Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5 (8 page)

BOOK: Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5
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I was so happy. The massive bouquet had been brought through the school and most of the teachers and Principal Douche had seen it. They were rainbow roses. One hundred rainbow roses. No one had ever gotten me roses, let alone my all-time favorite. Right now I would do anything for Carl. I was so happy I had a bounce in my step as I closed up the library for the holidays and held all my roses with both arms. They were really heavy, and even though my guards had offered to hold them I wasn’t giving them up no matter how much they weighted.

Lurch raised his brow as I skipped by him. “Happy?” he grunted.

He never said more than a word or two. I was used to him now after spending a little over four weeks with him. “Yes, I’m very happy. You do see the flowers? Everyone saw these flowers.”

“That’s good.”

“Yes, it’s perfect. It showed everyone that I’m loved. Carl loves me.” I probably looked like an idiot as I grinned like a loon and skipped along to the carpark with a hundred rainbow roses. They were heavy, really heavy, but I wasn’t giving them up.

I froze when I heard something I didn’t think anyone had ever heard. Lurch laughing. Matthew, who had stayed surprisingly quiet, stilled and stared bug eyed at Lurch, like he’d grown a second head. Neither of us could believe what we were hearing.

“Are you okay, Tomas? You sick or something?” Mathew muttered as he moved and felt Lurch’s forehead.

Lurch whacked Matthew’s hand away and tried to straighten his face, but it wasn’t working. Giving my best glare I tried not to crush my roses. “You’re not laughing at me are you?”

A limo pulled up before he could answer and I watched as Carl stepped out and took in the situation. “What the hell did you do to Tomas?”

I couldn’t hold back my giggle. “Lurch is laughing at me.”

Carl took the flowers off me and handed them to Mathew and gathered me against me. “This is funny to you honey?”

“He laughed,” I whispered, but not softly enough as Mathew laughed and Lurch made that noise again. This time Carl froze and I burst out into giggles.

“You’re something special.” Carl kissed me and I melted into it. Ahhh, he was such an amazing kisser. He eased away and nodded at Lurch. “Not many people can do what you’ve done. You’re so sweet.”

“I didn’t do anything special. I just showed him how happy I am about the flowers you got me.”

“Honey, he’s laughing because not only is your happiness infectious, you can barely hold the flowers, they’re so big and weigh so much.”

“Oh.” Carl was right. I bet a thirty year old lady skipping through school with a massive bunch of flowers that weighed a ton would look pretty funny.

“Come on honey. I have a surprise.” He moved me into the limo and followed behind me. “It’s the holidays and I have a present for you.” He handed me a box. “Open it.” He stared at me, waiting.

I ripped the paper off and opened a box, pausing at the contents. Tickets, my passport, a bikini, and a towel. Opening the tickets I squealed in excitement. “Vanuatu!”

“Two weeks in Vanuatu, honey.”

I threw myself at him. “Thanks! Oh my God, you’re amazing.”

* * * *


Annabelle’s happiness was contagious. She phoned her mother and was now on the phone to her friend Brent. She had promised me he was gay and from the information I had on him it was true, but I still didn’t trust any man with my woman.

She had the call on speaker. I knew she’d done that for me.

“Oh my God, Bellie! Two weeks in Vanuatu. Take me too, I wouldn’t mind getting in the middle of you and that delicious doctor. I bet I could convert him especially if he paid for me to go to Vanuatu.”

Annabelle laughed, and it was my favorite sound in the whole world. It was hard to believe that I’d fallen in love so quickly. Annabelle was easy to love though, she had a huge heart, she was giving, loving, easy to get along with and everyone who met her liked her and she just enjoyed life. I’d never met anyone like her. I didn’t know women like her existed. I was so lucky.

“When are you all leaving?” Brent asked.

“We’re on our way now.”

“He doesn’t waste any time does he?”

When she looked up at me and gave me a beaming smile I swore the sun came out. My stomach flipped and my heart beat faster. I loved this woman and I was going to get her to tell me she loved me back.

