Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (18 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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He moved back to finish undressing. Jack, having totally undressed, put on a condom and wrapped his arm around her waist from the back. With his other hand, he stroked her nub. He kissed her neck. Sheer pleasure streaked through her. Sahale came back to her front, kissed her, and rubbed her nipples between his fingers. She was surrounded by their heat, hands, and mouths.

Her pussy clenched around the two fingers Jack slid inside her. She moaned. Reaching back, she gripped his hard cock and moved her hand up and down. Her other hand gripped Sahale.

“Take her to bed,” Sahale groaned.

Jack stopped her hand movements. As Sahale backed off, he carried her to bed and flipped her on her stomach. Getting behind her, he pulled her hard against him. “I’m going to take you from behind, darlin’.”

His words hiked her desire to another level. Jack rubbed her nub and her nipple while moving his hard cock over her backside. Then he guided his cock to her pussy and plunged in. His finger went back to her nub and circled the sensitive area.

Her pussy immediately clamped around his thick girth. She clenched and unclenched around him, sending shivers along her spine. As he moved more and more rapidly inside her, a demanding desire had her pushing hard against him.

Jack tightened his grip on her nipple and rubbed quickly across her nub as he pounded into her. She exploded with heat and a bombardment of sensual excitement cascading throughout her body.

Sahale pulled her close as she shivered in reaction. Jack kissed her back and whispered sweet words into her ear. Gradually, her tremors lessened, and they lay on either side of her.

“Damn, sweetheart, if this gets much better, one day we’ll explode into a million fragments.”

“Nonsense. If I do marry you and Sahale, I expect to be pleasured for many long years. You’d better get used to it. The very idea that two big men can’t take a little loving.”

“I think she just gave us a challenge.” Jack rose above her and looked down at her face. “You should know we love challenges, and we don’t lose.”

“We’ll see,” she taunted them. She moved to the side of the bed. “That is, of course, if I agree to marry you. I’m hungry.”

She glanced back. Sahale and Jack wore the same expression, dangerous and exciting. She may have made a mistake in taunting her warriors. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Deep inside, she knew they’d never hurt, her and a little danger that wouldn’t get completely out of control might be very tantalizing.

Chapter Thirteen

Their first big appearance was at the ball tonight. Ellen briefly felt nauseous at the idea of meeting her ex-husband, his wife, and his father again. But they were not only going to be there, they’d be seated at the same table as them. She paced across the large living room.

“What if they recognize me?”

“Sweetheart, they may see a vague familiarity. They won’t know it’s you,” Sahale said. He took her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “Go powder your nose and we’ll go for a walk. You’re wearing a path in this lovely carpet.”

Ellen glanced up at him and saw the twinkle in his eyes. “Oh, all right.” She went into her bedroom and checked her appearance. Ann had done her hair and makeup right after she had dressed. She studied herself in detail. There was no evidence of the confused, unsophisticated woman who had left this city ten years ago. Her new green-and-white polka dot shirtwaist dress fit her perfectly. She slipped on a pair of low-heeled, cream-colored shoes. They’d be much more comfortable for walking than her high heels.

When she came out of her bedroom, Sahale and two of the other men waited for her. “We can’t walk alone?”

“We aren’t taking chances. They’ll walk far enough back that no one will realize they’re with us.” He took her arm and opened the door to the suite. “You look lovely.”

“I feel quite glamorous. Which makes it a little easier to play the part of a rich man’s trophy wife. One that has no brains, a big smile, and agrees with everything her husband says.”

They stepped into the empty elevator. “I don’t suppose you’ll continue to play that part back at the ranch.” When she frowned at him, he grinned. “Just asking. It would probably get boring after a while to have you agree with us all the time. On a serious note, remember, when these elevator doors open you are Mr. Linear’s wife, and I’m escorting you while you take a walk. No loving looks in my direction.”

The doors slid open just as he finished speaking. Ellen lifted her chin and strode out. Sahale walked beside her, but not too close. The other two bodyguards left some distance between them. It was a cool fall morning with clear blue skies and wisps of clouds floating overhead.

“Can’t you feel it? I always thought the city had its own personal beat to it, like a pulse. Especially exciting if you’re new in town or haven’t been here in a long time. I’d forgotten how it felt.” She took a deep breath. Her tension eased as they walked down the busy streets.

She stopped occasionally to glance in a store window. Sahale was a quiet, protective presence at her side. He sensed when her body was full of turmoil. Even if she hadn’t been pacing, he’d have known. He knew how to calm her fears.

“We’d better turn around and head back,” Sahale said as she started to cross the next street. “Hank will return and wonder where you are.” They all used their fake names now.

Reluctantly, she agreed. “It’s going to be a long afternoon.”

A slight smile curled his lips upward. “It’s lunchtime, and after you eat, I’m sure you’ll need to rest.”

The flash of fire hidden deep in his eyes sent a sizzle of heat down her spine. “I might agree to rest for a while.” She loved teasing him and Jack.

“Don’t worry. Your husband and his friend know just what will help.” He spoke in a soft voice that wouldn’t carry to anyone rushing by them.

“He and his friend are welcome to try.”

