Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (25 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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and I hurried through breakfast ignoring the people still pointing and
snickering at me out in the open. Lunch was the same way. They didn’t even have
the decency to hide it. These people may be rich, but some of them weren’t very

After we finished lunch we
headed toward Prentice cabin. Sara stopped me.

“Don’t worry about it, Aria,”
Sara said. “We have to wait until her guard is down. She’ll expect it if we
retaliate right away. Let’s make her think that she’s won. Let her gloat.” I
smiled weakly and nodded.

“I’ll see you later,” I said, then
turned and walked into Prentice cabin.

When I arrived at Prentice, I
hadn’t even realized that Colt hadn’t been to lunch with us until I saw him
talking on the cell phone in his office. He looked surprised to see me. I was
earlier than usual but today was my solo lesson so I wanted to get as much in
as possible.

“Sienna’s covering another class
today, it’s just you and me,” Colt said.

I pulled off my pink baby doll
t-shirt and shimmied out of my shorts then set them on the bench beside me.

Colt switched on the sound
system of the pole-dancing classroom and moved his chair closer toward the
center of the room. I looked to him curiously as slow sexy jazz filled the
room. I had no idea what he was planning. He wore a wide grin on his face as he
blacked out the one-way mirror that led to the hall and locked the door.
didn’t know that was an option.

“What are you up to?” I asked
pouring myself a glass of whiskey. I took a big gulp and felt it relax my body
almost immediately.

He dimmed the lights with the remote
and looked up to me with a heated look.

“For what I have in mind, I
don’t want any 
interruptions,” he said sitting in the chair in front of
me. “Come here and sit on my lap facing me, you gorgeous girl.”

I stared back at him, enjoying
his compliment. I straddled him and lowered myself to his lap. He instantly
reached up and gently released my hair tie. He let it drop and ran his hands
through my hair then down my shoulders.

“You are all mine today, so we’re
gonna have some fun, Aria.”

I opened my mouth to ask him
what he was planning but he stopped me by placing his fingers over my lips.

“You’re going to give me a lap
dance. No blindfold, it’s just you and me.”

“We’ll start slow, but here are
the rules. Most of your lessons have been about you learning about your body
and feelings. But in today’s scenario, it’s all about your partner. In this
case, it’s me. As much as you have to know about yourself, you have to know how
to please someone else. That is if you want to be a good lover. You have to
make me want you. I want you to block out all your insecurities. This is almost
the end of week three now and I know you want me, Aria, so show me. Seduce me.
Pretend I’m whomever you want me to be. Don’t be afraid to touch yourself for
me. I want your breathing heavy and your pupils dilated by the time this
session is over or I will have to admit I’ll be disappointed.”

I chuckled nervously. “No

“You have all the sex appeal you
will ever need inside of you. I’ve seen it. Here we are in a dark room with no
one watching. What will you do with me? Better yet, what do you want to do to
me?” I swallowed nervously. “Don’t think about it. Just feel the music and
dance for me. I won’t touch you unless you ask me to.”

My heart was pounding in my
Was he really trying to seduce me?

I closed my eyes and tried to
clear my head.
Who was I kidding; I’ve fantasized about turning Colt on so
many times in the last two years. I could still imagine him in my mouth from
oral class two weeks ago.

A slow grin spread across my
face and I stepped off his lap. I tried to remember all that I had watched
Sienna do for Sean and let my desire guide me.

I rocked my hips in front of him
and let my hands trail over my breasts, down my sides to my hips and back up
again. I bit my lip and turned my back to him. I bent over so that my ass was
in the air in direct line of his eyesight and rounded the curves of my behind.
My fingers skimmed over my light purple panties over my honey pot and I stood
and lifted my hair in my hands then turned toward him.

Colt shifted in his chair and
his eyes traced the length of my body. “Tease,” his voice was deep and raspy.
His eyes began to glaze.

