Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (35 page)

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Finally, his arms gave out and he collapsed to the mattress. He wrapped an arm about her and pulled her to his side. Eva settled her head over his chest. His heart thundered and matched the storm that swept through her. She curled into him, not able to get close enough.

God, this was dream. Or was it heaven?

She could not believe she was here with Hadrian. The happiness was overwhelming and she felt another round of tears coming.

His hands stroked her back. “This is what I wanted. You. In my arms and in my bed.” He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “Gods, I just need to hold you.”

“You fooled me,” she replied, her voice rough from her cries of pleasure. “Why did you insist I leave if you didn’t want me to go?”

“I thought you would not want to stay. You are finally free of the pack and…I know how much freedom means to you. I thought staying here and being my mate…” He shook his head. “That this would be a prison for you. I don’t want you feeling as if you are forced to stay here.”

She pushed herself up, placing her hand above his now still heart. “Well, as far as prisons go, the castle isn’t bad. Although, I still haven’t seen the dungeon.”

He frowned and Eva sighed. He was not referring to the castle. He had thought a relationship with him would be a prison.

“Hadrian, how could you think I wouldn’t want to be with you? How many times do I have to tell you? I–want–you. Everything within me wants you. Hadrian, you’re my male.” She shook her head. “You really have a thick skull.”

“Your male?” Pride and happiness spread through his chest like a firestorm. Her animal spirit recognized and accepted him as her male, her mate.

“I had a difficult time believing someone like you would want to be with a monster like me.”

“I don’t ever want to hear you refer to yourself as a monster or a beast or a demon ever again. You are none of those things. Understand?”

He laughed. “Yes, little one. I understand.” Hadrian tilted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. His humor was gone, replaced by heart-stopping love. “You are the only thing I like about me, the only good thing this curse has brought me.” He kissed her lightly. “If it weren’t for Imbrasus, I would not be here with you now.”

God, she was going to cry again. “You are…thankful for what he did?”

“I know now that everything I endured, I endured for you. For us, for this very moment.”


Chapter Forty-One






Hadrian stepped from his enormous closet. Eva gasped. He was…beautiful. He wore a thigh length white, sashed robe. It crossed his bare chest, creating a V shape that extended to his navel. His pants were also white and made of a soft, light material, permitting easy movement. His shoes were pure white as well. He had a sword fastened about his waist, the sheath made of gold, the hilt depicting fighting lions with ruby eyes.

The white was a striking contrast to his black hair, which was shaved close to his head, and deep obsidian eyes.

He crossed to her with all the grace of a deadly predator. Reaching out, he took her hands and kissed her knuckles.

“You are so beautiful.”

She scratched her nails down his exposed chest. Hadrian groaned, passion heating his eyes. Gods, he wished he had time to take her again.

“I like this,” she purred. “You are so sexy.”

Hadrian snatched her to him. A sigh escaped her as their bodied met.

Eva teasingly swept her tongue over his lips before she took his mouth in a slow drugging kiss. She drew her hand down his chest again and he growled.

“Seductress,” he whispered, pulling away. “You tempt me to distraction. We’ve guests, a celebration, and a challenger awaiting us below.”

Eva nervously smoothed her dress. Anxiety settled like rocks in her stomach. She did not know what to expect. She knew Hadrian was a fierce warrior and she had faith in him. He would win the challenge, but she didn’t know if she could watch the fight. Instinct told her it would be brutal and bloody.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Enter,” Hadrian commanded.

Falcon opened the door. The knight was dressed from head to toe in black. Eva thought it was a little strange that the vampires wore different, very specific colors for formal functions and battle. Royals wore white, nobles wore gray, while knights and soldiers wore black.

“Eva, you look lovely,” he greeted.

She twirled. She felt like a little girl playing dress-up. She definitely looked like a princess. The full skirts of her ball grown were white silk. The strapless corset bodice was deep crimson with a lace over lay. Hadrian had made another amazing selection.

“You clean up well, Falcon.”

