Calling Her Bluff (What Happens in Vegas) (3 page)

BOOK: Calling Her Bluff (What Happens in Vegas)
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He paced in front of her chair. What he wouldn’t give to be back at that dingy bar away from all this casino shit. Yeah, he shouldn’t have ever answered Ben’s call this morning. His home renovation business was taking off. His sister was graduating from college in a few weeks. He didn’t need the extra money from this gig anymore. But if he hadn’t answered, he wouldn’t have found her again.

If only he hadn’t been so out of his mind over this woman. The sex had been phenomenal. And he had held her close afterward, her head tucked on his chest as she snuggled so tight it was as if she couldn’t get close enough. Sure, their connection had been unconventional and unexpected, but he’d closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of her thinking when they woke up, maybe, just maybe, they could see where things might go. That weak-ass thought flew right out the window when the woman literally flew out of his bed.

“I’m not responsible for you sitting down at that poker table, Kamaria.” No, if she’d stayed where she belonged—in bed with him—she wouldn’t have fallen off the wagon, and he wouldn’t be playing savior for another addict. “I’d only approached you to make sure you were okay. You were the one hitting on me with the nightcap offer.”

“You’re gorgeous. A nice guy who knows how to use his tongue. What woman wouldn’t get weak?” Her mouth curved into a shy smile. “Don’t let the tongue part go to your head. Either one of them.”

Too late. Jack smiled anyway. Dammit, the last thing he wanted her to know was that she amused him. Maybe even embarrassed him a little. Not that he would tell her that. But he never could hide his emotions. Everyone said his face was like an open book.

“If you had such a great time, why did you leave?”

Her expression blanched from toasty bronze to chalky brown. She gulped. Now she was the one who looked embarrassed.

“Because I don’t know how to do ‘the morning after,’” she whispered.

Jack chuckled to himself even though he knew that wasn’t the entire truth. That spark, whatever it was between them, she had felt it, too. And now they had the rest of the weekend to see if that spark could be fanned into a flame. Her eyes narrowed as he coughed back the rest of his laughter. She looked so cute, like an angry Cabbage Patch doll.

“Stop laughing at me.”

Crap. Pissing her off was the last thing he wanted. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing because I don’t know how to do ‘the morning after’ thing either.”

Ben and the agent lady walked in at that very moment. Of course they did. Sonofabitch. As soon as Ben laid eyes on Kamaria in the chair, his expression transformed from his normal easygoing manner to hardened, badass cop mode. Jack watched as Ben let the door handle slide from his fingers, causing the door to slam shut. Kamaria damn near bolted out of her chair. “I’m sure Mr. Alderisi has been very accommodating in my absence…”

“Ben, wait,” Jack started, but Ben held up a hand, not even sparing him a glance. Ben lived to play the bad cop role. What’s worse, the agent had come up with this bullshit plan to frighten her and threaten her out of gambling.

“Well, playtime is over,” Ben continued.

Ben swept in and spun Kamaria’s chair so she was forced to look at him. Ben had done this routine dozens of times, the silent staring, admit-what-you-did-you-scumbag routine. Only this wasn’t some common thief, or some asshat picking wallets while tourists were too entranced by all the shiny lights. This was an innocent woman—well, the things she’d done with her tongue last night hadn’t been exactly innocent—but Kamaria wasn’t a suspect here.

They might not be much more than strangers that had burned a couple of hours between the sheets, but knowing her story, he wasn’t about to see her bullied for something she so obviously regretted. “Knock it off, Ben. It’s not that serious…”

As far as Jack knew, treating her like a criminal wasn’t part of the plan. Pulling her off the casino floor

that seemed to shake her up enough already. But now that they were in private, he was not cool with where this whole fake interrogation was heading.

But as it turned out, Kamaria didn’t need his help. From the pile of chips he’d seen when he collected her at the table, he’d surmised she was good at cards. From her unflinching stare-down with Ben—no small feat, hardened felons withered under his stare—he realized she had the poker face to earn those winning hands. Damn, if it wasn’t impressive. For once, someone was putting Ben’s arrogant little ass in its place, and Jack was loving every minute of it.

