Cassandra's Challenge (67 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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The guard looks to Audric.

“It’s fine Captain.” Queen Yakira tells him.
Nodding to her he steps away.

“Queen Yakira, I present to you Cassandra Qwes
Chamberlain, Challenger to the House of Knowledge. Princess
Cassandra, Queen Yakira Trustee of the House of Knowledge,
appointed by the Assembly.”

“Queen Yakira, a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Cassandra gives her a slight bow.

“Princess Cassandra, I would like to know why I
had to travel to the House of Protection to meet the Challenger to
my throne.” Yakira goes straight to it.

Fine, Cassandra thinks, let’s get straight to

“You didn’t
to do anything, Majesty.
You could have waited for the full Assembly, you chose to come
here.” Audric sucks his breath.

“The Challenger must come to the House of
Knowledge.” Audric’s tone is acid.

is that written?”
Cassandra fires back. Silence greets her.

“It’s the way it is done. If you had any
knowledge…..” Cassandra cuts Audric off.

“It is the way it’s been done since
have tended the throne, because there hasn’t been a
non-Nacar Challenging for two hundred cycles.” She puts just a
touch of haughtiness in her tone. “Prior to that, the Challenger
stayed outside the House of Knowledge, ensuring her
protection. It seems some would do just about
maintain control over the House of Knowledge.”

“You believe you would be threatened if you were
in the House of Knowledge.” The Queen raises an eyebrow.

“I see no reason to risk it. Not when attempts
have already been made. Innocent lives lost because of it. Admiral
Zafar feels I am best protected within his House, I trust the
Admiral’s judgment,
.” Cassandra’s true sapphire
blue eyes never flinch from the Queen’s light blue.

“You feel there is a valid threat.” Yakira turns
her attention to the Admiral.

“I know there is, Majesty.”

Yakira holds out her hand. “Audric, we’ll

As the couple move around the dance floor
Cassandra realizes her first impression is correct, a giant
bouncing ball. Finding it hard to control her smile she drinks from
the glass William has placed in her hand.


“An interesting couple.” Cassandra’s tone is
neutral as she looks to William.

“Admiral. Princess Cassandra.” Both turn at
Kyle’s voice.

“Kyle.” The Admiral nods to his son.

“Kyle.” Cassandra’s voice is much warmer. “You
look very handsome tonight.”

“Thank you Princess.”

Kyle has been watching the two since they’d
entered the room. From Cassandra’s confident first dance with King
Jotham, to her dance with his father, a dance of two people
perfectly in tune with one another, to their short conversation
with Queen Yakira. They showed a united front.

“Do you happen to know Assemblyman Bevington?”
Cassandra looks to William as he discretely puts in his ear

“I believe he once served with my father.” Kyle
also notices.

“Yes. He’s here tonight, with his daughter.
She’s in her last year of study at Montreux specializing in Ancient

“Really.” She sees she’s perked his interest.
“That’s interesting.” William touches her arm.

“I need to step out for a moment.” He leans down
whispering to her.

“Victoria?” He sees the fear in her eyes, feels
it in the sudden tension in her body.

“No, she’s fine.” His eyes reassure her.


“Kyle.” Nodding he walks out the nearest door.
Cassandra watches him go before returning her attention to Kyle.
She sees he’s noticed her distraction. She gives him a slight

“Shall we valsa?” She holds out her hand to

“Princess?” Marat steps up.

“The Admiral’s son and I are going to dance
Captain Marat.” She allows Kyle to lead her to the floor. There is
silence for the first few turns.

“How did you know I could dance the valsa?” Kyle
finally asks.

“Lucas told me, this afternoon, when your father
was teaching me.”

“You learned it this afternoon?”

“It’s similar to a dance on Earth called the
waltz. Lucas said your mother taught you, when your father was gone
on tour. She did a good job.” Kyle misses a step at the mention of
his mother.

“You know
about her.”

“I don’t,” Cassandra agrees with him, seeing the
conflict in his eyes. “Not really. I do know you had yours longer
than I had mine. My mother died when I was nine. They are hard
people to lose. You never really get over it.”