He bowed. “Thank you, my lady.” He turned and motioned for someone to enter.

The newcomer was also draped in black. He bowed first to Hadrian then to her. Eva stumbled as she attempted a curtsy.

Hadrian cleared his throat and made the introductions, “Eva, this is Sir Vincent Cassano. He is the head of the guard and he will escort you down stairs.”

“I thought I was going with you.”

“No, little one. I don’t want the nobles to know you are my mate until I have faced Jefferson. So, Falcon will accompany me.” He kissed her frown away. “Please, go with Cassano. He will see you safely below and show you to the other monarchs. They will welcome you and I want you to remain by their side.”

He knew if she remained with Dimitri, Dorian, and Sonya, she would be safe. The comfort would allow him face Jefferson undistracted.

She kissed him again, but her lips were not gentle. They were hard and desperate. She kissed him as if it were the first time and the last, with all the passion and love that burned within her.

“I love you,” she whispered against his mouth.

“I love you, Eva. This will all be over soon.”

Eva uncomfortable shifted on her feet, wringing her hands. This was it. The moment had finally arrived. She had tried to ignore her nerves all day. But she had been unable to eat and last night, despite vigorous rounds of love making, she had not been able to sleep.

Everything is going to fine,
she told herself
. Hadrian will fight. He will win and take his vows as king.
She inwardly groaned as she thought of him introducing her to the Clan. Would they be glad their returning king had found his mate? Would they scorn her for her breeding? Hadrian did not care about her parentage, but his nobles may. What would they do if his Clan rejected her?

God, please, let them approve of me.

Sensing her weariness and apprehension, Hadrian drew her close. She pressed her face against his chest, her breath made his skin tingle.

“I wish I could be as calm as you.”

“Eva, I have fought countless battles and faced foes much dangerous than Jefferson.”

She nodded. Her mother’s voice whispered through her mind. “Please, be careful and fight smart,” Eva said, reciting the words her mother had always told her before she entered fighting match.

“I will.”

Eva reluctantly pulled away. With one last glance to Hadrian, she turned and took Vincent’s arm. He led her from Hadrian’s chambers and down to the great hall. The expansive room was void of furniture and filled to the max with people.

As if directed, everyone turned towards the main staircase. Hundreds of eyes focused on her. Her heart pounded so hard and loud she could have sworn it echoed through the hall. Whispered voices quickly turned into a dull roar as she descended the steps. The vampire mob parted as they crossed the floor to the raging hearth. A small group of seven stood, talking amongst themselves, not taking any notice of the collective awe that followed her through the room.

Vincent gave a respectful bow to all within the clique. Eva’s hands trembled as she swooped her skirts back to curtsy low just how Hadrian had instructed her. One of these men was Dimitri Arsov, the last original vampire.

A towering Viking broke away from the group. His shoulder length blond hair was tied back at his nape and his ice blue eyes were sharp. There was a collective gasp when he bent, took her hands and drew her up.

“Hello, Miss Maldonado. It is an honor to meet you.”

Eva could only smile in response. She feared her voice would crack if she spoke and she did not want everyone knowing how nervous she was. She was focusing on her breathing, trying to keep it slow and even. A sea of vampires surrounded her, they could sense fear and she
would not
appear weak. She was Hadrian’s mate and she would make him proud.

“Please, come join us.”

The intimidating vampire pulled her forward. He turned his back on the crowed and voices roared through the hall, shattering the thick uncomfortable silence. Eva released a sigh of relief when the spotlight eased from her.

“I apologize. Where are my manners?” The vampire said with a light laugh. He circled an arm about a young woman with strawberry blonde hair. “I am Dimitri Arsov, ruler of the Volkov Clan and this is my queen, Kerstyn.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said with a wave, her smile widening, revealing tiny fangs.

“And this is King Dorian Vlakhos of the Mylonas Clan along with his queen, Victoria.”

Eva blinked. The couple was…gorgeous. His white suit clung to his massive shoulders and her dress showed every curve of her figure.

