Camp Jameson (11 page)

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Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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Avery’s eyes flashed to mine. “A
beaded necklace for your thoughts,” Avery said leaning in towards me, dangling
an emerald green beaded necklace over his fingertip.

“I’m just taking it all in,” I
said, trying hard not to squirm under his stare. He lowered the necklace over
my head and let his hands brush over my shoulders. I shuddered under his touch.
His eyes danced as they took me in.

He lowered his head to my ear. I
could feel the heat of his body next to mine.

“I apologize if I offended you
this morning,” he breathed. I just stared up at him.

“You didn’t,” I answered.







was 5am when I tied up my running shoes, stretched, and followed a wide trail
into the woods behind the Kitten cabins. The trees brushed by me quickly as I
pushed myself to sprint the first mile. Then I backed off some and fell into my
usual pace, trying to unwind from the stress that this new place had brought
me. It was day four and I still hadn’t been able to relax enough to cum in
front of Colt and Sienna. At this point, I didn’t know if I ever would.

I distanced myself from my
thoughts and continued running another mile and a half to a clearing with a
large circle of neatly groomed orchids and woven ivy when I heard footsteps
coming toward me. My stomach knotted up as Avery approached from the other
direction. I waved politely as he passed by and circled back in the direction
that he originally came. He was surprised to see me at first then his delicious
lips curved up in that smile that made me weak in the knees. I almost stumbled
on another tree root as my thoughts filled with nothing but his chiseled body.
was usually a well-coordinated woman. Why was I going weak-kneed every time I
saw him?

I pushed myself harder and
looped around the trail that brought me back around heading in Avery’s
direction, trying hard not to think of his hungry eyes and the way he looked at
me last night at the Theme Party. I pushed on toward his direction but his
stride was too great, the thick forest already swallowed him up. I finished
another mile, which left me spent. I moved into a clearing and stopped for a
moment. I let my hands fall to my knees to catch my breath. Gracious hands
handed me a bottle of ice-cold water. I should have been startled but instead I
composed myself and stood upright. I took a swig as Avery studied me. I ran my
arm across my brow to wipe the sweat away and tried to slow my breathing so I
could speak.

“Hi,” was all I could manage to
say. He chuckled as I regained my breathing. “Thanks for the water.”

“You’re welcome, Aria.” His
voice was like a red velvet cake dipped in delicious chocolate. I stared up at
him, speechless. “You better walk with me before you cramp up. That was a
pretty hard run. Working out some issues? I always find running helps me clear
my head. How about you?”

I realized I was holding my
breath and let out a huge sigh. “Always.”

“You never turn your mind off
for a second, do you?” he teased, walking toward the direction of a large cabin
laid with tall windows and ornately carved doors. I followed behind him and frowned
knowing that was true.

He glanced at me sideways. “Sorry,
I didn’t mean to pry.”

“No, you’re right. I’m working
some things out. Running helps me think. I can just shut out the world, only
concentrating on my feet hitting the ground.”

I studied him. He was wearing
black running shorts that rested just above his knees and no shirt. I looked at
his chest and suddenly I couldn’t form a thought. I walked beside him in
silence as we approached a cabin. He looked over at me.

“You are sworn to secrecy from
this moment on. What I am about to show you could potentially wreck havoc if
you mutter a single word of it to anyone at camp. I mean it. Don’t get drunk
and blab my secrets to everyone. Okay?” he said.

“You don’t trust too many people
do you? Why is that?” I asked.

“I’ve been burned before, that’s
all I’m going to say.” He stopped to wait for my response.

How cliché.
“I will not
tell a soul. I promise.” I wanted to tell him he could trust me. But for some
reason I didn’t think it would matter. Avery had been hurt. That much was true.
But seeing the vulnerability in his eyes, I realized it had to be brutal.
it was just women, in general, that he didn’t trust.
My heart ached to help
heal him.

Avery escorted me into his very
large two-story timber frame cabin that left me at a loss for words. It had
floor to ceiling windows. It had a wide-open floor plan with a touch of rustic
mixed with contemporary. It was decorated exactly like I would do it. The first
thing I noticed was the large fireplace in the living room inlaid with stone
from floor to ceiling. There was a large black leather L-shaped couch and
matching oversized chairs. We walked down the hall and he showed me two spare
bedrooms fully furnished, his office, a game room with a pool table, dartboard,
foosball, large monitors for gaming, card table, and a fully stocked bar. My
eyes landed back to the pool table –
oh do I have thoughts about that
pool table – me naked on it, for starters.
My mind took me away to
the image of him kissing me everywhere and my face heated instantly. He cleared
his throat and headed toward the kitchen. The layout was very modern in here
also, the appliances were stainless steel but with a 1940’s retro style. So,
even though they looked and functioned in a very modern way they looked liked
they belonged in a very high-end hunting cabin. It was awesome.