And then, she released a gut-bucket chortle right into Ben’s smug face. “Are you for real?” she asked. “Is this some good cop, bad cop foolishness you saw on some horrible incarnation of CSI?” Kamaria flicked her head to glance at her agent. “Who is this guy?”

Jack finally spoke up. “This guy is the head of security.”

For the first time, a flicker of fear flashed across her face. From what he had seen so far, Kamaria had a shell so thick that only a hatchet could splinter it. She had no idea that a backdoor scheme had already been worked out for her benefit.

“Chastity, don’t let them kick me out.” A big fat tear slid down her cheek. Oh no, she was crying. Jack hated when a woman cried. He never had any idea what to do. Kamaria sniffed while shamelessly wiping away the tear. “I wasn’t cheating. I wouldn’t cheat. The only reason I’m here is for this conference. Tell them, Chastity.”

Jack handed her a tissue. That was the not asshole-y thing to do, right?

“I’ll find a way to stay out of the casino,” Kamaria said. “I promise. Please don’t ban me.”

Jack gave her an awkward pat on the back. This ruse had gone far enough. “No one is kicking you out of anywhere. We’ve already decided that I will be your escort for the rest of your stay.”

Her big, beautiful eyes lost some of their sparkle. “A babysitter, Chastity? I told you I wanted to handle this on my own.”

“And I told you I would always have your back. I admire that you’ve come this far on your own. But, face it, hon, this time, you need help.” The energy in the room shifted.

He hated watching her shoulders slump like a foundation about to crumble. There was a determination in her that his old man never had. He wanted to shore it up with his own hands if that’s what it took to get her through this weekend.

The agent lady cleared her throat. “Gentlemen, I need a moment alone with my client.”

Ben waited until both he and Jack exited the office and the door had closed behind them. “I thought you were against this idea.”

“I changed my mind when you started acting like an asshole.” Jack hardened his features to let Ben know he didn’t want to discuss it further. His buddy no longer had any say in Operation Save Kamaria. Ben got the hint.

“You playing babysitter is the perfect solution.” Ben slapped him on the back. Ben’s condescending tone made him bristle. “I’ll double your normal rate for the trouble.”

“No.” Jack shook his head. It didn’t feel right taking money to be by her side day and night. Not for what he had in mind. “This one’s on me.”

Ben’s eyes widened. “I’ve never known you to pass up a dime. I guess your construction business really is back in the black.”

“Yes, my business is back on track. Which you already knew because I told you
not to call me for any more shifts. But that’s not it.”

“Oh, I get it. You like her.” Ben nodded toward the door and licked his lips. “Yeah, that one has some fire. Her agent does too.”

He squeezed his hand into a fist.
He saved your life. He saved your life.
He uncurled his hand. Still, he didn’t like where Ben was taking this conversation. “She and I have unfinished business. Leave it at that.”

Ben stepped back and held up his palms in defense. “Whatever, dude. I’m just happy you’re willing to help me out. Besides, it’s only three days. She’s a little ol’ thing. How much trouble could she be?”

Jack’s mouth fell into a tight line. Unfortunately, he already knew just how much trouble Miss Kamaria Wilson was going to be.

ack is him?” Chastity gestured toward the door. “As in last night

Jack. The name suited him. Strong. To the point. No fluff. And it sounded totally sexy when she’d screamed it while she came.

The office door opened before Kamaria could get out another word. Her eyes connected with Jack’s. His eyes were on her as intently as they had been last night. Their one encounter clearly had not been enough for him either. She looked at the floor. This man was trouble for all the right reasons. “Follow me, ladies.”

She felt safe again. She would gladly follow him anywhere. Preferably back to his bed. That was the problem. Shouldn’t she be mad at him for appointing himself her savior without consulting her first? The last thing she needed, on top of everything else, was some self-appointed, alpha-male knight-in-shining-armor. “Actually…”

Chastity pulled her through the doorway. “Mari, don’t say another word. You’re over-thinking things again. Look at him. My gut says this guy is your real life hero.”

In that moment, she was glad Chastity had badgered her into becoming her agent.

She watched him scratch the back of his head as he walked. The movement emphasized how snug of a fit he had inside his suit jacket. Dear Lord, the man had a set of guns on him, and not the kind that shoot. Maybe going along with this cuckoo plan wouldn’t be so bad…

But there was one problem. Chastity was liable to let anything fall out of her mouth. When it came to a good tidbit of gossip, she would never let it die.


