Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (12 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“What brought all of this on? Did something happen this afternoon?”

Morgan felt her face get hot. She explained about the dog and the mud.

Sara laughed. “You didn’t throw mud on Justin?”

“I did.”

“What happened after that? I can’t believe Justin let you get away with embarrassing him in front of the crowd as you described.”

“I took off running. Got to the house and locked the door. He pounded and then it got quiet. I jumped into the shower to clean up.” She stopped talking, trying to think of a way to tell the rest.

“He got in, didn’t he? All the men are skilled in going through any types of locks.”

“Yes, without breaking the lock or anything. He was in the shower before I ever heard him.” She put her hand over her mouth when she realized what she’d said.

“Wow,” Sara sat back, surprise showing on her face.

“Nothing happened.”

“You’re kidding.”

“He kissed me and well anyway at one point he stopped. Then he got up, dressed, and left.” The embers of her anger flared high. “He had the nerve to say it was my fault. He said I pushed him too far.”

Neither of them heard the knock. Sara was wiping away tears when Mitch and Justin entered the room.

Mitch rushed across to Sara. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“I’m not crying.”

Looking puzzled, Mitch turned to Morgan. “She’s wiping her eyes. What happened in here?”

“She’s laughed at me so hard tears came into her eyes.”

Morgan looked beyond Mitch to Justin standing in the doorway. His cheeks had reddened. Anger flashed in his eyes.

He knew, or suspected, she’d been talking about them.

“I haven’t laughed so much in ages.” Sara smiled at Justin. “Come on in and join us. Morgan was telling me a funny story about an evening she and Ellen went to Jessup’s Bar and Grill. You’d have to know Ellen better to appreciate the story.”

Justin still glanced suspiciously at Sara and Morgan, but his shoulders relaxed slightly. Morgan glanced at her friend. She’d been saved by Sara’s quick thinking.

“You’re all cleaned up. You must have gotten back earlier than you expected.” Sara said. She stood and leaned into Mitch to kiss him.

“I did. I heard you two were in here visiting so I checked on Caitlin and changed clothes. Justin just arrived for dinner, and Tessa said she’s ready when we are. I’m hungry.” His blue eyes winked at his wife.

A pang of envy went through Morgan watching Sara and Mitch. It was so obvious how much they loved each other. She glanced again toward Justin. His expression was blank, as he stared out the window.
I wonder if he believed Sara or knows she made up the story?

Mitch took Sara’s hand. “Come on, you two. Follow us.”

Justin waited for Morgan to step in front of him. She felt his intense stare right between her shoulder blades. No, he didn’t believe Sara. A trickle of fear and excitement settled in her midriff.

He’d warned her, and she was pretty sure she’d aroused the dangerous side of the man walking behind her.

Chapter Seven

Justin had difficulty following the conversation around the dinner table. Morgan sat across from him. Her low-cut blouse hinted of the lush breasts lying underneath. She’d slipped off the velvet jacket.
Who the hell wore velvet with jeans
? She had on high heels, too.

But he had to admit the combination on her somehow fit. It reminded him he wasn’t in her league. She was too uptown for his taste. But his body refused to listen. Even now his skin was jumpy, wanting to be wrapped around that luscious, warm body. Her scent filled his nostrils. This was one of those times he wished his senses weren’t so highly developed. He didn’t want to smell her, didn’t want to hear the little catch in her breath when she glanced at him.

He forced himself to eat, to listen to the talk around the table, to ignore the steady, questioning gaze of his boss, and cousin, Mitch. There’d be questions later.

“Don’t you like fish?” Sara asked Justin.

He glanced down at his barely touched plate. “I do. I’m just not hungry.” He put his napkin aside. “If you all will excuse me I need to get back. One of the mares is about ready to give birth.”

“I’m sure Sahale can manage. If not he’ll contact you. Come with me.” Mitch pushed back his chair. “The meal was delicious. I won’t be long.” He leaned down and brushed a kiss across Sara’s mouth before turning and leading the way to his office.

Mitch closed the office door. “Sit.” He motioned Justin toward a chair, then he went around his desk to his chair. He studied Justin for a minute. “What’s happening between you, Morgan, and from what Daren tells me, Ethan?”

Justin shrugged and looked down. Mitch irritated him. It was none of his business.

“I’d hoped I wouldn’t have to interfere, but Morgan is here, and we have to deal with her safety and the palpable tension between you and her.”

Justin started to speak. “Let me finish,” Mitch said. “I can read you like a book. You think I’m interfering in your private affairs. I am.” He leaned forward. “I understand the strong feeling that knocks us backwards when we meet that one certain female. We’re more susceptible in many ways than people who are not part of our families. All five of our senses are stronger than normal, so is the need to claim the woman our body recognizes. But I’m puzzled. Why are you fighting the obvious? Do you fear she won’t accept our way of life or living here at the ranch?”

Justin swung to his feet and began to pace the room. “Damn it, Mitch. She doesn’t like dogs, and I don’t know what other animals. She’s scared to death of Rusty. And she dresses like a model. Didn’t you see the velvet jacket and fancy shoes she wore tonight?”

