Captive Mail (9 page)

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Authors: kate pearce

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Captive Mail
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“Please,” he growled.

She stepped back and released his cock, wiped his wetness against the swel of her clit until her fingers were slippery with the combination of their juices. He went stil as she grasped one of his shoulders and steadied herself before bringing herself up and over him, swal owing his cock deep and wrapping one leg around his hips.

“By Thor!”

He was surrounded by her tight velvet sheath and she used her muscles to work his shaft, squeezing and releasing it until he could do nothing but try to thrust upward to fil her as much as he could. He couldn’t come, though, stil trapped inside the silver rings, he couldn’t come…

Her hand slid around to his ass and played with the thick dildo, pushing it in and out of him as she rode his cock, and he wanted to shout out with the pleasure. But he couldn’t shout, as his mouth was ful of her tongue.

“Come for me,” she whispered.

“I can’t.”

She tightened her internal muscles around him and increased the tempo of her strokes with the dildo, pounding his ass.

“I order you to come for me.”

Harlan closed his eyes and let go, let the life force tearing through his beleaguered cock rip free, and found that he could come after al , in long waves that seemed to go on forever.

It seemed but a moment before Inga climbed off her male and turned to face the other women, her thighs wet with his seed, her face flushed with passion. She thought her knees might give way, they were shaking so much, but she forced herself to smile. There was nothing she needed to say. The evidence of her male’s potency was there for al to see.

While the celebrations continued, she gestured to her guards. “Take him to my chamber.”

To her secret relief, the male looked equal y shaken by their mating. She shivered as she thought about how big he’d felt, how he’d feel moving over her, behind her.

Frytha’s potions would ensure that he was able to mate with her al night and she was looking forward to it. Unlike her mother, she wouldn’t make the foolish mistake of fal ing in love with a man. It would be much easier to keep him in his place and he would never be able to hurt her.

She watched as he was taken away and returned to help her mother perform the closing ceremonies for the goddess. Sigrun glanced at her many times, but Inga didn’t say anything until the last of the wine had been put away and the temple was quiet and free of spectators again.

“Thank you, Mother. It was a beautiful ceremony.”

“I believe it was.” Sigrun smiled. “And I think your male meant his vows.”

“That isn’t important. He has to obey me.”

“No, he
to. I saw him make the decision, I saw the truth in his eyes.” Sigrun touched Inga’s cheek. “Don’t ever forget that. A gift truly given is a special and fragile thing.”

“Mother, don’t do this. Don’t make me feel like I’m in the wrong. I’m doing this for al of us, you know that.”

“I understand, my dear, but I think your male has greater value than just as a donator of seed. Why don’t you try to get to know him?”

Inga swung around. “I can’t believe that you are saying this to me. You of al people!”

“Perhaps I regret what I al owed to happen al those years ago with your father. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes.”

Inga smiled. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I have no intention of fal ing in the love with the male.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Sigrun let out a disgruntled sigh. “Sometimes, Inga, you are as stubborn as your father.”

“Wel , at least he gave me something, then!” Inga kissed her mother on the cheek. “I wil see you in the morning.”

Sigrun kissed her back. “I’m sure your night wil be everything you could wish for.”

“As long as he doesn’t kil me.”

“I don’t think there is any danger of that, my dear.”

Inga left her mother and made her way through the temple and out to her private quarters. A light glowed in her window, reminding her that the male was already within her bedchamber.






expectation of mindless pleasure and the fear that she might have made a mistake and invited a wild animal into her bed. She touched the dagger strapped to her thigh. He would not overcome her easily. She would make sure of that.

She nodded at the two guards stationed outside her door and went in, her gaze caught by the looming shadow of the male standing by the wal . He leaned back against the painted fresco of the goddess Freya, his eyes half-closed, his hands stil tied behind his back. His long black hair streamed over one shoulder.

Inga took the opportunity to study his tal frame, his strong biceps and the muscle ingrained on his abdomen that rippled as he breathed. A trickle of sweat wound its way over his tattooed chest and down toward his stil erect cock.

She took a step closer and his eyes flew open. She found herself staring into their dark blue depths. How could she see him as just an object to satisfy her when he looked at her like that? As if she were everything he had ever desired?

Without speaking, she reached behind him and released his wrists from the cuffs. Even though he tensed, he made no effort to grab her, just al owed his hands to relax by his sides as he careful y flexed his fingers. She focused her attention on the narrow chain that connected his cock ring to his nipple rings and his col ar. She couldn’t stop herself from tugging on the silver links with her teeth and heard his breath catch. He sighed as she loosened the tension of the chains and unclamped his nipples. Released from its more upright position, his cock prodded against her stomach.

The buckled strip of leather that held the dildo in place was also easy to remove.

She slowly went down on her knees and inspected the rings that encased his shaft and bal s. There was much to tempt her here. She licked one of his bal s and he shivered as she took it into her mouth, the silver warm from his skin and hard against her teeth. It took her a while to ease the rings off and leave him unadorned, apart from the metal col ar around his neck.

When she stood up, he was breathing almost as heavily as she was.

“Wil you unchain me from the wal ?” His voice was hoarse.

Inga shook her head. “I cannot.” She glanced back at her bed. “The chain is long enough for our purposes.”

“You are stil afraid of me?” She just stared at him. “There is no reason to be.”

She gasped as his hands moved and he held out the dagger she had thought attached to her thigh.

“How did you get that?”

He shrugged. “Does it matter? I could have kil ed you when you knelt at my feet.”

“Why didn’t you?”

He smiled. “Because I made vows to protect your life with my own.”

She took the dagger back from him and placed it on the table. “You don’t need to pretend to care about me.”

