Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (33 page)

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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Chapter Thirty-Eight





Don’t leave. Not now. Not ever.

The words were on the tip of his tongue. He just had to open his mouth and they would tumble out. But he could not do it. She was going to leave and be with her family, the Shaw.

Gods, how was he to pretend losing her was not killing him? Had he truly thought he could watch her leave and not fall apart?

He had thought avoiding her would make this situation easier to accept, but it had only made it worse. He thought of her with every passing minute, unable to focus on his work. His coronation was tomorrow night. He would face Jefferson and he would return to his Clan as their king. But his queen would not be at his side.  She would be in the crowd waiting for the party to end and for Falcon to escort her to the airport.

How could he concentrate on his fight with Jefferson knowing he only had a few precious hours left with Eva? He would be distracted, leaving himself open and vulnerable to defeat.

“Let go, Hadrian.”

She still had not looked at him. He did not have to see her face to know she was on the verge of tears. He could hear the sadness in her voice.

He reached up, took the towel from her and tossed it on the chairs. She mumbled a protest as he drew her to him. He did not ask her to sit or tried to pull her down. He wrapped his arms about her thighs and laid his head between her hips.

Eva gasped, her body tensed, but the stiffness faded. Her arms circled his head. She held her to him.

Hadrian closed his eyes, silently savoring the feel of her. His heart was breaking with every beat. He could not let her go, he could not release her. She was his mate. She was his Eva.

“Hadrian, I think—”

Her words ended on a gasp when he pressed his lips to her navel.

“Oh, Eva,” he sighed, nuzzling against the triangle of her bikini.

Eva knew she should push him away, but her arms remained locked about his head.

“Will you let me taste you? I need to taste you.”

Every sane thought escaped her. God, she needed him. Needed this, just one last time.

Her throat was dry, her chest ached, and tears blurred her vision as she whispered a shuddering, “Yes.”

Hadrian’s hands fell to her hips. He drew the dainty bottoms of her bikini down her legs. She stepped out of them and he tossed them over his shoulder. They landed in the water with a soft splash.

The hard sound of locks sliding into place echoed in through the room. She smiled. He thought of everything and right now, they did not need an audience.

He stood. Water and bubbles ran down his chest. Gripping her hips, he lifted her and set her on the edge. His hands slipped to her thighs, spreading her wide for him. He drew a finger over her center, finding her creamy and ready for him.

Hadrian pressed a palm to her chest, guiding her to her back before kneeling down. Eva hooked her legs over his wide shoulders and, closing her eyes, she surrendered herself to him.

He teased her hipbones with his teeth before drawing his mouth lower. His breath brushed over her sensitive flesh. She heard him take in a deep breath. He growled low and she shuddered. God, she was close to coming already. It had been three days and her body was starved for him.

He drew his tongue over her cleft. She moaned and Hadrian smiled against her.

“I love the way you taste,” he whispered. “Warm vanilla…I will never forget.”

His tongue drove inside her and her back arched. Eva’s claws dug into his shoulders and he went wild. He lapped at her, his tongue driving into her, his lips suckling at her clitoris.

Under his attack, she writhed. Her fire raced through her veins, the heat building and building, burning, consuming. Her hips rocked against his mouth. Her frenzied need matching his. She cried out as everything fell away.

Hadrian swallowed her orgasm and growled. He rose above her. Eva gazed up at him, her brilliant eyes glowing with hunger. She sat up, her hands going for his shorts. She shoved them down. Her hands gripped his buttocks, her tiny talons pressing against his flesh. She pulled his hips forward and took his hard arousal into her mouth.

He caught her hair in his fists, crushing the silken curls. Her mouth was tight and hot around him. She swirled her tongue up and down his shaft, her lips slipping over the sensitive tip. Gritting his teeth, he flexed his hips. Eva took him in further, suckling, drawing on him hard and urgent. White-hot lightning shot down his spine. Gods, he was on the verge of coming.

Hadrian pulled from her grasp and drew her up. Eva only had time for one inarticulate cry before his mouth claimed hers. His lips were hard, his tongue plunging, the kiss hungry, maddening.

Her hands massaged his shoulders and his arms. Then her claws ran down his chest. His growl was rough, masculine and primitive. She loved it.

His fingers untied her halter-top, freeing her breasts. The material fell to the bubbles. He trailed his lips down the side of her neck. His teeth nipped at her shoulder as he cupped her, his thumbs teasing her nipples.

Eva moaned, shuddering as he dragged her back down into the water. She straddled his hips, his hardness brushing at her core. With one thrust, he could be buried deep within her, but he remained still. His lips caressing her breasts and his tongue toyed with her nipples in turn.

She clutched his head to her. Wished this would never end. This moment. Here. Now. It had to last forever.