She grabbed Chastity’s arm and started to rush past Jack and Ben. “Let’s just go,” she mumbled.

She took a quick glance back in Jack’s direction and her stomach flip-flopped. He mouthed the words “I got you.” Damn. He
a decent guy. Another shoulda-woulda-coulda. She turned back toward Chastity who, from the rueful smile on her face, had observed the entire moment that had passed between them.

“No, I’ll lead you out.” Jack walked purposely ahead of them, brushing Kamaria in the process. “Navigating these hallways can be tricky.”

Correction, a decent guy who was also a gentleman.

“My word, he has a nice ass.” Chastity’s filter had left the building. Great.

Jack almost stumbled as he turned around. He gave them both a funny look before his long legs carried him ahead of them.

She groaned. “I don’t know why I bother telling you anything. The word ‘discreet’ doesn’t exist in your vocabulary.”

“What’s the problem?” Chastity pried her fingers from her arm. “There’s enough sexual tension simmering between you two to totally justify another roll in the sheets. Am I right?”

Like she would admit to fantasizing about re-enacting the closet scene from
in that tiny security office? She watched his deliciously round, firm ass continue to stride ahead of them. How could she resist not one, but now two major temptations this weekend?

“Have you asked him for some more yet?” Chastity taunted.

She swore she saw the tips of Jack’s ears perk at Chastity’s declaration. “Can you be any louder?”

“Girlfriend, I didn’t get you on the New York Times bestseller list by keeping quiet.” Chastity’s grin spelled trouble. “This might be the best thing for you.”

Kamaria shook her head and slowed her steps. She tugged on her hoodie strings and studied the tile patterns on the floor. On one hand, she appreciated Chastity’s distracting comments. And she knew her agent well enough to know that the loud, suggestive remarks were meant to lighten the mood, but, the truth was, she had failed herself. She was back at day one. No, more like hour one. There was no way to get back those prior 1223 days of sobriety. Tears stung her eyes. Why would a nice guy like Jack want anything to do with a loser like her?

In all honesty, he probably saw her as
than a loser because she needed a 24/7 guard at her side to keep her out of the casino. How pathetic was that?

While her lapse proved she couldn’t do this on her own, maybe the best thing was to ignore whatever she was starting to feel for Jack. If they wound up back in bed together, it needed to be strictly physical. No emotions allowed. Between the pull of the casino and her overdue book, she already had enough on her plate. No sense in setting herself up for even more failure.

“Lightning has struck twice, Mari.” Chastity stopped just before following Jack back into the hotel lobby. “I’ve worked my magic. Now, it’s time for you to work yours.”

he’s all yours now.”

Jack willed his face to be stone still. This agent lady was a piece of work.

“Is that clear?” she pressed. “I expect you to be on Kamaria night and day.”

Maybe he could’ve overlooked the first innuendo, but there was no mistaking the sexual overtones of that last one. The woman even added one of those suggestive eyebrow wiggles. Jesus. He began praying to every known religious deity and all of his Nonna’s Catholic saints for this woman to stop talking. He felt feverish he was blushing so badly.

“But from what I’ve seen so far,” the agent went on, “my gut tells me you can handle her and that you’re the right man for the job. My gut is never wrong.” She leveled her gaze on him in a way that definitely let him know that no pun had been intended. This time. Kamaria, on the other hand, was busy studying the popcorn plastering on the ceiling. Her normally tan cheeks had a faint pink flush to them. Maybe what she really needed was to be saved from her agent.

“Mr. Alderisi will escort you back to your room, Ms. Wilson,” Ben said. “This will be the last time you are permitted on the casino floor. Understand?” That had been the sassy agent’s decree. So at least on some level, it seemed she was honestly interested in helping Kamaria. Ben was still running with the scheme. Did the hotel give two shits about a gambling addict—uh, no. The billion-dollar empire was dependent on people like Kamaria. Jack held the door open for the ladies, allowing them to file into the main lobby.

“You know you’re an asshole, right?” Jack flicked his wrist so the door would slam shut behind him.

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