Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (16 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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“I will take the top three
highest scores from tonight and next Saturday and those six will proceed to the
semifinals. Here are the results. Third place goes to Amber Bensen.” The crowd
cheered and whistled.

“Second place goes to Kennedy Myers.”
The crowd grew louder.

“And first place goes to…
Arabella Mason.”

They went nuts and cheered
wonderfully as their applause rang so loud it hurt my ears. I just grinned and
waved at everyone as hands appeared from all sides congratulating me and hugging
me. Avery smiled widely.

“Great job, Kittens. Enjoy the
rest of your night, folks,” he announced, and then stepped off the stage and
swung his arms around a tall blonde and then a brunette and brought them into
his sides.

I frowned as they disappeared down
the hall toward a room. Sara elbowed me in the ribs and I tried to hide my
disappointment as she nodded toward Caitlyn. She had kicked her shoes off and
was rubbing her feet with sullen anger on her face.
Revenge was sweet.
Especially, when it came in the form of giant blisters.















Week Two:







morning breakfast was quick today as I actually looked forward to class. I
still felt proud about my win Saturday night and hoped that today’s lesson
would allow me to relax. I secretly hoped it would be sensual massage. They
never told us in advance what each morning’s lesson would be. They said it
would heighten our senses and excitement. It usually worked.

As I entered the cabin I greeted
the five other girls in my class as I took a seat on the floor. The carpet was
thick and plush in this room with pillows strewn all over and padded posts
spaced evenly around the room. This room was definitely made to be comfortable.
We were gathered in a semicircle as Colt stepped in front of us.

“Today class will be a mixture
of masturbation and toys,” Colt said.
Bummer, I wanted a massage.

“Sienna and I are going to mix a
few techniques to bring you the most pleasure. I’ll have you start with some
deep breathing exercises to help you relax.” Sienna lowered the lights and lit
a few candles. “Take off your panties and lay back and make yourself
comfortable. There is no one here but us. No distractions.”

I must be getting used to all
this because I simply obeyed and shimmied out of my panties. I laid back on the
thick plush floor covered with pillows, and closed my eyes. I let the vanilla
mixed with lavender scent fill my senses as I concentrated on my breathing.
Soft classical music filtered from the speakers around me. Colt knelt close to
me as Sienna instructed the others.

“In the past classes you’ve
found it hard to relax enough to climax. And I understand that it’s difficult
to do so when someone is watching and not sexually involved. So today, I want
to aid you in the final delivery by using a vibrator. I can assure you that if
you lay back and enjoy its pulsating rhythm that you will reach orgasm. Most
women can’t resist their charms,” Colt said to me. I smiled softly up at him as
he clicked on the wand.

“I want you to tease yourself
with it until you’re squirming in need then I’m going to take it from you and
push your body to its limits and ensure that you reach your climax.” I nodded,
obeying his every word. He could have asked me to punch an old man in the head
and I would have done it for him. I was nervous with anticipation. I felt my
insides clench in desire as I opened my legs for him. Colt had a way of dousing
me with his words and I was instantly squirming in need.

“Start by letting it massage
your clit softly and relentlessly,” Colt said. I closed my eyes then skimmed
the vibrator over my Helmut hide-a-way and let it work its magic. I gyrated my
pelvis into it and before I knew it, Colt took it from my hands and switched it
I opened by eyes to see why he stopped.

“Aria, I’m going to have you
lift your arms above your head. And then I’m going to put a pair of handcuffs
around each wrist and then restrain your hands to that post.”

I glanced over at the post that
lay a few feet from me and then quickly at him and saw Colt’s calm smiling face
looking back at me. I wasn’t sure about being restrained. Giving up control to
someone else can be overwhelming. Even if I did trust Colt more than anyone
else, except Sara, I wasn’t sure I could let go enough for restraints.

“I know you’ve never tried
anything like this, but I promise you, I won’t be doing anything other than
using the vibrating wand. Sienna’s soft touch will aid you in your relaxation.”

Sienna joined me on the floor
after giving the other girls their instructions. I gathered that I must be the
slow kid in this class judging from all the extra attention I was getting.

Colt continued, “These cuffs are
leather so they won’t be tight on your wrist. I want you to push your own
limits. Our goal is to bring you extreme pleasure at the same time we are
expanding your boundaries. So trust me when I say, we’d never hurt you.”

