Cassandra's Challenge (63 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“What, to stand in the dark, with a woman
someone wants dead, who’s not only responsible for the death of
seven billion people, but who has made your son and best friend
doubt you?”

“Stop!” William turns her to face him, giving
her a little shake. “To stand here, with my life mate, the woman I
love, and who loves me. You’ve
none of those things
Cassandra. You’re dealing with what others have caused.”

“What about of Kyle?”

“It will work out. Give it time. Cassandra we’ve
only been here three days.”

“Is that all? It seems longer” She looks up into
his eyes. “Would you know….”

“What? What do you want to know?” He sees the
glimmer of tears in her eyes.

“Where Earth was? Can you even see it from
here?” William’s heart aches for her. Turning her around, he pulls
her back against his chest. Taking her hand he points her finger to
a very dark spot in the Carinian sky.

“Wait for it. There, did you see that faint
sparkle.” He feels her nod. “That’s your sun. It likes to tease the
eye, make you think it’s not there. But it is. It’s still there.”
William feels her relax against him.

“I don’t know why…all I wanted was to stroll in
the garden with you. But when I looked up….it was so different. I
don’t know why I hadn’t realized it would be.”

“Why would you think of it? You’ve never
traveled to a place where the stars changed. In your world they’re
constant, never changing. There are many on Carina the same way.
You have to travel a great distance for that to happen. You

“In so many ways.” She turns to face him.


“You make it bearable you know, just you.” She
touches his cheek. “All the differences, the changes, the
challenges, I can handle them with you at my side. You’re not like
the Earth’s sun, teasing me that you’re there. You are the Carinian
suns. Strong, steady, constant pulling at my soul in ways I never
knew were possible, letting me know you’ll there for me.”
Stretching up she kisses his lips.

“I will always be here for you.” William
promises as he deepens the kiss. Pulling her close he runs his
hands up her bare back, molding her to him. Sliding her arms around
his neck Cassandra sinks into the kiss, letting his love flow over

William can feel her love, her trust and
commitment to him in her response. He can also feel her fatigue.
Easing her down he looks into her eyes, fatigue and love gaze back
at him, kneeling before her, he grips her ankle.

“William?” She looks down confused, putting a
hand on his shoulder as he lifts her foot.

Sliding her shoe off, William turns his
attention to the other one, as her feet touch the cool grass she
lets out a sigh of relief. Standing, William looks down she’s back
to her natural height pulling her close, she fits perfectly in his

“That’s better.” He kisses the top of her

“Yes, it is.”

With one arm around her, the other carrying her
shoes he leads her back through the garden and up the stairs.

“I need to get Tori.” She lifts her head that
has been resting on his chest.

“We’ll get her.” Together they approach
Michelakakis’ suite. Leander answers their knock.

“She’s asleep in Amina’s room.” Leading the
couple back they find the two sleeping friends sharing a bed.
Handing Cassandra her shoes, William leans down to scoop Victoria
up holding her protectively in his arms. Silently they head back to
their suite. As Cassandra pulls back the bedding, he carefully lays
the sleeping child down.

“Aunt Cassie?” Sleepy eyes open.

“Right here kiddo.” She tucks the covers around

“You’re back.” Tori looks to see the

“We are and you’re in your own bed, go back to

“Okay.” With the ability of the innocent, she’s
back asleep. Leaving the suite William quietly shuts the door.


Entering their suite Cassandra can feel the
remaining weight from the day disappear. Here she was just
Cassandra, in love with William. Looking at him over her shoulder,
she gives him a soft smile. Seeing it he runs the back of his hand
along her cheek.

“Go change, you need to sleep.” He tells her
softly. Nodding she heads to the closet. Inside she slips her dress
off her shoulders. Hanging it up, she takes off the legging and
eadai. Sliding on the violet nightgown Kia has made, she sighs. The
silky feel of the material against her bare skin is unbelievable.
Pulling on the sapphire blue robe she walks out of the closet.

