Carpe Diem - Jesse 3 (5 page)

Read Carpe Diem - Jesse 3 Online

Authors: Eve Carter

Tags: #jesse, #new adult, #romance, #contemporary romance, #biker

BOOK: Carpe Diem - Jesse 3
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“What are you trying to say? You think I’m insane, like unstable or something?”

“I’m just saying you have a special talent, that’s why you ride the way you do, aggressive an’ all. It works for the track, but don’t bring it here. The ruthlessness you show on the track is great, that’s why you win. The beast in you makes you the rider you are. But you have to be in control of it, leave it on the track. And in case you haven’t figured it out, the same goes for relationships, Jesse. How do you except to keep a girl like Niki if you can’t control your temper? Once the honeymoon phase is over between you two she’ll going running for the hills if that kind of anger keeps spilling out.”

I raked my hands through my hair and blew out a long breath of air. Coach was right. “I know, I know. I’m older now than the last time I raced and I’ve changed, Coach. A lot has happened to me in the last year. I met Niki and you know...”

“I know a girl like Niki is high maintenance. Sweet, but high maintenance.”

“She’s not high maintenance.” How could he say that? Niki was an angel. I had never considered her difficult or self-centered in any way.

“Hmm. Wait and see. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, make sure you give her the attention she needs and the support. Especially here, in Italy. You know what these Italian guys are like. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

“I know you’re right, but I’m working on it, Coach. Niki and I have already had an issue with that, but it’s over now. It’s just that Ice has been on my ass all day. He had it coming.”

“Enough,” he barked. “I don’t want to hear another word about this. Go clean up and get back to your girl. Come back tomorrow. Hopefully you’ll come back rested and with a better attitude. It was our first day in training and everyone was a little on edge. But this had better be the last of this.”

“You got my word, Coach, no more fighting.”


fter my talk with coach, I walked back to the camper that I shared with another rider. The weight of my exhaustion felt like I was carrying a ton of bricks. I was paired up with Johnny Morrow, an Australian rider on the team, to share one of the campers equipped with a shower, beds and all the comforts of home, but I only needed to use it to clean up at the end of the day. If I hadn’t had a hotel room with Niki in Milan, Johnny would have been my roommate.

At least Coach had the sense not to have me bunk with Ice or Santini, who shared another luxury camper, much like this one. Coach was a little naive sometimes and I wasn’t sure if putting those two together was such a good idea, seeing that one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch.

I sat on a plastic chair outside the trailer and flipped open the metal buckles on my dusty black riding boots, then pulled them off with a groan. The day wasn’t hot but my feet sure as hell were.

I hopped up the two stairs inside the camper and stowed my dirty boots where they belonged. Johnny had just showered and was dressed in clean clothes. He slapped on his wrist watch like he was going somewhere and said, “Nice riding out there today, Jesse.”

“Thanks, bro.”

“Sorry about that dick, Ice. You know, when he heard about you coming back he was so pissed.”

“Apparently he still is,” I shot back.

Johnny scooped up a light jacket in one hand and gave me a crooked smile as he opened the door. “I’ve got a hot Italian chick waiting for me in town. Catch you tomorrow, Jesse.”

I gave him a nod. As soon as the lightweight aluminum door clanged shut, I reached for my cell phone. I wanted to talk to Niki; her sweet voiced calmed me and I needed to hear it. It made all my ragged edges feel smooth again and today I definitely needed some smoothing. I swiped my finger across the screen and there was a text from Niki.

Call me when you can, babe. I’ve got great news.

I smiled at my phone and punched up her number, noting the dirt under my fingernails. I couldn’t even wait to take a shower before I called her. I flopped down into one of the faux-suede recliner chairs with dirt filled folds in my riding clothes. It would probably ruin the upholstery of the chair, but I didn’t give a damn right now. I was too tired to shower and I just wanted to talk to Niki.

“Hey, babe, I missed you today.”

“I missed you too, Jesse.”

“So tell me the good news.”

“You know I met the photographer today...”

“Yeah. How did it go?”

“We went to this coffee shop and he was nice. He says he can definitely help me. Then he invited me to go with him to this industry function tonight, you know, to meet people and make contacts.”

