Can't Help Falling in Love (13 page)

BOOK: Can't Help Falling in Love
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“Touch me,” she begged, desperate to feel his hands, his mouth on her. “I need you to touch me.”

Gabe gave no indication of having heard her, nothing but the way he took their joined hands and placed hers on either side of his jean-clad hips. He didn’t rush as he slid his fingers from hers, and those painfully drawn out moments of waiting only added to her need .

And then—
—he was reaching for her, his fingertips feathering out across her stomach and then up her rib cage. She sucked in a hard breath at the intense pleasure of Gabe’s touch. He hadn’t even come close to her breasts yet, but already she felt insanely good.

She bit her lip as he continued his sinfully slow path of sensual destruction up her body .

“So soft,” he murmured, just at the lower swell of her breasts. “So pretty.” His palms shifted that final inch to cup the full flesh. “So perfect.”

There was no holding back another moan as his thumbs both moved across her nipples at the same time, not a chance of keeping her back from arching her chest further into his big hands.

But when he lowered his head and blew across one of her nipples, she nearly came right then and there. His eyes met hers, full of approval and unabashed pleasure at her reaction. “You’re sensitive, aren’t you ?”

He rubbed his thumb over both nipples again, which completely forestalled her being able to answer him, as it was taking every ounce of her concentration just to keep breathing.

“Megan ?”

His low voice urged her to answer him, just as he bent slightly to blow a hot patch of air against her other breast.

“Yes,” she gasped out as he followed up the breath with the sweet pinch of his thumb and forefinger over her tightly aroused flesh.

And then, before she realized what was happening, he was lifting her into his arms and carrying her over to the bed .

“I don’t want your legs to give out when you come for me,” he explained in a matter-of-fact voice that didn’t take away from the sensual promise even one little bit .

She had already pulled back the covers before he’d arrived, and he laid her down on the clean sheets. She wouldn’t let her hold around his neck go, wouldn’t give him any choice but to move onto the bed with her. Who knew how he’d tease her otherwise? Maybe he’d make her touch herself while he watched and that was when she’d come so hard, with his eyes on her, all the while knowing his hands, his mouth, his shaft would be there soon...

She forcibly stopped her imaginings on a shudder, but Gabe had already caught it all, her breasts peaking against his chest harder than ever as the naughty vision continued to assault her already lust-addled brain.

“Tell me what just got you so worked up.”


And it was true, Gabe was all she could think about, all she could feel, all that existed for the night. But he was quicker than that, could clearly scent her evasion.

“What else?”

His gentle but firm question, that small upturn of his beautiful lips as he watched her expression carefully, had her answering, “I was wondering what you were going to do to me to—” She swallowed hard, not having ever had any practice at talking dirty in bed. And yet, even though it was another thing she shouldn’t want, that sensual woman deep inside made her say, “—to make me come so hard.”

He shifted over her and she had to close her eyes at the wonderful press of his muscles into her, the feel of roughened fabric over her sensitive skin.

He lowered his head to the other side of her neck from where he’d licked before and pressed circles of pleasure against her skin with his tongue. Only this time, he didn’t stop there, thank God. Instead, he moved lower, the slow slide of wet heat over the upper swell of both breasts taking her breath away in a rush of sensation. Closer and closer he came to her nipples, licking shockingly soft circles over the soft flesh, heading in toward the peaks like a bull’s eye .

And then—
oh God, please!
—she felt him just brush up against the edge of her tightly puckered areola, and her hips were bucking hard into the taut muscles of his thigh as she tried to take herself over the edge he seemed so determined to keep just out of reach, when he lifted his head.

“And what did you come up with?”

He couldn’t do this to her now. Couldn’t stop when she was so close.

“I can’t—” She panted. “I need—”

But as her vision cleared, she could see that he wasn’t going to give her what she needed until she gave him his first.

“Tell me what you were thinking I would make you do.”

Desperate for even a small orgasm to take the edge off this crazy need coursing through her, she blurted, “You made me touch myself.”

