Capri's Fate (23 page)

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Authors: Daryl Devore

BOOK: Capri's Fate
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She opened her legs and reached down to help guide him to her pussy. He hissed when her fingers skimmed against his throbbing penis. He didn't know what to expect, but some urge
—an instinct—drove him toward bliss. With a swift thrust, he entered her, lifted his head and released a long moan.

The heat of her pussy scorched him. For a moment, he wallowed in the sensations writhing through him.
Capri moved, rocking her hips. Her eyes closed. Low groans escaped her lips.

He raised his hips and shifted forward.

She reached around him and sunk her nails into his ass. "Again."

Once more, he pulled back and thrust into her. She squeezed her pussy tight and gripped him with an iron hold. Inching back and forth, he ground against her. His moans fusing with her groans.

The primal instincts of thousands of generations demanded satisfaction. Thall braced and pounded his cock into her welcoming pussy. Capri squealed and wrapped her legs around his waist, locking him in place.

Thoughts abandoned him. Lust filled every cell. He stared down at her jiggling breasts and increased his pace and power.
Capri arched up to meet him, trying to let him drill deeper into her. Her face contorted with rapturous ecstasy.

"Thall." Her voice was breathless. "That feels so good. More. Harder."

She moved her hands to his chest and squeezed his nipples. With each pinch, he thrust to his hilt and pulled back.

Capri…" His words failed him. The bliss that filled his body and filled his mind overwhelmed him. The powerful sensations surging through him. The connecting of two beings locked in such a passionate moment.
This is what humans crave. I'd give up my mortality for this.

He paused.

Capri groaned and ground her hips, urging him to continue.

Give up my mortality?
A wave of desire poured through him and resumed his thrusting with more force, driving to experience what his body begged for.

alternated nipples and increased her speed. The pace reached frenzied speed. The slurping of cock against drenched pussy mixed with the guttural sounds released from their throats.

"I'm so close. Oh fuck, I'm going to come. Thall!"
Capri arched and clenched his nipples like a vice grip. Sweat dripped off his brow. His heart hammered against his chest. The exquisiteness of the pain she inflicted on his nipples broke the dam. He drove once more into her, arched back his head and howled.

Lost in the throes of pleasure, Thall continued to pump while
Capri writhed and moaned beneath him.

His pulse slowed and his breathing calmed to a less frantic pace. Thall lowered his face, pressed a kiss on
Capri's forehead then slipped out and settled next to her.

That was… " She stretched and sighed. "You were so…just…I'm at a loss for words."

He pulled her close. "Then don't speak. Lie here and let's listen to each other breathe." Resting his head on the pillow,
the touch of her body comforted him.

What a powerful sensation. I want more.
He yawned.
No, I don't want to rest. I want more sex. It was incredible to be buried deep within her. Too hear her moans. To watch her be overcome with passion.

's breaths were slowed and measured. Thall matched his breathing and soon a heavy weight forced his eyelids closed.

~ * * ~

"Wakey. Wakey. Eggs and bakey."

Capri's singsong words and the jostling of the bed pulled Thall out of his dream world and back into
Capri's bedroom. He yawned and opened his eyes.

"Actually. It's spaghetti. But it doesn't work in the rhyme. Wakey. Wakey. Spaghetti. See, just doesn't work well."
Wearing her dressing gown, she held out a plate. "I made supper. You were passed out."

Thall lifted then dropped his head back onto the pillow. "What did you do to me? I can't move a muscle."

Capri giggled. "And I'm the exact opposite. I feel so energized and alive." She hopped off the bed and walked around to Thall's side. "Here, let's get you up. I'll stuff some pillows behind you. Get some food into you. You did use up a lot of energy."

She fluffed and stuffed pillows behind him until she was satisfied then
headed back to her side of the bed and settled next to him.

Thall's gaze never left
Capri's body. The fluttering of the robe provided teasing glimpses of the naked flesh he so desired.

"Here." She offered him a plate of spaghetti.

He glanced at it then raised his gaze to meet hers. "Eating that is not what I had in mind."

A rosy blush rose in her cheeks. She chewed her bottom lip. "But you need your carbs for energy. So you can do it again."


She held up her hand and stuck out her baby finger. "Pinky swear."

He raised his hand. "Pinky swear."

"No. Hook pinkys. Now shake. See, pinky swear."

"And that's a binding agreement?"

"Oh, yes." She settled back on the headboard and placed her dinner plate on her lap. "It's a
s legal as cross your heart."

Thall stabbed his fork into his spaghetti and twirled it around. "Then why are there so many lawyers?"

Capri tossed back her head and laughed.

The sight of her long white throat and the thought of running his tongue up it, made his
cock twitch.

"Because people keep breaking their pinky swears." She ran her tongue across her top lip. "But I won't break mine. Now eat. I need you rested and energized."

Thall relived their lovemaking while eating his dinner. A warmth filled him at the joy he'd given Capri. Sitting next to him, she practically glowed, she was so happy.

Intrigued by the power of lust, Thall was overwhelmed with urges poking at him to eat faster and rip her dressing gown off her. He wanted to inhale the scent of their lovemaking. Taste her lips. Hear her cries of rapture.

"What are you thinking so intently about?" Capri waved a wine glass in front of his face. "You know you do that a lot. Zone out."

He took the glass and sipped some wine. "Answer number one. I was thinking about what we just did and how much I want to do it again." He gaze
d at her dressing gown, and pulled the top looser, to expose her breasts. "That's better."