“I know,” I said nervously. I
held my arms out to the post as Colt clicked the handcuffs in place and I
watched with interest as his dexterous hands restrained my small wrists. I
shivered as he ran his fingers down the length of my arms. A small smile
splayed on his face as he took in the scene of me cuffed and at his mercy with
no panties on and my legs parted. His face darkened as his eyes roamed over my
body a second time.
It’s a good thing I shaved this morning.

“It’s not too tight, is it?” I
shook my head at Colt as he checked the leather handcuffs to make sure they
weren’t hurting me. “Good. Here’s your mask.”

“You never said anything about
being blindfolded?” I said, but the words fell on deaf ears as neither Colt nor
Sienna responded as I lifted my head and let him pull it over my eyes. His
hands were warm and I couldn’t wait for him to touch me. Something changed in
me this week. Maybe it was because I wanted to erase all the thoughts of
wanting Avery or maybe it was because over the last week Colt had been the one
constantly turning me on, but I was starting to crave it.

I could hear Colt switch on the
vibrating wand as I closed my eyes. After a moment, I felt it touch my
shoulders. It had a warming setting and my body relaxed into it. He ran it
between my breasts and down my belly. He stroked it around my navel and down my
hips. He traced the line of my legs to my feet then ran it up my inner thighs.

As I lay there blindfolded, with
the music playing, I could feel my breathing pick up and I could hear Sienna’s
getting heavier. I wondered if this was getting to her like it was getting to

Colt teased me with the same
sensual strokes until my hips squirmed with desire for what he brought next. I
heard the wand click and he sped up the intensity and let it rest against my
silk funnel. I moaned in pleasure as the oscillations coursed through me. My
sweet briar grew moist instantly and I tilted my pelvis deeper into it.

“That’s right, Aria, feel it,”
Colt said in a low voice. I heard Sienna move forward then her tender touch
kneaded my arms in sensual strokes. I had spent the last eight days with her
and I was becoming very comfortable.

The sledgehammer combination of
Colt stroking my clit with the vibrator and Sienna’s soft touch, forced my body
to burn with intense desire. I loved their touch and I really loved how quickly
my body responded. I loved feeling seduced. I was really starting to enjoy the
dynamics of each class as I could hear the other girls moaning from their own
fingers as they watched my show before them. I was in darkness behind my mask.
This helped to amplify the sensations that my body was experiencing. I loved
the touch and the feel of hands all over me. Then I felt other hands on me,
more than just Sienna’s, At least two more sets of soft female hands followed
by another then another. They glided and caressed all over me.
God, it was
intense…so amazing….ahhh….it felt so good.

Colt trailed wet soft kisses on
my hips and across my navel. My body bowed off the floor and tugged on my cuffs
that anchored me to the post as it craved more. I moaned softly and felt my
legs tighten. The hands were all over me now. No place was sacred as they
explored every inch of my being.

Colt continued to rotate the
vibrator over my clit and someone slipped two fingers inside me.

“Aaah…” I moaned as the
intensity of so many touching and stroking my arms and chest, the vibrator
quaking over my kitty cage, and the fingers inside me, pushed me higher and
higher. Fingers dipped in and out of me slowly. I let my head fall back and pulsed
my hips in rhythm to them.

I knew by Sienna’s warm hands
that she pulled my bra down to expose my nipples and rolled them between her
God that felt amazing.
I had never had so much stimulation all
at once like this and my body was humming loudly.

With Sienna rubbing my nipples,
Colt pressing the vibrator over my clitoris, and the luscious rhythm of fingers
going in and out, tipped me over the edge. My body convulsed around their
fingers and just when I thought it was over; they didn’t stop. Colt replaced
the feminine fingers with his rougher masculine ones and rubbed his two fingers
against the front wall of my mystical fold and the orgasm intensified. My
breath took and the burning within my legs and sex got stronger, building me
higher and higher. My legs went numb and I could feel nothing except Sienna’s
fingers pulling at my nipples, the vibrator, and Colt’s fingers pushing me more
and more. My heart was pounding in my chest. My face felt heated, my ears
thumped to the beat of my heart then it hit me quickly like a giant wave. I
cried out in ecstasy as my mind spiraled out of control emblazoned by white
stars, my entire body burned with fire and convulsed beyond any orgasm I had
ever experienced, making all the others look like the tiny waves created by a
skipping pebble on a shallow pond.

