Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1

Capturing Our Lady's Heart

Bernardo Aznar and Lann Quinlain want Bliss Meades for their wife. Bliss wants to open a lingerie shop and doesn’t want any help, not even financial, from Bern and Lann. She fears being controlled as her father did to her mother and her brother tried to do to her. Capturing her heart won’t be easy. Still, her mind might reject Bern and Lann, but her body doesn’t agree. Bern and Lann are determined. Once they make love to her, she fears she’ll have to choose between her dream of having her own business and her growing love for them.

Lann takes her to Wyoming and the history of his family is revealed to her. She is stunned and overwhelmed by the disclosure. But her love isn’t shaken.

Back in Texas, Bern and Lann go on an assignment. While they are gone, Bliss realizes she wants her men and her shop. Can she have it all?

Multiple Partners, Paranormal, Western/Cowboys

65,852 words



Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1






Paige Cameron










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Polyromance




Copyright © 2013 by Paige Cameron

E-book ISBN:


First E-book Publication: June 2013


Cover design by Les Byerley

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Capturing Our Lady’s Heart
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To my husband, Steve, the best man I know. Thank you for your continued encouragement.


Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1



Copyright © 2013






Chapter One


Lann Quinlain watched his closest friend, Garth Sherwyn, pace around Lann’s living room.

“You’re excited.” Garth spoke accusingly.

“Of course I am.” Lann frowned at Garth.

“I can’t believe you’re really leaving in the morning.”

“I’ve waited a long time for this.”

“I know I’m being an ass. I ought to be happy for you, but Texas seems a long way from Wyoming.”

“Only a short time in the jet. I’m sure Mitch will let you use it anytime you want to visit.”

“You said your house is finished already.”

“I gave the plans to a contractor before our battles started here, and they began building shortly afterward. With the delay in moving, it means as soon as I get my furniture I can move in.”

“You’ll be closer to New Mexico.”

“I plan on visiting our tribe members who decided to stay there instead of moving to Wyoming.”

“I think my mother and some of the older members of the tribe plan to go back and stay in New Mexico during the coldest months here.”

“That sounds like a good idea. I’m looking forward to winters that aren’t so cold. Garth, I meant what I said, come visit anytime. My new ranch house is large, and I’m having the old ranch house, well it’s more of a cabin, redone for guests.”

Garth grinned for the first time that evening. “You’re planning on lots of visitors.”

“Don’t disappoint me. Mitch, Daren, and Sara have already said they’d be down after I get settled.”

“How do you feel about Kira?”

“I like her, and she’s already made a good impression on our tribe.”

“Yeah, I think she’ll do almost as good as you have.” Garth grinned and hit Lann on the shoulder. “I’ve got to get home. I’ll be at the airport to wave good-bye to you guys.”

Lann stood at the door and watched Garth drive off. He was going to miss him, but he’d looked forward to having his own life, doing what he wanted, and being free to have a wife and family for what seemed like forever.

He could have married as Mitch and Daren did with Sara, but he wanted more freedom, something else. Hopefully he’d find it in Texas with his renegade friends.


* * * *


Their jet landed on Bernardo Aznar’s runway. He and four of his men driving large trucks met the plane. Lann let the others disembark ahead of him. He turned to Ethan, who’d flown them here.

“Thanks for the ride. Won’t you get off and stay a night? I can show you around.”

“I can’t this time. It’s too close to the time for Morgan to give birth. But keep the invitation open.”

“I understand. Bring the whole family when the babe and Morgan can travel. Tell Justin and Morgan hello for me.”

“I will.”

Lann started to walk down the plane’s steps. “What do you want, a boy or girl?”

“A girl, who looks just like her momma, but it really doesn’t matter as long as the baby is healthy.”

“Good luck.” Lann waved and took the steps two at a time. When he put his feet on the ground, Bernardo walked up.

Bern looked at Lann’s boots. “You’re on your way to becoming a Texan.” He grinned and shook Lann’s hand. “Welcome friend.”

They walked to a large, shiny black truck. Before they got in Lann turned and waved as Ethan took off.

“Is he a good pilot?”

“The absolute best. Sometime, I’ll have to tell you about how he flew a heavy plane like it was light as a feather and saved a number of our people from dying.”

“Do you suppose he’d like to join our group?”

“No. His home is in Wyoming.”

“Too bad. One of our pilots quit. We’ll be looking to fill his slot.”

Lann got in the truck, and Bern drove toward his house. “How is the Black Scorpion business going?” he asked Bern.

“Fine, but I’ll be glad to have you and your men join us. You can lead some of the groups and relieve me.”

“Is the leg giving you trouble?”

“Sometimes. It hates cold weather. I guess the Army Rangers were right to put me out after I got wounded.”

“You still can do lots more than most normal folks.”

Bern laughed. “I sure can’t compete with you and your relatives. By the way, I rode by your place yesterday. That’s a beauty of a ranch house you had built.”

“I’m anxious to see it.”

“We’ll go by later today. I have a barbecue cooking. I’ve invited some of our nearest neighbors and my men to meet you and your cowboys.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“One of the neighbors I invited is the Meades family. He owns the land next to yours. The land you were thinking about making an offer on. But I don’t know if he’ll consider selling.”

“My meeting him on a friendly basis will be the first step toward seeing if he’d consider an offer for the ranch.”

“We have about an hour before the barbecue. You are planning on bunking at my place until you get yours furnished, aren’t you?”

“Yes. But I hope to get that done soon and not wear out my welcome. The bunkhouse is ready for my guys. Later they can choose a spot and build a cabin or whatever they want. We’re in this together.”

Bern parked his truck, and they went into the ranch house. Lann carried his luggage to the room he usually used when visiting.

“It’s yours as long as you need.” Bern stood in the doorway. “Are you still wanting us to find a wife and settle down as we’ve talked about before?”

“Definitely. Have you changed your mind?”

“Not at all. I have someone I’d like us to consider.”


“I’m not going to tell you. I want to see if you are as drawn to her as I am.”

“This should be interesting.”

“Interesting and fun.” Bern walked down the hall. “Join me when you’re ready.”

Lann unpacked, and then he stared out the window. The scene was different. There were the usual pastures, but the land was flat with rolling hills. A breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees and a crystal-blue sky shone above.

He opened the window and breathed deep. It was still a ranch and familiar scents floated in on the breeze. He heard voices in the distance. He’d better go outside with his men to get acquainted with the people and the different environment.


* * * *


“Damn, I wish Aznar hadn’t asked us to this barbecue, and I don’t know why you accepted,” Alan Meades snapped at his sister, Bliss.

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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