Authors: Paige Cameron
“Brent gave me the layout. Let’s go down this hall. I think you’ll like the room on the left. It faces the sunset.” Dirk opened the door and let her enter first.
* * * *
The walls were a soft peach color, and the drapes and carpet were done in a deeper shade. A pretty light-green bath adjoined the bedroom.
“I do like it. It’s very peaceful. I’m taking a shower right this minute. I’ll wrap up in a sheet if necessary.” She pushed Dirk back out the door, and then closed and locked it.
Finally, she was alone. She walked into the bathroom, smelled the fancy soaps, and studied the deep tub beside the shower. She’d soak first, and afterward wash her hair and rinse in the shower. It might take her hours to get clean.
Dirk knocked on the door. What could he possibly want? Chelsea peeked around the door’s edge.
“I thought you might like a snack before you wash and rest.” He handed her a tray holding a plate of shrimp with cocktail sauce, crackers, grapes, and cheese. And for dessert, chocolate truffles. To drink there was a cold glass of water and a tall glass of white wine.
“This is perfect. Thank you. I seem to be saying that a lot. I don’t know how to repay you and your friends.”
“Don’t worry about it. Enjoy.” Dirk leaned forward and kissed her cheek before she knew what to expect. He closed the door, and she heard him walking away.
Chelsea sat at a small table by a window that looked out over the island. Mostly she saw treetops and the azure water of the ocean. The shrimp and fruit were delicious. She finished all of it and took the glass of wine in the bathroom with her.
A sigh of relief escaped when she shed her dirty clothes. She’d run the water fairly hot. She sank into the warmth. Leaning back, she rested her head on the pillow attached to the back of the tub. On the side was a button. She pushed it, and rose-scented water whirled around her. All her tight, hurting muscles began to relax. Taking a washcloth, she lathered some of the fancy soap and began to rub her body clean. Then she lay back and sipped her wine.
After her wine was finished, she washed her hair in the shower and rinsed off the rest of her body. Once she was all clean and dry, Chelsea looked through drawers for any type of clothing. In the closet was a large cotton man’s shirt. That would have to do for a nightgown. She put it on and climbed into the plush bed. Luxurious pillows and mattress encased her body in softness, and her mind gave in to exhaustion.
* * * *
Dirk picked the lock and peeked inside. Chelsea slept curled on her side. Tiptoeing, he walked to the bed.
Her breaths were gentle. One hand was tucked under her cheek. She looked vulnerable. He’d never expected to think of her that way. Overseas she’d been tough, amusing, confident, and sexy. He’d never wanted to hold her in his arms and protect her as much as he did now.
She wasn’t ready for him to touch her. What would she say when he suggested they marry while she stays hidden from the public? A lot, he expected. If she agreed, he hoped to later convince her to make their marriage last for forever.
He had called about the clothes. Janice was sending some items for both of them with the plane. Dirk went back out and locked the door so Chelsea wouldn’t know he’d checked on her. He went into the opposite bedroom and took a quick shower. He’d found several pairs of swim trucks obviously left for guests. After putting on a pair, he headed to the pool. Chelsea wouldn’t wake up tonight. He’d swim, eat a bite, and turn in early, too. Tomorrow, when he was rested, he’d come up with a list of activities they might do to keep themselves entertained.
Dirk chuckled to himself. He knew one activity he’d love, but that wasn’t going to happen, not right away. His cock had hardened when he’d looked at her sleeping. His body ached with the desire to be inside her warm pussy. He’d take a plunge in the pool and cool off.
Taking long strides through the large living room, he went out on the wide veranda and down to the next terrace where the pool was situated. He dove into the deep end and did laps until his raging desire had gone to a slow simmer.
Later, in the kitchen, he made a sandwich of wheat bread, ham, and cheese, and popped a beer open. He sat on the veranda watching the sun begin to set. Once it sank out of sight, he cleaned the kitchen and went to bed.
Exhaustion pulled him into sleep until a woman screamed, a door slammed, and a soft body landed on top of him.
Chapter Four
“What the hell?” Dirk tried to orient himself to what was happening. Feminine arms held him tight and tears fell on his chest. Soft, sweet-smelling, red hair brushed against his chin.
“Chelsea, what’s wrong?” He put his arms around her and rolled where she was lying more against his side. His hard-as-a-rock dick might frighten her more than the bad dream she must have had. Taking the corner of the sheet, he wiped the tears from her face.
“You’re safe, Chelsea. No one can get you here.” He felt her take a deep breath. She leaned her head back and looked at him.
“He was alive and bloody and coming after me with a sword.”
“You had a nightmare, honey.” Dirk hugged her tighter. “He’s dead. And the soldiers took care of the rest of the group. They’re either dead or prisoners.”
Dirk kissed the top of her head. “You’ll always be safe with me.”
As she woke up more, the tremors stopped. Then she realized she was pasted against his body.
“You’re nude.” She jumped back. “Let me go.”
He opened his arms. She quickly got out of bed and ran to the door. “I won’t bother you again.” She blushed as she left the room.
“It’s no problem,” he called out. “Come in anytime.”