My chest heaved as Colt let his
fingers slip in and out of me while the walls of my crimson palace shuddered
hard and I pushed the fire through my veins. I was tied to a post, and I loved
it. My best friend’s boyfriend coaxed me into the best orgasm of my life, so
far, because that is what she wanted, and I loved it. I was letting other women
touch me, and I loved it. I was breathless and speechless.

Sara was right; I could see what
drew her to this camp. This moment had surpassed everything I had ever known
and my body soared like I was flying.







I sat down at the lunch table, I thought about how it was the eighth day of
camp and how this lifestyle was starting to take hold of me. I was wondering if
everyone else was feeling the same kind of high that this place brought to me.
After my class with Colt and Sienna I could honestly say that my curiosity was
piqued. Sara gave me a warm smile and set her tray on the table and stood
beside me.

“Why are you not sitting?” I
asked, peering up at Sara.

Sara nibbled at her bite-sized
cut up cantaloupe. “My V…A...G. is S...O...R...E. I rode the Sybian this
morning in class. God, that thing was exquisite.”

“Ugh. Spare me the details,” I
rolled my eyes and took a bite of my grilled chicken sandwich.

Sara giggled. “I plan to win the
Sybian Rodeo. It’s one of the main events in the Camp Olympics.”

Colt kissed Sara softly on the
lips and lowered himself to the chair beside me. Before I could stop myself, I
wondered what it would be like to have Colt’s lips on me. Then I started to
really study them. The top lip was thinner than the bottom. He had just run his
tongue over them and they were still moist. I squeezed my legs together under
the table, fighting the craving that was blossoming between my legs and the
memory of what he did to my body this morning.

Colt raised an eyebrow at me and
said calmly, “Aria, what are you staring at?”

I lowered my head as I flushed
seven shades of scarlet and pushed a large bite of my sandwich into my mouth,
trying to find an excuse for drooling over him the way that I was. I finally
settled for an over-exaggerated shrug of my shoulders.

“Oh, no you don’t. You can’t
look at me like that and not tell me what you’re really thinking,” Colt urged.

“Fess up, Aria,” Sara said,
leaning over in my direction and resting her hands on the table. She kind of
stuck her butt out like she was trying to get her vagina some air.

I swallowed the large bite in my
mouth. “What am I, an open book?” I said, looking back to Colt.

“Not your mind, Aria. But your
body sure is,” he wiggled his eyebrows knowingly.

“You suck, you know that. Both
of you,” I replied. They both laughed.

“As you so eloquently shouted
the first night here at camp, spill it,” Colt pressed.

I looked to see Sara take a sip
of her iced tea and then she sat gingerly on the chair beside Colt.
She must
have gotten her V..A..G enough A..I..R.
I looked at Colt and before I knew
it, the words were tumbling out of my mouth.

“Okay, if you must know, I was
thinking dirty thoughts about your delicious lips.” 
Sara spurted tea all
over the table in front of her and choked on the small part that went down her
throat. Colt patted her back and let his eyes melt into me.

“That has to be the sexiest
thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth,” Colt said, leaning closer. “It’s
amazing what a week here has done for you.”

I shrugged nonchalantly back at
them and then went back to my sandwich while they stared wide-eyed at me like I
was a two-headed alien.

After noticing their stilled
gaze not leaving my presence I decided to continue, “So, I can’t help it if I
like what I see. What’s wrong with that?”

Colt let his head fall back in
laughter. Sara’s blue eyes lit up behind her long lashes.

“I think we’ve created a
monster, how about you Colt?” as they both laughed.

“Hmmh. Yum,” Colt replied. They
both looked at me with a hunger in their eyes and I squirmed nervously in my

“Stop it. You two are starting
to really freak me out.” Colt and Sara beamed and their laughter trailed off.
Sara’s face fell as her eyes fell on someone in the distance behind me.

“Don’t look now but crazy bitch
is glaring at you,” Sara said. I froze in my seat and forced myself to only
move my eyes to Sara.

“Who’s crazy bitch?” Travis
asked sitting down next to Colt with his lunch tray.

