Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (43 page)

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Once both men were fully in she twitched and they all groaned, her slightest move sending off a chain reaction of pleasure. Turning her head, she began to nibble on Lorn’s nipple, giving him little stinging bites while shifting her hips slowly, getting used to them being inside of her. Each man hovered on the edge of orgasm, her submission driving them wild. She abandoned Lorn’s nipple and met his lips for a soft, amazingly decadent kiss while Nast slowly began to slide in and out of her.

In this position, she didn’t have to do anything, just allow them to move her as they wished, to use her body, to do anything they wanted with it. The freedom of surrendering to them was staggering, and the strength of their emotions overwhelmed her until she realized she was crying. It wasn’t long before Nast was fucking her harder, tearing screams from her and grunts from Lorn. Each thrust pushed them closer to the edge until Casey finally broke, crying out against Lorn’s neck while Nast ground into her as deep as he could get, hurting her yet making it all better at the same moment. Her orgasm went incandescent, colors flashing before her eyes as her soul rang with happiness, Lorn and Nast’s spirits blending with hers and reassuring her on every level that she was loved.

They had been lying there for what could have been an hour or ten minutes, naked and cuddling together, kissing each other and sighing with happiness, when the front door slammed open and a familiar voice screamed, “Casey!”

Alarm came from her husbands but the only emotion she felt was embarrassment at the sound of Paige’s voice coming closer. She tried to draw the sheet over them, but it was trapped beneath the men. Before they could move Paige threw the door open.

“Where the hell have you...”

Staring at them with huge eyes, Paige’s mouth opened and closed a couple times as Casey tried to cover herself and the men lounged indolently giving Paige a show Casey was sure her friend would never forget. When Paige made no move to say anything or even blink, she cleared her throat, “Mind turning around so my husbands and I can get dressed?”

“Husbands?” Paige whispered, her face going pale.

A man’s gravelly voice came from the vicinity of the front door, “Paige? Where are you? Are you hurt? I feel so much distress from you.”

Lorn and Nast suddenly scrambled for their clothing, exchanging a glance and saying at the same time, “Commander Trenzent.”

Paige jumped as if goosed, and a moment later, a huge, older Kadothian man with scars on his face moved up behind Paige before stepping around front and kneeling in front of Casey’s friend. He had short-cropped black hair threaded with silver and a very big, very solid body that made it look like he would crush Paige if he touched her. The scary man slowly raised his hand and touched two of his fingers to Paige’s cheek, drawing her shocked gaze to him. “
, I told you they needed privacy.”

With a quiver in her voice Paige said, “I’m sorry…I was worried about you.”

Still nude, Casey clutched at her sheet, finally covering herself. “Well, as you can see I’m okay. I already went to see my parents and I didn’t think I needed to lock the door.”

Paige blinked rapidly, her blue eyes slightly red rimmed. “I’m sorry, Casey. I was so worried about you.”

Feeling like a bitch for not considering how upset Paige must have been over Casey’s disappearance, she gave Paige a warm smile. “I’m so sorry for worrying you, sweetheart. But I promise you I’m extremely satisfied and happy.”

Paige blushed and ducked her head a bit, turning her face toward the man who was still caressing her cheek. It astonished Casey to see Paige turn to the stranger for comfort, but she recognized the look of utter worship on the man’s face. If they weren’t bondmates Casey would eat her shoe. She only wondered if this man had a blood brother and what he was like. Of all the Kadothian men that Paige could have ended up with, Casey was surprised that it ended up being the battered war hero. Her friend was so soft, so gentle, so peaceful that she had a hard time imagining her married to a man who spent most of his life submerged in violence.

Paige dragged her eyes away from the man kneeling before her with a worried expression, she looked at Casey with a faint hint of pink on her cheeks. “He said you were fine, and I wanted to trust him, but I had to know. I’m so sorry, Tren, I had to know.”

Ignoring everyone but the blushing girl standing before him, Trenzent said in a rumbling voice, “You owe me for doubting me, Paige. You promised you would not do it again.”

Turning her attention back to the big, scarred man, Paige tilted her head to the side in a gesture Casey would have almost thought of as flirtatious. Her friend looked through lowered lashes at the man stroking his fingers down her throat. “I suppose you want to collect your prize now.”

Even Casey could see the instant tension filling Commander Trenzent as he seemed to go into predator mode. “I do, but not here.”

He stood and scooped Paige up into his arms. Instead of screaming and freaking out, Paige merely smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “This doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss you.”

“We will see about that,” Commander Trenzent murmured as he carried Paige away from them, leaving behind a stunned audience.

Finally gathering a breath, Casey said, “Was that the scary guy with the metal face? The one who saved your life, Nast?”

“Yep,” Lorn said and visibly shook himself. “I can’t believe Commander Trenzent’s bondmate is that sweet, shy little female. If he breathes on her wrong he will break her”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Casey murmured. “Paige is a lot stronger than she looks.”

Tucking her hair back behind her ear, Lorn smiled at her. “Most women are.”

Nast began to laugh softly. “May the Lord of Life bless him with a long and happy union. He’s deserves it.”

Jumping onto the bed with Casey, Lorn gave her a very thorough kiss. “Come, my wife. We must leave and spend a day on the Reaping ship updating the Scouts on the change in our cover story before returning to Kadothia.”