Her breath caught as he turned her about, settling her over his thighs. He slammed her down. She cried out, the water splashing about them, the bubbles kissing her breasts. She leaned forward, gripping his knees. He reached forward, his palm sliding over her hip, his fingers finding her clitoris. His other hand tunneled through her hair.

Hadrian thrust into her, taking her hard and slow. She stretched out before him, her back so long, flawless, elegant. He bent down, pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. He nipped at her nape, drawing his fangs over her spine as his fingers worked at her. She shivered and sighed.

As he took her, he marveled at absolutely beautiful she was. She was so small, delicate, and strong. Her passion matched his own, wild and hungry. She moved with him, her body urging him to go faster.

Her body arched, her head falling back against his chest. He released her hair to cup her jaw. Turning her head to the side, he kissed her, deep. Their breath became one as their tongues tangled, their teeth hitting. Desperate. Demanding.

Hadrian kissed her with all he had, offering his heart, his soul. Him. Eva had drawn him from the darkness. She had healed him with her light and passion. She was in his heart. She was in her soul.

Gods, he loved her. He felt whole. He felt complete. The emptiness, loneliness, and madness that had claimed him for centuries were shoved aside by the woman in his arms. And, gods, he wanted to keep her. Needed to keep her.

Her muscles tightened around him as her breath caught. Her breast thrust upward as her back bowed. As his name fell from her lips, he sank his fangs into the curve of her neck. A roar of complete satisfaction rumbled his throat as her blood filled his mouth. He pinned her hips and pounded into her.

Eva whimpered as he thrust through her orgasm. Her mind drifted through a haze of pleasure as the terrible, powerfully electrifying sensation began to build again. His lips pulled at her, drawing her essence into him. He grew even harder, longer inside her. Closing her eyes, she was swept away by the storm of their passion.

Her soft muscles rippled around him as her smooth, vanilla blood slipped down his throat. He could taste her orgasm as it built within her. The turbulent pleasure slammed into him and he came with her. His head snapped back, a roar tearing from his chest as he flooded her with seed.

Eva collapsed back against him, her breaths coming in a rush and her heart pounding uncontrollably. She squeezed her eyes shut, desperately fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. This was a painfully perfect moment. His arms wrapped about her, pressing her tightly to him. He was still stiff within her. His breaths rasped against her neck. She felt him sweep his tongue over her sore flesh, closing the wound.

She swallowed hard, wishing the bite would not heal. God, she wanted to keep his mark. She wanted to wear it forever. But there was no forever for them, no matter how many times she prayed and no matter how hard she wished. Nothing was going to change.

Eva climbed off his lap and stood. Her legs were weak, but she had to leave. She had to get away.

He tried to pull her back, but she jumped out of his reach. She did not bother looking for her bikini. She stepped from the warmth of the water and quickly crossed over to her discarded towel.


She did not have to turn to know he was standing right behind her.

“May I come to you tonight?”

God yes. Please, yes!

She shook her head. “No. I don’t think that would be good idea. Let’s just…leave it like this.”


Chapter Thirty-Nine






Eva had to get away. She had to get out of this castle and just be…far, far away from Hadrian. She could not do this. She could not stay until after the party. She knew she would be unable to say goodbye. She had to leave. Now.

After a quick shower, she dressed and shoved as much as she could into a lightweight duffle bag. She could always send for her things later. She had to be quick, she had to act, or she knew she would chicken out.

She pulled the door of Falcon’s Land Rover open and let out a relieved sigh when she found the keys resting on the driver’s seat. Tossing her bag in the back, she slipped in. Adjusting the seat and mirrors, she prayed that driving was like riding bike—you never forget how to do it. She pressed the garage door button on the visor and took a deep breath as the steel door rolled back.

“At least there isn’t a storm tonight,” she said, turning the ignition. She put the car in gear, took a deep breath, and pushed on the gas.

Good, no one is out in front,
she thought as she rounded the circular driveway. The last thing she needed was someone running to tattle on her. She was only borrowing Falcon’s car, she fully intended on giving it back.

She relaxed back in the plush seat once she reached the road. It should be smooth going from here. The road had just been plowed in anticipation of new arrivals. She suspected she would pass a line of cars on their way to the castle.

She turned the radio on hoping some music might help with the butterflies that were fluttering in her stomach.

“Wow, Falcon,” she said with a light laugh. “I never thought you were a Frank Sinatra type. Metal, hardcore rap, sure, but not this.”

She sang along with the songs, surprised by how many she actually knew. Her mom had a thing for Ol’ Blue Eyes and the crooners. But the music and the pleasant memories that accompanied it did nothing to quell her nerves. They seemed to be getting worse.

Her chest felt tight and her palms began to sweat. Her heart rate elevated and her throat constricted.