His eyes lit with even more arousal at her surprising statement.


“And—” She wasn’t really going to say this, was she? She couldn’t possibly give away such deeply held fantasies to a man who could never be anything more to her than just one perfect night, could she? Nonetheless, the words spilled from her lips. “And after you made me come for you, you made me come even better with your hands, and mouth, on me .”

She was rewarded with Gabe’s lips over the tip of one breast. For all his talk about slow, there was nothing easy about the way he suckled her, and she didn’t want there to be .

Megan threaded her hands into his dark hair and held him to her, loving the sweet suction of his lips and tongue and teeth over her shockingly aroused flesh. Nothing had ever felt this good. This right. And when he shifted his attention to her other nipple, even though she should have known how to prepare herself for the pleasure of his mouth, she couldn’t even come close. Not when the pleasure of being with Gabe continued to shock her from moment to moment.

His hands cupped and caressed her even as his mouth stole her every lucid thought away. It wasn’t just foreplay, wasn’t just sex...what he was doing to her was worship, pure and simple.

And through it all, she rocked and thrust herself against his thigh, her arousal growing to a fever pitch with every pull of his tongue against her, with every stroke of his fingers over desperately aroused skin, until she was right there, right on the edge of that orgasm he promised her she’d have .

The shock of cool air rushing over her skin hit her hard enough to have her eyes flying open as Gabe lifted himself away from her and off the bed. Before she could get her brain to cooperate, he was lowering himself into the chair in the corner .

“Show me, Megan,” he said in a husky voice. “Show me how you like to be touched.”

But she was already shaking her head, getting onto her knees to come after him and pull him back on to the bed with her .

“You already know.” And it would be so much easier, so much safer if he just touched her, instead.

But he wasn’t coming back toward her outstretched hand. “Let me watch this first time. Let me see you come apart with your hands on yourself.”

This was crazy. She shouldn’t even be considering doing this, should never have told him about her fantasy. Heck, she shouldn’t have had the fantasy at all!

But how long had she pushed away her own reckless urges? How many years had she forced herself to turn from adrenaline, to focus on always being safe, always taking the sure but slightly boring path before her. She wished she didn’t know the answer, wished she didn’t have to admit that even before she’d lost her husband, as a young mother she’d been playing it way too safe .

For one night, could all rules be off ?

For a handful of hours, could the sky be the limit ?

And could she trust not only Gabe, but herself enough to take off the reins and run free for just a little while?

The answers came from somewhere deep inside—three
that actually seemed to come with more relief than fear—and she found herself moving back onto the bed while Gabe watched her from across the small room.

“You still have all your clothes on,” ended up being her only remaining protest as she settled back against the pillows.

“You belong naked,” he told her .

“You do, too,” she said in a hoarse voice, knowing without having to guess just how beautiful he was going to be without his clothes on .

His mouth moved up into a smile at her words, but the smile never reached his eyes, couldn’t do a thing to extinguish the fire in them .

She tried to be comfortable with her nudity, tried to act as if lying there on the bed before him with one hand over the curve of her breast and the other on her stomach was a normal thing for her to be doing.

But it wasn’t. Not at all.

Utterly unable to hold anything back from Gabe until now, she found this moment was no different. “I don’t know how to do this.”

“Yes, you do,” he said in that low voice that never failed to send shivers through her. “You were fantasizing about it just a few minutes ago. Go back to that fantasy and let yourself live it. Give us both the pleasure of you touching yourself, Megan.”

He was right. She’d had plenty of practice masturbating in the past few years. Not with toys that she would have been afraid one particular curious little mind would find in her drawer, but with her own hands, her own fingers .

Just like Gabe wanted her to do right now .

While he watched.

What they were doing was so forbidden—so far outside the realm of the “normal” sex she’d ever permitted herself to have—that despite her nerves, she could feel herself growing even more aroused.