Excitement filled her, and when Nast joined them on the bed, she smiled at them both. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Nast asked in surprise.

“For loving me, for saving me, for giving me more than I ever thought was possible.”

“Thank you,” Lorn whispered while he kissed her neck. “For loving us, for saving us, for giving us more than we ever thought was possible. Our

,” Nast repeated in a reverent tone.

Giving herself over to her husbands, Casey closed her eyes and lost herself in the touch of her eternal beloveds.



The End


Coming Next in the Bondmates Universe:

Paige or Roxy? You decide. Tell Ann in a review and see who find their HEA next!




A Thank you from Fated Desires



Thank you so much for reading
Casey’s Warriors
! Ann Mayburn sure knows how to write sexy, sci fi menage. We do hope if you liked this, that you would please leave a review from where you purchased this or on another platform. Not only does a review spread the word to other readers, they let us know if you’d like to see more stories like this from us. Ann loves to hear from readers and talks to them when she can. You can reach her through her
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If you are looking for more stories like these, you don’t have to wait much longer! She will write book two soon and in your review if you tell us which heroine—Paige or Roxy—you’d like to read next, that will get the ball rolling! Ann is cooking up new works in this series and a few others. Also, we have a few new authors coming that will be sure to whet your appetite.

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About the Author



With over thirty published books, Ann is Queen of the Castle to her wonderful husband and three sons in the mountains of West Virginia. In her past lives she's been an Import Broker, a Communications Specialist, a US Navy Civilian Contractor, a Bartender/Waitress, and an actor at the Michigan Renaissance Festival. She also spent a summer touring with the Grateful Dead-though she will deny to her children that it ever happened.

From a young age she's been fascinated by myths and fairytales, and the romance that was often the center of the story. As Ann grew older and her hormones kicked in, she discovered trashy romance novels. Great at first, but she soon grew tired of the endless stories with a big wonderful emotional buildup to really short and crappy sex. Never a big fan of purple prose, throbbing spears of fleshy pleasure and wet honey pots make her giggle, she sought out books that gave the sex scenes in the story just as much detail and plot as everything else-without using cringe worthy euphemisms. This led her to the wonderful world of Erotic Romance, and she's never looked back.

Now Ann spends her days trying to tune out cartoons playing in the background to get into her 'sexy space' and has accepted that her Muse has a severe case of ADD.

Ann loves to talk with her fans, as long as they realize she's weird and that sarcasm doesn't translate well via text.



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Submissive’s Wish

Ivan’s Captive Submissive

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Exquisite Trouble





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The Dark Fates Anthology



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From Ann Mayburn’s series The Chosen




Chapter One



Waiting to be greeted and admitted by a Novice, Shan Harrison shuffled in line at the Temple of Aphrodite in downtown Washington, D.C. Daisy, her best friend, was completing her training as a Priestess and had asked Shan to come visit. She'd rather have spent the day in her studio working on a new jewelry commission, but Daisy had sounded desperate on the phone.

A girl standing in line behind Shan whispered to her friend in a snarky tone, “Is she wearing her Halloween costume? Did I miss the email we were supposed to wear costumes today?”

Her friend told her to shut up, and Shan pretended not to notice. It seemed like because she was a short Asian girl people expected her to dress up in pastel froofy dresses and giggle a lot. The fact that she loved gothic clothes and elaborate makeup just didn't mesh with preconceived notions, so people stared. She had long ago perfected her sneer of disdain and a list of cutting remarks that embarrassed even the most ignorant people, but she just ignored the crowd while she stood in line. The last thing she wanted to do was piss off Aphrodite and have her sex life cursed any more than it already was.

Maybe she had gone a bit overboard with her 1940s pinup girl look today, but she had just broken up with the latest in a string of controlling asshole boyfriends and needed the pick-me-up she got from looking nice. Or at least she thought she looked nice. Her ex-would hate her outfit and makeup. At first he’d seemed to like her style, but slowly he’d begun to manipulate her into dressing how he wanted. When she resisted, they had horrible fights, but when she gave in, he was so nice to her that it was hard to remember what a douche he could be. In an effort to please him, she had pretended to be someone she wasn't. The final straw came when he demanded she remove the blue streaks in her long black hair and get a French manicure before he would introduce her to his parents. After that she’d finally dumped him and a day or two of crying later she realized she was a lot happier without him.

To celebrate her independence, she had dressed to please herself, picking out a vintage Dior black polka dot dress with a full skirt and shiny black patent leather belt. Thigh-high black patent leather boots disappeared beneath the knee-length hem of the skirt. In an extra little bit of
“fuck you”
to her ex, she had added a cobalt blue patent leather choker that matched the streaks in her waist-length black hair. She’d also gone heavy on her eye makeup, accenting her exotic eyes with dark eyeliner and wearing bright red lipstick.

The crowd murmured as the line moved forward. Aphrodite's Temple was always a popular stop in the Greek Temple District. Everyone wanted to have a good love life, and gods knew she could use the help. Her choice in men seemed to be going from bad to worse. The elderly man in front of her received his blessing to enter the temple, and the Novice guarding the entrance turned to her with a smile.

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