Carpe Diem - Jesse 3

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Authors: Eve Carter

Tags: #jesse, #new adult, #romance, #contemporary romance, #biker

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Carpe Diem

Jesse Book 3

Eve Carter

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 Eve Carter.

Published By Eve Carter Romance.

Book Description

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The third book of "Jesse"
 takes us to Italy, along with Jesse and Niki. He is looking forward to being back on his old motocross team, but the rivalry among the riders is fierce. Other team members want his position and are determined to make life on the track difficult for Jesse. 

For Niki,
 things are looking much better. She is thrilled about being in Milan. Thanks to the connections from her design school at home, she now mingles with some the best designers and photographers in Europe and when she gets an offer to assist an established local fashion photographer, Gio Cavallini, she accepts. Working for the handsome Italian photographer is rewarding but it also creates challenges for Niki. It doesn't take long before facts are misconstrued and misunderstandings occur.

It all culminates in chaos when Jesse finds incriminating evidence that supports his worst suspicions. All hell breaks loose and now, not only is Jesse's position on the team in danger, but also his relationship with Niki.

Don't miss "Carpe Diem", the final book in the New York Times bestselling "Jesse" series.

Chapter 1


he Eagle had landed. Or at least the Boing 747, carrying four hundred passengers eager to start their vacations, had landed safely in Milan’s international airport. Two of those passengers were me and my beautiful girlfriend, Niki Milani. With my favorite worn out backpack slung over one shoulder, I took Niki by the hand and towed her along through the airport terminal to collect our luggage. I was pumped to be in Italy for my first serious motocross training camp since my accident. Thanks to Chase and his miracle rehab, my hand and leg muscles were working fantastically. I was ready to get back into competitions again and feel the powerful 450 cubic engine roaring between my legs. But even more important than that, I was stoked that Niki had reconsidered and joined me on my trip to Milan.

I thought I had lost her the day I walked out the door of Uncle Kenny’s house to go to the airport, and losing was not my style. I had the guts and strength to win competitions in one of the toughest sports in the world, but a fight for my girl’s heart over her dad’s disapproval had been my hardest battle yet. At times, it had seemed like the fight would be impossible to win. Why would she choose me over her father? I was in a pretty damn dark and crazy place when I met her, infused with too many black emotions, empowered by too much sex, drugs and alcohol. But Niki brought me back to life; she was my savior.

I had won the fight. In the end, she gave up everything for my sorry ass, went against her daddy’s advice and followed me to Milan, and I planned on showing her the time of her life in Italy.

I gripped her hand tighter, not wanting to ever let her go, as we wound our way through the terminal to the baggage carousel. I gazed at Niki. She got my heart racing every time I looked at her, with her long dark hair falling down around her skin tight shirt. She was mine. My sexy angel, with a devilish way. I scanned around the baggage claim area, impatiently and raked my hand through my hair, trying to still my restless desire.

I tugged on her hand and pulled her close so she would lean into me as we waited at the dreary conveyor belt of boredom. I inhaled the scent of her soft hair, and her eyes sparkled as she beamed at me. I wanted to kiss her right there, but the crowd around the baggage area looked like a scene from a zombie movie. Buzz kills, each and every one of them.

I gazed into Niki’s eyes as we waited. Her radiance drew me in and I was mesmerized by her perfect beauty. Her lips beckoned to me, tempting me with their luscious fullness. I wanted to suck them into my mouth and drown her in kisses, but I decided to wait. Instead, I did the next best thing, slung an arm over her shoulder and said, “I’m glad you came.”

She grinned and said, “Me too.”

“I would’ve been a mess without you.”

She smiled and I felt the heat from her body. I’d put my lips right next to her ear and murmured, “You are teasing me with those lips. If you don’t watch out, I’ll bite that lower lip and suck it into my mouth, right here in front of all these people.”

Her body felt good up against mine and I couldn’t wait to get to our hotel so I could feel her skin next to mine. She giggled and gently pushed me away.

“Down boy. Save it for the hotel. Where’s our luggage? Let’s hope the hotel is not far.”

She was as impatient as I was to get to the hotel.

“Um, unfortunately, we have to make a stop first at the training camp.”

She wrinkled her pretty brow and made a pouty face, like a child whose candy had been taken away. “How are we going to get to your training camp?”

“My coach, Joe, arranged for a driver to pick us up. Well, I hope he made the arrangements.

“What do you mean, you hope?”

“Don’t worry, everything’s cool between us, now.”

“Now? What happened?”

“Last time I saw him, back when I had my accident, he kind of freaked out on me, like a serious fucking meltdown. I think it’s in his genes, but it’s all good now. You’ll like him. He’s the type of guy who eats, drinks and breathes motocross. It’s his life and when anyone messes with it, he doesn’t take it quietly.”

“Wow, you just one hundred percent accurately described yourself, Jesse,” she said with a chuckle.

I spotted our suitcases creeping our way. I chucked Niki’s grinning face under the chin and said, “But don’t you just love that about me?” and stepped over to hoist the bags off the conveyor.

After another half hour of a life draining wait in line for Customs, we finally poured out of the glass doors into the fresh Milan air. I swear I’d nearly suffocated in there. I felt like a wadded up paper ball that had been thrown on the floor and stepped on, but Niki came out all perky and organized. She was so damn beautiful and never ceased to amaze me.

A deep husky voice caught my attention from behind. “There he is. The black devil is back and looking good. It’s about fucking time you dragged your sorry ass back into the game, Jess.”

I turned and there was Joe, my coach of the last three years. There was a genuine gleam of happiness on his face. I guess the incident that upset him was in the past and long forgotten; the fucker seemed happy to see me, after all. He grabbed my hand and shook it, pulling me into a bro-hug with a slap on the back.

