Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (15 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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night came quickly. I kept mostly to myself yesterday preferring to blow off
the day’s activities. But Sara would not let me skip tonight’s theme party.
Sara and I entered the Jameson Main Lodge. I wore my black hot pants, a black
rhinestone leather corset with a sweetheart neckline, and little black lace
panties with leather platform knee boots. I really wasn’t ready to face such a
massive room full of people, but Sara forced me here.

Tonight’s party theme was
Leather and Lace. As we got comfortable, I left Sara to go to the bar for a
shot. I ordered my usual, a double. I scanned the crowd and realized everyone
was here. Forty Kittens and forty Cubs with thirty instructors and the handsome
Avery Jameson all crammed into the same room.
What could be worse?

“Isn’t that the girl that was
peeing in the courtyard?” A woman in an uptight bun said to her friend.
that. My night just got worse.

I almost let the comment get to
me but I finally found my bearings, calmed down and headed to the ladies’ room.
I quickly closed the door behind me and leaned my back against the wall. I
rubbed my eyes, trying to block out my inner thoughts. I stopped mid-rub,
remembering the inch of make-up that Sara had applied. I looked at my hands and
I was thankful nothing rubbed off. I stepped to the mirror to check my makeup.

Caitlyn wobbled in wearing an
irritated expression. She quickly replaced her scrunched up brow with a fake
smile. I tweaked my eyeliner, running my finger under my eye to remove a light
smudge, as Caitlyn took narrowed unstable steps toward the sink.

We exchanged brief
acknowledgements. I kept expecting her to gloat for being clever enough to
expose my peeing habits to the whole camp but she was definitely preoccupied.
So, after finishing, I decided to head to the bar. I found a different
bartender, in case the other one was counting my drinks. We’re not suppose to
get too drunk… ‘Inability to perform if in a drunken state, blah, blah, blah,’
Avery said. I ordered whiskey because I needed something with a little more
edge and a little more pain, plus it numbed my mind. I liked it.
They weren’t counting. Maybe Colt said something to them.

In a short time, I’ve had three
shots on an empty stomach. I was pretty sure that I was swaying in my boots.

Avery’s voice resonated through
the room, welcoming everyone, and I quickly asked the bartender for another
shot, trying to block out his voice and the constant whispering around me.

“Tonight we’ll be having the
first qualifying rounds of the pole dancing competition. Second round will not
be held next Wednesday as it’s the Fourth of July Masquerade Ball but
qualifying will resume next Saturday. The other judges and I will choose three
Kittens each night to advance to the semifinals. Top six advance to the finals
that will be held during the Camp Olympics. Remember, the winner of the
Olympics gets an all expense paid trip to Hawaii. So good luck, Kittens,” Avery

“There you are. I wondered where
you disappeared to.” Sara studied my face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just getting drunk
is all.”
I quickly snuffed out my relentless subconscious.

She narrowed her eyes at me and
frowned. “You need food.”

I didn’t have the strength to
argue so I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Okay.” I downed another shot then
followed Sara to our table. We joined Travis, Maya, Sienna, Sean, Colt and
Pierce. Colt quickly introduced Sara and me to another instructor named Kara.

Everyone settled into idle chat and
dinner was served. I munched on my roll and enjoyed my buzz.

“You better sober up some,” Sara
said handing me the roster for the pole-dancing contest. “You’re on the list to
dance tonight. I’m counting on you to win this.”
What a fucking buzz kill.
I took the paper from her and glanced down at it. I was last.

“Are you serious?” I asked.
much for getting drunk tonight.

“Once you’re up there dancing no
one’s going to remember you’re the girl who peed. Well, they might remember,
but they won’t care because they’ll be so turned on. That is if you do a good
job,” Sara said.