Sahale had stepped behind her as they entered the lobby. She’d started to turn her head to say something to him when her eyes met the monster’s that had been in her head forever. Garraloga had just turned from speaking to another man in the foyer of the hotel.

His eyes slid from her face down her body and up again. She didn’t miss the flash of lust in his face. It shook her. Her heart pounded, and for a second she feared she’d faint. He headed in their direction.

She knew Sahale had recognized him. They’d all been given pictures of him and his son. He immediately stepped beside her, and she was aware her other bodyguards were right at her back.

Seeing her entourage, Garraloga apparently changed his mind, gave her a brief nod, and continued past them and out the door. She walked quickly to the private elevator to their suite. Once the doors closed, she took a deep breath.

“Are you all right?” Sahale leaned down to look at her face.

“I think so. Did I do all right? I couldn’t think. My heart was pounding out of my chest, and my legs didn’t feel like they’d hold me up.”

“You did great. Your face was blank, which was good. It gave him no encouragement. But we hadn’t figured on him being attracted to the new you. If the opportunity comes, I plan to make him regret that look he gave you, and the other things he’s done to you in the past.

“This could work in our favor, though. We’ll have a meeting with the rest of the team after lunch. I’m going to contact Mitch to join us.”

* * * *

Her appetite had gone. She barely ate lunch. All she saw in her mind’s eye was him. At least the first shock was over and tonight shouldn’t be quite as difficult. She hoped.

Mitch had gathered them all in the living room. He knelt in front of her. “You’re all right?”

“I’ll do.” She tried to smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you down. I want him in jail as much as you do.”

“The thought never entered my mind that you’d let us down. You, Morgan, and my Sara have brave hearts.” He smiled at her and stood to face them all.

He looked at Sahale. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

Sahale told him about their walk, and then entering the hotel. “We all three surrounded her. He’d planned to say something to her but went on by after he gave us the once over.”

“He’s already checked by now on who you are and what you’re doing in town. Jack made the first contact with his son this morning, offering to give a substantial donation to his reelection campaign. Garraloga will know that by the time you meet him this evening. He has his pulse on this town, and his fingers in many pies.” Mitch directed his next words at Sahale and the bodyguards. “No more walks. It’s too dangerous.” He glanced at Ellen. “Sorry.”

“No problem. But I’m glad we went out, and I saw him first before the big dinner and dance tonight. The first shock is over.”

“Jack, how did the meeting go?” Mitch asked.

“He was very cordial after I told him how much money I have to give to his campaign. We had a drink and chatted. I told him my wife and I would be at the dinner dance tonight.” Jack turned to Ellen. “He’s looking forward to meeting you.”

“I’m sure he is. I almost wish I could go as myself, but this is more fun. He, like his dad, always had an eye for an attractive woman.”
Although I’d tried to ignore and deny it when I was married to him.

“All right, everyone. This is it. We have tonight, then the cocktail party tomorrow that Mr. and Mrs. Linear are giving, and maybe one or two more days after that to get the information we need.” Mitch turned to Ellen. “Did you recognize the man he was talking to here at the hotel?”

Did she? Ellen tried to remember what the other person looked like. She’d been so surprised to see him. She closed her eyes, trying to recall. She’d seen two men standing between her and the elevator. Now, she remembered. The other man had looked angry, his face drawn and pale.

“Yes, I’ve seen him a few times in the past. I think he works in the Treasury Department. He looked angry and scared. What was his name?” She went through the alphabet, trying to recall. “H, Harold, no, Hector, yes. I can’t remember the last name. But I’ve met few men with that first name, and it stuck.”

“We can find out the rest. As you say, that isn’t a common first name, and you recalled where he worked. If he’s unhappy, he may be our weak link.” Mitch ended their meeting and left.

The rest of the crew went back to their side of the suite, leaving Ellen, Jack, and Sahale alone.

“I leave you two alone and you get into trouble,” Jack teased.

“Sahale was trying to save the carpet. I was making a worn track from pacing.”

“There are ways to diffuse anxiety that are more fun than walking.” Jack wiggled his eyebrows, making her laugh. “Come into my lair, said the lion to his lunch.”

“Funny, funny.” Ellen took his hand and Sahale followed close behind.

“This is another lovely outfit, but it has too many buttons,” Jack said. He started undoing the buttons that ran from the top almost to the hem. Sahale reached around and took off her matching belt. Their combined heat sent her temperature soaring. The air conditioning flowing out of the vent made her shiver. Her dress was put on the nearby chair. Jack slipped her shoes off and she stood in her pink lace bikini panties and matching lacey bra.

Sahale brushed her hair over her shoulder and kissed the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Her pussy began to throb and moisture seeped out. Jack ran the edge of his teeth across the tender skin of her thigh as he moved up her body. He kissed her abdomen and nibbled along her rib cage. Her breathing became more erratic. Her pulse bounded against the inside of her wrist when Sahale kissed her there. His kisses went up her arm, to her shoulders, and down her spine. He slipped his finger inside her wet panties and touched her nub.

Tremors of desire shook her body as they both kissed and touched her around and under her lingerie. She wanted to tear off her bra that felt much too tight, but Jack took her nipple in his mouth through the fine silk. When she didn’t think she could take a second more without screaming, Jack turned her to face Sahale.

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