Mitch laughed, raising Justin’s temperature level to boiling. “She scares you to death. What if she is afraid of dogs? Ask her why.

“Does she know anything about us? How do you think she’d respond if she knew we were descendents of the ancient astronauts? Of course, you can’t tell her that unless you marry her, but you need to be sure she loves you and Ethan enough to accept you for what you are.

“Allow yourself to become better acquainted with her. See if she is the type of person to be accepting of differences in people and their histories. Even ones that might be difficult to believe or comprehend.” Justin started to interrupt, but Mitch put up his hand. “Sara was intrigued after she was told about our descendents. She read all the books I had on the subject of ancient astronauts.”

Mitch walked around his desk and leaned against the edge. “First, see if she rides. Show her around the ranch. Start to gradually tell her of your abilities that help you be a better warrior. Daren said Ethan is already in love with her. You two always planned to marry one woman, like Daren and I have. Who could be better than Morgan, a woman you both want?”

“I’ve told Ethan he can marry her.”

“Without you? You’re all right with that?”

“Yes.” Justin looked away. He couldn’t lie to Mitch’s face.


“What do you mean no?” Justin glared at Mitch.

“I’m not allowing something that would lead to dissension in the community. Either you both wed her, or neither. Unless one of you chooses to live outside the ranch. It would disappoint me and make me sad to lose either one of you.”

“We’re allowed to decide if we want to marry individually.”

“Normally, yes, but you and Ethan are close. I can’t see you staying here and seeing them together as man and wife, everyday. Losing the closeness with Ethan would be difficult enough for you, without adding the ingredient of desiring his wife. The pot would boil until it exploded on us all.”

“I’ll leave. I can get a vet job anywhere.” Justin spoke through gritted teeth and a lump in his throat. He turned and strode to the door.

“Wait.” Mitch had stood. “Don’t go off half cocked. Give yourself and Morgan a chance.” Mitch came around his desk. “I suspect her clothes and makeup cover some deep insecurities. Try to look at her with an open mind. I know it’s difficult when your brain has gone to your dick.” He smiled at Justin.

In spite of himself, Justin chuckled. “I guess I don’t have to decide tonight. Do you know when Ethan will be getting back?”

“Daren called this afternoon. They’re waiting to see when a special meeting is going to take place. Ethan’s told the group he had to meet the leader before investing more of his money. If the meeting isn’t arranged soon, they’re going to head back until the date is set.”

“Good. See you tomorrow. I’m going home to do some thinking. Give my apologies to Sara”—he hesitated then added—“and to Morgan.”

Mitch slapped him on the shoulder. “You might as well give in gracefully. You want her. It’s written all over your face whenever you look at her.”

Justin didn’t respond. He took long strides down the hall and out the side door. He’d walked from his cabin to the ranch house. He was glad. The exercise might burn off the excess tension swirling in his veins.

In his heart, he knew Mitch was right. The midnight black sky held a million stars and the cool breeze caressed his hot face. He breathed in scents of the land and cattle. No way was he going to leave. Leaving the ranch would destroy something deep inside him. Mitch’s words had been like a bump to the head, and one to his heart He’d made him look at reality. He finally admitted to himself that never seeing Morgan again, or seeing her as only Ethan’s wife, would be unbearable.

His cabin came into sight, and Rusty ran to greet him. Justin bent to brush his hand over his dog’s back. When he opened the door, he let Rusty inside.

“Well, fellow.” He spoke to Rusty. Rusty raised his head all attention to the sound of Justin’s voice. “We have to work on getting the lady to accept me and you.” He laid his head back against the top of his lounge chair. There was no sound except for nature’s normal night noises. He liked the quiet. He did his best thinking late at night. His hand rubbed across Rusty’s head. “We need a plan.”

* * * *

Morgan woke to a pounding at her door. Outside faint light indicated it must be about dawn. She glanced at her clock. Five o’clock, was she dreaming? The sound stopped for a moment.

There it went again, only harder, louder this time. “I’m coming,” she hollered. She pulled on her robe and hurried to the front door, stopping just before she undid the lock. She looked out the small window and saw her nemesis, Justin.

She cracked the door open. “Do you know it’s five in the morning? Are you crazy?” She glowered at him.

“Almost everyone is awake and up by now. Get dressed.”

“Why?” She looked beyond him and spotted two horses tied to the rail out front. “There are two horses behind you.”

“See how bright you are this early? The woman wins the gold prize. We are going for a ride.”

“A horseback ride?”

“Don’t tell me your parents never had you learn to ride.”

“They did. It was one of the necessary requirements for refined young ladies.”

“See. I knew it. Hurry, we can’t keep the horses waiting forever and just because you are such a good sport, I brought you a cup of hot coffee.” He pulled the tall, Styrofoam cup from behind his back.

Morgan grabbed the coffee and took a big sip on her way to the bedroom. She didn’t realize at first that he had followed her.

She whirled around and put her hand against his chest. The tingle went all the way up her arm. “You do not get to dress me.”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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