Called by the Bear 7-9 (9 page)

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Chapter 7


he SUV is toasty warm
, and the faint odor of Ashton’s musk is present, tantalizing my werebear senses. “How’s Ian?” While girls’ night was happening at the Le Roux house, Ashton was hosting a male version for his brother.

“He’s handling the breakup rather well. We shot some pool with Taylor, and he only had one beer. I think he’s seen this coming for a while now.”

“Yeah, we all have.” Soft country music is playing on the radio, and I imagine it’s a song that could fit the situation. “When I first learned about mates and how werebear rarely worry about each other’s feelings, I thought you were lucky. But the whole true mate thing can really suck.”

Ashton reaches over and takes my hand. His calloused fingers rub against my skin. “But when we find each other, it’s perfect.”

It is. My love for Ashton is absolute, and I know his for me is the same. I lift his hand and kiss the palm. “Have I told you lately how amazing you are?”

“You don’t have to. That’s the beauty of us.”

“True, but don’t you like to hear it?” I suck the tip of his finger and slide it out of my mouth slowly. “Don’t you like to know that you’re the star of my sexual dreams?”

My husband moans as my lips flutter down the underside of his forearm. “I do.”

I twist in my seat to reach over and kiss his neck. I speak so my breath is on his skin. Because Ian is the babysitter and is staying over, I decide I’ll please my husband somewhere I don’t have to worry about us being overheard. “Can I live out one of my fantasies before we get home?”

Ash shifts in his seat, and I place my hand on his crotch to press against his growing erection. “I think that can be arranged.”

His skin is salty under my tongue when I drag it down to the coarse hair on his chest. It’s been a month since I had the babies, and I shouldn’t have penetrative sex, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make my husband scream. “You should probably pull over for what I have in mind.” The metal button on his jeans pops open, and the grind of his zipper roars quietly as I pull it down slowly.

“Right. We’ll be on our road in a minute.”

I grip the silky-smooth skin of his hard cock and guide it out of his pants. Moisture beads up on the tip, and I rub my thumb over it as I undo my seat belt with a click. “I’m not sure I can wait.”

I scramble up to my knees on my seat and lower my head to his lap. I lick a circle around the head of his dick. “I must taste you.”

“Sweet Jesus, Sierra.” Ashton’s hips buck up to thrust himself deeper into my mouth. “I’m still driving.”

“Um hmm.” The vibration of my humming must feel good, because my husband is trembling beneath me when he finally slows down and pulls into the turnaround at the end of our driveway. He manages to shift the car into park. I suck hard and remove my mouth with a slurp. “Finally.” I reach over and remove his seat belt, too. “Now where was I?”

Ashton fists my hair and pulls me up to his mouth. “You were blowing my mind.” He kisses me hungrily, and I have to use force to pull away to get back to my plan.

“And you. I thought this was my fantasy.” With my mate’s hands still gripping my hair, I return to my oral ministration. He pulls my head gently to delve into my mouth deeper. The low rumble of his bear sounds in my ears, and I work at bringing him to the brink of a climax. Sweet release fills my senses as his growl becomes a roar, and then he slumps in his seat.

“Got any more ideas we need to fulfill?”

I wipe my mouth on my sleeve as I sit up. “I’ve got plenty, but I’m going to let you savor that one for a while.”

A content sigh whooshes out of Ash. “I will.” He lifts his hips to refasten his jeans. “Maybe you should drive.”

I snicker. “Again. I think I just did.”

My mate reaches over and pulls me to his chest to nuzzle my neck. “You know, this could become our make-out spot. You can scream as loud as you want and not wake up the kids.”

“You might be onto something. I have a lot of car fantasies left.”

My nipples harden as my husband moves lower, fluttering kisses on my sensitive breasts. The vibration of his voice tickles when he mumbles, “Me too.”

Rustling in the woods captures my attention, and I open my eyes to see two glowing ones return my stare. Is that another werebear? “Shit!”

Ash turns to look out the window where I’m pointing, but whatever it was is gone. “What?”

I shake my head. “I thought I saw someone”—the image I recall wasn’t what I imagine bear or human eyes would look like—“or something watching us.”

Before I finish speaking, my husband has already opened the door of the SUV. He gets out to listen and sniff for a scent. Panic sets in, and my skin pricks with the beginnings of my shift. “The babies!”

I bolt out of the car as fabric tears along my chest. I don’t stop to deal with it as I race up toward the house in bear form.
I can’t open the door with my paws, and it’s reinforced with steel, making it impossible to break down.

Ashton is right next to me and shifting back to human form, so I let him turn the handle, and I push through to the nursery. A quick glance at Ian standing by the couch with a confused look should lessen my fear, but it isn’t until I see three sleeping infants in their cribs that I begin to calm down. Within a minute, I’ve returned to my usual self, and I pad over to kiss each baby.

My mate joins me and whispers, “They’re fine.”

I lift my shaking hand to his cheek and speak in his mind.
“This time. But something evil was in the woods. I can feel it.”

