Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Wyoming Warriors 3

Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman

Ellen Simmons is scared. When she signals the Commando Cowboys for help, Sahale Connor arrives at her door. His beautiful eyes, gorgeous body, and delicious scent stir feelings she's kept repressed. At the ranch, she discovers his best friend, Jack Talisman, affects her the same way.


But Ellen doesn't trust men. Her marriage ended badly, and her former father-in-law had threatened her, if she said anything about them. She hadn't. But now she's in danger and doesn't know why.


Sahale is told to question Ellen. He's to find out what she knows that makes someone want to shut her up. Sahale convinces Ellen to tell him some of her life story. When she does, his instinct tells him the man Ellen fears may be the one they seek. Sahale and Jack need to keep her safe, catch the man they'd been hunting, and convince Ellen to trust and love again.


Contemporary, Multiple Partners, Western/Cowboys
56,775 words


Warriors 3

Paige Cameron


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Polyromance


Copyright © 2012 by Paige Cameron

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-185-5

First E-book Publication: January 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman
Paige Cameron
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Paige Cameron
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


Carol, you have been my friend through all my ups and downs for over thirty years. Thank you for always being there.


Warriors 3


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Ellen Simmons was sure she was being followed. Yesterday and today she’d deliberately left work early, parked her car in front of her apartment instead of in the garage, and hurried inside.

She unlocked her door and went to her bedroom. Standing to the side of the window, she looked out. Yes, the same van she’d spotted both days was parked down the street on the opposite side. Her heart was racing. Normally calm and rational, she was beginning to come unraveled. Without thinking, her fingers ran across the bracelet Sara had given her the last time she visited the ranch.

This is something I want you to have. Mitch gave it to me to keep me safe when I worked with him and Daren. The bracelet is specially made so the person wearing it can call for help.” Sara fastened the gold chain with a little heart hanging from it around Ellen’s wrist. “You’re all alone now that Morgan and I are living at the ranch. If you need us, just push the front of the heart in firmly. You’ll hear a click. And you don’t have to worry about bumping the heart charm. It won’t send a signal that easily. Also, the GPS will let our guys know wherever you are. The signal will go to Mitch or Daren. Promise me you’ll wear the bracelet at all times.”

Ellen had reluctantly accepted her gift. She had no expectation of ever needing to use the bracelet. But there was one man she feared. He hadn’t contacted her in years. Yet she felt him out there, waiting.

She was not going to panic. She’d feed Montlief and herself, and then decide whether to use the safety button. Montlief? She glanced around. Where was he? He hadn’t greeted her at the door, but she’d been so distracted she hadn’t noticed.

“Montlief,” she called out as she went down the hall. Was that a whimper? She stopped and listened. Yes, coming from the front bathroom, where she kept one of his water bowls. She hurried to the doorway.

Montlief was lying on the cool tile floor. He barely raised his head when she entered. His eyes were half-closed and he’d been sick. Something was wrong. She had to get him to a doctor. But as she grabbed her phone to call, something stopped her.

They’d gotten to her dog to force her outside. But how? It didn’t matter. It was dark now. Panic flooded her system.

Sit, think.
Her fingers grasped the little heart and pushed against it. She heard the click Sara had described that told her the signal had been sent. Now what? She couldn’t wait too long or Montlief would die.

What were the words, the signal to give Sara when she called? I’m fine? No. I haven’t heard from you in a while. That was it.

Minutes seemed like hours. Ellen paced the floor between her living room and the bathroom. She knelt and brushed Montlief’s fur. “You’ll be all right. Help is coming soon.” She hoped.

The phone rang, making her jump. She ran into the living room and grabbed the receiver. “Hello.”

“Ellen, it’s Sara. I was thinking of you.”

“I haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you?”

“We’re all fine. You should see Caitlin. She’s growing fast. She’s going to be very tall. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine, but Montlief is not so good.”

“Sorry to hear that. He should see a vet soon.”

“I agree. I’ll see to it.”

When she hung up, Ellen knew from Sara’s words that someone was close, here in Rhodes Creek. He was tall, and if she understood correctly, he was a veterinarian. He’d be here soon. Her panic eased a little. But to help her dog, he’d better get here now.

* * * *

Sahale Connor had been trailing the men in the tan van for several days. Daren had sent him to keep a watch on Sara’s friend Ellen. Since Sahale rarely went on jobs stateside, he was the one least likely to be recognized. He wouldn’t need a disguise. Tonight he’d ridden a motorcycle and parked one street over. He’d blended into the shadows where he could watch the van and the windows of Sara’s friend Ellen’s apartment.

His cell vibrated in his pocket. He read the message and headed back to his bike. Gunning the motor, he swung around the corner, slowed, and found a place to park near Ellen’s car. He took his time unfastening his helmet. He reached into his leather saddlebag and took out a paper sack to carry inside. Days ago he’d managed to have a key made for the lock on the entrance door to the apartments.

He took his time and strolled to the entrance. A man came out as he was going in. Sahale greeted him, then walked to the elevators. He’d already checked out the place one day when he first got to Rhodes Creek. Number thirty-nine was the last door on the left, on the third floor. When the elevator doors opened, he strode quickly down the hall and rang the bell once, then twice rapidly.

A fairly tall, brown-haired woman opened the door a crack. She’d left her chain fastened.
Like that would help her if I wanted to bust in.

“I’m Sahale, a friend of your friend.” Golden-brown eyes studied him from his head to his feet. “I can help your dog, but not from out here.”