Victoria stepped forward and greeted her with a hug. “We are very happy to make your acquaintance.”

Dorian took her hand and placed a polite kiss on her knuckles, then he turned to a woman Eva had already met.

“You are stunning,” Silvie beamed as she passed the breath taking couple. She wrapped an arm around Eva’s shoulders. “I will make the last introductions.” She spun them around to face a pair of women. “This tall, blonde, bombshell who looks like she stepped right off the runway is Sonya, Queen of the Voidukas, also known as the warrior queen. And the pretty lady next to her is Gwendolyn, Sonya’s Second.”

Eva hoped she would be able to remember all the names. “I’m really pleased to meet you all,” she said, thankful her voice was steady.

They all smiled and Eva shifted nervously. Did they know she was Hadrian’s mate? They did not seem to find it odd that she wore white, while others in the crowd still whispered about who she was and what her relationship could be to the monarchs. She could hear the rumors of her and Hadrian were already spreading.

Trumpets sounded, calling everyone’s attention to the stairs. A painful, heavy silence fell over the congregation.

Hadrian and Falcon stood at the top, both with hard expressions. Their jaws were set, their eyes sharp. They looked ready for battle.

She took in a deep breath. She laced her fingers together in front of her and released a long exhale. Chills raced up and down her spine as the same sense of danger and malice she had felt her first night here at Palatio Nocte. The demon was here.

Here we go,
Eva thought.


Chapter Forty-Two






Hadrian welcomed the oppressive silence. Lifting the shield on his power, he loosened his hold on the demon. It roared with life, eager for violence, starved to face and destroy their enemy.

He descended the stairs, his hand lightly resting on the hilt of his sword. His Clan members parted, creating a lane to the hearth. As he passed, his people bowed their heads. Some cringed away from him while others seemed relieved by his presence and his return.

Dimitri stood before the flames, his clear blue eyes void of emotion and cold. The ancient was dangerously controlled. Dorian stood to the left. His hands were clasped behind his back, his face expressionless, betraying nothing of his thoughts. Sonya stood to the side, her calculating gaze cutting into him, her hand clutching a book.

Hadrian could feel Eva’s stare and hear her heart pounded. He spared her a quick glance. Her shoulders were thrust back, her chin high. She looked regal and serene, though he could sense her inner turmoil. She was so beautiful and so brave.

He forced himself to look away, not wanting to draw more attention to her. Everyone knew she was the ward given to the Clan, but they also knew she was no longer attached to the shifter pack and the treaty have been broken. They would question her presence and, once the challenge was finished, they would receive their answer.

Hadrian and Falcon stopped before Dimitri. Both punched their right fists against over their hearts and fell to one knee, bowing their heads low.

“Rise, warriors,” Dimitri commanded, his regal tone shattering the spell of hushed awe that captivated the room. Shifting his gaze from Hadrian and Falcon, he addressed the Validus Clan. “Welcome all. We have gathered on this night to celebrate the return of your king, Hadrian Lucretius.”

Sonya stepped forward. Extending her hands, she bowed her head and offered the thick black leather bound book to Dimitri. He silently thanked her with a nod.

Dimitri held the book above his head, presenting it to the crowd before tucking it against his chest.

“Vampiric Law states that if a Clan Chieftain chooses to desert the throne, they may return at any time. However, they either must challenge their successor for the right to rule or their heir can peacefully return the crown.” Dimitri’s gaze fell upon the Black Knight before him. “Sir Falcon Kenwrec.”

“Yes, Sire.”

“As the legal heir to the Validus Clan, you may either accept the challenge Hadrian Lucretius presents or peacefully return the throne to your predecessor.”

Falcon cleared his throat and projected his voice. “Sire, I respectfully select the latter. I will support the return of my king for Hadrian Lucretius is the rightful ruler of the Validus.”

Dimitri, Dorian, and Sonya all nodded in agreement. “Your decision has been recognized and is incontestable. Thank you, warrior.”

