Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (10 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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As I ventured farther down the
hallway, I could hear the moans of ecstasy coming from behind closed doors. It
was early and people were already in their bliss. I stepped into the main room
and a server fluttered by with a tray of shots. I wondered if it would be okay
to take one. A place like this wouldn’t put up with someone drugging someone
else’s drink. Just as I was lost in thought, a man in his mid thirties
introduced himself as Braden and asked me to join him in a room. I declined him
as well even though he was cute. What had happened with Jim and Tara sobered me
up and I really needed to fix that.

Everyone seemed to be chatting
amongst themselves and I almost felt like an outsider until I approached the
table and Maya smiled warmly up at me. I settled back into my chair and
breathed a sigh of relief. I had just walked around the whole place in my high
heels, drunk, and didn’t stumble.
Maybe I was getting the hang of this.

I had spent most of the night
watching women undress without shyness of any kind in order to get the most
Is this what Mardi Gras was going to be like?
Women wanted to take
their clothes off for a few beads. I’m sure I looked like a deer in headlights
most of the night.

“Playtime,” Sean announced. My
eyes widened as Sean brought out a pair of red oversized dice and rolled them
on the table in front of us. Each side of the dice had a sexual favor printed
on it. He smiled happily at Sienna. Sean had wavy dirty blonde hair, hazel
eyes, broad shoulders, and a swimmer’s physique. He looked amazing in his white
button up dress shirt, vest, and black dress pants. I was sharply pulled from
my people watching when he spoke to Sienna.

“Lap dance, gorgeous.” Sean
stood and turned his chair so that it was facing away from the table. A techno
song rang out in the background and Sienna was more than happy to seduce him. I
watched as Sienna stepped out in front of him and moved her body to the beat of
the music. His eyes never left her body as she strutted her stuff. She turned
her back to him and lowered her head so that her behind was forced in the air.
She skimmed her hand over the crack of her buttocks and slid it up over her
sex. Then she turned and faced him, letting her leg fall over him, but never
touching him. Her breasts hovered close to him, just inches away from his face.
She cupped her breasts and teased him with her eyes, never breaking eye

I sat mesmerized by her grace
and beauty. Those nearby stopped to take in the view. Colt draped his arm
around Sara and she stroked his leg suggestively while they watched Sienna. The
beat of the music only seemed to amplify her movements. She narrowed her hips
over Sean’s lap then continued to pulse and tease him. Just as she was about to
touch him, she’d move away. His breathing had changed now. His chest heaved up
and down and I could see his hand itching to touch her. One second later his
hands wrapped firmly around her hips and he pulled her down on his lap and
forced her mouth open with his tongue. He growled as she deepened the kiss. He
stood abruptly, lifting her with him, and they soon disappeared down the hall
to a private room. I swallowed nervously and looked around the room.
All of
it was turning me on.

By midnight, Sienna joined Sara
and I on the dance floor. Sara and Sienna were both topless and each had a neck
full of beads. I watched as many of the Cubs that passed by sucked on their
nipples. They were half-naked and very relaxed about it. This wasn’t their
first time doing this. I had no idea this kind of world even existed. I was in
a room filled with men and women getting naked like it was an everyday
occurrence. Maybe for them it was.
I didn’t know.

As we danced, Both Sienna and
Sara took turns grinding on me, often with me in the middle of both of them as
Sean and Colt watched from their seats. The girls took turns teasing them by
caressing me. I could feel their hands caressing over my butt cheeks and up
around my waist. Sara turned me towards her and Sienna pressed light kisses on
my neck. Then she and Sienna lifted the sides of my mini dress and raised it
upwards as Colt and Sean cheered along with several other men. I simply raised
my arms upward and allowed them, against my better judgment, to slip it over my
head. I danced in my black satin bra and panties and black-chained garter belt
and I still felt overdressed
. Christ, I was overdressed.

Both girls took turns dirty
dancing with me. They planted light kisses all over my body and we danced all
night amongst half-naked men and women grinding and gyrating to the loud music.
Sara and Sienna would break away for a moment to kiss and fondle each other. I
was in a state of disbelief as their tongues wove into each other’s mouths.
was pretty hot.
I could tell I was right by the continued cheers from the
guys at our table
Still, I was doing my best to maintain composure.

