Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (13 page)

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“I have to get home and get some sleep. Josh has some men coming to the ranch house to meet me early in the morning. He’s going to hire them, but wants my approval. Why don’t you drive Bliss home, and if it’s all right with her, you can have some private time together like she and I had this afternoon. I’ll take the car and meet you all for breakfast at the Hungryman’s Café around ten.”

“Bliss may prefer to have a quiet night alone,” Bern said. He glanced across at Lann.

“Actually”—Bliss put her hand on Bern’s tense thigh muscle—“I’d like the time to get to know you better. If you want to stay.”

Do I want to stay? I’m so hot for Bliss I may spontaneously explode. And I do want to know her better.
Bern looked at her sweet face. “Sweetheart, there isn’t a red-blooded man around who’d say no. Of course I want to spend time with you.”

Her hand tightened on his leg. “Good. I thought you might be anxious to get rid of me.”

Bern pulled into a parking space by her store and apartment. He put his arm around Bliss and kissed the top of her head. “Silly girl, we’ll work on that self-esteem.” He opened his door and got out.

Lann helped Bliss out. He pulled her close and kissed her good-night. “See you two lovebirds in the morning.” Lann waved and drove off into the night.

Bern followed Bliss up the stairs. He took her key and opened the door. Then waited while she went in first. She threw her purse on the kitchen counter.

“Would you like a beer or a glass of wine?”

“Wine would be good.”

“I only have white.”

“White’s fine.” Bern walked around the small living room and kitchen area. “It’s a cute place, perfect for one or two people.”

“If it was two they’d have to enjoy a lot of closeness,” Bliss said. She handed him a glass of wine. “Sit in the lounge chair.”

“I’m restless. You sit. I’ll pace, if you don’t mind.”

Bliss sat and sipped on her wine. “You’re sad tonight. Were you upset about the time Lann and I spent alone? I didn’t think there was jealousy in threesomes.”

“I’m not jealous. I’m happy you two are getting along so well.” He’d walked to the window and stared out at the darkness. Then he decided to open himself up to her. He turned around and sat in one of the two chairs that went with the small dining table.

“I love the ranch and getting out in the open, but it’s not enough for me. I miss my job with the Rangers. There are times when I get melancholy and Lann or some friend kicks my butt and gets me out of it. I guess he thought you’d do the trick tonight.”

“You got out of the Rangers because of your injuries?”

“Yes, but I’m not out of the work. I have a sideline that I keep secret from everyone but the men involved. I’m telling you in strictest privacy.”

“I would never tell anyone your secret, unless it’s illegal.”

Her words made him smile. “I love your honesty. If it was illegal, you’d call the police.”

“I would have to, but I don’t see you doing shady deals. You’re a gentlemen, and have the demeanor of a person who can be trusted.”

“Thank you for the compliments. I’ll try never to disappoint you.”

“My business is called The Black Scorpion Matrix. There are two units in the states and two overseas. We do various jobs. Some are secret government assignments and others are privately funded for us to rescue people who have been kidnapped in dangerous spots around the world. We try to find women who just disappear off the face of the earth, but are really taken by very bad men.”

Bliss’s face had whitened. He took her hand. “You look upset about my secret job.”

“It sounds dangerous.”

“True, but what we do is needed, and there is much gratification in succeeding. The few times we aren’t successful are hard to face.”

“Are you the boss of all the units?”

“No. My brother, who’s a year older than me, and his friend started the business. His friend mainly helped financially at the first. Now, he also helps with his connections.

“My brother heads one of the stateside units and I head the other. We expanded to have help overseas when we need it. A friend of ours takes care of those two units. They’re smaller.”

“And you make money on these assignments?”

“We do. But we don’t turn down a job if the family hasn’t got the money to pay us. We go anyway.”

“I’d heard you travel fairly often. People think since you have the money you like to take trips. I’m sure no one has an inkling of what you really do. Are your men on the ranch part of the group?”

“Yes, but we have other members scattered around Texas and nearby states. If we all lived in the same place people, would notice us leave. My men on the ranch rotate and no one says anything outside of the ranch about them being gone. Plus, we don’t get assignments too often. Although last year we had four, which was a lot.”

“I never dreamed you were doing such work. How do you do with your leg? I’ve noticed lately when you’re tired the limp is worse.”

“You’re observant. That’s one of the reasons I’m glad to have Lann here. He’s going to take over some of the jobs for me. I won’t go as often. I’ll miss it, but it’s for the best.

“Since I’ve told you a secret, you have to tell me one.”

Bliss grinned. “I didn’t agree to that.”


“I can’t think of any.”

“Tell me about you mother and father and their marriage. It might help me understand why you have such an adverse view of the topic.” Bern placed his empty wineglass on the table and walked to her chair. He picked her up in his arms and sat with her on his lap. “Now, talk.”


* * * *


Bern’s quiet approach helped Bliss talk about things she’d never revealed to another person, except Sunn, who knew most of her secrets. Bliss spoke of how worn down her mother became over the years.

“There was no joy in our house. Dad seldom said nice things to Mother or us. Alan became his favorite child by always agreeing with Father and taking his side. Women were to be seen, to work, and not to interrupt a man’s conversation.”

“Didn’t your father see the world changing?”

“We had no television. He read the papers, and disagreed with most of what was in them. He refused to change, to see a better way to do things.”

“You said your mother thought it was naughty to look at yourself in the mirror.”

“That was a slip.”

Bern smiled. “You must have been naked.”

“You and Lann always make me blush. Yes, I was. In my early teenage years, I’d decided to look and see the changes I felt in my body. Mom walked in on me. I was embarrassed, and then more so after her lecture that no good could come from staring at my naked body.”

“I’m surprised how open you were with Lann and me.”