“Fine.” I scanned the crowd and
took in the sea of black leather and lace. The women were magnificent. Each
outfit was different. There were so many variations of each one pressed firmly
against their skin
I noticed that it was mainly the women who dressed
up for the Theme Parties. The men as usual, wore dress pants and button up

By the time dinner arrived, my
mouth was watering for the chicken and veggies I ordered, or Sara ordered, I
wasn’t quite sure. I giggled to myself because this was the first time I could
honestly say I didn’t have the answer to such a simple question, and I didn’t

After dinner, the chatter of the
room escalated. I sipped on my beer when the DJ’s voice rang out into the
microphone. “Judges, please report to the judging table.”

Colt, Sienna, Travis, and Maya
stood and went to the judge’s table to join Avery.

“Kennedy Myers, please report to
the DJ booth,” the DJ’s voice added, then a Three Miles Out song ‘Comfort Zone’
broke the silence of the room.

Kennedy sashayed up to the booth
in her killer black leather knee boots and emerald green lacy panties. More
than one set of eyes were on her as she smiled and leaned over to give her song
request to the DJ. She had poker straight medium length blonde hair. Her
platform boots made her 5’4” frame appear taller. Her sun-kissed skin glowed as
she stepped up onto the stage into the dancing lights. The song changed to a
dance beat as she braced the pole. Now all eyes in the room were on her. The
room had never been more full.
Was everyone going to watch?

Kennedy sauntered around the
pole, dipped down and shook her ass. She lit up the stage with her megawatt
smile and her seductive moves. Her rhythm was flawless. She was confident in
her technique and as she finished the ‘Cleopatra’ and ‘Daphne’ moves the crowd
applauded loudly. Then it was Caitlyn’s turn.

Sara leaned over into my ear and
whispered, “Did you know that I am a whole shoe size smaller than Caitlyn.” I
looked at her curiously. “Bet she can’t for the life of her figure out why
suddenly her shoes don’t fit.”

My mouth fell open and I
couldn’t stop the laughter that burst out of me. Caitlyn very clumsily took the
stage like a new baby calf learning to walk just after its birth. Caitlyn
glared in our direction as I quickly tried to muffle my laughter. Now it all
made sense. Sara’s plan was brilliant.

Caitlyn was awkward and very
unsteady. Her legs were knocking as she wobbled, trying to steady herself by
gripping the pole as the music began to play.

Caitlyn was shaky as she slipped
and stumbled, trying to keep her balance and kick off the ground with momentum.
She tried to kick her legs upward but had no strength as she barely got her
legs over her head to meet the pole but then she drifted downward until she
knocked her head on the floor. The couple at the table next to us nearly spit
out their drinks as Caitlyn slid downward. She was floundering on moves that
she had done so well before in class.

Giggles started near the back of
the room and crept forward, spreading like a sage brush fire in a dry forest.
Her flopping was beyond any amount of description. Sweat clung to her skin and
nervousness ground into her eyes as I could tell she had no idea why her shoes
didn’t fit anymore. The harder she tried, the more frustrated and confused she
got. She had little control over her steps.

She bounced higher on the pole
and slid downward but when her feet hit the floor they wobbled and gave out and
she crumpled downward like a poorly built house of cards. Booing replaced the
laughter as it began to echo through the crowd as someone yelled ‘get off the

Finally, to end her agony, the
DJ cut the song and Caitlyn was forced off the stage.

A small part of me felt bad for
her, but then there was the larger part that truly felt that she deserved
everything she got.

Lucy went next and her moves
were seductive and strong, as she teased the pole between her legs.

The night continued on as the
next contestant, Amber, was called to the stage. I took off my hotpants and
then readjusted my leather corset and smoothed my panties as I waited for my
name to be called. I could see Sean watching me out of the corner of his eye.
So was Sara.
Ahh hell, the whole room had just watched me undress.

They all smiled to each other
like they shared in a secret that I did not.
Why were they all staring at

I quickly pulled my hair into a
loose ponytail and refocused on the stage. I shifted nervously in my seat,
waiting for my name to be called.
Of course I was last

I could feel my conviction
falter after I stopped at the DJ booth to request my song. I made my way to the
pole center stage in my five-inch high knee boots with front laces and centered
myself in front of the pole.
The pole is not the main attraction, I am,
told myself.

