Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (25 page)

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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In retaliation, Lann found all her ticklish spots and had her laughing and begging for mercy.

“How much did you miss me?”

“Tons, the days were hours longer than usual.”

“That’s better.” Lann grinned down at her. His fingers trailed across her lips and she bit his thumb. He rolled and Bern put his warm body against her backside.

Bern kissed the back of her neck while Lann moved downward to kiss and suck on her beautiful breasts. Her nipples tightened and he grazed his teeth across them. Her body hummed from their attention.

She reached down and wrapped her hand around Lann’s hard cock. It jerked in her hand.

“Ah, darlin’, your touch sets me on fire,” Lann whispered in her ear and bit her earlobe.

Meanwhile, Bern kissed all along her backbone and across her buttocks. Fluid flowed from her pussy. He slipped his hand between her legs and rubbed her pearl.

Bliss’s body shook with an insatiable craving for her two men. Lann sucked on her breast and pinched her nipple. A spark in her abdomen flared into a roaring heat that sizzled in her veins. The dual bombardment from their touching and kissing had her ready to explode.

She tightened her hand around Lann’s cock. “I need you in me, right now.”

Bern had moved further downward and kissed the back of her legs, and then massaged her feet. Her breath came fast and furious, and her heart pounded against her chest wall.

Her lower lips were wet with her juices, and her pussy ached for attention. She moved her hand up and down Lann’s cock as much as she could from her position. He groaned, giving her a sense of satisfaction.

She stiffened as a wave of pleasure started in her feet, rolled up her legs and across her body. When she bucked, Bern moved. Lann laid her flat and spread her legs. Then he plunged into her pussy.


* * * *


Her pussy was wet and hot. His cock loved the feel of her pussy walls clamping around him. She screamed as her orgasm shook her body, and her pussy rippled around his dick.

Lann continued to move in and out fast. He tipped her hips and slid in further. She met his every stroke with gusto. Her arms and legs wrapped around him and there was only her and him soaring upward until his cock exploded with his orgasm. Her pussy pulsed against his dick, draining him dry.

“It’s a good thing we’re getting married in a week. I didn’t use a condom.”

“It isn’t needed anymore unless you two want to wait on having children.” Bliss glanced over at Bern.

They both smiled. “We’re ready,” Bern said. “But are you? You have your shop just opening.”

“I’ll hire help in the next few months if all goes well.”

“Then no worries,” Lann said.


* * * *


Later that night, Bliss woke to find Bern sitting in a chair staring out the window. She moved carefully so she didn’t wake Lann, and tiptoed across the carpet to Bern’s side.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Very.” He pulled her onto his lap.

“Then why are you sitting here alone staring out the window?”

“I’ve told you how I can’t sleep sometimes because of bad memories, but tonight I can’t sleep because of being so happy. I’m sitting here thinking about every time I’ve seen you or been with you. My heart is full of joy. That hasn’t happened since I was young.”

Bliss put her arms around him and cuddled into his body.

“I’m glad. I feel the same way only I don’t have many real happy moments from my childhood. These are the best.”

Bern cradled her head against his shoulder. “Go to sleep, little one. You’ll need the rest. The next week will go by very fast. There’s lots to be done.”


* * * *


Bern could tell from her breathing when she fell asleep. Her warm body lay relaxed against his hard frame. Her total acceptance of him was truly a great gift. She didn’t even seem to see his scars anymore and never had paid much attention to them. But he had deeper internal scars, and her love had already began to heal them.

His arms tightened around her body and she stirred, kissed his chest and fell back to sleep.

Ah, my darling, I hope I can be worthy of such a love.
He’d never been a man to show much emotion, but he blinked his eyes and swallowed around a lump in his throat.

He got up and carried her to bed, and then he gently placed her in the middle. Bern got in bed and pulled her close. Her arms and legs immediately wrapped around his body.

“Sleep, sweetheart. No one will ever harm you with me or Lann around.”

She sighed as though she heard him, and slept on.

Chapter Seventeen


The next week had flown by. Lann’s mother and sisters arrived on Wednesday and brought Bliss’s dress to try on. The color was a light purple that matched her eyes almost perfectly.

“It looks beautiful on you with your eyes and black hair,” Lann’s mother said. His sisters nodded.

“I love it, and it’s a perfect fit.” Bliss turned all around in front of the mirror.

“I like Lann’s house.” His mother smiled at Bliss. “Is there anything you want to change?”

“No. I like it, too. The ladies who decorated the house did a great job, and the colors are ones I like. I almost wish there was something I had to change.”

“To make it seem more like yours.” His mother nodded. “I understand.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m very lucky, and I know it. I’ll be happy here or at Bern’s house when we occasionally go over there.”

“Let’s walk to the gazebo and get some fresh air.” His mother took Bliss’s arm and gave her daughters a look that told them not to come along.

She didn’t say much to Bliss until they got to where the gazebo had been built. “It’s a lovely spot.”

Bliss glanced around. Trees surrounded three sides of the pavilion and the open side faced the east. A short distance away she saw a stream gleaming blue. Further on, the land became hilly. It was a quiet, isolated spot.

“I agree. Lann said Elle will bless this area each time she comes, but in between we can enjoy using the gazebo.”

“Sit,” his mother instructed. There were chairs already arranged for the ceremony which they’d decided to move up to Friday.

“I’m glad we have this opportunity to speak alone. I was leery at first. Lann had never shown any particular interest in our women and this happened so fast. He’d always been all business and worried about our tribe.” She took a deep breath. “But now I find him smiling, joking, and love shining in his eyes. He’s a different man. He and Bern are like brothers, and if I think back, I remember noticing small changes when he’d return from his vacation trips. He held this side of himself back while he did his duty for his tribe. Since meeting you the transformation is even more noticeable. I’m happy for him, and you and Bern. I worried he was too serious.”