“Caitlyn,” Sara said, answering
Travis’s question. Travis shuddered then dug in to his pulled pork sandwich.
Sara’s eyes moved back to me. “She has been on a rampage since you won the pole
dancing contest. You are not her favorite person right now,” Sara said to me.

“It’s not like I had any control
over the judging,” I said, trying to keep my voice down as Maya, Sienna, and
Sean all joined us.

“True,” Sara agreed. Maya and
Travis were Sara’s instructors.
With all the couples sitting next to me, I
always felt like the odd man out.

I was pushing around a
bite-sized piece of watermelon when I heard the sound of Avery’s voice.
Everyone looked up at him. Avery had a way of commanding the entire room.

“Travis, are you able to sub a
Sybian class for Pierce? He’s not going to make it in today.”

“What time?” Travis asked.

“Two o’clock,” Avery replied.

“Sure,” Travis nodded.

“Great.” Avery scanned the table
and let his eyes land on me for a moment before he turned to leave. My heart
sank and fluttered at the same time. I watched him walk away and disappear into
the kitchen.

I frowned at the memory of a few
days ago, and the image of him and the two women he was with. Then the memory
of the waterfall flashed in my mind. That will be as intimate as I will
probably ever get with Avery.
Who am I kidding? Why did I think he’d be into
me? I knew the rule. He never falls in love with his guests. Why did I think
that there could be something more

“Does that man ever have any
fun?” Sara said. I didn’t answer Sara. I knew first hand that Avery was all
business. My shoulders sagged. I didn’t feel much like eating now. I stuffed
down a few bites, trying to pass the time, and pushed away my thoughts of

“What’s up with you? You seem
far away,” Sara said. I could tell she wanted to delve further, but she didn’t.

I shrugged, afraid of what may
come out of my mouth. It might have been tears or words of anger. I was teeter-tottering
on the edge of the abyss.
What better way to drown your sorrows than in a
class designed to free you from all your inhibitions? A class that teaches you
to let go with a metal pole between your legs. If I fall, who will be there to
catch me?

My thoughts continued to spiral
out of control but I pulled myself back toward my ambitious side, forcing
myself to go through the motions and get ready to head to my next class. Sara
really knew how to read me like an open book. It was a good day at first, but
now I wanted to hide behind my shame. Hide behind my feelings for the one man I
could never have.

I stood when the group stood. I
followed behind them to the trash and deposited my leftovers when I was rudely
brought out of my self-wallowing by a hard elbow that dug into my upper arm.

“Watch it!” Caitlyn bellowed
tossing her tray in front of mine.
Are you fucking kidding me? It’s like
we’re back in high school.

I grimaced and rubbed my arm hoping that
didn’t leave a bruise.
What was her problem?
As I was contemplating
backhanding her, I didn’t see the man stand up from the table behind me and
turn toward me. I felt his cold salad dressing seep through my shirt. I felt
his hot coffee burn my wrist and trail down my legs. The silverware and heavy
glass plate made a huge racket as it clanked to the ground making a huge scene.
This day couldn’t get any worse.

He hurried to help wipe off my
shirt with a bunch of napkins and handed me some. I dabbed my wrist and heard
his voice before I made eye contact with his brown puppy dog eyes that always
lured me in.


I dropped the napkins and pushed
his hands away. “Nate?” I said, all breathy as my eyes turned upwards. I
sounded like a moron.
I stand corrected; my day just got a hell of a lot

“I’m sorry, are you okay?”

“Yea! I was just peachy when you
forgot to call me ten months ago.”
Damn. I really needed to say things in my
head first.

“I meant, did I burn you when I
spilled my coffee on you?”

“Just stop, Nate,” I said
through clenched teeth. I hated this man. He crushed me. He made me weep like a
little girl because he treated me like dirt after he took my virginity. He
fucked me – then left me.

“Look Aria, I can explain. I was
in a bad place back then, but I’ve changed. Maybe you can let me make it up to
you. Let’s get together tonight and have dinner or maybe a couple drinks,” he

“Nate Gregor. I have only one
thing to say to you. Fuck off!” Sara said, stepping up beside me and helping to
wipe the ranch dressing off my shorts.

He smirked at her. “It’s good to
see you too, Sara. Listen Aria, if you change your mind I’m in Tigger Cabin.
Come see me, please. I’ll buy you a new pair of shorts from the camp store,” he
said as he walked in the opposite direction.

