Captive (15 page)

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Authors: Gale Stanley

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

BOOK: Captive
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The water only reached to his thighs, and the evidence of his excitement was plainly visible. Her dark blue gaze slid down his body and fixed on his rampant erection.

His eyes fixed below her belly where the water licked at the gold curls between her thighs. He ached to bury himself inside that dark wet depth.

She looked like a beautiful statue as she stood there waiting. He walked behind her. She shivered when he ran a hand down her back.

Wade lathered his hands and passed the soap to Noah. Noah had chosen lavender. He’d smelled it in her bathroom in the city.

Together they washed her. Noah tossed aside the sponge and used his hands as Wade did. He caressed her ass then spread the oily soap between her cheeks. She tensed, and he whispered in her ear. “I’ll never hurt you, Janis. Let me love you.”

Wade lathered her breasts. Her dark nipples peeked through the bubbles, deliciously tempting. Wade had better access, and he spent a long time rinsing off the soap and then taking each hard tip in his mouth. He suckled one and then the other.

Wade released her breast with a soft pop. He lifted his head and kissed her. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against her mouth. “I’ve never wanted a woman like this before.”

Noah knew it was true. He’d never heard anything remotely like that come out of his lover’s mouth. The words didn’t make him jealous. They only aroused him more, because he felt the same.

Noah watched motionless, unwilling to disturb their embrace, even though he wanted to take her to the ledge and fuck her senseless.

Neither of them had ever connected on such an intimate
physical and emotional level with a female. Primal instinct had driven them to mark her, the sign of a true mate, as Alex had explained. Only Alex knew what it felt like to be truly mated. The others, including himself and Wade, had been young and single when they were driven from their home.

They’d never expected this—and certainly not with a human woman. If only she felt the same. Janis belonged to them, and they loved her, but their ways meant nothing to her. They couldn’t expect her to love them back.

Noah couldn’t stop touching her skin. The thrill of having her in his arms even exceeded the pleasure he’d once felt in Alex’s arms. He knew that he and Wade could never have a real bond with Alex. It would undermine his role as Alpha, especially now that he and Wade had marked a human female. It was enough to know that Alex would always be there for him.

It didn’t surprise him that Alex had grudgingly accepted these humans and made a tentative peace with them. The real Alex had been lost for a time, but he was back now.

This new compassion would be very welcome in the coming days. Already Noah missed his mate, and she was still here with him. No doubt he’d find comfort with Wade and Alex when Janis left them for good. But there would always be a part of him missing.

When at last Wade and Janis broke apart, Noah slid an arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him. His cock throbbed against her ass. The slippery feel of her body made him lose all rational thought, and a primal growl escaped his chest.

She reached up and back to clasp her hands behind his neck. Noah nuzzled her ear and flattened his palm over her mons. He swore he could hear her heart beat in her chest, until her moans and whimpers drowned it out. Wade fisted his cock and stroked it while he watched.

Noah nipped her ear and whispered to her, “Do you want more, Janis?”

“Yes. God yes,” she hissed.

It pleased him that she still wanted them after seeing him in his wolf form.

Wade grasped her buttocks, and Noah her hips. She wrapped her legs around Wade’s waist as Noah lowered her onto his lover’s cock.

“Oh my God. You feel so good.” Janis moaned and buried her face in Wade’s neck. Slick from the oily lavender soap, Noah prepared to penetrate her from behind.

Janis shifted in Wade’s arms to accommodate him, and Noah slid a finger inside her easily.

“More, Noah,” she begged.

“Okay, baby. I just don’t want to hurt you.” He guided his cock to her tiny hole and entered her slowly.

“Yes,” she hissed.

He pressed deeper, and she groaned at the double penetration. Noah stilled. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, Noah. Please don’t stop.”

He moved and felt Wade’s cock through the thin layer of flesh separating them. It was heaven being connected like this. Janis wiggled and shifted between them. The scent of sex and arousal mixed with the sulfur, drugging him.

Noah slid one hand between Janis’s body and Wade’s to squeeze his lover’s sac. Wade groaned, and Noah felt his fingers dig into his back. He caressed Wade’s balls and then rubbed Janis’s swollen clit while Wade thrust deeper inside her.

“Oh God, Noah.” Janis trembled between them.

“I think our girl is liking this,” Noah muttered. “Are you, Janis? Do you love having Wade’s fat cock in your pussy and mine in your tight ass?”

Her answer was a guttural scream as his words brought on her climax. Her rhythmic contractions milked him, and he flooded her inside as he heard Wade’s harsh groan of masculine satisfaction.

Chapter Fifteen

Janis woke in a bed, the dream fresh in her mind. Except it wasn’t a dream. She really had been with Wade and Noah. Sandwiched between her two men, being thoroughly fucked, had to be the most erotic experience of her life.

The combination of their lovemaking and the relaxing heat of the
hot springs
had lulled them into a semi-comatose state. The men had spread the thick towels by the side of the pool, and the three lovers lay in each other’s arms, totally comfortable with the intimacy. Janis, boneless and languid, had drifted off to sleep. She hardly remembered Noah carrying her here and laying her on the bed. No wonder she thought she’d been dreaming.