“Damn, Coach, trying to break my hand?” I shook it like it was on fire. “That’s one hell of a grip you’ve got.” Considering he was in his mid-forties, Coach still had the exuberance of a younger man. Though his skin had a leathery, sun-strained quality that wrinkled the corners of his eyes, his overall demeanor was not compromised in the least. He was still a beast.

Niki stood, waiting patiently, as we greeted each other. Then I presented her to Joe like she was a precious gem on a velvet pillow. “Coach, I want you to meet my girl, Niki Milani. Niki, babe, this is Coach. I mean, Joe Francis, my coach.”

Coach raised an eye brow in approval.

I couldn’t stop gazing at Niki as she said to Coach, “Nice to meet you .”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Niki. Don’t let this knucklehead give you any trouble. If he does, you call me. I’ll put a foot up his ass for you.” Joe turned to me, shaking a scolding finger. “And don’t think I haven’t done that in the past. Jesse here has caused his share of trouble around the track...and off the track also, if you get my drift.”

Niki looked a little bewildered, but smiled, gracious and beautiful as always. Of course I wasn’t going to do anything to upset her on this trip and that other stuff Joe referred to... It was all buried deep in the past.

“He’s right, Niki. Joe has had to put me in my place a few times but he’s always there to back me up when I need it.”

“He can be a handful, at times,” Coach concurred.

“You wouldn’t believe it, but this lovely lady has made me a changed man. Those old dark days are over and I’m here to ride and win. I’m so focused, man. It’s all about the Yamaha team, now.”

Niki gave a cute little blush and tucked her head to her chin shyly, not being one for basking in the limelight.

We grabbed our luggage and Coach directed us to the rental car he had acquired. I glanced around the airport parking and noticed the cars were all small as shit here in Italy. “Coach, dude, you didn’t rent one of these little Fiats did you? I mean, our bags won’t even fit.”

“Don’t worry,” he chuckled, “I got us a Mercedes SUV. I figured we’d need something to haul our gear out to the track.”

“Hey, take a look,” Niki stopped in mid stride and pointed to the horizon. “Are those the Alps?”

Off in the distance, huge snowcapped mountains loomed over the city. I had seen them on my other trips to Milan and they were just as amazing as the first time I saw them. Niki looked crazy beautiful, standing there with the wind whipping her long dark hair around her face, framed by the breathtaking Alps in the background. I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“You’re gonna love Milan, Niki. Just wait until you get into the city. The cathedrals and all the architecture is right up your alley, all that artsy design kind of stuff you like.” I didn’t know the exact words to describe Niki’s passion for design, but I knew she was good at it.

“Come on, you two, stop fooling around. We have a schedule to keep.”

We settled into the rental and Coach nosed the car out onto the main road. We drove along winding country roads, passing small sports cars along the way. Coach and I fell into the usual shop talk. Suddenly, out of nowhere a sleek, fire red convertible zipped past our lumbering SUV like a gust of wind.

“Wow, that was fast. Was that a Ferrari?” Niki said.

“It sure was. The Italians love sports cars more than anything, and Ferraris are their favorites. They have the F1 race in Monza and if Ferrari wins, they go absolutely ape shit after the race.”

Niki leaned her body forward so Coach could hear her talk from the front seat. “I guess I’ve heard of Formula 1 racing, that’s where they race cars, right? But until I met Jesse, I had no idea there was motocross racing in Italy.”

Coach turned his head to the side to respond, keeping one eye on the road. “Motocross is bigger than you think. There are lots of racks near Milan...not as wide or as long as the ones in the U.S. but plenty for training.”

“Really?” she inquired.

“Yeah, in about an hour’s drive from Milan there are tracks in Lodi, Bosisio Parini, Dorno and if you drive farther, there’s Mantova and Cremona...”

“What? Did you say, Bosisio Parini? That’s actually the name of high end women’s purses... I’m
loving Italy already.” Niki sat back into her seat with a satisfied smile to enjoy the view of the Italian countryside, rolling and dotted with classic tall slender Italian Cypress trees, the ones pictured in paintings of Italy.

I turned to Coach, full of memories from my last trip to Italy. “Hey, remember when they had the Motocross races every year in Maggiora?” Coach nodded with a smile. “I remember going there for my first race over here.”

“And night practices on Thursdays in Lodi.” Coach added.

“I had a Yamaha 250 big frame and in my first race I looped out and ate shit so hard on this little table top that I bent the crossbar with my chin... I could jump that thing blindfolded now...” I shook my head. “Oh man, the memories...”

Coach’s eyes narrowed and he said, “Jess, remember Ice?”

I snorted. “Such an asshole.”

“Who’s Ice?” Niki asked.

Coach turned his head again towards Niki in the back seat to explain. “I’ll never forget that race. You see, Ice...well, Karl Eissen, a German teammate, was on the team back when Jesse won the Paris championship. Ice was in the lead the whole race, with Jesse hot on his heels. He had an ax to grind with Jesse, ‘cause Jesse was always beating him. He took it to heart, didn’t want to look bad and be second best anymore, but a couple of rounds before the race was over, Ice made one mistake and took the turn too wide. Jesse overtook him from the inside. It was a very dangerous move, but it worked and Jesse won the race. Ice was pissed. Said Jesse almost caused a crash and they could’ve both landed in the hospital. He said Jesse should have stayed behind, since they were both racing for the same team. Obviously Ice didn’t know Jesse as well as I do. He got so pissed that he quit the team. The guy is an arrogant asshole but rides a good race.”

“Ice...What the hell is the bastard doing now, anyway?” I pursed my lips, not really giving a damn about him, but I wasn’t going to like what Coach had to say.

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