He glanced down at his cock, hard and at attention. “Damn, we need another cold shower. I’m going to hate cold water by the time I leave here.”
The sky outside the window was lighter. There wouldn’t be any more sleep for him tonight. The jet was due to arrive this morning with their clothes. He’d keep an eye out. He’d drive the Jeep to the landing strip and pick up the suitcases. For now he’d wear the swimming trunks he had on last night.
Dirk stopped when he started to walk down the hall. He slipped in her room and got her dirty clothes, then threw hers and his in the washer nearby.
In the kitchen he watched the sun rise over the ocean. Gentle waves broke across the shore. He peeked in the fridge and found all the ingredients for a fabulous breakfast.
Humming to himself he prepared pancake mix, fried bacon, and beat eggs for an omelet. Hopefully the coffee perking might send an aroma down the hall and wake sleeping beauty. If not, in a few more minutes he’d knock on her door.
Dirk had turned his back to pour orange juice in two glasses when he felt eyes staring at him. He turned and smiled.
“Good morning, morning glory.”
Chelsea had put on a yellow bathing suit with a short robe over it. Her hair was tousled, and her face clean and clear of any makeup. She looked about twenty instead of the thirty years old he knew her to be.
“It smells good in here.”
“I’m hungry, and thought you might be, too.”
“Starved.” She walked around him and drank all the juice in one of the glasses.
“Want more?”
“No. I’ll pour our coffee. Do you mind if I take mine out to the veranda?”
“Go ahead. I’m almost finished here. They have a rolling trolley in the corner.” He motioned to the left. “I can bring everything out at once on that.”
“See you soon.”
He couldn’t resist watching her stroll outside. Her curvy body and especially long, slender legs were a sight to admire. The smell of bacon about to burn brought his attention back to his cooking. He quickly threw chopped vegetables and cheese into the omelet and put toast in the toaster.
In the cupboard he found syrup for the pancakes, grabbed butter, and served up the food. The trolley was full when he had placed all the dishes on it.
Chelsea was staring at the sea. She’d put on sunglasses and had drunk most of her coffee. Dirk sprinted back for the coffee carafe.
“Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anything,” he said as he sat across from her.
“I hope not, too. That’s enough food for six people. Are we expecting company?”
“The jet will land, drop off our suitcases on the tarmac, and fly off. I’m afraid you are stranded with only me for company.”
“It’s going to be very boring for you. I’m not in a mood to socialize.” Her face paled. She turned to look toward the sea.
“You can be alone as much as you want, but I’ll be here if you’d like to talk. It doesn’t have to be anything serious.
“I’m sure there’s lots we don’t know about each other. You being from a farm in Wyoming is something you never told me. At least not until that brief encounter when I caught you trying to sneak over the fence onto our ranch. Remember when you hoped to interview Lily? We have the time now for you to share with me all about your childhood, your growing up on the farm, and how you went off to explore the world, or not.” He took up his fork and started to eat, relieving her of the necessity of replying.
* * * *
Chelsea turned back to glance at Dirk. He was pouring syrup on his pancakes. His black hair shone in the sunlight. When he reached across to fill her coffee cup, her eyes lingered on his tanned chest and broad shoulders.
“Excuse me for coming to the table without a shirt. I never do that, but I just couldn’t put on that dirty one.”
“That’s all right. I got lucky and found this wrap in the closet. I’m glad clothes for us will be here soon.” She dipped her head and started eating. He might think she was staring at him. She had been for a second. Looking at him had briefly let her forget the last few days, but she wasn’t ready to let any man too close.
“I can move this table more into the shade. I don’t want you to get sunburned.”
“I found sunscreen in the bathroom and slathered it on. I’ll be fine for a little while. I’m going for a walk after breakfast. I spotted a path that goes from here to the beach. There’s a large straw hat in my bedroom. I’ll borrow it.”
“While you’re gone I’ll pick up our clothes. See that spot on the horizon? If I’m not mistaken, that’s the jet coming our way. We can see it land from here.” They both watched as the dot became a plane and then turned to line up with the landing strip.
Chelsea pushed back from the table. “Thank you. That was a very good breakfast. I’m going to get the hat and head down the path.”
“Sure you don’t want company?”
“Not today.” She felt his stare as she went into the house.
* * * *
Chelsea took her time walking down the curving path that led through gardens with blossoms of every color. There were also sections of flowering trees and ones baring fruit, lemon, lime, and oranges. The air was fragrant with all the various scents. The war zone was miles away. It seemed like two opposite worlds. The dark, gray, dusty world she’d left behind, and this jewel-like fantasy island where they’d landed. She realized her true life was somewhere in between, held in suspension temporarily.
When Chelsea got to the beach, she kicked off her flip-flops and wriggled her toes in the warm, white sand. Waves crashed against the shore and seagulls dove for food. She tossed her short robe aside and walked along the edge of the water. The air touched her skin softly, and the breeze blew lightly through her short curls. None of this seemed real. It was too beautiful to truly exist, but it did.
She settled in a shady spot and leaned against a palm tree. Peace settled within her. She closed her eyes and, for the first time in years, meditated.