William has taken off his jacket and is talking
on his portable comm when she returns. Picking it up she returns to
the closet hanging it up listening to Marat he watches her, his
eyes enjoying the way the robe clings to her figure.

“Yes, that will be fine.” Disconnecting he
follows her into the closet.

“I can do that.” He touches her shoulder.

“I know.” She turns to him. “I wanted too. You
were busy. Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” William turns her. “Marat was just
informing me the Wing is secure.” He runs his hands up her arm. “Go
to bed. I’ll be there in a minute.” With a gentle kiss he moves her

As she leaves William unbuttons his shirt. It’s
been a long night. But a lot had been learned. Whether he liked it
or not Dadrian was involved with the attacks on Barek, his
controlled had slipped just long enough to convince him. Cassandra
played him perfectly with her comment about the assassination

He’d also seen Dadrian’s interest in Cassandra,
an interest that is partly because of him, but more Cassandra’s
beauty. There have been incidents in Dadrian’s past regarding
beautiful women that had been hushed up. While Cassandra had
handled him during the reception line, he’d have to make sure she
was never alone with him. Pulling on his sleeping pants he enters
the bedroom only to stop short.

Cassandra is pulling back the covers, her robe
lying at the foot of the bed. Thin straps hold up a simple floor
length gown. Her back is partially exposed while the front shows
only modest cleavage. But it’s the color that stops him. Violet,
deep violet, it always pulls at something basic in him seeing her
in his House color.


Taking off her robe Cassandra starts pulling
back the covers on the bed. It had been a long day, she is tired.
But she’d learned a lot. The High Admiral has been trying to
discredit William by spreading half truths, some of which were
addressed tonight. He is trying to keep the knowledge that there
was a traitor secret, so it wouldn’t reflect badly on him, at least
until he is caught. Then he could have the glory, that isn’t going
to happen. He also has a spy in the House of Protection, telling
him Victoria’s movements, Lucas would need to be informed, security
tightened around her, nothing is happening to her niece.

She’s also learned a great deal about Dadrian.
He is a cocky little shit, her pretending not to know who he was
proved that. As Second Son he felt entitled, not only for respect
but for attention. He is also involved with the attacks on the
Sentinel. When she’d said assassination attempts, he’d immediately
thought of Tibullus. It was telling. He also didn’t like William,
he took special pleasure in the High Admiral trying to discredit
him, he also very much wanted to be King.

Now Kyle, she hadn’t learned nearly as much as
she’d wanted to about him. He didn’t seem to fit with Dadrian,
while both were second sons Kyle was quiet, reserved, thinking
before he spoke. He’d known about the Succession Protection Law,
surprising his father. He loved his father he hadn’t liked the way
Valerian had spoken to him and while he isn’t sure he should
believe the rumors, he still didn’t trust or like her. Isn’t sure
she hasn’t turned his family against him. William is right she
needs to give it time.


“Let it rest for a while.” Turning her to him,
William lets his hands flow down her back, molding her to him.
Looking up she sees he knows she’s been replaying the night in her

“You know me well.” She rests he hands on his

“I know you.” Leaning down he captures her lips,
letting her know he has other things for her to think about. His
hands caress her backside, the silky material sliding under his

Stretching up on her toes, she wraps her arms
around his neck. Lifting her William lays her down. Lying on his
side William fingers the delicate purple strap of her night gown
tracing it down to the swell of her breast. The gentle caress has
her nipples tightening under the thin material. Need begins to rage
through William, she is his, this vision in violet.

Cassandra sees his eyes begin to smolder at her
body’s reaction to his touch. Her breath catches as he leans over
suckling her through the material. Instinctively she arches up
offering him more, her fingers sinking into his hair.

Skimming a hand down the silky material he pulls
her gown up, gaining access to the even softer skin underneath.
Intimately he caresses her finding her wet and ready.

“William…” She can’t hold back her moan.