Sara grabbed my hand, and Sienna
my waist, and both girls escorted me off the dance floor and into the hallway.
Colt kept feeding me beers all night and I was past slurring my words by this
time, as I tried to form a complete thought and ask them where we were headed.
They took me into room number ten. Sara walked me in and lowered me onto the
king size bed. It was so comfortable I just wanted to close my eyes and go to
sleep. Sienna closed the door most of the way but left it cracked slightly,
probably figuring Colt and Sean would join us soon.

My head fogged over with alcohol
as I lie there looking up at the ceiling in a daze. Sara and Sienna started
massaging me, rubbing their hands over my tummy and down my smooth legs and
then back up. All I could do was moan from their caresses as my head turned
from side to side. Sara’s hand rubbed over my breasts and pinched my nipples
lightly. I moaned slightly louder. Sienna must have noticed my approval and
started kissing up my arms as I reached out and touched her thigh. Sara lowered
her head and kissed lightly by my ear. I moaned even louder but refused to open
my now closed eyes.

Their hands were all over me
when Sara reached my mouth with hers. I accepted her tongue into my mouth and
lavished it. Sienna moved upward as she kissed my arm and neck and then when
Sara moved off my lips, Sienna placed her mouth over mine and then deepened the
kiss with her tongue. I reached up with my hand, grasped onto the back of
Sienna’s head, and pulled her head tighter with mine. I lifted up as Sara
released my bra and moved her mouth over my right breast. I moaned into
Sienna’s mouth then both girls switched places and Sara was the one kissing me
again while Sienna moved lower to kiss my left breast. My hips started gyrating
back and forth, as Sara slipped her hand down into my panties and let her
fingers slip inside me. I moaned deeper into Sara’s mouth. I couldn’t believe
how easily I was letting this happen. But I think I wanted it, at least with
the room spinning I was able to determine that. I wanted so badly just to give
in and let go. The alcohol made it so much easier to quiet my thoughts and
accept the pleasure they were giving me.

Sienna continued caressing me
and sucking my nipples, Sara’s fingers were magical. They worked in and out of
me, coaxing me nearer to the orgasm I so desperately needed. Until now, I
didn’t know how much I needed it, but I wanted it badly, so very badly. The
room was spinning as pleasure rolled over me. Sienna and Sara both grabbed the
sides of my panties and coaxed them down my legs, sliding them slowly over my
thighs teasing me, then down my calves. It was agony and pleasure at the same
time. I lifted my legs together and they slipped them off me. Both girls spread
my legs as Sienna’s fingers now entered me. Sara started moving her mouth lower
from my lips, to my chin, and around my neck, then over my breasts. She started
going lower and lower over my belly. My hips were responding to Sienna’s
fingers intently as the anticipation of where Sara was going intensified. She
kissed lower and still lower. I had never been kissed down there by any man or
Oh God.
Sienna’s fingers were equally as magical as Sara’s was.

Sara removed Sienna’s fingers
from me as her kisses neared my pelvic bone. I rolled my eyes back in my head,
waiting for release and ecstasy when the door suddenly opened and in walked Jim
dragging Tara by the hand. His tiny cock was hard and thrusting upwards against
that soccer ball of a belly. He started telling Tara to get on the bed to join
us. Then he said he was going to fuck each one of us until we screamed.
he got his screams all right
. Both Sara and Sienna angrily yelled for them
to get out. Tara looked mortified.

“Why did you leave the door open
then? Come on. Let’s have a party. I want to fuck you dumb broads!” Jim said.

I snapped back to reality and
grabbed my bra, panties, and minders that lay next to us on the bed and ran out
of the room into the adjoining bathroom. Although the room was spinning, I knew
I wasn’t ready for any of this. I closed the door behind me and could hear
yelling from the other side as Sienna ordered them out and threatened to report
him if he barged into anyone else’s room like that. I heard the outer door
slam, as I got dressed.

Sara knocked on the door and
asked, “Aria, are you okay?”