Apparently satisfied, she undid the chain and opened her door. “Montlief is in the bathroom, the first door on the left in the hall.” He stopped a second to see she was locking the door, then took long strides to the bathroom. A beautiful dog, of mixed heritage, but more golden retriever than anything else, lay almost motionless on the floor.

Her scent preceded her. He looked up as she walked in the door. “How long has your dog been this way?”

“I don’t know. It happened while I was at work. Sara indicated you’re a veterinarian. Can you help him? He’s like my family.”

“I’m going to try.” Sahale reached in the bag he’d brought with him. Inside were small packets of medicine and herbs. “Take these two, put them in a cup of warm water, and mix until they dissolve.” Ellen nodded and hurried away. “We’ll have you feeling better soon.” Sahale rubbed his hand across the dog’s golden coat. “At least I hope we will. Time is of the essence, and we don’t know how or when you got the poison.”

Gently, he checked the dog all over. He seemed fine. It almost had to be something he ate or drank.

Ellen came hurrying in with the cup. “I hope this isn’t too hot. I have a faucet that is attached to a reservoir. The reservoir keeps the water hot all the time.” Her hands were shaking.

Sahale took the cup. “Sit, before you collapse.”

Her eyes sparkled with defiance. “I am not one of those silly women that becomes hysterical or collapses.”

“Sit now!”

“Well, oh, all right.” She sat on the side of the tub and watched him.

He tested the temperature of the mixture, and then got Montlief to take the liquid, sip by sip.

Sahale had to force himself to concentrate on her dog. Ever since she’d opened the door the first time, and he’d smelled her particular fragrance, he’d been attuned to her.

At first glance, her appearance was unremarkable. A tall woman on the slim side, with her brown hair pulled into a tight bun. She wore tailored brown slacks with a white shirt.

And yet he found himself wanting to touch her cream-colored skin, to pull the pins out of her hair and run his fingers through the strands, to carry her into her bedroom and bury his hard cock in her pussy.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. This was not like him at all. He was known for his control and intense concentration.

“Is he all right? I saw you shake your head.”

Montlief’s breathing had returned to a more normal rate. Sahale checked his eyes. “We hopefully got to him in time. I’ll know more when I can check him at the ranch, where I have more sophisticated machines and medicine.”
But I’m afraid I’m not all right, and there’s no medicine to cure me

“We’re going to the ranch?”

“Yes, as soon as the team gets here. They’ll signal me. I’ll carry Montlief out. You follow right beside or behind me. When we get out the door, run to the black SUV. If it works as planned, we’ll have you and your dog in the SUV and away before we have to fight the guys parked in the tan van. Pack your clothes. You won’t be back here for some time.”

* * * *

Ellen walked to the door of the bathroom and stopped before she went out. She looked down at Montlief and the man kneeling beside him. When Sara had emphasized his height, she’d been surprised. All the men from the Wyoming ranch were large. She’d wondered if they fed them some special vitamins. But Sahale was one of the taller men she’d met. He must be six foot four or five inches tall. She’d been afraid to let him in until he mentioned he could help her dog.

He had towered over her and her small living room. He wore a black T-shirt over his broad shoulders and chest, lean hips were encased in worn jeans, and he had on scuffed boots. But the most intriguing aspect about him was his aquamarine eyes.

His golden skin, high cheekbones, and black hair made her suspect he was part Native American. His eyes were a beautiful oddity that didn’t fit the rest of him.

“Are you going to stare at me or get your clothes packed?” His mouth curved in a slight smile. He stood and walked up to her, into her space. “Not that I mind. Later, you can look at me and touch me all you want. This just isn’t the time.”

His words slid across her skin like warm honey. She was mesmerized looking into the depths of his eyes. His scent swirled around her head. Musk, man, desire were the words that came to her mind as she breathed in. A coil of need tightened in her lower abdomen. She couldn’t move if she wanted to, and she didn’t want to.

Sahale leaned down and touched his smooth lips to hers. She gasped and his tongue took the opportunity to slip inside her mouth and caress, tease, and taste her. He tasted of mint and something else, elusive. She hungrily moved her tongue around his to get more of his essence.

He gently pushed her back and turned her toward the hall. “Go.”

She fled. What was she thinking? She never let a man get close to her. Well, seldom, and they had to have known each other for a year or more. She had kept most men at arm’s length, ever since she’d married too quickly and regretted it forever.

With shaking hands she pulled her suitcases out of the storage part of her closet and threw clothes inside, underwear, jeans, pants, a few dresses, and toiletries. All of her things were packed when she closed the two suitcases and one small bag. She didn’t know what to do now. Waiting had never been her forte. But she didn’t dare go back to the bathroom. His kiss and her reaction had unnerved her. She paced back and forth in the small bedroom. It seemed hours since she’d talked with Sara. She peeked out the window. The tan van still sat in the same spot.

Sahale came to her door. “They’ll be here soon. Leave the light on. If you turn it off, the people in the van will think you’re going to bed and head up here. My guess is this is about the time you usually go to sleep.”

“Your guess, or have you been watching me, too?”

“Daren and Mitch thought you needed someone near. You’ve been to the ranch. Whoever the head guy is in all of this, he might think you know more than you do.”

“I never knew you were around, but I got the sense yesterday that I was being followed. Today, I was certain.”

“You would never have spotted me.”

“You’re that good?”


He didn’t speak in a bragging manner, but confident and assured. “I think you’d be a dangerous man to have for an enemy.”

Sahale grinned. “I am.”

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