Candide (20 page)

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Authors: Voltaire

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The director of the Scottish Opera, John Mauceri, began work on his version of the musical in 1982. Mauceri expanded the 1973 version back into two acts and restored nearly all of Bernstein’s music. Five years later, he brought Bernstein back into the process, and the two collaborated on a 1988 production in Glasgow. After the death of Hugh Wheeler, the job of expanding the book fell to John Wells. His revisions reinserted several incidents from Voltaire’s original. In 1989 Mauceri and Bernstein mounted a production in London that, for the first time, Bernstein conducted himself; it included all the favorites from the original 1956 production as well as songs added later, including “Best of All Possible Worlds,” with the combined lyrics of Richard Wilbur and Steven Sondheim, and “Glitter and Be Gay.”
Final Revised Version
, 1989 is now considered definitive. Harold Prince revived
for the New York City Opera in 1994 and 1997.
In this section, we aim to provide the reader with an array of perspectives on the text, as well as questions that challenge those perspectives. The commentary has been culled from sources as diverse as reviews contemporaneous with the work, letters written by the author, literary criticism of later generations, and appreciations written throughout history. Following the commentary, a series of questions seeks to filter Voltaire’s Candide through a variety of points of view and bring about a richer understanding of this enduring work.
The civilized world was horrified by the news of the terrible earthquake of Lisbon (November 1, 1755). Strictly considered, this frightful catastrophe was only, on a large scale, what, on a smaller, was, and is, happening every day. A vessel founders at sea, a house or theatre is on fire: the just and unjust alike, parents and innocent children, perish in the waves or in the flames, and there is weeping and wailing in many a home. But the colossal magnitude of the appalling disaster at Lisbon made transcendently more intense that feeling of the problematic in human destiny, which is aroused more or less, in susceptive minds, by the vicissitudes of daily life. Goethe, then a boy of six, was as much perplexed as the sexagenarian Voltaire how to reconcile the goodness of the Deity with the seemingly aimless cruelty of what he had permitted, or ordained, to happen at Lisbon. The “whatever is is right,” the “all partial evil universal good,” of Pope’s famous essay, so much admired by Voltaire, who translated them into the pithy formula: “All is well” (
tout est bien
), were now pronounced by him unsatisfactory. He had opposed a sort of optimism of his own to Pascal’s pessimism, and in “Le Mondain” had sung of the pleasures enjoyed by cultivated and civilized man. But he now struck his lyre to a very different tune in his “Poem on the Disaster at Lisbon; or, an Examination of the Axiom, All is Well”—to which he opposed a gloomy catalogue of all the ills that flesh is heir to.... Though not printed until some years later, [
] was begun soon after the Lisbon earthquake.
Life of Voltaire
The doctrine which [Voltaire] preached—that life should be ruled, not by the dictates of tyranny and superstition, but by those of reason and humanity—can never be obliterated from the minds of men.
The New Republic
(August 6, 1919)
Voltaire in
, as Johnson in
, expressed the despair of the time over the problem of man’s life on earth. Voltaire mocked and Johnson mourned over the notion that this is the best possible world. Each taught the vanity of human wishes.... All evils of life, wittily heaped together in
, when they arise from man’s fraud and wrong-doing are conquerable in long course of time; and conquest of them means that advance of civilization towards which we have begun to labour in this century, with more definite aims than heretofore. The struggle of the French Revolution to lift men at once above those grosser ills of life which pressed upon them in the eighteenth century, and wrung from them such books as
, failed only in its immediate aim. Its highest hope is with us still, quickened though sobered by the failure of immediate attainment. A State can be no better than the citizens of which it is composed. Our labour now is not to mould States but make citizens.
—from Morley’s introduction to
[Voltaire] wrote enormously: plays (now forgotten); short stories, and some of them still read—especially that masterpiece,
. He was a journalist, and a pamphleteer, he dabbled in science and philosophy, he was a good popular historian, he compiled a dictionary, and he wrote hundreds of letters to people all over Europe. He had correspondents everywhere, and he was so witty, so up-to-date, so on the spot that kings and emperors were proud to get a letter from Voltaire and hurried to answer it with their own hand. He is not a great creative artist. But he is a great man with a powerful intellect and a warm heart, enlisted in the service of humanity. That is why I rank him with Shakespeare as a spiritual spokesman for Europe. Two hundred years before the Nazis came, he was the complete anti-Nazi.
Two Cheers for Democracy
Because God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-benevolent, any world He created would have to be the best possible. It is true that there are murders, rapists, thieves, and bloody-minded dictators, but free will is so important a good that evildoers must be allowed to choose to do evil. Similarly, for there to be the maximum amount of order, beauty, and variety in nature, there also has to be the possibility of droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the like. Such, greatly simplified, are the kinds of ideas against which Voltaire directs his satire.
1. Does
refute such ideas successfully?
2. Could it be that Voltaire’s satire is not so much directed against these ideas as against people who use them as a pretext for a heartless and self-righteous complacency?