“You like to cook?” I inquired.

Avery smiled softly. “When I
have time. Yes. It’s a passion of mine.”

To the right of that was the
dining room – all of it was an open floor plan decorated in dark walnut.
We stepped to the large spiral staircase that matched the exposed beams of the
cabin and moved onto the balcony. We passed the laundry room on the way down
the hall. He opened two black double doors and I followed him into a large
bedroom. I swallowed nervously and waited near the doorway. I glanced around
his enormous room and took in his king-sized, elevated platform bed in the
center. A large flat screen was on a nearby wall.
A true bachelor’s dream.
What enamored me more was the breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding

“My room,” he breathed. I looked
to see his chest rise and fall quickly and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms
around him and calm his anxiety. He looked lost for a moment then turned toward
his long walk-in closet. I stepped into the adjoining bathroom with French
doors and I melted on the spot. Lavish garden tub, dual sinks, open shower with
dual showerheads. Control panel on the wall for temperature control. I peered
upward to see skylights above me. He had this designed so nature was all around
us. It really brought the outdoors inside.

Avery stepped into the doorway
and pulled on a plain grey t-shirt and I stepped back into the bedroom,
thinking he needed a moment. A warm hand embraced mine and pulled me backwards.
He stepped in front of me. I looked up at him. Suddenly, I couldn’t imagine
being anywhere else in the world. He lowered his face to mine. He brushed his
hand over my reddened cheek and studied my face. His eyes lingered on my lips
and I was begging for him to kiss me. His breathing was fast like mine. I was
certain he could hear my heart pounding in my chest.
God, I wanted him. I
had never wanted anything more in my life.
But he stepped away and
whispered, “I’m sorry. I keep touching you without your permission. I apologize
for that.” My hope crashed down around me.

“Anytime you want,” I blurted
out the words before I could stop myself. “I mean you have my permission
anytime you want it…I mean…uh…never mind…I mean you don’t have to
ask…umm…apology accepted,” I said, nodding my head his way.
Ugh, I’m such a
dumbass. Get it together girl. I’m so lame…so lame
. Then I smiled a very
fake wide smile toward him and cocked my head slightly to the side. Apparently,
my super cuteness worked because Avery didn’t answer but just flashed his megawatt
smile and took my hand.

“Have breakfast with me,” he

“I’d love to.”

I tried to hide the frown that
had replaced my shit-eating grin as he let go of my hand and stepped to the
intercom. He pushed the button and spoke into it. “Daniel, there will two for
breakfast and I’ll take it lagoon side.”

A deep voice acknowledged
Avery’s request and we walked through the tall glass windows to his back deck
and down the large staircase. The sun was just rising over the horizon and
bathing everything in its golden glory.

We passed the in-ground pool but
we didn’t stop at the pool’s edge. He continued through the yard down a narrow
path that led to a small lagoon at the base of a mountain. I heard the roar of
gushing water as we approached.

“Look there,” he leaned into me
and I breathed in the smell of Avery’s cologne mixed with sweat. My heart
skipped a beat as I stepped through the wooded forest and stood before a most
beautiful sight. I was surrounded by nothing except nature, trees, sunlight,
and a breathtaking narrow waterfall. Time stood still as I felt encased in all
of nature’s beauty. I looked up at the sky past the thick maple trees that hid us
from the rest of the world.

Avery pulled out a chair at the
small rustic iron table and I sat down on a plush cushion. “What do you see?”
he asked, scanning the forest landscaping.

I wanted to say,
the sexiest
man I had ever known,
but I didn’t. I took a moment to look around at the
vivid, magnificent scenery that only the Allegheny Mountains had to offer. I
noted the vast wall of wild orchids next to us at the breakfast nook. Next to
it was a queen sized outdoor mattress encompassed in wild orchids. A calming
peace fell upon me and suddenly I knew there was no other place I’d rather be.
My heart ached with wanting. I wanted to spend every minute here with him. I
wanted to be the one that made him happy, to make him smile, to make him laugh.
I wanted to be the one that touched not just his heart, but also his soul. I
barely knew him, yet I never felt more at home before.