Falcon bowed before retreating to join the line of Black Knights that had formed a barrier between the royals and masses. Clan nobles swarmed forward, pressing against the knights, their eyes riveted on their dark king. All knew what was to come next.

“Hadrian Lucretius, are you prepared to reclaim the throne and leadership of the Validus?”

“Yes, Sire.”

“Then, keeping with Vampiric Law, you must recite the vows, binding yourself to the Clan. However, since you renounced your throne and are now seeking to regain your title as king, you have opened yourself to challengers.” Dimitri lifted his gaze to the crowed again. “As is dictated, the king will accept and face those who oppose his dominion. Anyone belonging to the noble house of Validus who desires to challenge the king for the throne may step forward.”

A tall, lean man with long light brown hair broke free of the sea of gray pressing along the stern line of knights. He wore a gray suit befitting his station and a sword was secured to his waist by a black belt.

“I would like to challenge the king,” he announced.

“Come closer, Lord Jefferson,” Dimitri commanded. “Please, state the reason for your objection.”

“Sire, I believe Hadrian Lucretius is dangerous and unfit to rule. He renounced the throne for that very reason, recognizing the threat he posed to the Clan. His madness had driven him into exile, where he spent nearly three hundred and fifty years away from vampire society. I am glad to see his condition has improved, but I would like to present myself as a worthy alternative for the throne.”

“Do you know and understand the risks that are involved with offering a challenge?” Dimitri asked. “If you should lose, Lucretius will have the right to claim your life or banish you from Clan territory. However, if you should win, you will then have to immediately confront Sir Kenwrec, since he is legally the next in line for the throne. The consequences of that challenge are the same.”

“Yes, Sire, I understand and I accept the terms.”

Murmurs rumbled the rafters, shocked gasps and whispers of doubt danced in the air. Dimitri held up his hand, demanding silence once more.

Dimitri nodded. “This will be a standard duel, swords only. The two of you have come prepared,” he said, noting the blades hanging from their belts. “If you happen to lose your weapon, you may use your fists. There will be no biting, no tricks, and” his eyes flickered to Hadrian, “no powers.”

“Understood,” Hadrian and Jefferson said in unison.

“Good. Now set.”

Falcon commanded one knight to see to Jefferson then rushed over to his king. He removed Hadrian’s sword belt then his white robe. The other vampire took Jefferson’s sword, suit jacket and button up shirt.

The knight’s held the empty sheaths and discarded clothing as the challengers turned to face one another. The metal of their swords gleamed in the light of the angry fire burning in the hearth.

The Black Knights forced the audience back, providing a secure circle for the combatants. Dorian retreated to stand beside his wife and Kerstyn, while Dimitri remained front and center. He would be the referee and judge.

The challengers settled into their stance, swords raised, their eyes locked. Tension cracked like lightning through the air and Hadrian felt the demon shudder within him in excitement. He prayed for strength. He needed the beast’s power, but he could not lose control.

Hadrian took in a deep breath. Vanilla instantly invaded his senses. He could feel Eva behind him, but he had to shut her out, he had to focus on this battle. He stopped his heart, his breath, and shut everything out. His body was calm and still as death.

Dimitri’s voice rang out, “Begin.”

Jefferson released a savage battle cry and attacked. Hadrian met his blow. The sounds of clashing and scraping metal echoed through the castle. Jefferson spun, furiously swinging his weapon through the air. Hadrian skillfully blocked, countered and struck. His blade sliced at Jefferson’s bare chest. Blood sprinkled the floor.

The wounded vampire roared in pained outrage. His eyes filled with the darkness of evil, his claws extended. Hissing, he flashed his fangs.

Hadrian’s demon responded with a snarl, his lips peeled back revealing his own, lethal canines. His gaze burned red, but his expression remained controlled. There was no hint of fear, no sign of anger, no emotion at all. He fought with expertise, his motions smooth and elegant. His fiery gaze was calculating, studying his enemy, and learning every weakness.