“Tonight? You want us to go out tonight?” I rubbed my temple with my free hand and more lose dirt fell from my hair.

“Well, uh, I mean, do you want to come with?”

“If you want me to. I’m kind of beat but...” I slumped further down into the chair and then I remembered Coach’s advice. “I know this is important to you.”

“It’s okay if you can’t make it. I have to leave in half an hour.”

“Well then you’ll have to go by yourself. I haven’t even showered yet.”

“I won’t be long. I’ll be home before midnight.”

“Okay, but you better wake me when you get home.”

“You know I will.”

“Go get ready, babe. I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Ok, thanks. Love you.” She made a little kissing noise with her mouth before she ended the call. I knew she was excited about her fashion career stuff here in Milan and this was her first connection with the industry.

“Love you too.” I said sweetly and hung up.


Chapter 6


. That didn’t go well. I touched the screen of my phone to return it to the main menu and tossed it on the bed. He said it was okay, but why did I get the feeling Jesse was not being truthful about this situation? It’s not like I was going on a date with Gio, even though he was drop-dead Italian gorgeous. I hoped that Jesse wouldn’t let his imagination get the better of him. I didn’t want him to be jealous. A disturbing thought popped into my mind. God knew how he would react, especially if he saw Gio; he would know he wasn’t some old fart, or a nerdy camera geek.

A spasm of guilt twisted my stomach. Or was it just hunger pains? I hadn’t eaten any dinner because I was waiting for Jesse, but and now it was nearly time to go downstairs to the lobby. I didn’t have time to fret over it, I had to finishing getting ready.

I flew into the bathroom and plugged in my curling iron. I’d decided to put my hair up in a fun, sophisticated look. After all, I would be in a room teeming with people who have an eye for fashion and style. I couldn’t go looking like the typical American tourist. The main reason I came to Milan was to further my career, to find new and interesting people in the same business that could help me become a top notch designer. So I had better look good.

But getting dressed up to meet a man other than Jesse was making me feel awkward, even if it was for business. And I hadn’t liked the way Jesse made me feel guilty when I talked to him on the phone about it. Or had he? Maybe I was the one drumming up all of my own guilty feelings. Either way, I didn’t have time to worry about it right now.

Oh crap
. The bright red digital numbers on the clock were screaming at me that I was late. I was supposed to meet Gio in the lobby five minutes ago. I shot a mist of hairspray over my curls and scooped up my earrings. I could put them on in the elevator on the way down. I grabbed my purse and stuck it under my arm as I poked the stem of the earring in the hole in my ear. Then I tapped over to the door in my high heels, but remembered I wanted to wear my silver bangle bracelet. With my purse still pinned under one arm and my head tipped to one side for the earring, I clicked my way back to the desk and snatched the bracelet. One last trip to the door and I was on my way to the elevator, were my wait gave me just enough time to clasp the last earring in place and shove the bangle bracelet over my hand.

I let out a breath as I stepped into the elevator and took a moment to gather myself on the ride down. Once I was down in the lobby I relaxed and looked around the area for Gio, but where I had expected to see him waiting but there was no sign of him.

“Oh crap. He stood me up.” I wasn’t talking to anyone in particular, I was just frustrated with myself for being late and missing my first opportunity. No one in the lobby was in earshot anyway. I let my arms hang at my sides in exasperation. It was my own fault. Disappointment set in and I hung my head as I turned to go back to the elevator.

“Niki.” A pleasantly accented voice called out from behind me. I smiled to myself before I turned to see my new friend, Gio, looking devilishly handsome, dressed in a dark, modern-cut suit. I looked at him as he stood there with his hands in his pant pockets. If I had to guess, I’d say Gio looked to be around 30 years old. It didn’t surprise me that he wore a modern suit, because of his career, and he wore it very well.

I looked up to the ceiling a little sheepishly and said, “I thought you’d stood me up.”

“Are you kidding? How could I not come and take such a beautiful woman on a date?”

Gio, this isn’t a date.
I could have told him that. I should have said it out loud, but I didn’t. A little voice in my head cautioned me. What harm could come from him thinking this was a date? It would be to my advantage. I certainly had no plans to sleep my way to the top, but a little misleading wouldn’t hurt.