Kyle sees the cloud that passes through her
eyes. He wonders if it’s real or if she’s just trying to trick him.
Dadrian said she is a deceiver, she is deceiving his father, that
he could prove it if he could get her alone.

“I’m not trying to take her place.” She brings
his attention back to her.

“You never could.”

“No, mothers are irreplaceable.” She thinks of
Victoria earlier, of how soon she’ll be a mother. As Kyle leads her
through a turn the room continues to spin.

“Kyle.” She whispers her fingers tightly
gripping his shoulder.

Kyle glances down sharply at her sudden change
in tone, seeing her go pale.

“Could we step outside for some air. Please. I
need some air.” Taking her arm he leads her off the floor and into
the gardens.


“Where’s the Princess.” The Admiral demands
returning to Tar and Marat.

“Dancing with Kyle.” Tar nods to the dance
floor. As he watches William sees Kyle leading her from the dance
floor and into the gardens.


Dadrian has been watching the pair with great
interest, as they head into the garden, he makes his move. Slipping
out another garden door he follows them.


“Are you alright?” Kyle hates that he feels he
needs to ask.

“I’ll be fine.” He leads her to a secluded area.
“I just need a minute.”

“What’s wrong?” Looking up at him she sees
William’s intensity in his eyes.

“There are just a lot of things to adjust too.”
She’ll gives him that much. William will be the first she tells
she’s conceived.

Kyle watches her, her color is returning. He
hasn’t thought about all she’s had to endure. He hasn’t let
himself. He’s been all consumed with protecting his father. He let
himself believe the rumors, wanted to believe them. He wanted to be
the one to get his father’s command back. To do something no one
else could for him, for once Dadrian said he could help him.

“Kyle, is there a problem?” Dadrian approaches
the pair.

“The Princess just needed some air.” He’s
surprised at Dadrian’s arrival.

“Really, are you okay Cassandra?” Dadrian moves
closer. “Kyle would you give us a few minutes? I think I can
resolve this situation for you tonight.”

While he understands what Dadrian is telling
him, he’s suddenly unsure of leaving Cassandra alone with him.

“Go Kyle.” Dadrian commands. Cassandra watches
as Kyle leaves her with Dadrian.


Kyle gets no more than a few steps into the
ballroom when he’s confronted by his father.

“Where is Cassandra!” While his voice is low the
urgency is undeniable.

“Dadrian wanted to speak to her alone.” Kyle has
never seen his father’s eyes so hard before.

“You will take us to
where you
left them!” The Admiral grabs his son’s arm forcing him out of the
room, his heart pounding, hoping he’s not too late.


do you think you’re going
to resolve.
.” Cassandra’s tone is icy as she moves
out of his reach. She’s been taught better than to allow herself to
be boxed in.

“Kyle thinks I’m going to help his father get
his command back.” He’s likes the way she moves. “But I’m going to
help you get the throne you so desire.”

“And how would you do that?” She side steps

“By making sure you have the support of the King
of the House of Protection.” Dadrian blocks her way to the rest of
the garden.

“What would I have to do to accomplish

“First you will lose the old man. He’s going
down.” Dadrian steps forward believing he has her. “Then you and I
will…get together.”

“How would that give me the support of the

“My father won’t be around much longer.”
Dadrian’s getting angry as once again she steps out of reach. “You
need to be nicer to me.”

“You will never be anything but a second son.”
Cassandra feels her head start to spin. She needs to end this. “An
insignificant one at that, your father and brother out shine you
the way the Carinian suns out shine the Earth’s.” She sees an
opening to the garden path, but as she moves she falters.

Dadrian grabs her upper arms in a bruising grip.
That this
woman would even think about refusing him is
enraging. He’d show her what a true Carinian man was. Yanking her
off her feet he slams her against him.

“You’ll regret that.”

“Get your hands off me!” She demands trying to
aim a knee at his groin.


“I’d do what she says, if you want to live.”
Dadrian freezes at William’s voice. Ripping her arms out of his
hold, her dress tearing, Cassandra moves to him. The look in
William’s eyes scares her more than Dadrian.