Maybe if she closed her eyes, maybe if she pretended she was alone, then she could—


She opened her eyes and looked at him, only to find him shaking his head .

“Watch me watch you.”

Another flood of arousal poured through her at his s oftly spoken command and the force of her desire was actually strong enough in that moment for one of her hands to find its way between her legs, the other to cup her own breast, just as he’d done precious minutes ago.

She was so turned on that even though she would have sworn before a judge and jury she could never climax like this, in pure exhibition, in front of a man—any man—she knew it wouldn’t take more than a few well-placed presses of her fingers against herself for her to fall over the edge .

But when she noted Gabe’s intense concentration as he watched her through half-lowered lids, as a muscle jumped in his jaw and the bulge in his jeans threatened to break the zipper in two, suddenly she didn’t want to rush it.

She slid two fingers between her lower lips and found her own wetness. She purposefully teased herself. But she couldn’t stop her hips from rocking into her hand, didn’t have any control over the hand on her breast, either, as she pulled at her nipple and brought the delicious sensations to a fever pitch within herself. Feeling lost to reality, as if she was floating apart from the world she’d lived in for twenty-seven years, she began to buck up into her fingers.

“Megan. ” Gabe’s groan came from across the room . “ God, this is hot, but I can’t keep doing this. Not this time.”

A split second later, the bed was dipping and hi s big hands were on her thighs, holding her open for his mouth to take over where her right hand had been playing across her body.

The pleasure of his fingertips moving across her slick, aroused flesh— and then, oh Lord, his tongue, those lips, the slightest scratch of his teeth —shoved her over the edge before she was ready for it to happen .

Her hips took on a life of their own as she pressed herself into him, as she gasped out his name over and over again. She was never going to survive this orgasm, knew that she couldn’t handle this kind of pleasure, only to find herself being driven higher as he slid two fingers inside, sucked her clitoris in between his lips, and sent her reeling all over again.

Fireworks across her line of vision gave way to a split-second of darkness as the pleasure peaked again, then finally began to let her out of its grip. And yet, even though she’d just had two senselessly great orgasms, one after the other, Gabe’s tongue was still softly stroking over her. She should have been too sensitive for the intimate caress, but she was amazed to find he knew just how to touch her, just where to lick to make her feel good.

And to start her thinking—
about doing it all over again.

Exhausted from the combination of extreme pleasure and her day on the mountain, she found herself relaxed enough on the bed with Gabe to lie back and let him continue to taste her, his mouth intermittently roving across the tender skin at the inside of her thighs, but always coming back to her core, a slow post-climax seduction clearly intended to ratchet up her arousal, minute by minute.

In the end, it took all the energy she could muster to push herself up and reach for his hands. She tugged at him and even though she could never be strong enough to pull him over her, he understood what she wanted and came willingly.

And yet, even as he made his way up her body, he continued to keep his promise not to rush a thing. He kissed every inch of her hips, her stomach, her ribs, her breasts, her shoulders, on the way to finding her mouth again .

He kissed her long and slow and if she hadn’t already given over herself to him for the night, she would have lost herself in the sweet persuasion of his mouth, the seductive glide of his tongue across hers, the heat and strength of his muscles over her.

She couldn’t stand it another second, because for all the delicious naughtiness of being naked while he wasn’t, she was desperate to feel the heat of his skin, to know what awaited her beneath all that wool and cotton and denim.

Pulling even more strength from deep inside, she pushed him onto his back and climbed over him.

Chapter Twelve


Gabe had always loved women. Their smooth skin, their sweet scent, the sound of their laughter. He’d lost his virginity in high school and hadn’t had much of a break since then. Sex was a regular part of his life, right up there with food and sleep.

But for all the women he’d shared a bed with, sex with Megan felt completely different. Almost like he was discovering the thrill of making love for the first time. He could have spent all night tasting her, bringing her over the edge again and again, just to hear her cries of pleasure, just to feel her slick flesh clench and pull at his fingers, his tongue, one more time.

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