Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (9 page)

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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I am controlling to a certain extent, but not like her brother. I’d only insist on something if I felt she was in danger of being hurt.

Perhaps after the movers left they could cook a meal together, and afterward he’d suggest Bern come over for coffee and dessert. If she agreed, then maybe they’d get a chance to make love to her.

He called Bern and explained his plan. “After coffee and dessert, we’ll ease her into the idea of making love.”

“Call me, if all goes well.”

The movers came up the stairs with the king-size bed and mattress. He showed them where to set the bed up in the master bedroom and directed where the other tables and chest of drawers would go.

Downstairs, Lann headed to the kitchen. The large coffee urn was percolating. Bliss had found cut-up chicken in the refrigerator and was busy rinsing it. She glanced at him coming in the door.

“I thought you might be hungry. I guess I couldn’t resist trying out your stove, and I wanted to do something as a thank-you for all you’ve done for me.”

“Is there enough to invite Bern?”

Bliss turned to face him. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, but also a flash of desire.

“You’re only committing to dinner. Whatever comes after is up to you.” He held his breath waiting for her answer.

“There’s enough for the three of us. Call him.”

Holding her close, he felt the rapid beat of her heart against his chest and the slight tremble in her body.

“I hope you know neither of us would ever hurt you, or pressure you to do something you didn’t want to. Trust is an important part of a relationship.”

“But I don’t want a committed relationship. Men change, and I’d be devastated if I married and then found out my husband intended to tell me how to act, dress, and where or when I could go someplace.”

“Then enjoy us and let us all get to know each other better. We’re in no hurry, as long as we can see you and hopefully make love to you. But in the end we’ll want marriage, and if you don’t, then we’ll have to walk away.”


* * * *


Bliss pictured herself at the edge of a cliff and her choices were to jump off and trust Lann and Bern would catch her, or to step back into a safe and quiet life with her shop being everything to her.

Lann’s emerald eyes glowed with warmth and an enticing invitation. His own personal, male scent enticed her to jump, to take a risk.

“Spread your wings, darlin’. Bern and I will be here if you start to fall.” Lann’s low, seductive words wrapped around her.

She stepped out of his arms. “We’ll see how dinner goes.”

He nodded and strode to the door. She took a deep breath.
I do want them, but maybe not forever. Still, I can make that decision later. We all might find we’re not compatible. But I’m so hungry for them right now, I’m in danger of grabbing the closest one to me at dinner and hauling him upstairs.
She grinned at the thought. They’d love that.

Bern arrived just as she placed the chicken on a platter. “Hi, thanks for inviting me. It sure smells good in here.” He sniffed at her neck.

“It’s not me. Don’t start nibbling.”

He grinned. “I think it is you, but I’ll restrain myself. What can I do to help? You have Lann setting the table. That was a sight to behold.”

“You can carry in the mashed potatoes and the bowl of green beans. I’ll bring the chicken and the biscuits. Is iced tea all right with you both for our drinks?”

“Lann and I love iced tea. My cook keeps a jug in the refrigerator for us all the time.”

“I’m starving,” Lann said from the doorway. “I’ll pour the tea and follow you two to the dining room.”

Bliss led the way. She sat her items on the table and Bern followed suit. Lann set the glasses down, and then Bern pulled her chair out for her.

She was definitely being pampered. It was a balm to her wounded spirit. The men kept the conversation light during dinner and had her laughing at a few of their stories.

“So, you two met about six years ago and almost immediately became friends.”

“Yes, Lann was in Houston on vacation and attending a conference. We were introduced by a mutual friend. Then we started planning vacations at the same time each year either here at the ranch or at Lann’s place in California. You should see it,” Bern said. “The house has lots of windows overlooking the Pacific Ocean.”

“What job did you have in Wyoming?” Bliss asked.

“You might say I was in charge of a large organization. I wanted something different, but I’d inherited the position from my father. Until the right person to take over came along, I was stuck.”

“Then you do understand about how I feel concerning my shop. That it’s my dream.”

“Yes, I’m starting to live my dream, too.”

Bliss turned to Bern. “I’d guess the ranch is not your first dream.”

“No, being in the Army Rangers was my first. Then when I got injured, I struggled to decide what I wanted to do with my life. When I arrived in Saddlespurs during one of my travels, I had intended to only stay overnight. Something urged me to look around the next morning. I didn’t have an agenda of where I had to be. I drove around, met some of the people, and saw this ranch for sale.

“Back in town, I went to lunch at the Hungryman’s Café. There were two ladies across the room. One was quiet, while the other one talked animatedly with her hands and body movements. But I found myself more interested in the quiet one.” Bern looked straight at her. “You.”

“I must have been with Sunn. She’s easily excited and often shows her emotions, especially if she wins a case. But you can’t have been interested in me that far back. You’ve been nice to me since we met, but you didn’t ask me out or anything.”

“I went to the realtors after lunch and bought the ranch. There was much to be done, including hiring my men and setting up my other business. I kept an eye on you whenever you came home from where you were working in Houston. When you moved back two years ago, I started to ask you out. Then you moved to your brother’s house to help him with his children. You changed. You became withdrawn toward people you didn’t know well.

“By that time Lann and I knew we wanted a threesome marriage. It isn’t unusual in Saddlespurs, but I thought you’d turn us down flat. And I’ve talked enough. I haven’t opened up to anyone but Lann in years.”

His cheeks flushed. Bliss wondered if he regretted sharing so much.

Lann pushed his chair back. “This meal was delicious. But I’m ready for dessert.”

Bliss, who was sitting between them, started to get up.

Bern rose beside her. “Honey, he’s not talking about what’s in the kitchen. We want to make love to you.”