Using his hair she pulls his head up latching
her mouth onto his. The kiss is deep and intimate letting him know
her need. Twisting she hooks a leg over him, pulling him

Releasing himself he slowly enters her heat.
Resting on his elbows he frames her face, watching her as he fills
her. Accepting all of him her passion filled eyes begin to lose
focus, causing him to harden even more. Slowly withdrawing he
tortures them both.

“William!” Cassandra hands slide down his sweat
slicken back, trying to pull him closer. She’s even tighter with
his second slow thrust his arms starting to tremble with restraint.
As he starts to withdraw again Cassandra wraps her legs around

“No!” She has to have him. Her hips surge up
bringing him back home, she will have him. Now! William’s control
snaps at her demand. Surging into her he sets a frantic pace that
has them both gasping as they climax together.

Catching his breath William rests his forehead
against Cassandra’s, his elbows keeping him from crushing her. How
had he ever lived without this woman? She touches his soul, makes
him whole. She loves him, desires him, only him. She makes him a
better man all that just by being.

Feeling her loving touch on his back he raises
his head, looking into satisfied blue eyes. Does she know what it
does to him, knowing he put that look in her eyes?

Cassandra looks up into her life mates eyes.
Here is the man she’s dreamed for all her life but never thought
she’d find. He loves her, protects her believes in her. When he’s
at her side she can face anything.

“I love you William.”

“You are my life.” Giving her a hard kiss he
moves out of her arms. Turning off the lights he returns, pulling
her back into his arms. “Sleep.” Closing her eyes she lets the beat
of his heart lull her to sleep.


Chapter 17


The third sun is up before Cassandra wakes.
Reaching out she finds William’s side of the bed cool. Sweeping her
hair out of her face she opens her eyes. The room is filled with
light, but no William. Sitting up she looks at the time 0900.
Sliding out of bed she pulls on her robe, heading for Victoria’s
room. Finding it empty she panics, turning she rushes straight into
William’s arms.

“Whoa! What’s wrong?” William’s arms go around

“Where’s Victoria?” Voice shaking, her panicked
eyes meet his.

“She’s with Amina in their suite.” Understanding
her fear he pulls her close. “She’s fine. We just wanted to let you

“Oh God, I’m sorry.” She takes a shuddering
breath. “I should have realized when I slept so late…”

“Enough.” He gives her a slight shake. “After
Valerian’s comments last night you have every reason to worry. I
should have left you a note.”

“She doesn’t know?”

“No. I’ve informed Lucas, Marat, Quinn and
Leander. With instructions they are not to inform anyone else.
Until we find out who’s working for Valerian, everyone else is
under suspension.

“Not Javiera, not Hutu.” Cassandra insists.

“No, but they aren’t part of security.”

“William, you can’t possibly think it’s one of
the guards.”

“I’m not ruling them out, someone is feeding
Valerian Intel.” The Admiral’s eyes are hard.

“It has to be someone from Jotham’s house.”
Looking in his eyes Cassandra realizes this is what makes him such
a good Admiral. He’ll look at every angel, every possibility,
whether he likes it or not. Just like Dadrian. If she wants to keep
Victoria safe she needs to think like he did.

“Okay. I may not like it but okay.” Resting her
head on his chest she takes a moment. “So do we bring in more
security?” She looks up trustingly to him.

Her trust in him is humbling. “I’m working on
it. There are some people I can call that I trust if I need

“Okay.” If William trusted them so would she.
“What do I have for today?”

“Nothing until tonight.”

“Really? I thought there’d be more

“Tonight will be the Ball, the Assemblymen from
yesterday will be there along with whatever others have been able
to attend on such short notice.” William pauses.


“Queen Yakira will be here tonight. Along with
her husband and whatever Assemblymen they bring.”

Cassandra is silent, her mind working through
everything. “You intentionally kept this from me.” Her eyes clear
as they meet his.

“Yes. You had enough to focus on yesterday.”

Stepping out of his arm she walks over to a
window. She doesn’t like what he’s done but understands it. He is
right she wouldn’t have given her full attention to the Assemblymen
at last night’s dinner if she’d been worrying about Queen

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