Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5 (9 page)

BOOK: Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5
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“Mmm.” She grumbled and I knew she was already close to being out. Not tired myself, but not willing to move, I settled into my spot and let my fiancée and baby mumma sleep.


“No, don’t you put this on me. You were the one that told my mother she could plan a wedding. So we have to go home. You can’t now tell my mum that she can’t plan the wedding and that you’re going to fly everyone to Vanuatu so we can have a quickie wedding here.”

“Ah, yeah I can.”

Rolling my eyes at the cocky man lying on the bed, I continued packing the suitcase. “I don’t think you know my mum then. I bet since you called her a couple of hours ago she’s found allies.”

Carl sat up, grabbed my hands as I placed the toiletries into the suitcase and gathered me to him. I knelt before him. “Don’t you want to get married here, on this beautiful island?”

I didn’t want to leave Vanuatu either, but I knew mum was excited about me getting married and planning my wedding. A quick island wedding I knew she wouldn’t mind, but I knew my mum wanted a bigger fanfare for me. She wanted to help me plan my wedding, choose my dress and have relatives I’ve met once or twice in my life there. I wanted to give my mum that. “It would be nice, yes, but I would like to have a wedding where I get to plan. You know, go with my mum to flower shops, try on wedding dresses and eat cake.”

He groaned and flopped back. “Is this going to happen all the time?”

“Is what going to happen all the time?”

“You being right?”

Giggling, I crawled up and over him. Hovering over him, I smiled down at his arrogant smirking face. “Yeah, all the time.”

His arms snapped around me and he rolled so I was on the bottom and he caged me in over the top. “Okay, fine. I’ll pack and we’ll fly home. Two weeks in paradise isn’t enough though.”

Sighing, I sat up and locked my lips to his. He was right, two weeks in paradise wasn’t enough, but we needed to go home. I had more to tell my mum than just getting engaged, she was going to be a grandma.

* * * *

Groaning as I saw my mother waiting for us at the airport I considered seeing if I could convince Carl I was wrong and we could go back to paradise. Carl squeezed my waist and I glanced up at him. “Who let my mum come meet us? I didn’t even think she knew we were coming home today.”

His brow raised. “You don’t want her here?”

“Argh no. Not for the half an hour drive home. You know that means there’ll be no escape?”

He laughed. “I’m sure if she gets bad we could pull over and kick her out.”

“Ha, ha, very funny. Did you invite her?”

“No. I have no idea how she knew we were coming in now.”

“I told her.” Shocked, I turned to Rafe. I’d never seen him look embarrassed. Well he barely showed emotion, though he wasn’t as bad as Lurch, but still right now his cheeks were pink and he wouldn’t meet my gaze.

“Rafe, why?”

He finally met my gaze and his eyebrows narrowed and his lips thinned. “I’ll tell you why, because your mother is worse than Gillian. I’d like to know how she got my number.”

Carl burst out laughing and I wished I could hide. I stopped walking down the ramp to the arrival bay and went to turn around, only for Carl to stop me. Oh my God, what had my mother done for Rafe to cave and tell her? I reminded myself I loved my mother, but right now that didn’t work.

“What did she do?” Carl dragged me to the exit and towards my mother.

“She’s pure evil.” I choked on a cough at the smirk on Rafe’s face. “I told her no and that I wouldn’t tell her anything without Carl’s or your permission, not only did she badger me, which I could handle, when that didn’t work she somehow contacted my mother.”

Okay, that was funny. How the hell had my mother found out who Rafe’s mother was? I was even scared to find out how she did that.

Carl was in hysterics. “Oh honey, I love your mother.”

“Oh you say that now,” I grumbled as we exited to the arrivals bay. I bet he wouldn’t be saying that when he was on the other end of her intrusion into his life.

My mother ran to me, pushed Carl away and hugged me tight. “Bellie, I missed you baby.”

“Hi mum. How are you feeling?”

“I’m great now you’re home.” She let go of me and wrapped her arm around me and walked toward the luggage carousel. I turned to see Carl narrow his gaze. I giggled and wrapped my arm around her. Mum one, everyone else zero.

* * * *


“Honey, you can’t go to work like this. The oral maxolon isn’t working. I’m taking you in to work.” We’d been back from Vanuatu for four days and Annabelle was getting sicker. She was showing all the signs of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a condition in pregnancy that can start around four to seven weeks which causes severe sickness and can lead to other problems such as low blood pressure, depression, tiredness and migraines. Today was a pupil-free day and tomorrow school started. Annabelle was determined to go to work, even though she could barely move.

“I have to go.” She groaned. She turned and was sick into the bucket.

