Cassandra's Challenge (39 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“Can you send this to the comm in our

“Yes, why?”

“I want to show you something.” Walking into
their quarters she turns the lights up, the day has started. At the
comm center she pulls up the results of the first three

“It bothered me that you were unable to trace
the transmissions. There has to be a way to know who sent and
received them. So I worked out a program to search for identical
coding in the known transmissions.”

“Cassandra do you realize what goes into sending
a transmission, the layers of coding?”

“So I discovered, but while I can isolate a set
of identical codes in the first three, the fourth only carries one.
But I don’t know what the coding means. I need a base to compare
them too. This one I’m sure is Regulian.”

“You were able to find common codes in first
three transmissions?” William isn’t sure why he’s shocked. He holds
up his hand before she can answer. “Show me.”As he studies the
transmission coding Cassandra puts the bed in order, then sits and

“This is the Regulians.” He touches the

“That’s what I thought, since it’s also the
coding in the Regulian ship to ship transmission that gave the
fleets location. But what ‘tells’ you that?”

“Every ship has a specific transmission code.
We’ve had the Regulians since the Battle of Fayal. Anyone sending
has to know the code and have authorization to send to that
specific ship. There are differing codes depending on the security
level needed and the clearance level of the sender.”

“So another string of coding would be included
if the High Admiral were to send you a transmission whether it was
urgent or just to tell you happy birthday.”


“But if he wanted it secured….”

“There would be yet another layer.”

“And somewhere in all that coding is not only
the High Admiral’s code…but yours.”

“Yes, but to find it you first need to know the

“Not if you’re comparing transmissions. I might
not know whose codes they are but I will know the codes. And
somewhere in there it has to tell you where it originated and where
it’s going. Just like we know the second transmission that came
from Carinian space was sent to the Regulian ship Cimex, we have
the ship’s code.”

Listening to her, she makes it sound easy, but
he knows it’s not. It’s always been a matter of pride that the
Coalitions codes have never been broken.

“How does the personal coding work? Say for you.
It would have to include some type of rank coding, then there’s the
name, security clearance, then I would guess something to make it
distinctly your own. Something chosen by you, known only to you
that must be entered to verify identity, like a signature.”
Cassandra paces as she thinks out loud. Standing William stops her,
she’s just identified every single item needed to create a security

“What’s the Magellan Award?”

“What?” She’s baffled by the change in

“The Magellan Award.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She tries to pull away.

“I think it does. In engineering you once said
it’s not like you don’t have clearance. You wrote codes.”

“I wrote some codes to protect military
transmissions. Codes that would help keep my brother safe.”

“And the Magellan Award?” Looking at him she
realizes he’s not going to let this go and sighs

“The Magellan Award is…was…given out once every
ten years, it’s recognizes a person’s achievements in multiple
fields of study. While the fields can vary, the person must be
regarded as an expert by their peers in each field. If they don’t
find a worthy recipient, they wait another ten years.

“How many fields?”

“William.” Giving in she answers. “Four.
Physics, Language, Communications, and Ancient Sumerian.”

“You were considered an expert in all these

“On Earth, it’s not relevant here.”

“I think it is. Cassandra, in the short time
you’ve been here, you’ve learned not only our laser system, but a
language very few understand, even after cycles of training. You
read our ancient language and have basically summed up how we
protect our communications. How can you not think you’re not

“Because I still have so much to learn! So I can
fix the laser, how do I provide for Victoria? I understand
Regulian, who speaks it? I can find you all the identical codes you
want but if I don’t know what they
how do I find the

“Shhh.” Pulling her into his arms he rubs her
back kissing the top of her head. This woman of his has many
layers, he’s always known that, but doubt, in herself, in her
abilities, is something he never thought she’d have. She always
presented such a controlled front something he of all people should
know is just that, a front.

