Cassandra's Challenge (64 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“Where will they stay?” Her question surprises
him. He’d expected anger.

“They will return to the House of Knowledge
after the ball.”

“The House of Knowledge is on the other side of
Carina. How can that be possible?”

“Cassandra,” He comes to stand behind her.
Looking out at the gardens they’d walked in the night before. “The
House of Knowledge is the wealthiest of all the Houses. It has the
fastest ships, traveling here will only take them several

“The wealthiest?” She turns to look at him.

William realizes this is one of the things
assumed. She hadn’t realized Jotham had thought she was after

“Yes. You’ve always known knowledge is power, on
Carina it is also wealth. Past Queens’ have used their knowledge to
secure their wealth.”

“They’ve profited from their knowledge? They
haven’t shared it?”

“Each House profits from its specialty. That’s
the way it is.”

“You’re telling me the House of Healing would
not share something that would save lives? That the House of Growth
would not share food?”

“No, that’s different.”


“All Houses share, it’s just that who has it
first, profits the most.”

“Knowledge is for everyone. Health is for
everyone. Everyone deserves Protection. Everyone deserves to be
feed.” Cassandra’s eyes bore into his.

“I agree, unfortunately that’s not the way it

“So I’m not only a conniving little bitch, I’m
one who is money hungry.”

“Money hungry?” He raises an eyebrow.

“I want wealth.”

“That’s the way it would be seen.”

“So this traitor isn’t only worried about losing
power, he’s worried about losing wealth.”

“Yes. When you are declared Queen, you receive
everything that goes with it. Yakira is only the trustee until the
true Queen arrives.”

“That’s a lot to lose.”

“Yes.” William realizes this new information
bothers her. She worried about paying for her clothes when she’s
challenging for the wealthiest house in the Coalition. She doesn’t
yet realize the power and wealth she’ll have as Queen.

Wrapping her arms around him she sighs, “You
have something I can study on them?”

“It’ll be ready shortly.”

“Okay. William….” He feels the sudden tension in

“What’s wrong?”

“Dancing?” He’s eyes widen before he starts to
laugh. Cassandra frowns up at him.

“You amaze me,” He continues to chuckle. “With
everything going on what worries you is

“Stop laughing at me!” She slugs him playfully
in the arm. “Everyone is going to be watching, especially when I’m
dancing with Jotham. I assume I can’t refuse.”

“Not Jotham, he’s your host.” William frowns he
hadn’t considered her dancing with anyone other than himself and


“We’ll work on it after second meal. You’ll be
fine.” He gives her a quick kiss.

“Okay, I’ll go shower, get dressed.”

“And eat.”

“And eat.” She turns mischievous eyes to him.
“Unless you’d like to join me in the shower.”

Pulling her close he lets her know just how much
he’d like to join her when his portable comm rings. Sighing he
pulls it out of his jacket.


“Admiral, I have the new plans ready for

“I’ll be down shortly.”

“Time to be Admiral.” Cassandra lightly kisses
him. “Are you going to be bringing or sending the data?”

“I’ll send it. I’m not sure how long I’ll

“Okay. I want to spend time with Victoria

“That shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Second meal?”

“I’ll be here.” Giving him one last kiss she
turns, heading back to their bedroom.


Going over to the bureau Cassandra opens her
eadia drawer, thinking about what William has told her.

The wealthiest of all Houses, isn’t that just
perfect, like they weren’t contending with enough. Power and
wealth, someone wants to keep it, is willing to kill for it has
killed for it. Reaching into the drawer her hand touches a small

Looking at it Cassandra realizes she’d
forgotten. Today she is going to take the test to verify she is
carrying William’s son. What will William’s reaction be? With
everything that’s happening will he welcome this child?

In the bathroom she turns on the shower. With a
deep breath she sits and takes the test, then sets it aside to
process. Stepping into the shower she lets the warmth of the water
relax her suddenly tense muscles. Taking her time she washes first
her hair then her body, her hands pausing over her still flat

A child, William’s son is here. She knows it as
surely as she knows William is her life mate. As surely as she
knows he will love their child, but he will worry,
for her
Turning off the water she wraps a towel around her head then one
around her body. Walking over to the counter she picks up the


With suddenly weak knees Cassandra sits. When
does she tell him? At second meal? After the ball? Will he think of
Salish? Of her lies?

“Aunt Cassie?” Cassandra looks up to see
Victoria standing in the door way.

“Hi sweetie.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Pulling on her robe she slips the
test into a pocket. “Sorry I slept so long. Did you get first

“Yeah, with Amina.” Victoria looks at
Cassandra’s pocket saying nothing. She remembers when her mom had
had one of those tests.