Gio walked up to me and stopped squarely in front of me, close and definitely inside my personal space. He was so close that the scent of his expensive cologne wafted up my nostrils as he only just stopped short of actually touching me.

“You have beautiful eyes. I hadn’t noticed today at the coffee shop...little flecks of green. Bellisimo.Very nice.”

I swallowed hard. Resisting the flirtations of Romeo here was going to be more than I had bargained for. I straightened, stuck out my chin and put on my best business face. I decided to walk the straight line, and play this like it was meant to be, just a professional business evening, not a date.

“So, where is this business event taking place?”

I thought I saw a flicker of humor in his eye as a smile curved up the corner of his mouth and he stepped back.

“Ten minutes from here. I have a car so, if you’re ready, andiamo, bella.”

He took me by the elbow, guiding me out to the street, and pulled me along as we crossed to the other side where his car waited. A small red Fiat came out of nowhere, swerved around us, and nearly crashed into us as we landed out last steps to safety.

“Asino!” Gino shouted in Italian and made an arm gesture at the small car as it whizzed by. I didn’t know a lot of Italian words but I was pretty sure that word meant, “asshole.”

“Geez, that guy almost hit us. Is traffic always this crazy here?”

Gino shrugged and said, “I guess you learn to live with it.” He was seemingly immune to the fact that traffic here was so bad, it induced road rage in even those with a mild mannered personality.

He opened the passenger door for me and I slid into the compact front seat. Gio swung around the front of the car, moving with the grace of a cat, and slid in behind the wheel. He nosed the small car out into traffic and we were on our way to the gallery where the function was being held.


lthough this was a fashion event, it was being held in some sort of museum or small art gallery. I felt a bit ridiculous gawking at the walls and ceiling, typical tourist style, but I had to take a minute to admire the beauty of the architecture upon seeing it. The building was ornate, with very old stone walls, some historic parts of which dated back to the Roman Empire. Large marble statues loomed above us on pedestals, surrounded by cherubs and angels painted or carved into the walls.

Once inside we could hardly move. The place was packed with people. There were hundreds of models, fashionable and trendy women, and... hot guys. Waiters in black jackets with crisp white shirts milled about with platters of finger food and champagne. Loud techno music was blasting and the inside of the building was modern, in contrast to the ancient exterior.

The thumping beat of the music was on its way to hypnotizing me and I didn’t notice Gio slip his hand around my waist until I felt the pressure of his warm palm on the small of my back. His hand pulled me in tighter as he guided me through the sea of arms and elbows. A slight rush of excitement flushed through my body at his touch, but I cast it off as a fluke.
Stay focussed, Niki.

Gio pointed to a bar where a twenty-something Italian girl in very high heels and a very tight, short skirt stood with very long legs, talking to two guys. They had to be male models, in my estimation, due to their striking good looks. Could there be any more beautiful people in one place? It was outrageous and I decided that Italy had Hollywood beat hands down when it came to the “beautiful people.”

“There’s Alicia. She’s my assistant, let's go say hello.” Gio pointed her out.

As we walked toward her, Gio shouted her name, trying to be heard over the blast of the music. Alicia turned around and her perfect lips blossomed into a smile. She greeted Gio, kissing him on both cheeks.

“Alicia, meet Niki. She’s from Los Angeles. She’s in fashion design, trying to make some connections here tonight.”

Alicia smiled smugly and hugged me, never taking her eyes off of Gio. “Connections, Gio? Is that what you’re calling it now?”

Her long dark hair was tied up in a sleek ponytail, plastered like glue to the sides of her head, shiny and accentuating her perfectly round, symmetrical head. I could never get my hair to look that shiny and sleek when I made a pony tail. And the back part, the “tail” fell straight down, like it was smooth as silk. Mine went all willy-nilly in the back, as I always had stray hairs rebelliously springing out of my hair styles.

Gio ignored her remark and said, “Remember when we were in Los Angeles, two years ago, and we met Keely? Well, Niki is Keely’s student and a very promising one, I have heard.”

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