Caribbean Heat

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Authors: Sky Robinson

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Caribbean Heat

Sky Robinson


When Sierra Graves takes a waitressing job on the SS
, she doesn’t know she’s going to be working on the “lust boat”. Being required to wear a bikini for the job is bad enough, but the sex parties that take place on deck have her body screaming with need. There’s one thing that makes it all worthwhile—the captain of the ship, former Navy SEAL Jack Hamilton.

Jack can’t help himself when it comes to Sierra. She’s smart, beautiful—and off limits according to the rules of employment. It doesn’t take long for him to succumb to her seduction, say to hell with the rules and end up in her bed. But he doesn’t expect to fall in love with the woman. Love is a dangerous thing, especially when it looks like Sierra is part of a drug-running ring wanted by the DEA.


Caribbean Heat

Sky Robinson


Chapter One


“They’re coming, ladies. Get yourselves ready.” Jack Hamilton gave the warning call to the waitstaff. The owners of this yacht sure as hell didn’t make keeping a tight schedule easy on him, coming in frequently drunk and late and expecting him to be able to make up the time somehow. The boat only went so fast and Jack didn’t like to be late. Ever. He could feel his own damn blood pressure rising but he had to keep his impatience hidden. His paycheck depended on it.

“Thank you, Jack.” Sierra Graves, one of the new waitresses, smiled shyly at him before she disappeared down the stairs to the kitchen.

Sierra was sweet, and polite, and damn sexy, but he had no right to be interested in a woman like her. She had an education and a future, two things he didn’t.

Jack had to work to keep his toes from tapping impatiently against the wood as his passengers slowly staggered down the dock and toward the boat. It wasn’t unusual for them to return in this drunken state. In fact, he would be suspicious if they came back from a day on the island any other way. No reason to stay sober when they had him for a driver.

Moonlight reflected off the little bay, the water perfectly still, but the quiet of the night was interrupted by the lady of the boat’s excessive giggling. The women walking beside her chatted noisily and loud bursts of laughter came from the men at the back of the group. They were all making their way toward the boat and that meant extra passengers for the next couple of days and more drunk people to babysit.

“Good evening.” Jack gave his expected greeting but doubted that anyone really cared.

“Good evening, you big, hunky captain.” Alexis was drunk, and even more aggressive with her flirting than normal.

She was a married woman. It wasn’t right and it wasn’t wanted. His entire body stiffened with unease. Luckily, her husband didn’t act like he even noticed. He was too busy laughing and talking with his buddies.

Tonight they brought five people onto the boat with them. The two men Jack recognized from another trip. One owned a restaurant on the beach here and the other was an investment guy who also lived on the island. The three women he hadn’t seen before. They were all dressed in high heels, big jewelry and tight dresses. Definite gold diggers, probably would be replaced by new bimbos by next week if these guys’ pattern stayed true.

“Would you like to join us partying on the deck tonight?” Alexis batted her lashes as she asked Jack the question.

Her husband caught up to her, wrapped his arms around the leggy blonde woman, and made Jack feel even more uncomfortable. The girl had been Doug’s wife for almost a year now. Jack knew that fact only because Doug was planning a long anniversary trip for them in two weeks. Was the honeymoon phase over already? He wouldn’t be surprised. Women like Alexis didn’t stay interested in anyone for long, but she did love Doug’s money.

“Yes. Let’s have a drink,” Doug agreed.

“Sorry, I can’t. We have to get going now if you want to make it to the building site on North Caicos by midmorning.” Jack had a viable excuse to get out of this one, thank God.

Building the mega-resort on the long stretch of powder-white beach on North Caicos was Doug’s pet project; even drunk, he wouldn’t tolerate the thought of being late for the meeting. He was a businessman first and foremost, and a sucker for his wife’s whining second.

“Well, let’s get going then, Captain.” Doug motioned toward the sea and the girls giggled.

“Maybe next time you can join us.” Alexis licked her lips and Jack held his breath hoping Doug wouldn’t notice the obvious flirting.