will work it out Cassandra, together.
will provide for Victoria, she’ll be safe, and loved, and
have what she needs. I know you hate not knowing, especially the
things we assume you do. You need to tell me when that happens
otherwise how can I help? I won’t think you stupid, fuck I think
you’ll be the smartest woman on Carina too.” Framing her face he
tips her face up to look in her eyes, “Our children will be

“You’re trying to distract me from feeling sorry
for myself, and doing a really great job of it too.” Rising to her
toes she gives him a soft kiss. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Making the award into such a big mystery, it
really doesn’t matter, and not because it was on Earth.” She stops
him before he can protest. “I wouldn’t have won. That’s the reason
I didn’t want to talk about it, ego over some stupid award.”

“Why wouldn’t you have won?”

“Honestly?” He nods. “I don’t have a dick.” At
his confused look she starts to laugh, then gently caresses his.
“One of these, no woman has ever been awarded the Magellan. I
wasn’t going to change that.”

“That’s wrong.”

“Yes.” Looking in his eyes she sees he’s still
troubled. “It’s good you asked I needed to tell you. But now we
have more important things to worry about.”

“You need to understand the codes.”

“If I’m going to track the Carinian source then
yes. But I want to search on all Carinian communications. There’s
something missing I can feel it.”

“We’ve been recording all transmissions from all
ships in the fleet since the first transmission was found. They are
here on the Retribution.”

“Can I access them?”

“Cassandra, that’s weeks’ worth of

“No it’s not. It’s not what the transmission
says it’s how it was
. That’s just a blimp on the
transmission. I can find if we’ve missed any.” The gleam in her eye
tells him she’s excited about the challenge.

“You’ll have the transmissions. I’ll work on the
codes.” Both turn as they hear Tori’s door open. A sleepy girl with
red-rimmed eyes walks towards them, reminding William that all
hadn’t been right in her little world lately.

“Hey you’re up early.” Cassandra squats down
giving her a hug.

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“Still sad?” Little shoulders just shrug.
Cassandra looks up at William as she gives her another hug.
Squatting down next to her he gently rubs the small back.

“Why don’t I call Hutu, have him get first meal
started.” Sad green eyes look into his, pulling at his heart.

“Okay.” Standing he goes into his ready room, as
much to make a special request as to give the two some privacy. At
the comm he connects to Hutu.

“Admiral, I hadn’t realized you wanted an early

“You’re fine Hutu, nothing was sent down. But I
need to ask a favor.”

“Admiral?” Hutu is stunned, the Admiral doesn’t

“Victoria’s a little down this morning. I was
wondering if you could fix something special to cheer her up.”

“She’s not ill!?!”

“No, just a little homesick, missing her
parents.” The Admiral knows he has a soft spot for Tori.

“I’ll come up with something special Admiral.
She’s awake?”

“Yes, so whenever you’re done is fine.”

“Yes sir.”

“Oh, and Hutu, whatever you bring Cassandra make
sure it’s a large portion, she’s not eating enough.”

“Yes sir.” Hutu grins on the other end.


Returning the Admiral finds Cassandra on the
couch with Tori in her lap. Sitting beside them he puts an arm
around them both. While he has no experience with little girls it’s
time he starts easing some of Cassandra’s burden. He’d promised
that ‘together’ they would take care of her.

“Cassandra tells me you’re missing your
parents.” Taking Tori’s hand he looks into her eyes.


“Tell me about them.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, what did they look like?”

“You want to see? I have pictures.”

“Tori…my iPod was destroyed in the explosion.”
William’s eyes flash to Cassandra.

“No it wasn’t, I took it to class that day to
show Amina.”

“You never told me.”

“You never asked.”

“So you have pictures?” William interrupts the
growing argument.

“Yeah, I’ll go get them.” Tori hustles off the
couch and into her room.

“Pictures?” He quickly asks.

“Similar to what you have on your desk of Kyle
and Lucas.”