An unwil ing laugh broke from him. “Princess, trust me, it would be much easier if I could just snap your neck and leave. But I don’t want to go. You have been in my dreams for too many years. I want to stay with you.”

“Why would you want to do that when you say I treat you like an animal?”

“Perhaps because I think that once you get to know me, you’l change your opinion and not think you have to treat me like an inferior being. I’m no god, Princess, I have my failings just like any other mortal, but I am general y held to be an honorable man.”

“By other men,” Inga retorted.

His smile was disarming. “Not just by men. I am honored to have the acquaintance of at least two females who consider me a male of worth.”

“Does this include the female you swore vows to and have just broken them?”

His smile disappeared. “Queen Douglass always told me that if I found a female of my own, then my vows to her were dissolved.”

“How convenient for you.”

He set his jaw and suddenly looked quite dangerous. “I had a choice, Princess. I chose you. Would you have preferred me to keep my old vows and choose death by sacrifice?”

Inga turned away from him. He was making her doubt herself and that was not acceptable.

“Get on the bed, male.”

Silence greeted her order and she looked over her shoulder at him. He had resumed his stance against the wal , his arms now folded over his chest.

“Do you want me to cal the guards?”

“I have a name, Princess, would you care to use it?”

She blinked at him. “Just because I freed you from your bonds doesn’t mean that anything has changed!”

He came off the wal so fast that she had no chance to cal out or do anything. She found herself flattened underneath him on the bed, his hand over her mouth. She tried to struggle, but he wouldn’t move an inch.

“My name is Harlan, Princess. Please feel free to scream it while I fuck you.” She wiggled, but there was nothing she could do to stop him sliding his hand between her thighs.

“Ah, you’re so wet.”

His knee spread her thighs wide and he was inside her, his cock sliding deep and hard. She bit his restraining hand, but he didn’t stop pounding into her, each long stroke smacking against her tender flesh until she shuddered to a climax. He didn’t relent, just drew her hips higher and kept thrusting until she came again and then again, the pleasure so intense that she was screaming behind his hand, drawing blood where she could from his restraining flesh.

She opened her eyes to see him stil braced over her, his pupils wide with lust, his expression savage.

“I want to kiss you, Inga.”

He removed his hand and replaced it with his mouth, taking her in yet another way, devouring her with his tongue and teeth. He grabbed her thighs and brought them over his forearms, opening her even wider to his deep thrusts. Her clit throbbed in time to her heart and she moaned as he fingered her, pul ing on her widespread cunt lips and stroking her tender nub until she couldn’t bear it and writhed against him.

“Stop, I can’t, I…”

“Not yet, Inga,” he murmured into her mouth. “I’m not done with you yet.”

His long fingers slid past his embedded cock and circled the pucker of her ass, slicked up wetness, and probed deep. As she stiffened, he lowered his mouth to her breast and sucked hard on her nipple, his pelvis grinding against hers, his body penetrating her in al the ways possible. As Inga climaxed, she closed her eyes and screamed so hard that she thought she might lose her voice.

The door burst open and the guards stood over the bed, their weapons pointed at Harlan, who had gone stil .

Inga managed a weak wave. “It’s al right. You may go.”

One of the guards winked at her. “Yes, Princess. Our apologies, Princess.”

Inga waited until they closed the door behind them and then made herself look up at her male.

“Are you done, now?”


He angled his hips and she could feel that he was stil hard and buried up to the hilt inside her. She wanted to stop him, to order him to move off her, but she didn’t seem to have the wil or the energy.


He pul ed out and she frowned at him, but he was already kissing his way down her stomach and replacing his cock with his clever mouth and long fingers. She grabbed a fistful of his long dark hair and held on as he brought her to another shattering climax.

Eventual y he crawled back up to face her and slid the crown of his cock inside her already sensitive cunt. He framed her face with his hands and rocked back and forth, the slight friction made her edgy, made her want more. She tried to push her hips higher, but he held her in place.

“Go deeper,” she commanded.

He smiled down at her and continued his slow shal ow thrusts, sliding his hand down to just toy with her clit.

She tugged hard on his hair. “Make me come, male.”

“Only if you cal me by my name.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You have no name.”

“And you won’t be coming.” He flicked at her clit and she moaned. “Ask me nicely, Inga.”

“I wil not!” she almost shouted at him.

To her surprise, he pul ed out and rol ed onto his back.

He wrapped one hand around the base of his big cock and stroked himself.

Inga pushed herself up onto one elbow. “You can’t do that. Your seed belongs to me and is not to be spil ed wasteful y.”

“How are you going to stop me?”

She climbed on top of him and positioned herself over his working fingers. “Like this?”

She pushed herself down over him and he groaned her name. “Inga…”

She climaxed immediately and rocked herself back and forth over his stil hard shaft as wave after wave of intense pleasure flooded through her. His hand clamped down on her hip and he final y came with her, the jet of his seed hot and high inside her. Inga col apsed over him and lay stil .

She felt as if every bone in her body had turned to liquid.

His hand came to rest on her buttocks and she realized he was breathing deeply. Had he gone to sleep?

She raised her head an inch to look up at him and found that he was staring up at her.

“Did I please you, Princess?”

“Wel enough.”

“I’l try harder next time.”

His cock was stil inside her and she didn’t seem to notice it was already twitching and ready for more. But perhaps this was not the time for more sex, but a chance to talk. He stroked his hand down her back.

“I’m always in awe of the number of times a female can take her pleasure compared to a male. At the court, the king appointed three male servers to tend to his queen’s pleasure and sometimes she needed al three of us to get her ready for the king.” He continued to stroke Inga’s spine and rounded ass. “Of course, sometimes it was hard for us not to gain release.”

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