I spread my legs wide and raised
my arms above my head, grasping the pole behind me, and waited to begin. The
lights were blinding. I squinted to see all in attendance. I could see movement
out of the corner of my eye and Colt talking to the guy at the sound booth. The
lights in the audience went out and the only table I could see was the judges
table bathed in a soft white light. I gave Colt a grateful smile as he sat down
at the judge’s table. Sara stood behind him, beaming with a proud smile.

The judges, who were Colt,
Sienna, Travis, and Maya sat with Avery who was dressed in a black button-up
pinstripe dress shirt, black pants, and a black two-button vest. I wanted to
breathe him in. I thought of his sweet cologne mixed with sweat and my mouth
was watering. I didn’t know why, but I wanted to do this for him. 
closed my eyes and let my thoughts take me back to this first week of camp at
how shy and timid I had been. I knew, because of the alcohol, I was more relaxed
but my thoughts were fuzzy and at the same time it had also given me courage. I
could let go and embrace some of my sexuality. I could do this.

The music began and loud guitars
ripped through the loud speaker as ‘Something In The Water’ played from Three
Miles Out. It was one of my favorite dance songs. I remembered what Sienna told
me, ‘find your focus in the crowd.’ My eyes locked on Avery and I knew what I
had to do.
Don’t think, just feel the music.

I saw him lean back in his seat
and drape his arm over the back of his chair and spread his legs wider under
the table. He ran his fingers over his bottom lip and a slow seductive grin
followed. My smile widened in return and now I was ready to do this for him,
only him.

A few beats into the music and my
hips started swaying. I pressed my buttocks back against the pole and rubbed it
back and forth to the music. I lowered myself to the floor with my legs
together and my hands trailed down the pole. I let go of the pole and slid my
hands down my legs to my knees and pushed my legs apart. I stroked my thighs,
my sex, and moved up my flat stomach and over my breasts. I reached for the
elastic band in my hair and let my hair cascade down my shoulders. I rotated my
hips into a bucking motion and rose to my feet. All the while, my eyes were
locked on Avery’s and his were locked on mine. Suddenly, I was only dancing for

I rounded the pole and circled
to build up momentum. I spun around with my leg curled around it like Sienna
had showed me. I planted my feet on the floor then dipped down and back up.

I paced around the pole and
turned my ass toward the audience. I bent over and rubbed my hands across my
buttocks slowly, holding it there for Avery to see.

I stood and sucked in a deep
breath and built up momentum again. With my upper body strength, I lifted
myself up mid-spin and wrapped my legs tightly around the pole, then climbed to
the top of the pole. I kicked my legs up to the space above me and squeezed my
thighs. I gripped the pole between my legs and held myself out horizontal,
holding my arms outright like a beautiful swan. Then, I bent at my waist,
gripping the pole in my hands, and arched my back, swinging my legs around
gaining force to ascend once more to the top of the pole. I kicked my legs upward
then spun my feet around into the pole, pushing my body outward as I flipped
and dismounted.

I kicked into a helicopter and
twisted until my back landed flat against the pole and reached my arms back to
find the pole above my head. I let my hands skim the pole as I bent my knees
and sank to the floor. I arched my back, showing off my breasts, and held the
pose as the song ended while I bit my lip seductively.

Everyone cheered as the lights
of the Jameson Main Lodge turned back on. I looked at Avery one last time and
smirked. The heated look in his eyes only fueled my desire. I saw Colt and
Sienna flash a look to each other, then Avery. Their eyebrows were raised in
surprise. I took in a shaky breath and stepped to the stairs. Familiar arms
swooped around me, picked me up, and spun me around.

“That was fucking hot as sin,”
Sara gushed. I beamed at her, completely blown away that I could even do that.
I just went with the moment and that is where it took me. “You’re no longer
that girl who peed in the courtyard, you just blossomed into a sexy-ass Kitten
and made every guy in this room want to get in your panties.”

“Thanks for reminding me,” I

“Let’s hear it for the
contestants,” Avery’s voice echoed out into the Main Lodge. When the applause
died down he continued.

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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