What the hell?

Her stomach clenched, her muscles tightened, and her breathing labored. With every passing mile it got worse. The dull aches of her body turned to sharp pains.

She frowned as the sensation to turn around and go back took root within her. The compulsion grew stronger and stronger. Her instincts screamed, her animal spirit roared.

“I’m not going back,” she chanted, her voice a whisper.

Leaning forward, she tightened her grip on the steering wheel and gave the Land Rover a little more gas.

She was leaving her male and her Drive was not going to stop her. The pain would eventually pass. She hoped.

                            *                            *                            *                            *

Hadrian sat at his desk. He did not bother with a glass. He just took another swig of Silver Moon straight from the decanter.

He was twitchy, on edge. He felt like running. Not because of the beast or the evil memories, though he could feel the demon prowling within him. No, this time he felt like running because of Eva. He needed to escape the unwanted emotions she triggered.

Hadrian brought the bottle to his lips again and drank deep. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he slumped in the chair. The burn of the liquor was not helping.

Hadrian placed the decanter on the desk and pushed to his feet. He knew he should dress and go down to the great hall. A black suit awaited him in the closet, but when he had materialized in his room an hour ago, he could not bring himself to put it on. Instead, he selected a pair of gray loose sweats and a plain white t-shirt.

There was welcoming party going on downstairs. Guests such as Sonya, Gwendolyn, Dimitri, Dorian, and their queens awaited him. The remaining nobles of the Validus had arrived as well, but he did not care. Falcon had already come to talk to him, but Hadrian had not heard a word the knight said. Eva consumed his thoughts.

He ran his hands over his face. He had not sought her out for sex. Truly, he had wanted to talk. He wanted to know what her plan was. The coronation ceremony was tomorrow night and she had yet to announce where she was going to go when it was over. He was glad she had decided to live with her uncle instead of moving back to the States alone.

Honestly, he did not want her to leave at all, but he would not be selfish with her. He would not ask her to stay. Eva finally had her freedom. Remaining here meant accepting her rightful place at his side. Why would she elect to endure an eternity of confinement? She would be sequestered in the castle surrounded by mountains just as she had been isolated in a hut deep in the jungle. She would be trading one prison for another.

He had to let her go. He had to let her live her own life, find her own way, and maybe she would return to him.

Hadrian scoffed and snatched the bottle back. He would not sell himself on that idea. He would not allow himself to hope for her return. Hope only led to disappointments.

He took another long drink then crossed over to the bed. Sliding the decanter onto the side table, he fell face first into the pillows. Taking in a deep breath, he filled his lungs with the calming aroma of vanilla. Hadrian groaned. His cock grew hard, responding to Eva’s luscious scent. He had not allowed the servants to change his sheets. For the last three days his dreams had been plagued by nightmares of the past, of the last night they had shared in his bed.

Gods, that night he had been ready to tell her of his feelings. He had been on the verge of confessing when Falcon came pounding on the door, ruining the moment.

Eva possessed his heart, his soul, his mind, and his body. He had belonged to her since the moment they met. He had tried to fight it. He had managed to think of one logical explanation after another to avoid admitting what his soul already knew.

She was his mate, his queen, his lover, and his friend. She was his everything. He had shared his darkest sins with her and she did not turn from him. Eva had accepted him and all his flaws. When she looked at him, it was as if she could see directly into his soul. Never once did she allow the intensity of the demon to frighten her or dominate her. The beast liked that. It liked her. 

Hadrian rolled to his back, clutching the pillow to his chest.

Why was it so difficult to say three simple words?

She had said them, here, in his bed. She had whispered the little words. Although, he doubted she realized they had fallen from her lips.

Did she mean it,
he wondered.

Eva had been in the throes of passion, consumed by her need and pleasure. People often said things they did not mean while overwhelmed by emotion.

What if she had purposefully whispered the words?

He had not responded. He had continued on as if she had said nothing. Gods, had she expected him to reply?

Hadrian was up and out the door in a blink. He needed to talk to her. He needed to know if she loved him. If so, freedom be damned. He would not let her go. He would keep her locked in his room or chained to his bed for all eternity if that is what he had to do.

Focusing his energy, he materialized in the hall outside her room. Falcon was coming towards win an all too serious frown on his face.

“Not now, knight,” he snapped, brushing past him.

“My king, she is not there.”

Hadrian stopped. “Where is she?”

“Eva left.”

His blood turned glacial as he faced the knight. “What?”

“I went to my room to grab the plans on the new gun I’m designing. Sire Dimitri wants to look them over. I found this.” He pulled a piece of paper from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “She must have slipped it under my door.”

Hadrian snatched the note, quickly scanning the contents.

Falcon laughed, “Can you believe she stole my car?”

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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