I leaned against the door on the
opposite side and gathered my thoughts. After I composed myself, I opened the door
and stepped into the room.

“I don’t think I’m ready for
this yet.” She hugged me, followed by Sienna, saying they both understood. I
was so confused by my feelings and the alcohol made it harder to figure this
out. But I knew I was embarrassed at my reaction.

“Honey, when you’re ready you’ll
know,” Sara said. She and Sienna just held me and smiled.

“You guys aren’t mad at me are
you?” I asked somewhat sheepishly. Sara simply hugged me again and both girls
grabbed me by the hand and escorted me out into the main ballroom.

“Let’s get a drink, honey. We’ll
continue when you’re ready. Just know that we both love you,” Sara said
referring to her and Sienna. She was right. I knew they’d take care of me,
in more ways than one,
I thought.

This time we headed over towards
the bar. The room had stopped spinning by this time. I was happy to have Sara
in my life. My breathing had only very recently returned back to normal. My
eyes scanned the room and found Avery. We were heading right towards him. He
was leaning against the bar, engrossed in a conversation with Travis. A group
of gorgeous women surrounded him. Many were topless with handfuls of beads
around their necks. Others were hanging on every word he said. He didn’t seem
to be paying any attention to the array of naked bodies that was within reach.
Maybe Sara was right, he had no intentions of really getting to know the women.
We were just an accessory.

I studied him from a distance.
He had his sport coat and tie off, his shirt was unbuttoned halfway, and his
sleeves were rolled up. He held a beer in his left hand and threw his head back
in laughter at something Travis said. “Oh,” was all I could say. A slow grin
spread across my lips.
God, he was beautiful when he smiled.
I wished
that I could hear his laugh but we were too far away and the music was pulsing
loudly. My head was definitely starting to spin.

“Shots!” Sienna called out.
no more shots,
I thought. I followed in tow behind them as we made our way
to the bar. We were fast approaching Travis and Avery.
Just Perfect,
thought. I stood at Sara’s flank as Sienna ordered us a round of shots.

“You’re wearing too many
clothes, Kitten,” Travis smirked at me.
If you only knew what just happened.
I shrugged and stepped to the far side of Sienna. We all downed our shots
and I was glad to have my buzz back.

“She’s just getting warmed up,
aren’t ya Aria?” Sienna winked. I smiled and nodded but deep down I felt like a
prude. I was trying to wrap my head around all of this.

“Sweet Jesus,” a voice rippled
toward me. I glanced up to see him eyeing me from head to toe…twice. “You are
exquisite, Kitten. What’s your name?” he asked.

I introduced myself and studied
him. He was a younger version of Avery but he had blue eyes. Colt snuck up
behind Sara and planted a soft kiss behind her ear. I watched as her eyes
filled with love and I was instantly jealous.

“Down boy,” Colt said. “Sara,
Aria, I’d like you to meet Pierce, Avery’s brother.” His eyes devoured me and I
unconsciously took a step back. He wasn’t as reserved as Avery.

Maya approached Travis and
wrapped her arms around his chest and slipped her hands into his half
unbuttoned shirt. She was topless too, with a neck full of beads. She’d been

Sean came up behind Sienna and
lifted her onto the bar. She let out a squeal of delight and laid back. The
bartender poured her a shot and Sienna held it in her breast. Sean moaned and
rolled his eyes back in his head as Sienna poured salt over her nipples.

“God, woman, you’re beautiful,
and all mine,” Sean growled in delight, licking the salt off of her breasts. He
let his mouth fall around the shot glass and tipped his head back, letting the
liquid fall back in his throat. He pulled the glass from his mouth while Sienna
held the lime in between her teeth. Sean ran his tongue between her breasts
then her neck then let his mouth fall over hers. I fidgeted nervously and
watched as all the couples, half-naked women, and Avery huddled near the bar,
grinning at the seductive scene in front of them.

Sean helped Sienna off the bar
and my new crowd of friends fell into small talk about their classes. I had
done my second shot in the last fifteen minutes and set it down when my eyes
flashed to Avery as he laughed at Colt’s joke. My mouth curved up into a smile.
I had gotten my wish.

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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