Calling for a Miracle [The Order of Vampyres 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (32 page)

BOOK: Calling for a Miracle [The Order of Vampyres 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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She thought about that for a moment then asked, “Would it please you if I were to kiss you there?”

“Larissa, anywhere you kissed me I would find pleasing.”

He was stunned by her boldness as she slowly leaned over him and licked at his nipple. He groaned at the sight and feeling of her little, pink tongue skimming over his flesh and she smiled. Looking back into his eyes as if seeing if what she was doing was all right, she slowly moved over him and kissed his other nipple. Her hair formed a curtain between them and he gently gathered it in his hand and lifted it out of the way.

When her mouth latched onto the tiny, pebbled tip of his nipple, his cock twitched and he growled. She was making him crazy. Her hand slowly coasted over his shoulder and gripped his neck. She scattered kisses up his chest and to his throat. When she was only a breadth away from his mouth, she whispered, “I have decided I enjoy kisses.”

He grabbed for her and pulled her mouth to his. He kissed her properly and to his delight, she kissed him right back. When they pulled apart, her lips were again swollen and wet. She rested her head on his shoulder and he found comfort in simply touching her hair as she lay there.


“Yes, Larissa?”

“Where else do you enjoy kisses?”

His mouth was suddenly very dry. He swallowed once. Twice. When he spoke his voice was nothing more than a dry rasp. “Wherever you wish.”

“Do males enjoy kisses…down there? Like the way you kissed me?”

“Yes,” he croaked.

“I have never kissed a man before. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I have ever been properly kissed by a male before today.”

“We do not have to worry about that today. We have time.”

“But you will let me kiss you the way you kissed me?”

He swallowed and nodded. She smiled up at him, pleased with his answer and returned her head to his shoulder. Her fingers had somehow found their way to his torso where they were presently swirling through the hair below his navel. After several long, but pleasant moments of silence, she said, “Eleazar?”


“I think I am ready to bond.”

He was glad one of them was. Eleazar suddenly felt as nervous as a young boy in a brothel. He took a deep breath and let it out slow. Her fingertips slipped just below the waistband of his pants and they both stilled. He did not blink or breathe or utter a sound. He simply waited to see how she would get herself out of such a predicament.

As if realizing she may have bitten off more than she could chew, she carefully retracted her fingers and returned to where she had been caressing his stomach. They both seemed to relax. For a female who was more modest than a virgin bride only hours ago, Larissa was proving to be an incredibly apt learner where sensuality was concerned.

His cock was incredibly hard, so hard he feared even the slightest contact to her flesh would burn right through him. Somewhere in the midst of touching him, she had draped her thigh over his. The scent of her arousal hit him like a locomotive. He could take no more.

He gripped her wrist and she froze. “Be very sure, Larissa, because once we start this, I doubt I will be able to stop.”

His grip loosened and she audaciously lowered her palm to the sizable bulge between his legs. He growled and suddenly flipped off of his back and on top of her. He slammed his mouth to hers and plunged his tongue between her lips.

Her knees drew up and he settled between her thighs, grinding away some of his tension. Her hands fisted in his hair and he returned the sentiment. He needed more of her. As she fiercely kissed him back, he scooped her onto his lap and held her tightly to him. Eleazar gripped her thick hair at the back of her head and pressed his palm into her lower back.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

She did exactly as he asked and he felt her moisture seep through his pants and anoint the tip of his cock. He dragged his mouth from hers and gently bit at her shoulder. The sound of her feminine growl had his beast purring. He sprung off the bed, never releasing his hold of her, and sat her atop the narrow dresser against the wall. She gripped his neck and he pressed her back as he rooted for her nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth. He pinched the other one tightly between his fingers.

Pulling away quickly, he placed a sharp kiss on her bared slit and licked up her belly. She watched him through cat eyes and smiled slow, showing him her sharp, little fangs. Suddenly he was propelled onto his back, her thin carpet bunching beneath him as he skidded across the floor. She held him down with incredible strength and licked a trail up his stomach, identical to the one he had just licked on her. He grinned at her, his own vision transforming as he felt his eyes dilate and fangs fully extended.

In a flash he had her flipped to her back and below him. Taking her hands in his he forced them over her head as he pressed his rock-hard cock into the apex of her thighs. She purred and arched into him. Before he could grind himself into her again, he found himself being thrown off of her once more.

His back slammed into the cold floor and she began kissing him with all that she had. Together, they were like a tornado crashing into a hurricane. Never had he expected such chemistry, such sensuality from his mate. He was immensely enjoying himself. It was as if some part of her had been liberated and now was ready to embrace her baser desires and animal instincts. He smiled and she nipped at his lip with one sharp fang then proceeded to make a display of licking the drop of his blood away.