“He still can be when he’s determined about something. I called him controlling. It helped me when I understood the responsibility he’d had, and how he was the one to make the final decisions for many years.”

“As I said, I couldn’t be happier for the three of you. You all glow, and I’m sure your marriage will be a happy one. I hope you will feel accepted and part of our family.”

“You and your daughters have been so nice to me. I’m sure I will feel more and more a part of the family as time goes by. You have only the two sons?”

“Yes, I lost a son at birth. When the twins were born, we felt truly blessed. Lann’s dad and Cad and his family will be here late tomorrow.”

“May I hug you?” Bliss asked. Mrs. Quinlain put out her arms.

“Someone told me I’d find my two favorite girls here.” Lann walked to their side and hugged them both. “I like group hugs,” he teased and kissed his mom’s cheek and Bliss’s mouth.

“You’ve chosen well,” his mother said. “Take good care of her.” She waved and walked back toward the ranch house.

Lann stood behind Bliss and put his arms around her waist. “Happy?”

“Very, but I’m worried. Bern’s parents will be here for the ceremony, but he hasn’t heard from his brother.”

“He’s more of a loner than Bern ever was, and he’s probably still searching for Cameo’s ex-husband.”

“That’s no excuse. I’m going to find his number and call him.”

“I have it. But are you sure Bern would want you to interfere?”

“No, I’m not. Still, he’ll be hurt if his only sibling doesn’t show up to his wedding.”

“All right, come to the house. I’ll wait while you call.”

“Do you want to speak with him?”

“Nope, but if he upsets you, then I want to be there.”

She put her arm around his waist as they walked back. “You two are very protective, but I’m beginning to like it.”

“Good, because we don’t know any other way to be.”

At the house, Lann took her into his study. He looked for the number, then dialed the phone, and handed the receiver to her.

“Hello,” a harsh voice snapped at the other end.

“Is this Rodolfo Aznar?”

“Who wants to know?”

“I’m Bliss Meades.

“Ah, the lady who’s marrying my brother and his friend.”

“Yes. I’m hoping you’re coming to our wedding.”

“We just got back from finding the no-account ex-husband. He’s been turned over to the authorities. You can tell Bern. But I’m not the type of guy who likes crowds or formal occasions. I don’t think I’ll make it.”

“It won’t be a formal occasion. We’re being married at the ranch with only family and close friends.”

There was silence on the other end of the line. Then Rodolfo spoke. “I guess I’ll have to come to meet the spitfire he’s marrying. My family and friends call me Rod.” He hung up.

Bliss stared at the phone. “He didn’t say good-bye.”

“From what I’ve heard about him, you’re lucky he talked to you at all. Is he coming?”

“Yes, I think he is. I’m curious to meet him.”


* * * *


Her big day was finally here. Bliss had stayed at her apartment last night and Sunn was due anytime now to help her get ready. Bliss stood in front of the full-length mirror behind her door.

Being in love must be agreeable to me. My skin is glowing, and I can’t quit smiling
. She’d met Bern’s parents yesterday when they arrived. His mother and father had been very kind to her and welcomed her into the family. His mother admitted she and her husband didn’t really understand the threesome marriage, but as she said, “We try to be open to new ideas and customs. Bern and Lann are both obviously in love with you and happy with the arrangement. We’re very fond of Lann, and we’re exceptionally pleased to see Bern happy again.”

Bliss heard the doorbell and pulled on her robe to let Sunn in. She peeked out first to make sure it was her best friend.

“Good morning, bride,” Sunn said, greeting her and giving Bliss a big hug. Then she twirled around. “How do you like my maid-of-honor dress? You chose very well. This color is one of my favorites.

The lemon-yellow dress complemented Sunn’s light-blonde hair. It had a heart-shaped neckline and a flared skirt. Her friend looked beautiful.
I wonder if I should tell her Chandler Larsson and Todd Carrigan might be at the wedding

“You look pensive. I hope you aren’t having second thoughts. Your guys are really special.”

“No second thoughts at all. I’m all a flutter inside with excitement.”

“Have you eaten?”


“Then while you shower, I’ll make coffee and toast. I’m sure you don’t want much, but toast will settle your nervous stomach.”

“Yes, Mother.” Bliss smiled and hurried to the bathroom. They had to leave within the next hour.

But she stopped at the bedroom door and turned back to face Sunn. “Guess what? I got a call from Addie. She, her husbands, and the children will be at the wedding. I can’t wait to see them, and I’m so glad my brother moved far away. We don’t have to worry about him causing a disturbance.”

“That’s good news. I always liked Addie. Now go get ready or you’ll be late to your wedding.”

While she was drying from her shower, Sunn knocked on the door and called out, “Eat first. Then we’ll get you into your dress and do your hair.”

“All right,” Bliss answered. She pulled her robe on and went to the living room. Sunn was placing coffee and toast with jelly on the two-person dining table.

“I’m joining you. I didn’t eat either, but I’ll be careful not to mess up my pretty dress.” Sunn grinned at her.

After they’d eaten their toast and were finishing their coffee, Bliss took a deep breath and decided to tell Sunn about her two old boyfriends. Being surprised wouldn’t be fair or pleasant for her.

“Sunn, I didn’t know but Bern and Lann are friends of Chandler and Todd. Bern told me last night they’d called and he invited them. I thought you should know so you can be prepared.”

“No problem. I’m over them. There’ll be plenty of handsome cowboys around to keep me entertained.”

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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