Envious thoughts filled her head. Her sister-in-law lived that fantasy every night. For a minute, she let her mind drift. She imagined a different life for herself. A life filled with love, and a family of her own. That was her real dream.

But that was Sable’s life, not hers. What made her think she could satisfy two virile men? They weren’t even real men. They were werewolves for God’s sake.

But when she pictured them, it wasn’t fur she saw, but Wade’s sculpted face and thick black hair and Noah’s amber eyes framed by long black lashes, always staring so seriously into hers. They always looked at her as if they expected something that she wasn’t capable of giving them. She probably disappointed them sexually. She wasn’t a she-wolf after all.

No wonder Sable had two husbands. One human man probably couldn’t satisfy her. Good thing her brothers didn’t seem to mind. They both loved her.

Love, the dreaded L-word. Look where it had gotten her. Her breath caught. Where did that come from?

Admit it, girl. You’ve already fallen head over heels.

She couldn’t be in love with Wade and Noah. Look what they’d done to her family. Deep in her heart, she knew they were good men. They’d let their own hurt lead them astray, but they regretted it. She’d already forgiven them, and she didn’t fear them. But they were so different.

Besides, they didn’t have feelings for her. They were totally committed to each other. Today she’d leave
New Mexico
and in all likelihood never see them again. The thought was almost too painful to bear. She had to put it out of her head before it destroyed her.

Janis spied her clothes on a chair. She went into the small adjoining bathroom to dress. On the vanity she saw a stack of the same thick towels her men had used to dry her last night. She picked one up, hoping to catch their scent, but these were freshly laundered.

She really had to stop this. For sure they weren’t trying to catch her scent. They would choose each other. Not her.

She stopped short. What had Noah said last night?

They had marked her as theirs, and the Alpha thought they’d made a wise choice.

At the time it went right over her head. She’d been so excited at the thought of going home she didn’t hear anything else. What did it mean? Was their mark some kind of brand, like a rancher would put on livestock? Is that how they saw her? How dare they? Animals keeping humans for pets.

She didn’t need a shower, but she took one anyway. She wanted to wash off any marks they’d left. The scars on her shoulders had faded. She couldn’t wait until they disappeared.

Janis dressed in her jeans and sweatshirt and went to find her family. Her nephews’ cries led her down the hall to their room. Jude opened the door to her knock and pulled her inside.

Malcolm stood in the corner. The babies were lying on the bed, fussing because they didn’t want to get dressed.

“They want to be naked, like little pups.” Sable laughed.

Janis looked at her horrified. Her nephews were not dogs.

Sable didn’t notice her expression. She hugged Max and kept one hand on a squirming Sam.

“We’re leaving, Janis,” Jude stated. “All of us.”

“I know.” Janis hugged him.

Malcolm stepped forward, frowning. “I don’t believe it.” He shook his head. “It’s a trap.”

“No,” Janis assured him. “Wade and Noah told me last night. Their Alpha planned to send Sable home before we even got here. And he never intended to keep me a prisoner.”

“Then why the charade?” Jonas asked.

Janis looked away. “It’s complicated.”

A firm knock had them all looking toward the door. Malcolm strode over and opened it.

“I’ve come to take you to breakfast.” Ayala stood there.

Thank God. Saved by the bell.

They followed Ayala to a large dining room where a long wooden table was set with vibrantly colored plates, each one with a different bird painted on it. Janis sat between Jonas and Malcolm.

She fiddled with the flatware. When she looked up, the wolves were entering the room. Noah caught her eye, and she turned away.

The Alpha sat across from her, Noah on one side, Wade on the other. Ayala and a young man made several trips from the kitchen with covered serving bowls and pots of fresh coffee.

Wade and Noah uncovered dishes of fluffy scrambled eggs, ham, blueberry corn pancakes, and tortillas. Janis’s mouth watered.

For several awkward moments, they silently passed plates and tried to avoid eye contact.

The Alpha cleared his throat. “I want to apologize to all of you. I’m sorry for causing you distress.” He looked at Sable. “I envy you for the happiness you’ve found with your mates, and I assure you that your family will not be bothered again.”

“And the sister of my heart is free to go with us?”

Janis turned to Sable, touched by her words.

“Of course. If that’s what she wants,” the Alpha answered.

Everyone turned to look at Janis.
Is it?
The words stuck in her throat. She wrapped her arms around her waist and tried not to think about how right it felt to be in Wade and Noah’s arms. They don’t love you, she told herself.

“Is that what you want, Janis?” the Alpha asked her.

“I want to go with my family,” she whispered.

“Are you satisfied?” Jude said harshly.

“Yes.” The dark-haired man stared at her intently. “Of course she’s free to leave.”

The rest of the meal went by in a blur. She was dimly aware of some discussion about
. Evidently, he’d been brought back to the compound, none the worse for being drugged, and would return to
to continue his research, Thank God, he hadn’t joined them. She never wanted to see him again.

Why didn’t she feel happier? Instead she felt like she was making the biggest mistake of her life. Suddenly, she couldn’t eat another bite. Shortly after, she excused herself and left the room, and promptly got lost. When she found a door leading to a patio, she stepped out to catch her breath.

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