I stepped closer and pushed my
breasts closer. I ran my hands over them and circled twice. I could see him
swallow hard as I ran my tongue over my lips leaving them wet. I could see his
fingers itching to touch me as I pressed harder against his cargo shorts. I
felt the urge to go further and before I could change my mind, I reached up and
unlatched the clasp of my bra. The straps skimmed my bare arms and I quickly
tossed it toward him.

His eyes widened three times
their normal size. A slow, sexy smile played across his lips and he drew my bra
up and breathed in my scent. This took me back, and deep down inside me, I felt
my body tremble in need for him.

He was gripping my bra in
anticipation and when his eyes darkened, I knew I had him. I rolled my nipples
between my fingers and felt them grow harder while I moved to the bass of the
music. I don’t know what possessed me but the words were out of my mouth before
I could stop myself.

“You like what you see, Colt? Do
you want me?”

He threw his head back and
looked up at me as I towered over him. He groaned and took in a slow
tantalizing breath.

“You know I do, sweet girl. I’m
kicking myself right now for not having Sara bring you into our bed earlier,”
he grumbled. 
I swayed my hips and let them brush his knees. “Why’s
that?” my voice was low and breathy.

“I want to run my hands over
that delectable body.”

I shook my head seductively at
him. “That won’t do,” I said, straddling him and pressing my nipples against
his shirt. “If you can restrain yourself then I’m not doing a good enough job. I’m
gonna have to try harder.”

I lowered my hips over his hard
cum-gun and ground my moist lips over him. The friction of his shorts and his
stiff shaft sent quivers through me. I reached up and ran my fingers through my
hair and ground my pelvis harder against him. I threw my head back and brushed
my fingertips over my neck then I moaned as I tweaked my nipples again. My breathing
was hard, uneven and I was certain lust filled my eyes.

“You want to touch me, don’t
you,” I asked.

His eyes looked almost pained
and I could see him fighting the urge. I ground against him again and teased
him further. I let his lap-rocket rub against my clit over and over. It wasn’t
long before I was crying out and cuming powerfully.

My chest heaved as my eyes met
his. He licked his lips and blinked to me, waiting for my command.

“Touch me Colt, please,” I said

His hands fell to my ass as he
pulled my hips closer. His lips urgently found mine and I dug my fingertips
into his hair to bring him closer to me. He cupped my breasts.

“God, Aria. You are so
beautiful,” he breathed.

My hands found my way to the hem
of his shirt and I pulled it from his chest. Colt pushed my panties to the side
and sunk two fingers deep within me. I moaned loudly and pushed my hips further
against him, wanting him to ease this ache deep inside me.

He pressed his lips harder
against mine and his tongue forced open my mouth. I unbuttoned his shorts and
reached my greedy fingers in and freed his cock from his boxers. I moved to
straddle him and started to lower myself over him, finding I wouldn’t be
satisfied until he was buried deep within me, but then he stopped me and pulled
away. I opened my eyes to see a mixture of lust and something else I didn’t

“Aria,” he whispered.

“Yes,” I breathed against his

He leaned back further away from
me and I looked to him questionably. I didn’t understand why he stopped. He
shook his head, telling me no. It’s against the rules. I could see he was
guarded now. Then my brain caught up to what we were really doing and I felt
myself stiffen. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I
leaned into him, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and guilt. Both of our
breathing was hard and fast.

“That was close,” I gushed.

“Yes. I’m glad we stopped or I
would be out of a job right now.” We both chuckled nervously, expelling our
pent up sexual frustration. He helped me to stand up and handed me my bra. I
took in a deep breath but smiled up at him.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked.

“I guess fantasies really do
come true.”

He beamed back at me. “That’s
why we’re here, Aria. But to be honest, now I can’t wait until we get back

“Why’s that?”