Okay that was it. She had to go to hospital. No more letting her win. Annabelle had been fighting me on this for days. Yesterday I even considered calling her mother, but then I’d never get rid of the woman. Now I wished I’d done it. I would have gladly put up with Darla if Annabelle was in hospital getting better. Reaching over to the phone I called Rafe. “Get the car ready. I’m taking Annabelle to work. She needs fluids and I want some tests done.”

“I’ll see you in the car.” Rafe replied.

Gently picking up Annabelle, she moaned and rested her head against my chest. “I don’t want to go to hospital.” My heart sank when her voice was barely a whisper. I should have fought harder the last couple of days and not let it get to this stage, but I was arrogant and thought I could handle her care on my own.

Once in the car and on our way to the hospital I rang and told them what to expect. I wasn’t surprised when we pulled up to emergency that they stood waiting. I lifted a limp Annabelle out of the car and turned to the head obstetrician, Dr. Kara Bay. She was a lady in her mid-fifties, tall, with greying brown hair and green eyes that didn’t miss a thing. I had great respect for her and she was one of the few doctors I was willing to trust with Annabelle.

“She’s around four to six weeks pregnant. The morning sickness started about a week and half ago. I have been giving her maxolon orally, but she hasn’t been keeping anything down. I should have brought her in sooner. She’ll need fluids and I want her blood pressure monitored.” I carefully placed Annabelle on the rolling bed and gently pressed my lips to her forehead. “I’m sorry honey.”

“Dr. Silverman we will take very good care of your—”

“My fiancée. Annabelle Clarkson.”

I didn’t miss the slight widening of Dr. Bay’s eyes. To give her credit she didn’t show any other signs of shock at my announcement. She nodded and turned to nurses. “Put her in room six-zero-two. I want blood work ready for me to take now. Get the ultrasound machine brought to her room.”

Because of who I was, they weren’t taking her to emergency to wait in line to be registered and taken to a room, they took her straight to a private room in maternity. I knew she was going to be in at least a couple of days.

I didn’t leave her side as they wheeled her in and took her to her room, where a nurse helped me undress Annabelle and get her into a hospital gown. Dr. Bay came in the room soon after and took bloods and set up her IV. “I’ll give her a couple of hours for fluids to set in before I do an ultrasound.”

I nodded. I knew the drill. Annabelle, gave a slight jerk of her head in acknowledgement. I watched Dr. Bay leave before turning my attention back to Annebelle. “I’m going to call your mum and our family.”

“Okay,” she croaked.

I stroked her hair, leaned over to her and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be just at the window.”

She closed her eyes and I went to the window, calling her mother first.

By the time I’d called our family, and convinced Annabelle’s mother twice, to stay where she was, Dr. Bay was back with a nurse moving in an ultrasound machine.

Going back over to Annabelle I sat on the chair closest to the bed. Annabelle dozed, her breathing more settled. When I reached for her hand I threaded my fingers through hers and her eyes fluttered open. When she saw what the nurse brought in, a tiny smile spread over her lips.

“I get to see my baby?” she rasped. She sounded a lot better than before, but still dry.

I squeezed her hand and went to answer but Dr. Bay beat me to it. “Yes, Miss Clarkson, but because you’re not that far along I need to know you’re okay with me using the stick. It will need to be inserted. Dr. Silverman can leave if you like while I do it.”

I fucking well wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t have to voice my feeling though, Annabelle clutched my fingers tighter and shook her head. “No. I don’t want Carl to leave me.”

Dr. Bay put a wrap over the stick and added gel. “Alright then Miss Clarkson. If you could spread your legs please. This will feel a little cold and if it becomes uncomfortable please tell me.”

Bringing Annabelle’s hand up, I kissed her knuckles. I watched the screen anxious to see my child too. When the screen came up on my bean I narrowed my gaze as something wasn’t right. Darting my gaze up at Dr. Bay, I hated that she was quiet. Wasn’t she supposed to tell us things like, measurements, show us the heartbeat and so on?

Careful of my reaction so I didn’t scare Annabelle, I took a calming deep breath in and slowly let it out and turned on doctor mode. I could see one bean like shape, but as I looked closer, a second shape became apparent.

“Holy shit, honey. We’re having twins.”

My gaze went to Dr. Bay and she nodded. “Yes. Sorry, I wanted to make sure I double checked before I said anything.” She winked at me. “I should have known you’d figure it out Dr. Silverman.”

“Twins. I’m having twins.” Tears slid down Annabelle’s cheek and I wiped them away. She had a mega-watt smile on her face.

Standing up I leaned over and brushed my lips over hers. “Yeah honey, we’re having twins.” I sat down and stared at the screen.

“They’re fraternal twins. You’re measuring at six weeks. Would you like to hear each of their heart beats?”