“No, he doesn’t. He sent me a hundred rainbow roses and picked me up in a limo from school. Rainbow roses!” she shouted.

Leaning over, I kissed her interrupting her telling Brent about her dream to stay in a bungalow on the water and go on a tour about the cannibals. I was going to give her everything she wanted. In the short time I’d been with Annabelle she’d made grumpy old me happy, content.

“I love you.” I mumbled against her lips. She kissed me and I knew that was her telling me she loved me too without saying it. I was going to get her to say it though, before we came home from our holiday.

* * * *


Vanuatu was amazing. Our bungalow was on the water and I will admit I was reluctant to leave it. We’d been there for three nights and it’d been a sex marathon. When we weren’t sleeping or on each other, we’d been swimming in the beautiful clear blue ocean.

“Let’s do something today.”

Carl circled my waist and brought me back down to the bed. “We’ve have been doing things every day.”

Rolling my eyes, I gazed up into his dark brown eyes. “We’ve been having non-stop monkey sex.”

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “Important stuff.”

Shoving off him, I stood and placed my hands on my hips. “Come on. I wanna go do other things today.”

He sat up and rolled off the bed. “Fine. Let’s go do other stuff today.” His arms circled my waist and he grabbed his phone and called Rafe to tell him we were leaving the bungalow.

We took the boat to the mainland. The resort was spectacular, on its own little island off the mainland, a five minute boat ride. The markets were a short walk from the boat ramp.

Carl threaded his fingers through mine and we walked down toward the markets. Vanuatu was so laid back. Locals crammed into the back of Utes to get around. Everywhere I looked people were smiling and enjoying the simple life.

Rafe walked a little ahead of us and Lurch just behind. I took everything in. Soaking it all in around me. The little shops and grocery store that looked like a little corner store, and the record shop that didn’t sell cd’s or tapes, just records. The markets were simple. In the food part, the sellers had a mat on the floor and their wares on it. I watched as people bartered. The other half of the markets, the sellers had tables. There were baskets, bags, and purses. Another stall had jewelry, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets and another stall had all different types of notebooks and blank books. Everything was handmade.

“Carl, you don’t have to buy me everything I like.”

He brought my hand up and kissed it. “I will get you anything you want.”

I moved us out of the way and stopped, stood on tip toes and kissed Carl. I loved this man. I knew he would do and give me anything I wanted. “Thank you. You don’t have to buy me all these things, I’m just grateful you’ve bought me to this wonderful place.” Wrapping my arms around him I breathed in his masculine scent. I was ready. Carl needed to know how much I appreciated all he did for me. “I love you.”

His body become rigid and he pulled me back and tilted my chin up. “Say it again. Tell me honey.”

I shrugged and held back my giggle, maneuvering out of his hold as I made my way back to the boat ramp. Carl chased after me and spun me around. I grinned up at him. “I love you. The last month has been amazing. I can’t believe I fell for you so quickly, but I have. I love you.”

My squeal turned into a laugh when Carl picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and ran towards the boat ramp.

* * * *


I shouldn’t be smiling laid back in bed and happy at the noises I was hearing. Since we arrived in Vanuatu Annabelle had mentioned that her stomach and body felt off, she thought it was the time difference and jet lag. After we’d been here for a week, she put it down to all the sex we were having and being in the sun and activities. I didn’t know if I should tell her the real reason why she was sick or let her figure it out on her own.

I hadn’t used any protection with Annabelle and that had been intentional. I wanted my woman tied to me in as many ways as I could. I know to some I may sound like an arsehole for using anyway I could to get my woman to stay with me. I was ready for children. I couldn’t wait to see Annabelle round and full with my child.

Today was special, or it would be if everything went right. First, though, I had to get up and help Annabelle. Sitting up, I got out of bed, stretched and went into the bathroom. Annabelle sat on the floor, her arms around the toilet, head hanging over the bowl. Going to her I knelt and patted her back. “Honey, what can I do for you?”