“I have to clean the table and put the food away.” She started to pick up the plates. Her heart raced, and heat flashed to her core.

“The hell with the food.” Lann picked her up in his arms. “It can wait.”

“But it’ll spoil.”

Bern walked up the stairs behind them. He grinned. “We don’t care. We’ll buy more.”

Chapter Seven


Lann carried her to the end of the hall and into the master bedroom. After the movers left and while she cooked, he must have made the bed. He sat her on the side and began to unbutton her blouse.

“I haven’t said I agreed.”

Lann stepped back by Bern. Bern knelt at her knees.

“Honey, are you going to keep me waiting longer? It’s been six years.”

She ran her fingers around his face and across his lips. He nipped at her thumb, and her pussy clenched.

“I do want you, both. I’m a bit scared, though, at the thought of opening myself up to you.”

“We’ll take it slow and easy. If you want us to stop, say the word.”

Bliss nodded her head. She leaned forward and kissed Bern’s mouth. Her hand moved down his neck to his shirt. Bliss unfastened the first few buttons.

Bern pulled her up in his strong arms and kissed her. She felt the whole length of his body against hers. His cock was aroused and hard. It pushed against her abdomen. Bern moved his leg between hers and she rubbed her mound against him, sending spikes of desire racing along her nerves.

When he pushed his leg harder on that sensitive spot, Bliss moaned in pleasure. She arched against his hard muscles, and moisture flowed out of her pussy.

Lann came behind her and pulled her hair to the side. His lips nuzzled her neck, and his hands went around her to caress her breasts. He rubbed her nipples with the flat of his hand.

Her craving need for them to touch her and be inside her became a voracious passion. They’d aroused a fire of need in her center.

Lann undid the rest of her shirt and removed it and her bra from where he’d pushed it up. Bliss was so consumed with her feelings, she hardly noticed when Bern undid her slacks and pulled them and her panties down.

“Step out of your pants, darlin’.” Lann whispered in her ear and then bit her earlobe.

Bern lifted her one foot at a time, and then she was naked.

He immediately went back to kissing her and his hand moved down between her lower lips to rub her clit.

When he did, she wanted to throw her legs around his waist and have his hard cock plunge inside of her. She opened her legs wider to make it easier for him to touch her.

“Wait just a second, darlin’.” Bern reached in his pocket and removed a condom packet. Then he quickly undressed and sheathed his cock.

Lann lifted her onto the bed before stepping aside to take his clothes off. Bern got on the bed and spread her legs.

His fingers separated her folds, and he tasted her juices from her clit to the opening of her pussy. “The sweetest taste ever.”

Every nerve ending in her body stirred and tingled. Her skin felt hypersensitive to his touch. Lann came back to the bed and lay beside her. He leaned across, took one nipple in his mouth, and sucked. The aching coil in her center exploded with hot, impassioned delight. She inhaled deeply and their combined earthy scents of arousal and all male sent her hunger through the stratosphere.

“Take me, please.”

“Soon, honey.” Bern licked her lower lips and inside the entrance to her pussy. Her pussy pulsed and ached. She arched her back and pushed herself closer against his talented mouth.

Lann turned her head and kissed her deeply. His tongue went in and out, mimicking what she wanted Bern to do below. He continued to caress her breast and pinch her nipple.

Bliss began to shake. “I’m going to explode.” She bit the edge of Lann’s lower lip just before he pulled back. Then Bern positioned himself at her opening. He moved in gradually, stretching her pussy walls. She panted as she soared up and out. Her body shook hard. Bern plunged all the way to her womb. Then he went in and out, fast and hard. She screamed as intense pleasure swallowed her up.

As she came back to reality, her pussy walls still pulsed against Bern’s hard, wide cock. His face was drawn taut and his bluish-gray eyes had turned a metallic gray. He tilted her hips going deeper and pushed in hard several more times. Then he yelled out when his orgasm hit him.

Bern leaned his forehead on Bliss’s. “Thanks, honey. It was worth the wait.” He rolled to her side breathing heavy.

Lann pulled her into his arms. “We’re going to check out my new shower.” He carried her across and into a very big bathroom. The colors were a lighter green than the bedroom.

He put her down and reached in to turn on the water and adjust the temperature. Then he lifted her inside. He let her feet slide to the tile floor before he picked up a bar of soap and began to wash her all over. He took his time caressing her breasts and then kissed her mouth, along her neck, and tasted each breast.

Her nipples had tightened and Lann licked and sucked. Each suck sent a sizzle of heat straight to her core. She was surprised how soon her desire had reawakened. Moisture from her pussy mingled with the warm water cascading across their bodies.

After satisfying himself with her breasts, he kissed her abdomen and then put a sudsy hand between her legs. He caressed all along her pussy lips. Between the soft suds and his active fingers, she found herself panting with hunger for him.

Bliss stared into Lann’s burning gaze. There was something dark about him that he kept hidden most of the time, but aroused, she smelled it in his scent, which hinted of danger and excitement. Raw desire flashed in his eyes and he held his jaw tight.

“I want you more than any woman I’ve known.”

His low, sexy voice sent an exquisite ache to her core. When he bit her pebbled nipple harder than usual, she groaned in pleasure and pain, but it aroused her more.

“Did I hurt you?”

“A little discomfort, but more pleasure.”

He put two fingers in her pussy and watched her expression. She clamped hard on them.

“You’ve hidden your sexuality from everyone, including yourself.”

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’ve never felt this intense pleasure before.” She bit the lobe of his ear, and then sucked on it. “There’s a need in me. But I’m afraid to let go completely, for fear I’ll never be myself again.”

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