Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (22 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Inside the door to the left she discovered a large his-and-hers dressing room and closet, and a beautiful bath with a large shower and jetted tub. Against one wall was a small fireplace.

“What do you think?”

She hadn’t realized Ethan stood right behind her. “It’s the loveliest home I’ve ever seen.” She leaned her body into his. “I love it. I may marry you just for the house.”

He kissed her neck right where her pulse point had begun to beat faster. “I think there may be a few other reasons you’ll marry us.”

“Really?” Morgan kicked off her shoes and put her arms around his neck. “I’ve forgotten, maybe you should remind me.”

A deep chuckle rumbled out of his chest. He swept her into his arms and headed toward the bed. “My pleasure.”

Releasing her, he stood her beside the bed. He reached across and pulled the covers back. “Now, let’s see. You have on too many clothes.” Starting at her top, he began to undo buttons. His knuckles brushed across her skin as he moved down to her waist. He removed her blouse and unfastened her bra, letting it slip to the floor.

For a second, he just stood staring at her. “Absolutely, magnificent.” His tongue licked across her pebbled nipples and then he blew lightly over the dampness. A shiver went down her spine and she felt dampness below.

“Come here.” He took her hand and led her to the windows.

“Someone will see me.”

“Who? There’s nothing in front of this window for miles. Unless some lucky sucker is flying across and looking this way with binoculars. Lean into me.”

She hesitated. She’d always been rather reserved when it came to lovemaking. The times it had occurred had been in bed and in the dark. That was until she met Justin and Ethan. Dare she stand here at the window and let him touch her? A quiver of titillation flickered deep inside her.

“It’ll be all right, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear.

Morgan let her body relax and fall back against his hard muscles. While she had been making up her mind, he’d removed his shirt. His chest hair caressed her back. Warm hands came around and cupped her breasts. Her heart began to thump, and her blood heated up.

As he held her breasts in his hands, his fingers teased her nipples, tightening, pinching ever so gently, and then rubbing across the very tip. His mouth bit her earlobe and nuzzled along her neck, kissing her at the juncture between neck and shoulder.

Each move was slow and easy, as though he were enjoying a delectable dessert.

His hard cock pulsed against her buttocks, and the scent of their desire swirled around them. She realized she could see his face in the window, and he saw her reflection. His eyes stared at the reflection of hers. She watched his expression as he moved one hand down under her waistband until his fingers touched her sensitive clit.

“Spread your legs.” His voice came out harsh and demanding. Excitement sizzled along her nerve endings. She spread her legs wider, and his finger slipped into the opening to her wet pussy. He moved his finger in and out, sending heat rushing through her body.

“Look out there, sweetheart. The whole world’s in front of you. And I’m going to fuck you while you look at it. Stay right there.” He unsnapped her pants and pulled them and her panties off.

She heard him undressing and ripping open the condom package. Then he was back behind her. He put one arm around her middle.

“Put your hands against the window. They’ll hold you. Now bend slightly at your waist.” He reached around her and rubbed her clit. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

Breathless and excited from his touch, and from the sense of being in the open and yet not, she murmured, “Yes.”

He moved his cock into position and slid into her. He was so big, and she was tight. He filled her. His finger rubbed across her nub as he moved in and out. Her inner muscles clenched tight around him.

Ethan’s other hand cupped her breast and his thumb rubbed across her nipple, spiking her desire to higher heights.

His musky scent swirled around her as he slid slowly out, and then back in deep. Exquisite pleasure rolled into an overpowering wave as her strongest orgasm yet had her yelling, “Yes, yes, yes.”

Ethan held tight to her, pulled back once more, and plunged in deep and hard. She faintly heard his yell of satisfaction as her inner muscles rippled over his thrusting cock.

He held her there for several seconds as they both gasped for breath. Morgan’s legs trembled. She would have fallen if not for his tight grip. When his breathing had almost returned to normal, Ethan carried her to bed.

“Sleep, sweetheart. Later we’ll dress and go to dinner.”

His heart still thumped against her chest. Her own heart had almost jumped out of her chest when she’d climaxed. Snuggling into his side, she closed her eyes, just for a minute.

* * * *

Ethan was glad he’d put his phone on vibrate. He heard the case dancing on his bedside table. He grabbed it to keep from waking Morgan, hurried across the room to the bathroom, and closed the door behind him. “Ethan here,” he answered.

“They’ve cancelled out on us.” Jake said. “She got some modeling offer overseas. Apparently more important than meeting her daughter and you. They’re leaving early tomorrow.” He hesitated before adding, “I’m sorry to tell you this, Ethan, but her mom is a number-one bitch. Her dad is wrapped up in his wife, and she’s wrapped up in herself. You’d think they had only been planning to visit a friend. They showed no sadness or discomfort about canceling the trip.”

“I think I get the picture, Jake. We’ll plan on returning to the ranch tomorrow shortly after noon. We’ll meet you at the plane.” Ethan shut his phone off. He opened the door and glanced at Morgan sleeping soundly. The more he heard about her parents, the more he understood Morgan. It was surprising she had turned out so well.