He needed Alexis to be discreet, if she had to flirt with him at all. Jack was in a tough spot, couldn’t be rude to the woman. Alexis always got her way. If she felt Jack was ignoring her, she wouldn’t hesitate to have him fired. He just had to hold her off until she found another interest, some other man to throw herself at right in front of her husband. Chances were good that she would soon. Alexis was a partier, always looking for the next adventure, needing a rich man to provide the funds, but Doug didn’t see it. Not yet anyway.

“Yeah. Maybe next time,” Jack said and hoped like hell he wouldn’t be held to it. He just wanted to captain the boat and leave the socializing to the random people they picked up at the bar.

Jack couldn’t risk this job. It was his first one since retiring from the Navy and losing it would prove he wasn’t cut out for civilian life. Which he wasn’t.

He didn’t feel right without a gun in his hand, without going balls-out every damn day risking his life to protect this country. Being a SEAL was the only life he’d known for the past ten years. Now that he didn’t have that, it felt like he was just floating along, but losing his job as captain of this boat would mean he was sinking. He wasn’t going to sink just because some blonde bimbo had a crush on him.

Sierra and Crystal, the two new waitresses hired after Alexis decided on a whim that she didn’t like the former ones, came up the stairs carrying trays with drinks and appetizers.

“Is there anything I can get you to drink?” Crystal smiled and looked like a professional in the high heels and black bikini that was the standard nighttime waitress uniform on this boat.

Sierra didn’t look nearly as comfortable but she plastered on a fake smile and did her best. The girl looked damn good in the tiny bikini, with legs that stretched for miles and perfect, perky breasts, but she was obviously more reserved and Jack wondered how she ended up with this job.

It didn’t matter. Dating coworkers wasn’t allowed and he could see why. They worked together in such a tight space, a breakup would be uncomfortable for everyone.

It wouldn’t be long before the passengers had on less than the waitresses. He wondered what Sierra was going to think of that. Did she know about the sex parties that happened regularly on this boat? Probably not. It wasn’t exactly discussed during the interview process. It was definitely a shock for him the first night he was onboard. Not that he cared much if Doug and Alexis wanted to have sex on the deck of their own boat with a bunch of other people. That was their business. He had enough of his own issues to worry about.

There would be no time for the surveillance of any suspect islands on this trip, but they were going away from the area where his buddy in the DEA thought the drug smuggling was taking place anyway. It was one of the few perks of this job, thinking he might be able to help with the nation’s drug problem.

Jack signaled to the dock boys to cast off, and he walked up the stairs to the control room, locking the door behind him.

The engine rumbled to life and Jack steered the fancy-ass yacht out of the bay and into the open sea. He flipped on the camera to the deck where the party was happening. He normally ignored the things that went on there, but tonight he was curious. What would the new girls think when everyone took off their clothes and had an orgy right there in front of them?

It was starting already. They had gone off into three groups. One of the bimbos from the island had joined Doug and Alexis. That wasn’t surprising, Doug was always okay with involving another woman, but the one time Alexis tried to bring another man in, things got really ugly.

The other two couples were getting frisky on separate couches. Boobs popped out of dresses and limbs dangled all over.

Jack moved the camera over to the bar. Sierra stood immobile, eyes as big as saucers as she watched the make-out session. Wouldn’t be long before it turned into much more than that. What would she think then?

Jack flipped the camera off. There was no good reason to watch what was going on below him.

He wasn’t going to get any tonight. Even with the new little hottie working onboard. If the look on her face was anything to judge by, she probably wouldn’t last more than a week anyway. The waitstaff never lasted long under Alexis’ rule. No reason to get involved with a girl he couldn’t keep. The sea and this boat were his life now. Jack pushed the throttle open until the big boat skipped across the water, headed at full speed to their destination of North Caicos.

* * * * *


Day one waitressing on a yacht turned out to be quite interesting when clothing started flying and drunk people started making out right in front of her. Sierra Graves tucked behind the bar and hoped no one noticed her. It wasn’t likely anyone was paying a damn bit of attention because they were all busy fondling each other and looking as if they were going to do it right there on the deck of the yacht.