“My hormones seem to go crazy around you two. I don’t know myself. I followed your lead and my instincts.”

Bern stood her on her feet. “Do you have a mirror in this apartment?”

“Behind the bedroom door, but really I can’t…”

“Try, for me.” He put his arm around her waist and walked with her into the next room. He shut the door. “Ah, a nice full-length mirror. See how good we look together?”

Bliss stared at their reflection. Bern towered above her. He wore his blond hair long, and his slate-colored eyes were a dark-gray tonight. His dark-blue, western-style, button-down shirt emphasized his broad shoulders.

“We make a good-looking couple,” Bern whispered in her ear. Then he stepped behind her and ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s like silk, and smells like the wild roses that cover the fences in the spring.” He took his time and kissed the side of her face.

Familiar guilt rose inside her. Could she do this with him? She had a strong desire to retreat and send him home. To take time to think, but if she did she’d never get the courage to do this and part of her wanted to very much.

But would it make her an indecent woman? According to her mother’s beliefs, she’d be damned forever. Heck, having two lovers would have shocked her mother to the core. She had never approved of the threesome couples, and she let Bliss know how much she disapproved.

Bern bit the lobe of her ear and brought her back to the present. A fluttering started in her belly, and her legs went weak. Bern held her close. She was aware of his cock, long and hard against her backside. Mesmerized by his movements, she watched as his hand caressed her neck, and then he kissed her.

Her heart pounded in her chest. She thought at any moment it might jump right out. He licked across the spot, near the juncture of her shoulder, where her heart beat fiercely.

“You’re excited and perhaps frightened. This won’t hurt and may help.” His low, sexy tone had her wanting to yell,
touch me, make love to me
. But, she didn’t. She leaned against his hard frame and waited for his next move.

He started unbuttoning her blouse. When he pulled it off her shoulders, he smiled. “I’m glad you wear bras so easy to get rid of.” He unsnapped her bra in the front, but left it hanging partially open while he nibbled at her shoulder and ran his hands along her arms.

“Look at how lovely you are.” When he spoke, he slipped her bra completely off. His lusty look had her nipples instantly tightening. He cupped her breasts in his hands. “They’re luscious, and your nipples are a dusty rose. They make me want to taste them. Look at them. They’re a part of you.”

Bliss had looked at his face when he’d touched her, but now he waited until she dropped her gaze to herself, to her breasts. He moved his hands away, uncovering her. Bliss face went hot, but she looked.

“Now”—he brought her hands up and placed them against her breasts—“feel how soft they are.”

She tried to pull away, but he held his hands tight over hers. “Relax. It isn’t naughty. It’s good for you to know that we’re being truthful when we describe you as soft and sexy. For me, please touch your nipples, rub them. You’ll excite me.”

Bliss glanced at his face. “I can’t.”

“Sure you can.” He waited patiently.

She gingerly touched her peaked nipples. He took her hand and showed her how he wanted her to rub them. When she did, she felt his cock jerk.

“See, my dick likes to see you touching yourself.”

She dropped her hands, and he chuckled. But then he unfastened her belt buckle. “You might as well see the rest of your ravishing beauty.” Quickly, he’d unzipped and pulled her slacks and shoes off. She stood with nothing on but her blue lace bikini panties.

His hands caressed up her legs. “See your long, curvy legs, and I like your soft, flat tummy and rounded hips.” He put one hand on her stomach and ran the other underneath her panties.

Her whole body burned for his touch. Her panties were wet from her arousal and of their own accord her legs stepped further apart to let his fingers go into her pussy. His two fingers rubbed inside her opening and with his other hand, he tweaked her bud. Bliss’s body shook with a fiery fever.

“Look at your body and what I’m doing to it.” Bern spoke in a commanding voice.

She’d closed her eyes, but she looked and saw a woman in the mirror she didn’t know. Her eyes were wild with desire, the lamplight on her bare skin made it glow, and she stood in a position begging to be taken by the hard-faced man holding her tight.

He spread her lower lips. “See your gorgeous pink petals hiding your jewel.” He lightly pinched her clit. “This is you. A very desirable woman.”

Bern moved his fingers in and out of her pussy while he rubbed across her clit. His lips sucked on the edge of her shoulder.

A decadent pleasure built in her core. Her pussy pulsed with the need to be filled by Bern’s hard cock.

Bliss stared at Bern’s face. His eyes smoldered with heat, and at his temple she saw his pulse beat. A sheen of perspiration shown on his forehead. He was holding himself back to give her the opportunity to accept herself and throw off her inhibitions.

His two fingers rubbed across her G-spot. “Ah,” she moaned and put her head back against his chest. He nipped her earlobe and pinched her nipple. Suddenly an intense wave of sensual heat and pleasure rose and spilled across her body. She leaned her head back and said his name.

He kissed her. “Let go, baby. Take all I have to give.” Bern held her tight as her orgasm shook her inside and out.

Then Bern swept her into his arms and placed her on the bed. He removed his clothes and sheathed his cock and thrust inside her still rippling pussy. The feel of his hard cock sent a second frenzy of delight zipping up her spine. Her heated blood raced throughout her body. Bliss clenched her pussy around his cock, and she heard his yell of relief as his dick pulsated inside her.

He rolled to his back and took her with him. She lay across his panting chest. His heart pounded in her ear. Bliss snuggled against his body and went to sleep to the music of his heartbeat.


* * * *


Bern glanced at her sleeping face. Her creamy-white skin glistened with perspiration. He ran his fingers lightly through her hair. She was right. She wasn’t conventionally beautiful. But to him and Lann she was everything they’d wanted. She touched a deep spot in him, a wounded place, and gave him a sense of peace. With her beside him, perhaps he could bring all the parts of himself back together.

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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