Eva wanted to look away, but she had to watch. Hadrian was…beautiful. Deadly. Her shifter growled in approval. Her male was strong, powerful. Alpha. Jefferson had yet to land one blow, but blood flowed from a gash in his ribs, ran down his brow, and smeared across his chest.

Hadrian was a blur of motion, intensifying his attack. He parried and
blocked Jefferson’s swing then flowed it with a right hook. He kicked his enemy’s sword free. The weapon slid across the floor, stopping at Dimitri’s feet. Hadrian’s lips turned up with a taunting smile. He tossed his sword aside and Falcon caught the blade on reflex.

Jefferson’s claws grew even longer, his eyes flashing with rage. Hadrian’s fists clenched and released, his nails turning into lethal talons. Jefferson charged and Hadrian launched forward. They met and clashed like lightning, the sound of trading blows like thunder. Claws slashed and diced as fists cracked bone. Blood made the floor slick. In a flurry of movement, Hadrian caught Jefferson’s throat. He slammed the vampire down, the force cracking the stone beneath him. Jefferson cut at his arm, his claw’s prying at Hadrian’s wrist.

Hadrian curled his fingers, sinking his talons deep into Jefferson’s throat. He could feel his opponent’s jugular frantically pumping against his fingertips. With a simple tug, he could tear Jefferson’s head from his body. Blood would spout from the corpse like a glorious fountain and rain down upon him. The demon roared with satisfaction and demanded death. It wanted to bring death.

Hadrian dragged in one breath after another, clamoring for control. The beast within him struggled for freedom. Slowly, he peeled his hand from Jefferson’s throat, one finger at a time.

He forced himself to his feet, as he trembled with the urge to murder. He willed his chest to expand. The warm rush of vanilla nearly knocked him over. Eva. She was to his left. Gods, he wanted to go to her. He craved to feel her soothing touch and hear her calming voice. But this was not finished.

Hadrian turned his crimson gaze to Dimitri. The pureblood glared back at him, knowing he stared at a fellow original demon. Hadrian blinked, until the red faded and his eyes returned to cool black.

“As victor, you have every right to claim your opponent’s life,” Dimitri said, his tone emotionless and flat.

Hadrian shook his head. “No. Jefferson had every right to challenge me.”

“Very well.” Dimitri waved a group of knights forward. “He will survive, but he needs to be tended to.”

They took up the gurgling Jefferson and carried him from the hall.

“Are there any more challengers? Come forward now or not at all,” Dimitri commanded.


“Then I declare the floor closed. Will the victor step forward?”

Hadrian shrugged back into his robe, but Falcon kept the sword. He went to stand just before Dimitri.

“If it does not offend, Sire, I would like to address the Clan before reciting my vows,” he said.

Dimitri gave a respectful nod. “As you wish.”

Eva took a hesitant step forward. Hadrian held out his blood stained hand, beckoning her to come to him.

The crowd began to whisper, the sound rising and rising until Eva took his hand. She smiled up at him and he squeezed her hand. In that moment, he knew he could never have done this without her. He never would have been able to break free of his guilt, his demon, or his madness.

“Validus, I have been gone for far too long.” he began, his gaze scanning the sea of vampires that stretched out before him. “After the death of my brother, Titus, I was no longer stable enough to lead you. I renounced my throne in the hopes of sparing the Clan another crazed, tyrannical king. Madness control my mind and ruled my life for centuries, leaving me broken.”

He brought Eva a little closer. He could feel the comforting heat of her body.

“But Fate has saved me and has shown her grace down upon our Clan.” He lifted their entwined hands, displaying their mating brands. “I present to you my mate and the future queen of the Validus, Eva Maldonado.”

Gasps of shock, words of joy, and relieved sighs reverberated through the room. Slowly a roar built, it rose until the stone floor rumbled from the force. Eva was struck speechless. They were cheering, clapping, howling, and whistling in approval.


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