“I’ll take care of it.”
Ashton includes me in his telepathic message. “
Send a team. Someone was on my land tonight, and Sierra won’t sleep until we find out who it is and deal with them accordingly.”

A sad realization hits me. My children are no longer safe in our home, and I can’t avoid the need for bodyguards any longer. I turn to Ian standing in the hallway and approach him as I whisper, “Downstairs.” I continue to my room to grab robes for Ash and me.

I make my way down to the living room and to my husband and his twin. “Ian, I saw something in the woods at the bottom of our driveway.” I glance quickly at Ash before I continue. “It was probably a bear, but there was something strange about the eyes. They were sort of glowing like—I don’t know.” I shake my head. “Anyway, as much as I hate this, I think it’s time for stricter security.”

My husband wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me close. “Good. I’ll feel so much better knowing you and the babies are protected when I’m not around.”

I inhale the scent of the man I couldn’t live without. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea if you have protection, too.”

Ashton gazes down at me. His brows knit as he studies my face. “If it would make you feel safer, I’ll do it.”

My arms wrap around his waist, and I hug him tight. “Thank you. Until this is over, I don’t think we can be too careful.”

Even though we heard them coming, Ashton’s coworkers knock at the door. I give my husband a quick kiss while Ian lets the men in, and I return upstairs to let them do their thing. Before retreating to my bedroom, I walk over and touch each of my children as if I need to know they’re really there. Tears prick my eyes as I imagine the horrors that could have occurred had we not scared off the evil. I pray the medicine woman Kimi knows what she’s doing, because I need an end to this nightmare.

Chapter 8


ou can certainly dress
up the girl from across the tracks, but you can’t take away the urge to hit the mall. Especially when it comes to jeans. Finding ones that fit my curvy body is tough, and I’m faithful to the brand that works.

As the town car leaves Veilleux land, I breathe a sigh of relief. I could use a dose of the human world that used to be my normal and forget my drama for a little while. A horn sounds when we enter the mall road, and I watch an angry driver flip off the guy who didn’t wait his turn at the stop sign. Frazzled holiday shoppers make me grateful Thomas can drop me at the entrance.

“There’s no need for you to try to follow me around the mall, Thomas. I can fend for myself quite well in the human world.”

The car pulls up along the sidewalk, and the engine clunks into park. The driver’s gray eyes twinkle as he turns to look at me. “I have no doubt. You can call my cell when you’re ready to be picked up.”

Thomas gets out and opens my door. I take his hand and ask, “Can I get you anything? There’s a lovely chocolatier, and I’m happy to grab some for your wife.”

“You read my mind, Ms. Lily. Don’t you worry about it, though. I was planning on getting some while you shop.”

“Well, all right, then.” I pull my coat tighter around myself for the quick walk to warmth. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure, Ms. Lily.”

Heat blasts at me loudly when I enter the first door, and I escape to the more subdued noise of the mall through the second. Of course, I forgot about the volume humans need music to be, and a Christmas song about chestnuts on an open fire blares in my ears. I stand for a minute to adjust and reacquaint myself with my old world.

I wander past children squealing in an automobile-themed play area and avoid the kiosk salesman who asks if I want a free sample of rejuvenating hand cream from the Dead Sea. I smile, wondering if he gets the irony.

Up ahead, I see the familiar turquoise sign of my favorite jean shop. The odor of perfume I assume is meant to make me want to purchase more accosts me when I enter. At least the lighting is good and the music isn’t so loud I can’t think. I’m glad I chose the middle of a workday to shop, because I seem to be the only customer in the store. A woman approaches me and recites her current sales speech. She tells me her name is Mallory and to ask her for help if I need it.

I smile and thank her for the information. Worn denim is soft under my fingers as I browse through the display of jeans looking for my size. When I find it, I grab one of every design to try on. I search for Mallory so she can let me into the dressing room.

She leads me to a section that is quiet compared to the rest of the store. When she clicks open a lock, I realize I’m no longer alone. My sensitive hearing picks up the soft sound of a woman crying. I slip off my shoes and wonder what might be wrong.

The slacks I remove swish softly to the floor. I begin the process of wiggling into a pair of pants. When I fasten the button, I can’t ignore my worry any longer. I call out to the woman in the dressing room next to me, “Are you okay?”

She sniffs. “Yeah. It’s silly, I’m not sure why I’m crying.”

Is that Annie?
Determined not to make the situation awkward, I joke. “Let me guess. You got a good look at your backside in these mirrors, because that always makes me cry.”

She chuckles. “Lily? Is that you?”

“It is. Hi, Annie.”

There’s a period of silence as I recall the last thing I said to her was to never contact me again. “Hey, just so you know, I don’t hate you.”

The door to Annie’s dressing room creaks open. “I’ve missed you.”

I push my door open and step out to face her. “I’ve really missed you too.” My friend’s cheeks are blotchy from crying, and I step forward to pull her into a hug. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but if I can do anything to help, I will.”