"And your response to sort
-of question number two. You're zoning out?"

"I'm still a Fate. Even though I am corporeal, I must still answer when needed."

Capri leaned over the bed and placed her empty plate on the floor. "I have to keep reminding myself you're…sort of human. Oh, no that was bad. That sounded horrible. I mean—"

"I understand. There is no category for me
, right now. I'm not a Fate and I'm not a man."

"This is probably a really stupid time to ask if we should have used some protection?" She dragged her finger along her duvet cover. "I have never just gone for it like that before. I'm a modern woman. I know about STD's and how not to get pregnant and all that. But…"

Thall placed his plate and wine glass on the night table and pulled her closer. "Since you are my first, there is no risk of any disease. And—"

glanced up and met his gaze. "I hadn't thought of that." Scratching her head, she snorted. "Wow, there's a lot of things I hadn't thought of. You blew me away. You were so sensual and overpowering. It was like I was in a trance. Did you use some Fatey magic on me?"

Thall's shoulders shook
with laughter. "No. No such thing. But I did give you what you wanted."

"How so?"

"One of your desires was to not have to be in charge. To have a man take over."

She pulled back. "How do you know what my desires are?"

"I see them."


"Think of photographs. That is how I see your thoughts."

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "What am I thinking now?"

Thall rose from the bed, collected the dishes, exited the bedroom and returned with the chocolate cake and two forks.

"Take your dressing gown off and lay down."

He placed the cake on the night table, knelt on the bed next to her, grabbed a handful of cake and smeared it on her breast. Lowering his head, he lapped at the cake crumbs and icing. He paused and raised his gaze to hers. "Did I read your thoughts correctly?"

"Not quite."



Chapter Twenty-One


Thall squeezed his eyebrows closer. "What do you mean, not quite? Cake. Smear. Eat. How can I misread that?"

placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back. "You didn't misread it. You misinterpreted it. You got cake and smear right. But in my head, I pictured smearing it on your chest. Get up here."

Thall climbed onto the bed and laid back. She straddled him, resting her bottom on his hips, before trickling her fingers down his chest. "Your male brain saw a photo of your chest and reinserted one of m
ine." Chuckling, she reached over and grabbed a swath of icing. "No offense intended."

my chest is going to get stuff smeared on it and eaten off? No offense taken." He tucked his arms up behind his head.

"Hmm? Let's see. Think I'll start at the top and work my way lower."
Capri ran her finger through the dark chocolate icing and rubbed it across his lips. He flicked out his tongue and licked it off.

"Ah! Bad boy. I was supposed to do that." She pointed at her chest. "I smear. I lick. Get it?"


leaned forward and daubed the remaining icing from her finger onto his lips. Thall moved his hand from behind his head, swiped a finger across his lips, placed his finger near his mouth and licked off the icing. "I like that. It's good."

"Stop that."
Capri slapped at his hand.

"Gonna make me?" He grinned and waggled his eyebrows up and down.

"I'll tie up your hands."

"With what? You didn't buy the
red, fuzzy handcuffs."

She tapped her index fingernail on his chest. "You keep this up and I'll get a pair Fed
Exed over here."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" He raised one eyebrow.

Capri swiped her finger through the icing then stretched out, resting her chest on his. Placing her mouth close to his, she traced his upper lip with chocolate. She pressed her lips on his, remained still a moment, opened her mouth, hooked her teeth over his bottom lip and leaned back, pulling on his lip and grazing her teeth across his flesh.

She ran her tongue across his upper lip and cleansed it of chocolate. "Now, if you're a good boy and behave, I'll be a bad girl."

Thall fluttered his eyelids shut and groaned. "I'll be good."

With fingers covered in chocolate,
Capri circled them around in his chest and along his rippled abdominal muscles. Happiness flooded her, listening to the change in his breathing and watching as his nipples harden and stomach muscles flinch. "Hmm? Could you?"

She held her hand up by his mouth.

"Your every wish is my desire." He chuckled and licked the last of the icing off her hand.

Scanning her gaze across his chocolate icing smeared torso,
Capri smiled. "Bad, bad me for getting you all dirty. Now, I'll just lick this mess off."

With long laps and quick flicks,
Capri cleaned off his nipples and upper chest. She shifted from right to left, making sure she did not miss one speck of icing. His nipples hardened under her tongue's attention. The low groans rumbling from his throat tickled Capri's pussy.

Chest heaving, she sat up. "Be right back." She scurried to the bathroom and returned with a wet cloth. "I don't think I can take anymore chocolate, but I know I can lick the rest of you." Three swift swipes and Thall's stomach was icing free. She tossed the cloth toward the bathroom door. It missed and landed in a crumbly brown mess on the light wood floor.

The bed shook as she climbed back on. His swollen cock bobbed with the motion. Kneeling beside him, she trickled her fingertips between his chest and hips, drawing imaginary patterns on the surface of his flesh. He trembled from her touch and his breath caught every time she neared his groin.

Euphoric contentment filled
Capri. Being with Thall was calming and yet exhilarating at the same time. He appeared to be devoted to her. Heck, he tried to make her supper. And that's more than her ex ever did. He was concerned about her when she was seasick.

She leaned closer, kissed his belly button then rested her cheek on his stomach. What did it matter that he wasn't real? He felt human enough. His flesh was warm. His kisses were hot.

"Forget what you were doing?" His voice startled her from her reverie.

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