“So you, me, and Sara can
finally fuck,” he grinned like a Cheshire cat. And I blushed like a damn






Sara and I got ready for the Christmas in July party, we chatted about what had
happened the day before with Colt. I had learned my lesson about keeping Sara
in the dark so I came clean as soon as I got back into our cabin. She assured
me that I would get to experience Colt soon. She wanted to see me with him as much
as I wanted to be with him. She was truly the best friend in the world to want
to share her man like that.

Sara had bought us matching
little Sexy Santa outfits. They were red velvet with white fir trim. The tops
sat right below our shoulders and the skirts barely covered our asses. We wore
our black go-go boots which Sara had glued white fur trim to the tops of this

As we got to the Main Lodge,
Avery had every pine tree trimmed in Christmas lights with a Candy Cane walkway
as we approached. Christmas music blasted through the PA outside the building.
I recognized it as the Three Miles Out Christmas CD – which was my
favorite. He really out did himself this time. He even had snow machines
brought in which dusted the area in beautiful snow across the lodge’s front

We settled in and started doing
whiskey shots right away. The night became a little blurry before long. I
socialized among my friends not caring about the pointing fingers and little
snickers as I was getting as ‘mousetrap girl’. Then I spotted Ethan and Wren as
they rounded the table in my direction. In this dim lighting it was like
looking at two Averys. I swear they looked more like Avery than Pierce did.

“Aria, go in a room with me
again tonight,” Ethan begged wrapping his arms around my hips and bringing me
closer. Before I could reply, Wren scooped me up and twirled me to the dance
floor. I mouthed the word ‘sorry’ and let him sweep me away toward the music.
Wren had already asked me to dance earlier. I saw a somewhat dejected look in
Ethan’s eyes but Wren quickly distracted me from worrying about it. Wren
growled into my neck and I giggled and threw my head back, letting him devour

This was just what I needed, to
lose myself tonight. I liked Ethan. I really did, but maybe what I needed was
just to let go and play the field a bit. Besides, this twin thing had my
chicken tongue buzzing with the tingles.

The music pulsed around us as
Wren brought me closer to him on the dance floor. His hands found my hips and
he cupped my buttocks.

“I want that sweet ass
straddling me tonight. Say you’ll let me ravish you.”

“What about your brother?” I
asked. I glanced over at Ethan and our eyes locked. He shook his head and just
turned away and headed to the bar.

“Don’t worry about him. He’ll be

Somehow Wren’s words, or maybe
it was the whiskey, made it all right to let go and not feel obligated to
Ethan. He was sweet and handsome and certainly, a great lover, but tonight I
just wanted to explore and see what else I’ve been missing. Besides, it was
better to blow Ethan off before he did it to me, just like Avery and Nate did.
There was no doubt in my mind I was doing the right thing.

I turned my back to Wren and
ground my behind against his hard cock. We were in a sea of red and white lingerie.
It was the Christmas in July theme party and Wren wore a Santa hat, a black
dress shirt, and slacks but his dress shoes were red with white trim and
matched his hat nicely.

I lifted my arms back behind me
and let them drape around his neck. I leaned into his ear, giving in to my
desire. “I want you,” I purred in his ear. I felt his body tremble against

He lowered his lips to mine and
I could feel his need for me in each urgent kiss. His eyes met mine and he
intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me down the hall towards the

He passed several of the
immediate rooms and led me to the furthest hallway. He locked the door behind
us and turned toward me. He wrapped his hands around my hair and made a make
shift ponytail and forced me to look up at him. He searched my face for a
moment then trailed soft kisses on my lips.

“I want you in the swing,” he
growled in my ear.

I nodded as he released my hair
and let his hands skim over my breasts. He freed my nipples from my bra and
lowered down to suck on them. His warm tongue licked and bit each one, causing
my insides to tighten. He slipped the straps over my shoulder and took his time
undressing me.

“I’ve never done it in a sex
swing before,” I said, eyeing the complex device with straps and loops and
buckles to change the lengths of the straps. I could feel him smiling as he
trailed kisses down my neck and shoulders.

