a contraction of two words—WILL and NOT,” I continue, placing an emphasis on the two words as my voice steadily rises. “This would imply that an individual has the ability to perform a task, but chooses not to for whatever reason. Since that was not what I said, then that is not what I meant. Any person of average intelligence with even a rudimentary comprehension of the English language would know that when I said that I
summarize the reading, I meant that I don’t have the ability to summarize the reading.”

Some far away part of me knows that I need to shut up. It almost feels like I’m watching someone else say those things. Unfortunately
, it’s not someone else, it’s me and no amount of telling myself to stop talking will work. “At this point, an appropriate follow up question you might ask would be something like, why
you summarize the reading? That would give me the opportunity to tell you that it is because I did not
the reading.” I look down and realize that I’m standing. At some point in my tirade I have gotten to my feet. I look around at my classmates staring at me in horror. When I look back to Mr. Dickenson his face is bright red and I can tell that he is about to let me have it. I want to tell him that screaming at me at this moment would be the dumbest move of his life. Instead, I calmly walk to the classroom door. I ignore him calling my name, threatening to have me suspended, like I care. My movements feel mechanical as I walk to the girls’ bathroom. There is only one thing that will pacify this pain, this rage that scares me to death.

After checking to make sure that I’m alone, I let out a slow breath and pull the blade from my pocket. I slowly sit down with my back against the wall and pull my sleeves up. I shake with the anticipation of the relief that I know is coming. The razor glides across my skin and the sting nearly sends me into a trance. But the trance is fleeting. So I cut again, and again, over and over, craving the single moment of physical pain. I don’t notice the blood pooling around me and I don’t even hear the screams. All I know is that there is relief for a tiny second in time and I don’t care if I have to cut every inch of my body, because I need it like I need air to breathe.



“Mr. and Mrs. Baker, I’m glad that you could join us today,” Dr. Stacey says with a genuine smile.

It’s been a month since my melt down in history class. A month without a blade of any kind, not even a butter knife. A month of therapy, observation by Dr. Stacey and the other staff of Mercy Psychiatric Facility. A month of deciding the best course of action for treatment. One month, and my life is forever changed.

“Do you know anything about bipolar disorder?” She asks my parents.

Both shake their heads and I watch as my dad leans forward, adopting his
I’m listening
  posture. I slump down in my chair and try to keep from drawing their attention. I dread the looks of worry and pity that I know will be on their faces after this conversation.

“Bipolar disorder is a mental health
condition caused by certain chemicals in the brain becoming imbalanced.  Some are depleted and some become overproduced. Patients suffering from bipolar disorder experience severe mood swings, hence the name. In severe cases it can be similar to schizophrenia. It can be difficult to diagnose because people often seek help only when they are depressed. Generally, the mood swings don’t happen hourly or even daily like you might think. A person with bipolar disorder might be depressed for months, sometimes years, and then they will swing the other direction, to what we call mania. Again, just as the depression can last years, so can the manic phase.” She takes a deep breath and glances over at me. I’m thankful that the look on her face is one of concern, but not of defeat. I avoid looking at my parents. I don’t want to see the pain or fear in their eyes—the same pain I saw the night they brought me to Mercy. I don’t ever want to see those looks on their faces ever again.

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