Annie relaxes in my arms. “There isn’t a thing you can do. I’m crying over a relationship I knew was doomed from the start.” She steps back. “After you left, Ian and I got together. Only it was a mistake, because his true mate is out there somewhere, and it’s only a matter of time before they find each other. I left him before he could break my heart.” She takes a shaky breath. “Apparently I was too late.”

“Oh, Annie. I’m so sorry.” I know my friend has lost her true mate and that she’ll never get that kind of love again.

She waves her hand. “So cheer me up. Tell me about your new life.”

My face falls before I remember to hide my feelings. “I live in a huge mansion with servants that cater to my every need. I have an unlimited budget to buy anything I want and a husband that is my true mate.” I shrug. “It’s glorious.”

Annie squints at me. “So what’s wrong?”

A sofa and chair are set out in the dressing room area, and I plop onto the plush couch. Annie and I hit it off the first day we met, and she’s the closest girlfriend I’ve had in a long time. My instincts tell me I can trust her even if she belongs to our rival clan. “I have questions, and I don’t know who to ask.”

The cushion sinks as Annie sits next to me. “I’ve never lied to you, Lily, and I won’t start now. Ask me anything.”

“Can you tell me what you know about what happened between Victor and Sierra?” I close my eyes and shake my head a little because she’s likely been fed a party line from the other side. “I mean, can you tell me anything you actually saw with your own eyes?”

“Sure. I didn’t witness Victor bite Sierra at Carly and Brady’s wedding, but Carly must have, because she screamed in our heads when it happened and then made Keith bite her, too. Within minutes, Sierra started to change.”

I recall the agony of the process, and I grimace, thinking about how I didn’t know what was happening. “Did she know she was changing?”

“Yes. She has seen it happen to Carly.” Annie takes my hand. “After she became a werebear, Victor and Keith could both talk in her head. While I couldn’t hear what Victor was saying, whatever it was it upset Sierra to the point she lost weight, had to quit her job, and eventually broke up with Keith over it.”

I imagine what it would be like to have a voice in my head that I couldn’t shut up. I shudder when I think of the things an alpha command could make me do. Annie’s face is full of concern when she asks, “Do you want to hear about the kidnapping?”

My stomach rolls, and I ask the question even though I dread the answer. “Are you sure she was kidnapped? Maybe she went willingly.”

Annie shakes her head. “The day it happened, Sierra was in an unusually good mood, because she said Victor was leaving her alone. She and Carly shifted and ran through the woods to Fishing Gorge for a swim. A little while later, Carly messaged us that people were shooting at them and they needed help.”

Oh, God. Did Victor order his men to kill them? Why?

Annie continues. “When help got there, the women were nowhere to be found. We were frantic for days trying to locate Carly and Sierra.” My friend bites her lip, and I guess she’s recalling the anguish of that time. “Eventually Carly managed to contact Brady, and she was found in the woods. She had no idea how she got there, but she remembered being in a cage and Sierra talking in her head. I don’t know what was said, but the assumption was made that Victor was keeping Sierra prisoner.”

“How did you know it was Victor and not someone else?”

Annie looks at me with resignation. “Our clans’ history hasn’t been very peaceful, and Victor bit Sierra for a reason. We assumed he wanted her.”

Victor’s teary eyes flash in my mind as I replay his confession of weakness around Sierra and her charms. I’m not willing to give anything away, so I ask, “But didn’t she want to be with him because of the mate bond?”

“Yes. She probably did.”

Hope finds its way into my heart. “So it’s possible she stayed willingly, right?”

“It is. But she said there were guards that prevented her from leaving.”

I think about all the men who patrol my grounds to keep me safe. It wouldn’t be hard for them to keep me from leaving, either.

Marion’s words come back to me. “
You might also want to know that Sierra was rescued on the Fourth of July.”
I ask,
“What day was Sierra found?”

“The Fourth of July. I’m sure of it because the mission was planned knowing Victor would be at the celebration.”

Bile rises to my throat. Marion was right. The day after the Fourth was when my mate insisted on seeing me. We got engaged that night and married the next day. Was he covering his tracks? Replacing Sierra? Whatever it was, the man I love beyond measure lied to me then, and he still does.

Annie interrupts my thoughts. “One more thing. Sierra went willingly with her rescuers. If she was there voluntarily, that wouldn’t have happened.”

My head is swimming with what I’ve learned, and I need to get out of here. “I’ve got to go.” I stand and yank the tag on my jeans with a snap. “Annie, it was good to see you.” I snatch the hangers of pants from the dressing room with the intention of buying them all and slip on my shoes. When I bend down to retrieve the rest of my clothes, I say, “I’m not sure I can call you, because—”

Annie says, “I know.” She grabs my arm as I move to walk by. “If you need me for anything, I’ll do whatever I can. Carly would, too. Understand?”

“Yeah.” I pull away. “Thanks.”

By the time I’ve paid and called Thomas, I’m pounding down the mall hallway in anger. Victor has a lot of explaining to do, and this time I won’t be falling for what he thinks I want to hear.

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