“Mmm, nothing,” she groaned. “I don’t know what I’m eating that keeps making me sick.”

“Honey, I don’t think it’s anything you’ve eaten.”

“Do you think I’ve caught something? Quick, get away from me. You better leave so you don’t catch it too.” Oh, she’d caught something all right, it just wasn’t something I could ever get. She gazed up at me and right then I knew I had to tell her. She had black bags under her eyes. Her skin, usually a healthy porcelain white, was now a deathly pale.

Lifting her, I helped clean her up, wiping her mouth and brushing her hair. I pulled it in a loose bun out of her face. I laid her on the bed and sat next to her taking her hand in my own while my other caressed her cheek. “Honey, I need to do tests to make sure I’m right, but you’re not sick because you’ve eaten something bad, or because of jet lag, time difference, or all our activities. You’ve got morning sickness.”

“What!” She bolted up and then moaned, covering her mouth and running to the bathroom. I followed, rubbing her back and soothing her. When she was finished I cleaned her up again, grabbed her toothbrush, and filled the cup with clean water. When she was done, I lifted her up and placed her back on the bed.

“Yes honey, I think you’re pregnant.” I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We’re going to have a baby.” I eased back in time to see her gaze widen, and watched as she tried to figure out if what I said could be true. It didn’t take her long though, she closed her eyes, held her hands over her face and then my heart sank when I heard a sob escape. Why was she crying? Didn’t she want children? Or did she just not want children with me? Was she mad that I knew before her? What was wrong?

“I’m pregnant,” she hiccupped out. “I missed my period. I’m pregnant.” Her sobbing became louder and I started to feel sick myself. Had I done the wrong thing? I shouldn’t have believed in the stupid gypsies’ curse.

“I’m sorry.” I brought her up against my chest and hugged her tight repeating over and over how sorry I was.

She pushed at me and I was scared to let her go. I was terrified to hear what she’d say. Her hands captured my face and pulled me down so we were face to face. “Why are you apologizing?” She stopped her crying, but her body still shook. Her hands clutched my face, not letting me look anywhere but at her. “Do you not want children?”

“Of course I want children. You’re the one who’s crying.” I pulled my head out of her hold and eased off the bed. I gazed down at her with my arms crossed. “You’re the one unhappy.”

She got up and knelt on the bed and narrowed her gaze on me. “I’m crying, you idiot, because I thought I’d caught some foreign disease that I was dying from. I’m bloody well ecstatic to be pregnant.” She stood and pushed at my chest madly. “I am beyond happy I’m going to have a baby. This baby is the best thing ever and for you to think I wouldn’t be over the moon about it, or don’t want it, makes you more than an idiot, it makes you an arsehole. ”

I held my hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry.”

She stuck her finger into my chest. “If you apologize anymore I will shove my foot right up your arse.”

Chuckling, I gathered her to me and kissed her head before tilting her chin up. I leaned down and kissed her lips. “I love you.” I placed my hand over her belly. “Thank you. I’m looking forward to being a daddy. I’m so happy about the baby.”

Annabelle’s arms came up and hooked around my neck. “I love you too.”

“Marry me.”

“What!” She screeched as her hands fell and she stepped back and gazed up at me.

I held my index finger up. “Hold that thought.” Going to the clothes I had out for the day, I pulled the ring box out of the pants pocket and came back to a waiting Annabelle. “I had planned to do this differently today.” I got down on one knee and opened the jewelry box and held it up. “Annabelle Clarkson, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” With bated breath I awaited her answer.

Her eyes widened, her mouth opened and shut over and over before she blurted, “Oh my God. Oh my God.” Her hand covered her mouth and she stepped closer to me. “When did you get this? Oh God, it’s huge.” Her gaze darted from the ring to my face and to the ring again. The ring was large, platinum princess cut with a premium two carat diamond.

Raising my eyebrow, I smirked at her. “Is it too big? I bought a smaller diamond than I wanted to get you because I knew you weren’t into flashy big rings.”