Nodding, Tori climbs up into his lap with a hand
held device he assumes is an iPod. After touching the screen
several times an image appears of a man and woman smiling out at

“See this is my mom,” She points to the woman.
What he sees is a small woman, with blazing red hair, and sparkling
green eyes. She’s the image of what Victoria will become.

“She’s beautiful Tori.”

“Yeah, and this is my dad.” Her finger moves to
the man. He stood head and shoulders over the small woman, his arms
wrapped protectively around her. His hair is black like Cassandra’s
but cut short his wide shoulders a testament to his physical
strength. While he’s eyes are brown there is no mistaking he is
related to Cassandra.

“That was taken last year on their ten year
anniversary.” Cassandra tells him in a soft voice. “Peter surprised
Cyndy by getting home for it.” Leaning her head on his shoulder
Cassandra watches as Victoria scrolls through pictures telling
William about each one.

“That’s Grandpa Jacob.” William assesses
Cassandra’s father. An older version of Peter, he stood with a
shoulder leaning against a post, arms crossed against his chest,
looking out of the picture with serious eyes that seemed to return
his assessment. While his body is aged the strength it held is
still obvious as is the love he had for the one taking the

“You took this.” He looks at Cassandra.

“I did. How’d you know?” She raises her head to
look at him.

“By the love in his eyes.” Leaning down he gives
her a soft kiss.

Victoria continued to scroll through the
pictures until the hatch buzzes, announcing Hutu and first meal. As
he uncovers her plate Victoria’s eyes get big.

“Is that

“Well I call them flatcakes. You’ll have to tell
me if they’re what you know as pancakes. We put this on ours.” Hutu
pours a sauce over the cakes and waits for Victoria to try a bite.
As she does a grin stretches wide across what was once a sad

“These are awesome!” She exclaims swallowing.
Jumping up she gives him a big hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank

“You’re welcome young lady.” Smiling he leaves.
With Victoria digging into her flatcakes, William and Cassandra sit
down. Lifting the lid off hers Cassandra looks at William.

“What?” He asks innocently.

“Hutu seems to have overfilled my plate. I
wonder how that happened?” She raises an eyebrow at him.

“He must have made too much, you’d better eat it
or he’ll feel bad.”

“Oh really?” Shaking her head she takes a bite
of the flatcakes filling her plate.

“Aunt Cassie?” Cassandra looks at her, her mouth
full. “Is there going to be class today?” Swallowing she can
finally speak.

“I don’t think so honey, the class room was
damaged in the attack yesterday.”


“So what do you want to do today?”

“Can Amina come over?”

“I’ll call and see, but maybe we should wait a
little longer in case they’re sleeping in.”

“Okay.” As the three finish eating the Admiral’s
comm rings, walking over he picks up the headset.

“Zafar.” Cassandra watches his eyes harden.
“I’ll be there shortly.” Disconnecting he sets down the

“I need to head to the bridge.” Turning he walks
to the closet pulling out his jacket. “You have fun with Amina.” He
leans down kissing the top of Tori’s head.

“Bye Admiral.”

“Be right back.” Rising she walks with William
to the ready room.

“I’ll work on getting you those codes but it may
take awhile.”

“The transmissions will keep me busy.” She
watches him.

“I’ll have them sent once I get to the bridge.”
He finishes buttoning his jacket.

“What’s wrong?”

“We lost the Talon.”

“The Regulians attacked again?” Dread fills

“No, they’re shields failed. They hadn’t
finished hull repairs.... rapid decompression. FUCK!” William can
vent his frustration with Cassandra.

“How many?” She whispers.

“835 crewmen.”

“Oh God William.” Her eyes start to fill.

“Shhhh…it will be okay.” He pulls her close. “I
want you to do something for me.”


“Stay in quarters today, you and Victoria. I
want to know where you are.” Looking at him she realizes he’s
worried about the hit the Retribution took.

“If that’s what you want then we will, but Amina
can come over.”

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