“Home,” I said, wishing I
hadn’t. My eyes flashed to Avery’s as he sucked in a breath. His eyes lit up
then a soft smile spread over his lips.
What the hell was wrong with me?
The man hadn’t even kissed me yet. He seemed like he wanted to when we were
standing in his bedroom but I could tell he was scared. That much I could see
in his eyes. I wondered then –
did he always hide this side of himself
from the world. Why was he showing me?
This was the most romantic place I’d
ever been and I was here with Avery.
What more could a girl want?

I was thankful when a short bald
man stepped up to the table with a heaping tray. He set down two ice waters,
two orange juices and two covered platters.

“Thank you, Daniel. This looks
great,” Avery said taking off his lid to his breakfast. Daniel lifted the lid
of my platter and set it to the edge of the table.

“Enjoy, Miss…?”

“Aria,” I said. 
course…Miss Aria…Sir.” Daniel flashed a look toward Avery and nodded then
turned away. I’m sure he didn’t approve of me. I blinked and tried to take in
the lavish breakfast that he served to me as Avery sat across from me just out
of reach. The stack of French toast was drizzled in strawberries and syrup, and
on the side was crisp bacon. I tried to hide my squeal of delight but it was
written all over my face. I glanced up to see Avery grinning at me as I dug in.
I took a bite.
Jesus, the syrup was warm.
I moaned in delight.

Avery stopped mid chew and
locked his eyes on mine. His gaze was interrupted as his eyes drifted to the
right and I followed his gaze to a radiant blue and black monarch butterfly. A
warm feeling fell over me thinking of his words bedside the lake the first time
I met him –
a beautiful butterfly, and she has me hypnotized.

We watched it hover directly
over us then it landed on the dome plate cover. Its wings pulsed for a moment.

His eyes softened as he looked
at me. “Beautiful butterfly,” he breathed. I smiled nervously. We drew our
attention back to the butterfly now stilled. It waved its wings then rose up
and fluttered away. Our eyes never left it until it faded into the blue sky.

“Is any of this real?” I
chuckled nervously. I could feel Avery’s eyes on me as I ran my hand over the
soft petals of white and fuscia that rested in the vase at the center of the
table. “Wild Orchids. Don’t tell me you love gardening also?” I said.

“Some secrets even I will never
tell,” he teased.

“So, tell me a secret Avery,” I
said looking into his green eyes.

He blinked and I could see him
trying to hide his surprise. “I already gave you one. Well, two actually,” his
eyes sparkled. His look would haunt me for a long time. I wrinkled my eyebrow
at him in confusion. He looked around at his paradise. “Where I live inside my
camp is one and the camp itself is number two. You should come horseback riding
sometime. It’s wonderful riding through the mountain trails.” He was trying to
change the subject.

“Fair enough. Tell me something
else I don’t know,” I said chewing another bite of French toast.

“I was an architecture major.
Still working on it, actually,” he said taking another bite. “Your turn,” he
said looking at me with hope in his eyes.

“You don’t like to talk about
yourself, do you?” I asked.

“Look who’s talking,” Avery said
with a wolfish grin. 
I narrowed my eyes at him as I took a few more
bites then set my fork down. I couldn’t eat anymore. I was too nervous.
Avery. Have it your way.

“My favorite meal is steak. My
favorite sport to play is gymnastics although volleyball is a close second. My
favorite sport to watch is football. I think basketball is boring. I love
running, hiking, and riding four-wheelers. I love to dance. I drink beer really
fast when I’m nervous, I like wine when I want to be social, and I have found
that whiskey is becoming my new spinach. Sorry, I know, I just used a Popeye
reference. I can’t help it; my dad loved the classics, Popeye, Road Runner,
Bugs Bunny and The Three Stooges. My first pet was a kitten named Knuckles.”
Avery’s eyes lit up in humor. I shrugged. “I was five. Anyways, I love the
sound of an acoustic guitar. My favorite band is Three Miles Out,” I rambled
nervously, trying to keep to a general topic. He was right. I didn’t like to
talk in depth about myself. It was easier when I didn’t. People couldn’t judge
me. “My favorite actors in order from oldest to youngest are Morgan Freeman,
Liam Neeson, Vin Diesel, Anne Hathaway, & Mila Kunis. I have both read and
seen Pride & Prejudice more times than I can count, and I’m secretly in
love with Mr. Darcy, and I’m a nursing student. I love medicine. But my true
passion is to someday write a novel. Your turn,” I said all breathy.

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