“Small,” she blubbered. “That’s massive.”

Chuckling, I got the ring out of the case and reached for her hand. I’d try again. “Annabelle, don’t keep me in suspense, will you marry me?”

“Oh, um, of course. Yes. Yes.” She threw herself at me. I fell back on the floor, Annabelle on top of me. She took the ring from my fingers and I helped her put it on.

She straddled my waist and peppered my face with kisses. “I love you. I love you. Oh this is so amazing. I’m getting married.” I grunted as she bounced on my stomach.

Wrapping my arms around her I sat up and slowly got up. Her legs hooked around me and I stumbled to the bed laying her down. Annabelle clung to me yanking my face down to paste her lips to my own. My hands wandered hooking into her underwear and pulling them down. She lifted herself up helping me slide her panties down and then wiggled them off. I yanked the bottom of her tank top up and off. She pulled at my boxers pulling them down and I kicked them off.

Crashing our mouths back together, our hands explored each other, caressing and building our passion. Her fingers ran through my hair and traveled down my neck and across my back. Leaving her mouth I made my way down her body, nibbling on her neck, and kissing her collarbone. She spread her legs further apart and I settled between them, easing my way down to trail kisses over her breasts, circling her erect nipple with my tongue before I sucked it into my mouth and switched sides repeating the move.

Annabelle moaned and arched, silently begging for more. Cupping her tits I tweaked the nipple that wasn’t in my mouth. Her fingers dug into my shoulders and she panted, “Yes. That feels so good. Yes, yes, yes!” Playing with her breasts, I massaged them and alternated between sucking them.

Easing down her body I licked, kissed, and nibbled her skin before I lay between her spread legs. Grabbing a pillow I lifted her arse up and placed it under her. Settling in, I buried my face into her heat, nuzzling her pussy and spreading her folds. I lapped her clit and sucked on the little bud, driving her mad. Her thighs tightened around my head and she ground down on my face. I loved the noises she made when I pleasured her, the mewling noises drove me insane and I was always eager to hear more. I delved two fingers into her wet pussy and pumped them in and out as I sucked on her clit.

“Yes, oh yes. More, oh more,” she gasped.

Her sexy noises drove my need higher and I couldn’t wait to be inside her. Adding another finger I picked up speed, sinking my fingers deeper each time. I could feel muscles getting ready to let go and squeeze me, she was close. She needed just a little bit extra to fall over the edge. Her body was tense and she was wound up so tight. Delving my fingers in deep I sucked her nub into my mouth, tugging it and giving just enough pressure to help her let loose.

Anabelle screamed, “Oh, yes! Oh Carl. Yes. Yes. Yes!”

Her pussy clenched around my digits and she humped back and forth against my face as my tongue lapped at her. That was so damn hot. She drove me wild with need. I needed to be inside her. Sliding up her, my fingers feathered across her body, enjoying the feeling of her silky smooth skin. Her nipples were sharp erect points and I breathed over one and watched as Annabelle shivered. I blew on the other and her back arched up. Slipping my tongue out, I circled the pointed nipple before sucking it into my mouth. I repeated, switching to the other breast. Annabelle ran her hands down my back and back up to clutch my head. I fondled her tits, cupping and sucking on them.

My dick was painfully hard and I ached to sink into her tight warm heat and find my own release.

Gazing up at Annabelle, I smiled at the blissful, passion filled look, hooded eyes, mouth open in an o shape, and her breathing heavy. I swore I’d never seen a more beautiful sight. Easing up I took her lips as I lined my cock up to her entrance. I stared down at her and realized I wanted her on top. I wanted to play with her tits as they bounced and she rode my cock.

Lifting her up, I rolled us so she was on top. Annabelle grinned down at me and I watched as her gaze roamed over my chest. Her hands came to rest over my chest muscles and she wiggled herself down my body until her pussy lips brushed the tip of my dick. She rubbed her core over me, sinking down just enough for me to feel her wetness each time before pulling away. She was torturing me. She eased further down until her mouth hovered over my dick. Her hand circled my base and rubbed up and down.