“Aria, you okay?” Colt and Avery
said together as they walked up to us. Colt glowered at Nate but I could see
Avery was trying to figure out the connection I had with Nate. I felt my cheeks
turn fifty shades of gre…I mean red, as I shook the salad dressing from my
shirt and shook out my hands.

I drew my lips into a straight
line. “I’m fine. I just… I need to go change,” I said and stepped toward the

“Good to see you again, Aria,”
Nate said, as I passed him on my way out of the lunch hall. I stopped and
glared back over my shoulder.

“No, it really isn’t, dickwad,”
Sara interceded as the group followed me out a few seconds later. I took that
opportunity to leave. If there was one thing I loved and hated about Sara, I
could always count on her to give it to ya straight whether you wanted to hear
it or not.

After I changed my clothes, I
slowly walked towards class, wishing I could expunge some of the memories from
my head. It was hard gathering my thoughts after seeing Nate.
What was he
doing here anyway and how did he find out about this place? Could he finally
have come to his senses and decided I’m the girl for him?
I admit I did
slightly stalk him for about a month or so after our night together. I just
couldn’t figure out why he didn’t want me.

I sat in a daze for a few
minutes, waiting for the rest of class to arrive, just looking out the window
at the properly manicured garden stones and pathways trimmed with accent
lighting that always left me at peace.

“Aria, do you want a massage
before the others get here? You seem tense,” Colt said.

I shrugged my shoulders at him
and resumed staring out the window. I saw him look at Sienna out of the corner
of my eye. Colt knew my history with Nate but it wasn’t just that, I was feeling
a little off this afternoon.

“Is there anything you want to
talk about?” I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. Sienna nodded
at him, and then he turned back to me. “Aria, you’ve had a great breakthrough
this morning. Why don’t you take the afternoon off? Go for a hike and enjoy the
sunshine. You’ve earned it. We can pick up again tomorrow.”

“What?” I said bringing my focus
back to my instructors.

“Now that you’ve opened yourself
up to the possibilities of new sexual encounters, there will be a point where
you feel torn about things. You might feel guilty because you are reprogramming
your values.”

I blinked at him in confusion.
Colt stood and walked near the massage table. “Okay, look at it this way. It’s
like your body has just been pumped full of sugar for the last week and you’re

Sienna interceded. “To put it
simply, you need a day to recharge.”

I stood up and thanked both of
them with my eyes. “Can I go?”

“Yea, see you tomorrow morning,”
Colt said.

I hurried for the door. I
stepped outside the door and made a mental note not to run in Avery’s
direction. I didn’t want to be near his house or any section of the woods
behind his house. I just needed some space. I needed an ass-kicking run that
would deplete me and recharge me at the same time. I turned right and ran
towards the Cub section of camp. I hadn’t been down many of those pathways yet
so it seemed liked the right thing to do. I ran past A’s Market, a work shed
and a water station. A canoe station was set up beside the water’s edge and I
could make out the lake glimmering like a mirror as the sun hit its surface. I
squinted and veered toward it. I wanted to stop and take in its beauty but I
hadn’t gone that far yet.

As I crossed into the cub
section, I ran through several rows of cabins. I passed Tigger Cabin on my
right, hoping that Nate wouldn’t see me and think I was stalking him. I was
just about to run past the cub communal area when I heard several Cubs hooting
and hollering at me.

“Aria, come here for a second,”
Sean called out, bouncing the basketball in front of him on a small clay
basketball court. I smiled nervously and forced myself toward him and his
friends. I slowed my pace and trotted up beside Sean.

“I wanted to introduce you to my
friends. This is Ethan and Wren Cartwright.”

“Hi guys,” I replied standing
with my hands on my hips trying not to sound winded.

“Hi to you too, gorgeous,” Ethan
smiled widely. His eyes were dark like his hair. He was sexy as hell.

“Where have you been hiding all
this time?” Wren smirked.

My eyes drifted to his well-cut
chest as I glanced over both of them. They were twins with similar builds and
hairstyles that if the light were dim enough they both could pass for Avery
Jameson’s brothers. That fact alone made them very appealing to me.

They looked me over for the
second time. I just smiled. Sean chuckled as I shifted nervously on my feet
under the heat of their gaze. I felt like a pork chop on a fat man’s plate and
my sweat from running provided the glaze.

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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