He stepped into the shower, letting the cool water flow over his hot skin. Damn, she was sweet. Each time he made love to her was better. Her sweet-tasting skin, those sparkling blue eyes, her short, catchy breaths as she climbed toward her orgasm all sent his heart pounding as his dick got harder.

But, it wasn’t only the physical. He loved seeing her laugh, her teasing glances, the sweetest in her. There was no way she wasn’t marrying him and Justin. She was perfect for them.

After toweling off, he pulled on his blue sweats, and went to the bedroom he’d turned into an office. He called Justin.

“Hi, wondered when I’d hear from you.”

“We went to Pier 39 and ate at that restaurant at the end of the pier. Been busy,” Ethan said.

“I expect she enjoyed being away from the ranch.”

Ethan heard the worry in Justin’s voice. “She did, but I think she’ll be ready to head back before long.”

“Think she’ll marry us?”

“I do.”


“One of the reasons I called is I want to get her an engagement ring tomorrow from both of us. That all right with you?”

“Hell yes.”

“Don’t show too much enthusiasm,” Ethan said and laughed, then became serious. “Jake phoned from Hollywood. Her parents made other plans, and aren’t coming. She’s going to be disappointed. I’m waiting until later tomorrow to tell her. She wants to see Lombard Street and the trolleys. Afterwards, we’ll fly home.”

“I’m glad. Plans are gearing up for our next mission. If she agrees to marry us, we’ll have to plan fast to get it done before I leave.”

“We’ll manage it. See you soon.” Ethan shut off his phone and went into the kitchen.

They’d eat in tonight. The woman who cleaned for him had stocked his refrigerator with the items he requested. He saw she’d also left one of her homemade chocolate cakes. He’d grill steaks, bake potatoes, and make a salad. They’d do fine. And tomorrow, he’d break the news to her that her parents weren’t coming.

Chapter Thirteen

Morgan opened her eyes and found she was alone. Looking across at the clock she realized she’d slept two hours. Shadows in the room had replaced the sunlight.

She went into the bathroom. The large shower beckoned to her. Stepping in, she let the warm water run over her head and body. Her hair would dry fast, and since it was naturally curly, she didn’t have to do much to it.

Her stomach tightened when she thought about seeing her parents. It had been six years since their last meeting. They’d kept in touch infrequently by phone. Hopefully tomorrow wouldn’t be a complete disaster. She turned the water off and stepped out reaching for a towel. It was fluffy and warm.

“Well, look at you, beautiful.” Ethan stuck his head in the door. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

“We’re staying here for dinner?”

“Do you mind? If you want to go out, I can put the food in the refrigerator and we’ll go.”

“No. I’d prefer to stay here where I can sit outside and look at the stars and all the city lights. I see you’re dressed casual,” she said, noting his sweats.

“I’m changing before we eat.”

“You look fine to me.”

“The same to you, but are you going to the table in that towel? Not that I’d mind.”

“No. I’m dressing for dinner.”

“You finish first. If I stay in here and see any more of your lovely skin, our meal will get cold before we eat it.” Ethan backed out and shut the door.

Morgan went into the bedroom and looked for her suitcase. It sat against the wall. She opened the case and started to take out her bra and panties, but decided to be daring and leave them off.

She’d brought a flowery sundress. She’d wear that, sandals, and throw a shawl over her shoulders. After spraying on her favorite perfume, she headed toward the kitchen. Ethan was just bringing in two steaks from the grill.

“Hmm, smells delicious in here.”

Ethan put the plate down and strode across to her. He wrapped his arms around her and took a deep breath. “You look and smell good enough to eat for dinner.”

“Oh no, you don’t get out of feeding me,” she teased back.

“I certainly can’t sit down with you looking so great and me in sweats. Give me five minutes. I’ll be right back.”

Morgan strolled around the kitchen. She noted the cake, chocolate, her favorite, and a big salad sitting on the counter. He’d put the steaks on the top of the stove. In an alcove, a small table had been set for two. The windows beside the table gave another gorgeous view. The lights of the homes and the city below were just beginning to come on.

Ethan returned wearing black slacks and an open-neck, white shirt. His blond hair curled slightly, even after being combed.

“Very handsome.” She leaned into him and ruffled his hair.

“There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you but I keep forgetting.”

“What?” Morgan looked up at him, still hugging his body, enjoying his musky fragrance and his special masculine scent.

“I’m not really blond. My hair is black. I changed my appearance for the assignment and hadn’t had time to change my hair color back.”

Morgan stepped away and studied him. “It’s hard to imagine. Is your eye color different?”

“No. I have exceptional day and night vision, so I never interfere with it by wearing contacts. But as you’ve probably noticed, my eye color reacts to my moods and the tint or shade can change.”

“I love your beautiful eyes.” She thought for a second. “That’s why you can drive the way you did that day.”

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