She stared up at me with sultry eyes and moaned, “I love you. I love you so damn much.”

Fuck, I was going to come without her playing with me, just from her simple tease and declaration of love. I’d never been so turned on in my whole life. I didn’t need foreplay for myself. All I needed was her to look at me and tell me she loved me and I was a goner. She gazed up at me and holy shit, I almost blew my load. She was so beautiful. I couldn’t believe how lucky I got, that I was going to marry this woman.

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and sank down over me. Her hand gripped my base tighter and I counted to ten trying to calm my ready to explode lust. Holy crap, the sight before me was hot. She sucked on me almost pulling the load I was barely holding back out of me. I didn’t want to come in her warm wet mouth though, I wanted to come as her pussy squeezed the life out of me.

“Honey, that feels beyond amazing,” I rasped. “But I want to come inside you.” Growling with an animalistic need to make my woman come around my dick, I lifted her off my cock and moved her up so she straddled me. I lined my cock up to her entrance and drove it home. “I love you so damn much, you know? You’re mine. Only mine.”

She gasped as my cock sank deep and moaned, “I love you too. You’re mine, too. Only ever me.” She grinned down at me and I brought her head down to kiss her. I snaked my tongue in to meet hers and tangled them savoring our joined bodies.

Holding onto her waist I lifted her and she sank back down. We started out slowly, finding our rhythm, before we picked up speed. She eased from my mouth, panting for breath.

“Play with these…” I cupped her breasts. “Tweak those nipples honey as you ride my cock.”

Annabelle’s already flushed skin turned a darker shade of pink. She flungs her head back and her bun came loose, her shiny hair flowing around her, adding to the allure. She bounced on my dick as she pinched her nipples and rubbed her palms over them. Her core pulsed around me and she got wetter. Oh she liked that, did she?

Thrusting my hips up to meet Annabelle, I grabbed her hand and moved it down to her clit. “Play with yourself, while I watch your breasts bounce.”

Annabelle groaned and slammed herself down as I thrust up to meet her. She played with her clit and I reached up and brushed the tips of my fingers over her nipples. “Come honey. Come all over my dick.”

She grabbed my hand and placed it over her clit. She sat her own hand on top and together we circled her nub. Her pussy started to quiver around me and I knew she was close. I could barely hold myself back from letting myself go before she did. I knew I couldn’t last much longer. I wouldn’t come though until she did. My woman’s pleasure always came first.

Adding pressure to her clit, I drove up as she sank down. “That’s it. Oh yeah, right there.” She gasped.

Hell yes, she was close. Bringing her down so our bodies touched, I moved my hands around to cup and squeeze her arse. Holding her globes together I pushed up as I gathered her juices and brought them to the tight little hole between her arse cheeks. She squealed when I pushed a finger in as I thrust my cock up into her core. Annabelle let out an ear piercing scream, her pussy held me in a vice-like grip and wrung me out to dry, milking me of my orgasm as Annabelle convulsed around me with her own.

“Annabelle,” I grunted. “Oh honey.”

She went limp against me and I lazily stroked her back. My cock slowly slipped out of her and she moaned and rolled to the side. “That was beyond amazing,” she mumbled. “If that’s what saying yes gets me. I’ll have to say it more often.”

I chuckled, turned and kissed her forehead. “I’ll have to ask you to marry me more often.”

“Hardy, ha, ha.” She rolled and wiggled in to spoon me. “You wore me out. I’m going to have a little nap, and when I wake up I intend to call my mother and everyone else and tell them about what’s happened.”

“I knew you were open, but telling her about our sex—” I laughed as she elbowed me in the stomach.

“Don’t be an arse. You know I mean my big ring and bun in oven.” She clutched my hand and wiggled to get comfortable. “Now be good, and stay where you are so I can get some sleep.”

Leaning down I kissed her head. “Okay honey.”

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