“Admiral nice to see you, I was just having a
very interesting conversation with your….what exactly are the two
of you?” When William takes a step towards him Cassandra puts a
hand on his chest.

“I want to go. Please William, get me out of
here.” Looking down at her he sees the bruises forming on her arms.
His eyes flare. “Please.” She whispers.

“Admiral,” Deffand comes up behind them. “We’ll
handle this. My men will lead you to your security detail so your
party can return to the Royal Wing.” Deffand waits, hoping he won’t
have to stop the Admiral from striking Dadrian. No matter how much
he deserves it, Deffand can’t allow it.

It’s the trembling of Cassandra’s hand on his
chest that changes William’s focus. Looking down he sees her eyes
pleading with his.

“You’ll inform Jotham?” The Admiral’s eyes
deadly as they met Deffand’s.

“Yes sir.”

Pulling her close he turns Kyle gets his first
look at Cassandra. She’s pale, her dress torn with dark bruises
already forming on her arms. He raises stricken eyes to his
father’s, knowing he’s to blame for this. He should never have left
her alone.

“Move Kyle.” The Admiral orders coldly. Kyle
turns following Marat and Tar as Deffand’s men lead them across the

With his hand around Cassandra’s waist, William
keeps her close his rage barely controlled. The thought of
Dadrian’s hands on her, her struggling against him, has him pulling
her even closer. That his own son would put her in such danger
gives him a sick feeling. If he hadn’t gotten there when he had….he
can’t let himself think about what would have happened. If he did
he’d turn around and kill Dadrian.

Cassandra can feel William’s rage. This is her
fault she should have never left the ballroom. She should have
asked Kyle to stay. She’d underestimated Dadrian, and William is
paying the price.

Reaching the Palace the guards open an unseen
door, on the other side Marat’s men stand ready. The walk to the
Royal Wing is tense, the guards shooting concerned looks at
Cassandra, knowing something has happened. No one speaks.

Entering the Wing William doesn’t slow down.

“Marat. Quinn.”

“We’ll double check security Admiral.” Quinn
answers the unsaid orders. Watching as Cassandra is taken directly
to their suite.


“What the fuck happened Kyle!” Quinn rounds on
the Admiral’s son.

“She got pale all of a sudden on the dance
floor, wanted some air, so I took her out into the gardens. After a
few minutes she seemed okay. Dadrian was suddenly there and wanted
to talk to her in private.”

“And you just left her. When you already knew
she wasn’t feeling well?”

“It was Dadrian. How was I supposed to know…”
But he had, he’d known something wasn’t right, he just ignored the
feeling. “She didn’t stop me.”

“No she wouldn’t.” Quinn looks at the closed
door. “She’d handle it on her own, she always does. I need to
secure the Wing. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get your
ass upstairs and explain it to your father.”


As the door shuts Cassandra turns into his arms.
“I’m sorry. God I’m sorry.” Is all she can say as she burrows into
his chest. William’s arms wrap around her, feeling her tremors.
She’s scared him badly.

“You were not to leave your protection!”
William’s voice is rough, full of rage and relief.

“I know. It’s my fault.” Cassandra raises dark
eyes to his.

“What happened?”


Before Cassandra can answer there is a knock at
the door. When Cassandra starts to move out of his arms he pulls
her back. He isn’t ready to let go yet.

“They can wait.” Leaning down he captures her
lips in a kiss that conveys all his anger, fear and relief. She
wraps her arms around him, gripping his back, sinking into the
kiss. They both need this, to erase Dadrian.


Hearing the knocking on the outer door Lucas
enters the room to find his father and Cassandra in each other’s
arms. Clearing his throat he looks at his feet. As they start to
separate he notices her torn sleeves and the bruised arms.

“What the fuck happened!” He demands as the
knocking on the door starts again.

“Get the door Lucas.” William holds a still
trembling Cassandra.

“Kyle?” Hearing Lucas, William’s head whips
around, his eyes hardening.

“You don’t want to be here right now Kyle.”
Lucas is shocked at the rage in his father’s voice.

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