3. What do you understand Candide to mean when he says that from now on he will “tend his garden”? Refrain from public life? Accept things as they are? Try to expand this phrase into a program for living.
4. What is your own answer to the violence and misery of human life as Voltaire depicts it?
Biographical and General Studies
Ayer, A. J.
. New York: Random House, 1986.
Barber, William H.
Leibniz in France from Amault to Voltaire
. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955. Reprint: New York: Garland, 1985.
. London: Arnold, 1960.
Besterman, Theodore.
. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1969.
Bird, Stephen.
Reinventing Voltaire: The Politics of Commemoration in Nineteenth-century France
. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2000.
Bottiglia, William F., ed.
A Collection of Critical Essays
. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968.
Gay, Peter.
Voltaire’s Politics
The Poet as Realist
. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1959. Second edition: New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988.
Lanson, Gustave.
. 1906. Translated by Robert A. Wagoner; introduction by Peter Gay. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1966.
Mitford, Nancy.
Voltaire in Love
. New York: Harper, 1957. Paperback edition: New York: Carroll and Graf, 1999.
Sareil, Jean. “Voltaire.” In
European Writers: The Age of Reason and the Enlightenment
, edited by George Stade. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1984, pp. 367-392.
Torrey, Norman.
The Spirit of Voltaire
. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. Reprint: New York: Russell and Russell, 1968.
Wade, Ira Owen.
The Intellectual Development of Voltaire
. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969.
Critical Studies of Candide
Barber, William H.
: “
.” London: Arnold, 1960.
Bottiglia, William F., ed.
Analysis of a Classic. Geneva
: Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1959, 1964.
Havens, George R., ed.
. New York: Henry Holt, 1934.
Mason, Haydn. “
Optimism Demolished
. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992.
Wade, Ira Owen.
Voltaire and “Candide”: A Study in the Fusion of History, Art, and Philosophy
. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1959. Reprint: Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1972.
Waldinger, Renée, ed.
Approaches to Teaching Voltaire’s Candide
. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1987.
Williams, David.
. London: Grant and Cutler, 1997.
Province in western Germany.
Genealogical divisions on a coat of arms indicating degrees of nobility.
All tongue (Greek).
“Cosmolo” indicates “cosmology,” a term invented by Christian Wolff, disciple of Leibniz; “nigo” calls to mind “nincompoop” in French.
Frederick the Great’s recruiting officers wore blue uniforms.
Greek physician of the first century A.D who traveled with the Roman army as a surgeon and wrote a treatise on medical remedies.
Phrase employed to ridicule the Leibnizian terminology of deterministic optimism.
Satirical reference to the custom of warring nations to invoke the blessing of the Almighty and to ask Him for victory.
What follows makes clear that this is a Protestant minister who is fanatical in his hatred of the Catholic religion.
Christian sect that opposed infant baptism in favor of baptism on confession of faith; in Holland, the Anabaptists were granted religious tolerance and refuge against persecution.
Refers to Aristotle’s definition of man as a featherless biped.
Scarlet dye made from the dried bodies of female cochineal (small, red, cactus-feeding) insects; imported from Mexico and Peru.
Mercenaries; professional soldiers hired to serve in foreign armies.
Argument based on theory rather than experience (Latin); Voltaire considered it characteristic of Leibnizian reasoning and philosophy.
There had also recently been a great earthquake in Lima, Peru.
Widespread theory regarding the cause of earthquakes.
Reference to yet another current theory regarding earthquakes.
Reference to the Bible, Genesis 3.
Ironical description of prison cells.
Yellow robe worn by heretics whom the Inquisition condemned to be burned at the stake.
Cone-shaped cap meant to resemble a bishop’s ceremonial headdress.
There was indeed a second earthquake, on December 21, 1755.
Shrine in Madrid.
Patron saint of Portugal and Padua.
According to tradition, he preached in Spain; his shrine at Santiago de Compostella became a renowned place of pilgrimage.
Psalm 51 of the Bible; hymn of penitence invoking God’s mercy.
Jerusalem was captured by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, in 597 B.C.
Powerful religious order in Spain with a police force for pursuing criminals.
Possible allusion to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s
Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Mankind
(1754); Voltaire disagreed with its egalitarian thesis.
Meaning “not a cent.” having excited one of the Indian tribes in the neighbourhood of the town of the Holy Sacrament to revolt against the kings of Spain and Portugal.
Candide, having been in the Bulgarian army, performed the Bulgarian military exercises before the general of this little army with so intrepid an air, and with such agility and expedition, that he gave him an infantry company to command. Being now made a captain, he sailed with Miss Cunégonde, the old woman, two valets, and the two Andalusian horses which had belonged to the Grand Inquisitor of Portugal.
Approximately halfway between Rome and Naples.
A rover is a pirate ship; Sale, on the coast of Morocco, was a center of piracy in the eighteenth century.
At the point of death (Latin).
Sultan of Morocco who lived from 1646 to 1727 and reigned for fifty years; civil war and bloody strife followed his death.
“Oh, what a misfortune to be without balls!” (Italian). The man who utters these words is a castrato, a singer emasculated as a boy to preserve the soprano or contralto range of his voice.
Allusion to the famous
Italian castrato
Carlo Broschi, known as Farinelli (1705- 1782).

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