A low purr hummed from inside of her and he snapped at her teasing tongue. She pulled back and giggled when he missed her. The little vixen was getting cocky. He could not have that.

Just when she thought she had outmaneuvered him, he turned the tables on her and sprung from the floor, driving her into the wall. Whatever had been sitting on the edge of her dresser fell to the floor and shattered. She bit at his shoulder and raised herself up, grinding her wet sex across his flat stomach. He could take no more.

Eleazar clawed at his pants until they fell to the floor. His erection sprung against his stomach, already weeping to claim her. As Larissa slid her slick body over his, his cock nudged at her opening. She stilled.

Staring at him with those sharp, diamond eyes, she began to purr, louder and surer than before. She was ready for him. He leaned in and softly kissed her one last time, leaving her breathless and slightly dazed. They were both purring and ready to claim their mate.

He carried her to the bed and gently laid her in the center. Her arms extended over her head where her black hair spiraled across the crisp, white sheets. She looked like a pagan sacrifice. His pagan.

He tugged her knees and her bottom slid closer to the edge of the bed. Her limbs naturally took hold of his hips. He reached for his cock and squeezed it tightly, causing a drop of fluid to seep from the tip. He guided his shaft to her opening and dragged it slowly up and down, anointing his flesh with her arousal. She arched and rolled her neck temptingly.

“Look at me, Larissa.”

He held himself at the mouth of her sex and waited for her to obey his command. She turned to him and waited. Her breasts heaved with anticipation as she watched him. There had never been a more beautiful sight.

“You are mine. For
all of eternity. I will never let you go.”

At her nod he plunged into her. Her heat gripped him like liquid fire. She burned him. His inner beast growled and he felt the last of his control slip. He plowed into her and she met him every bit of the way.

The ferocity in which he took her should have been a crime, yet she took him equally as rough. In an unstoppable collision of flesh and lust, they rolled over one another, clawing for a position on top. They seemed to touch every surface of the room in their explosive mating. It had not occurred to Eleazar that while he was a vampyre being called
to his female, she, too, was vampyre and being equally called.

They battled to possess one another. As they tumbled back to the bed, he felt his seed rising within him. He wanted to fill her womb and watch her belly grow thick and full with his child. The idea had his hips pounding harder against her flesh.

He watched as she prepared to open her wrist. He supposed she assumed she would control their bonding. While Eleazar was in support of an intellectually equal mate, he was still somewhat old-fashioned. He pushed her wrist away from her mouth and she frowned at him.

will be claiming
, Larissa. Not the other way around.”

He waited for her to object, but she only said, “Claim me then, Eleazar. I am yours.”

With a feral growl he withdrew from her sex and flipped her to her belly. He reached for her hips and hoisted her to her hands and knees. Her bottom swayed before him beautifully. He nudged her thighs farther apart and rested his tip at her opening. “
he declared and plunged into her.

Reaching over her shoulder, he grabbed hold of her breast and pulled her to him. Her back pressed firmly to his front from nape to thigh. He opened his palm over her womb and held her to him as he rooted himself as deep inside of her as possible. With one final thrust he presented her his wrist and licked at her neck.



They pierced each other’s skin at exactly the same time. She pulled from his wrist as he drank his fill from the vein at her neck. Thick, warm, life-giving blood transferred from one body to the other. He felt her body contract around him and they began to rock and undulate together as one. She released his wrist on a cry as her climax took over.

Her sex gripped him and began milking his seed, pulling every bit of his essence into her, all of which he was proud to give. As his body shuddered in completion, he released her vein. His spine arched and his head fell back as he hissed in complete euphoric bliss.

They fell to the bed, eyes closed, yet fangs still extended, each showing traces of the other’s blood as they panted. Their bodies seemed stuck together, but neither seemed to care. When he opened his eyes, Larissa’s diamond slits were staring back at him. He kissed her softly. They breathed, holding one another, and eventually fell asleep.

Chapter 19

It stared back at Dane, fangs dripping, shoulders heaving, its claws digging into his Mom’s gray, lifeless flesh. He could not look away from her eyes, eyes that had looked at him every day since the day he was born, only now they were empty, as if he were staring into two dark wells, devoid of any life. It growled and he jerked his gaze away from his mother’s dead face and locked gazes with two eyes that were not human.

Yellow orbs with flecks of crimson watched him. There were no whites in those eyes. No, they were the eyes of an animal, filled to the lid with dark irises and pupils that showed as two black slits. They glowed in the darkness.

Dane reached for Cybil. When his hand grabbed nothing but air, he turned. She was not there. He looked back at the hideous creature before him. Only this time it was not holding his mother’s lifeless body, but Cybil’s.

BOOK: Calling for a Miracle [The Order of Vampyres 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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