“Oh, sweet Aria, this is going
to be so much fun. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle until you tell me not to,” he
quickly turned me toward him and devoured me, undressing me as he went.

He backed me up toward the swing
and lowered my panties. I stood naked before him and he briefly pulled away to
take me in. His calm facade didn’t last long as his mouth closed around mine
and he quickly deepened the kiss.

He helped me into the swing all
the while planting kisses all over my body. I tried not to show how nervous I
was. He didn’t falter as he gently showed me where to place my feet and how to
lie back into it.

“Close your eyes,” he said, as
he kissed my lips one last time. I heard him pull his pants off. “I just want
to touch you, Aria.”

“Okay,” was all I could muster.

He stepped between my legs and
kissed my forehead. His hands cradled my face then he led a trail of kisses
from my mouth to my chest. His hands stroked my body in the midst of passionate

I closed my eyes and let my head
fall back, enjoying how he absorbed me. He took each nipple in his mouth and
teased me until I was clutching my nails into his back and crying out in
I didn’t know I could orgasm from someone sucking on my nipples
like that. Jesus, he was good

He moved lower and my hips
squirmed for their own attention. He smirked up at me knowing what I wanted
most. He ran his hands down over my navel and across my hip
. He was teasing

“Wren, I want you,” I begged.

“Not yet, sweet girl. I’m gonna
push your body to the extreme before I sink my soldier into you,” he said,
moving back up and whispering into my ear.

My body quivered in excitement.
I watched him pull out a package and open a new small oval vibrator from the
bedside drawer. Then he moved between my legs and switched it on. He trailed it
up my inner thigh, up and over my mound, then back down the other side.

Repeatedly, he stroked it over
every part of my body except where I really wanted it until I was wriggling and
panting. When he pressed it to my clit my back bowed off the swing and I
whimpered. His slender fingers ran up over the instep of my foot and my insides
convulsed without warning.

It wasn’t long before my entire
body was building with anticipation as his hands and vibrator worked magic over
almost every part of my body.

He paused only once to raise the
swing to his hip height then he dropped to his knees between my legs and set to
work on my pooty tat. My body was wound tight and it begged for release. The
second he stroked the wall of my pink heaven I cried out loudly.

When he finally stood and I
heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper I was panting in need. He positioned
himself between my legs and slowly sank into me. My body bowed instinctively,
wanting him to go deeper.

“You are so wet,” he hissed. He
paused for a moment and I could tell he was fighting back the urge to lose

“Fuck me,” I begged.

Wren smirked and set out on a
course that lasted well into the morning hours. We paused once for me to lie on
my front. The he raised the swing so my ass was in the air and as he sank deep
within me, I knew in that moment what Colt was referring to that day in class
that he first showed me the swing. He was hitting the ache deep in my belly
square on.

My body trembled from fatigue
but my want and need for another orgasm didn’t want him to stop. I was reaching
my fifth orgasm.
Yes fifth.

My body burned with desire and I
soared one last time as he gyrated his hips and pushed on the front wall of my
vagina. I screamed out Wren’s name as he pounded into me three more times then
found his release. He helped me to the floor as he embraced me against his
chest. We both panted hard and fast, trying desperately to catch our breaths.


I chuckled. “Yes, and I think I
need a shower.”

“A shower it is then,” Wren
said, kissing the top of my head. He helped me to stand and I could feel the
soreness everywhere in my body. I couldn’t wait to let the hot water soothe
some of this.

We made quick use of the shower
then I found my clothes and got dressed. I didn’t slip on my top. I was too
warm. I just left it off, opting to walk around in my bra, Santa skirt and

Wren lowered his head and kissed
me tenderly. “Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving,” he said.

My stomach growled loudly in
response. I nodded and he led me out of the door and down the hall that led to
the buffet table.
Christ. It was morning already.

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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