Things like this didn’t happen to people like her. She lived a pretty sheltered life and didn’t know how to react. Look? Don’t look? What the hell was appropriate in a situation like this? She was on edge and nervous, every muscle in her body tense, wanting to run away. Not that there was anywhere to run. She was stuck on this boat, like it or not, until they pulled back into port in Miami.

It was not what Sierra anticipated when she took the job as a waitress on the S.S. Sapphire. It was good pay, real good pay, so she should have suspected something strange. The fact that she was expected to serve food and drinks every night wearing only this tiny bikini made her feel more than a little uncomfortable, especially when she had the boat owner’s gorgeous, probably surgically modified, wife and friends to compare herself to.

Sierra wasn’t anything near a supermodel. Not that she didn’t look okay in a swimsuit, but she was nothing special and didn’t exactly like to be forced to flaunt it when everyone else was wearing clothing.

She puttered around behind the bar and hoped no one noticed her discomfort. She washed all the glasses and stacked them and made sure they were perfect, just to keep from staring at the now half-naked people on deck.

Only about fifteen minutes until her shift was over. She volunteered for the breakfast shift and Crystal took the late night shift. Turned out to be a better decision than she expected. It did look as if the party might be winding down soon, or at least winding into the bedrooms. If they didn’t get naked and start fucking right here.

“Do you see this?” Crystal came back to the bar with a tray of empty and half-empty glasses. “Of course you see this. The owner’s wife is going to be naked in about thirty seconds.”

“Do you really think so?” Sierra couldn’t believe Alexis was going to let it all hang out in front of these people. The woman seemed so uppity and cold most of the time. A little, or lot, of alcohol could sure change a person.

“Holy shit,” Crystal whispered as Alexis proved her right by lifting her dress over her head.

Sierra stared and swallowed hard. Crystal was right, holy shit was the only way to describe it. Alexis was completely naked in front of everyone. Sierra blinked a couple times and then shook her head in disbelief.

Doug had already pulled off her panties. They were tossed on the table in front of him. A black, lacy thong sat between a martini and a vodka on the rocks and had narrowly missed landing in the plate of caviar and crackers Sierra had delivered.

She didn’t see the draw of eating fish eggs, nor did she see the draw of being naked in front of ten people, but Alexis seemed to be enjoying every second of it, looking around to make sure all eyes were on her as she made out with the smoking-hot blonde woman on the bench beside her.

Doug watched with interest, then unfastened his pants and moved behind his wife, urging her ass into the air.

The other couples were doing it too, taking off their clothes and touching and kissing. They were in pairs of two, but that didn’t make it any less shocking. As much as she felt as if she should turn and look the other way, Sierra didn’t. It was all so interesting, and if they didn’t want anyone watching, they wouldn’t be doing it
right there

Alexis moaned as Doug slammed his cock deep inside his wife. The skin between Sierra’s legs started to tingle.

The fact that Doug was significantly older than his wife didn’t seem to matter to anyone. The man was in good shape, well endowed, and rich. He thrust his cock into Alexis hard and deep, again and again as her moans floated through the air. Sierra squeezed her own legs together, trying to stop the tingling sensations increasing intensity. Damn, she needed to get laid.

Crystal wandered around, delivering drinks to tables and picking up empties, moving around the piles of people humping like it didn’t affect her at all.

Sierra wished it didn’t affect her, but the wetness that surged to her opening said otherwise. The psychologist part of her knew it was part of human nature, that watching other people having sex would cause a need for cock between any woman’s legs, but her Christian upbringing said it was wrong.

Wrong or right, it was happening. One of the men, Paul, and his wife—mistress, lover?—whoever she was, she was about to get one hell of a ride. The woman was dark-haired, thin, with perky little breasts. She yanked his pants down to his ankles, leaving him sitting on the white leather bench with his cock pointing toward the stars, waiting for her to get on and ride him. And she did—climbed on top of his cock and rode him slow and steady. Her moans joined Alexis’, filling the air with the sounds of sex.

It was crazy. And hot. Sierra squeezed her legs together again, but all it did was intensify her need for the same attention the other women were getting.

The skinny little brunette picked up her pace, riding her man harder, faster, and Sierra’s own pussy clenched in response. God, she needed to get laid. Sierra pressed herself tightly against the wall, not sure of what to do.

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