“Yes.” I all but yelled. Annabelle nodded frantically. Six weeks I thought as I listened to each of my boy’s heartbeats. Silvermans didn’t have girls so I knew they were boys. That would mean she got pregnant pretty much the first time we had sex.

“Oh God, isn’t that amazing?” Annabelle whispered as the beating resonated around the room.

Dr. Bay smiled at me. “I’m assuming you want pictures?”

“Yes. Yes, of course.”

“Okay. Well everything looks perfect with those two. I assume that Dr. Silverman has already told you about the vitamins you should be taking and what you can and can’t eat.”

“Yes, not that I can keep anything down,” Annabelle mumbled.

“From what Dr. Silverman has told me and what we have gathered, you have of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. If this continues I will be seeing a lot of you. I usually do monthly appointments until twenty-eight weeks with twins and then fortnight and when you reach thirty-four weeks, weekly appointments. Are you are happy with me continuing your care?”

Dr. Bay wasn’t looking at me. She knew I wanted her to be the one who cared for Annabelle. She was the best and that’s all I wanted for my woman. Annabelle squeezed my fingers and I looked at her. She stared at me with a raised brow. “Dr. Bay is the best. I wouldn’t let anyone other than the number one touch you honey.”

Annabelle smiled and pointed to the cup on the bedtable that held ice in it. She sucked on one for a moment then put it back and then turned back to Dr. Bay. “Yes. I would like for you to continue my care please.” The fluids were helping and she was starting to get a little color back. “Thank you.”

Dr. Bay smiled and handed Annabelle our photos. “There are your pictures.” The nurse handed her Annabelle’s charts. “At the moment you’ll be here for at least two days. There’ll be no going home until you’ve been hydrated and are keeping fluids down. I’ll be back to check and talk to you tomorrow morning.”

“Thanks.” Annabelle didn’t look happy about her stay here.

“Thank you Dr. Bay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I stood up and shook her hand.

Dr. Bay nodded to Annabelle. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Annabelle smiled before putting an ice cube in her mouth. Going back to the chair, I sat and reached over for the photos of our babies. Getting up I slowly eased onto the bed, careful of Annabelle. “Oh honey, look what we made.” I kissed her cheek as I held the photos out for her to see. “Thank you my beautiful Annabelle.” I wiped the tears that were sliding down her cheek.

“No, thank you. I’m going to be a mummy.”

“Yes, you are. You’re going to be an amazing mother too. I’m so blessed to have kidnapped you and made you fall in love with me.”

Annabelle’s giggle turned into a groan as she turned and grabbed a vomit bag. I rubbed her back and handed her tissues when she was done.

“I’m sorry it’s like this for you honey.”

“I’m happy to be pregnant and all I want is our babies to be healthy,” she moaned. “Looks like we won’t be getting married before these two little ones come, not if I’m sick like this.”

“Oh honey, never underestimate my family and from what I’ve learned your mother. If we give them a date and you’re doing better I bet we could have a wedding and you’d have had input.”

She sighed and relaxed back into the bed as best you could with a hospital bed. “Don’t get used to hearing this but…you’re right.”

Chuckling, I kissed her forehead. “I can be sometimes. I love you Annabelle.”

“I love you too, Carl.”

Gently holding her to me, I stroked her back in a soothing motion until she fell asleep.

* * * *


Carl had been right. His family came to the hospital and so did my mother to help plan my wedding. I’d spent most of my time in the hospital. I was over seven months pregnant and ready to walk down the aisle. My Hyperemesis gravidarum didn’t die down until I was nineteen weeks, and I practically lived in the hospital the whole time. With everything Carl ended up getting to make my pregnancy better, I could have stayed home, but he was so worried about any complication so I stayed there.

I was huge and didn’t even bother to attempt to hide it with a special wedding gown. The beach below where we lived was where our wedding would take place and the reception would be up at the house in a huge white tent.

“You look gorgeous Annabelle.” It had taken some convincing, but Brent was walking me down the aisle. Carl was convinced Brent would take me away when he saw how beautiful I was. It didn’t matter how many times both Brent and I told him he was gay and I didn’t have the right equipment for him, Carl thought I would turn on him. I will admit Brent and I had a good laugh about it.

“Thanks. I’m ready.” Linking my arm through his he helped me down the stairs.

My heart soared as I saw the beach. Everything looked beyond amazing. The beach had a long white carpet for me to walk on that came to an end at an arch covered in blue orchids. Guests stood on either side of the carpet. Even the security guards overrunning the beach wore suits to blend in.

Taking in a deep breath of the sea breeze, I clutched my big bouquet of rainbow roses with orchids and baby’s breath and I slowly waddled down the aisle to Carl. The beaming smile he sent my way, popped his dimples and had me sighing with happiness. I was about to marry the man I loved. The man who kidnapped me and made me fall head over heels for him.

* * * *

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