“Good. Why don’t I get dressed then we can go
out in the garden.” Cassandra walks over giving her a niece a

“Can Amina come?”

“Sure. Why don’t you call over and see she if
she wants to go.”

“Okay.” Walking over the bedroom comm she picks
up the headset.

Shaking her head Cassandra walks over to the
bureau. Victoria has easily adjusted to all the changes in their
lives. How is she going to react to a baby? Pulling out an outfit
suitable for the garden she quickly dresses. Quickly towel drying
her hair she pulls it back.


“Javiera says to go ahead without them. They’d
be down later.”

“Oh, okay.” Cassandra frowns as they walk down
the hallway. “How’d you get over here?”

“I brought her over.” Lucas tells her as they
enter the formal living room.

“Oh.” She stares at Lucas. How is he going to
react to having another brother?

“Cassie, you okay?”

“What? Oh, yeah I’m fine, just thinking.” She
smiles. “We’re going down to walk in the gardens, you want to come

“Sure.” But the look in his eye tells Cassandra
he isn’t satisfied with her answer. “Have you eaten yet?”

“It’s late enough I’ll just wait for second
meal.” Cassandra tells him as she walks to the door.

“Dad’s not going to be happy about that.” Lucas
pulls out his portable comm.

“It’s only a couple more hours. Let’s go


Walking in the garden Cassandra and Victoria
catch up with each other. Lucas follows a little bit behind, giving
them some privacy.

“So some of the food was icky?”

“Some was, but some was
good. The
dessert was chocolate cake.”

“Chocolate cake
! Like
chocolate cake
?” Victoria stops, looking up at Cassandra,
her eyes wide.

“Just like, with chocolate frosting
chocolate sauce.”

“Oh…” Victoria groans. Cassandra smiles down at
her, she knows her niece is a choc-o-holic.

“What’s wrong?” Lucas hustles up at Tori’s


“Nothing! How can you say it’s nothing when you
got chocolate cake and I didn’t!”

“What?” Lucas is confused.

“Dessert at dinner last night, on Earth it’s
called chocolate cake. It happens to be one of Victoria’s favorite

didn’t get any.” Cassandra laughs
at Tori’s putout expression.

“Sorry kiddo, I couldn’t sneak any out for you.”
As they continue walking they reach the center of the garden.
“Maybe you can sweet talk Hutu into making you some.”

“You think?” The gleam in Victoria’s eye tells
Lucas they’ll be making a trip to the kitchen.

“It’s possible.” Cassandra stares at the basket
sitting on the bench. “Lucas…” She pulls Victoria behind her.
Following her gaze he quickly understanding her concern.

“Its fine, I called Hutu to bring something out
for you to eat.”

“Oh.” Cassandra releases Victoria.

“Aunt Cassie?”

“Sorry baby, it’s okay. Should we go see what
Hutu left us?”

“Sure.” But her eyes go from one adult to the


The rest of the morning passes without incident
with Javiera and Amina joining them. As the girls play and Lucas is
his comm Javiera turns to Cassandra. Saying nothing she just stares
at her, giving her a smile, she squeezes her hand.


Entering their suite Cassandra finds Hutu just
checking the plates, two plates. Looking at him she waits.

“The Admiral says you should eat, he’ll be
awhile yet.”

“Oh.” Cassandra hadn’t realized how much she’d
wanted to see him, to talk to him. “Well kiddo,” Cassandra looks
down at Victoria. “Looks like we’re on our own.”

“Hutu…” Victoria’s voice is sugar sweet.

“Yes?” He asks suspiciously.

“Can you make chocolate cake?” Cassandra starts
to laugh.

“Chocolate cake?” Hutu gives them a confused

“At the King’s dinner last night the dessert
course was what on Earth was chocolate cake. I don’t know what it’s
called here. It’s a favorite of Victoria’s.”

“You mean, fudge torta.” Hutu removes the covers
from the plates, showing a slice of chocolate cake on each.

“Hutu!!!” Victoria is jumping up and down with
excitement. Cassandra just looks at him questioningly.

“The Admiral he noticed you enjoyed it last

“Thank you Hutu.”

“You’re welcome. If you need anything else let
me know.” As Hutu leaves Victoria is already sitting, eating her

“That’s supposed to be dessert young lady.”

“I know.” She mumbles her mouth full. “But it’s
sooo good.”

There had been little since the Earth was
destroyed that had made Victoria’s eyes sparkle the way they were.
Cassandra couldn’t bring herself to dim it.

“Just this once, next time we have it you have
to eat everything else first. Deal?”

“Deal.” Picking up her forc Cassandra can’t help
but take a bite of cake herself. Closing her eyes she lets herself
enjoy its taste on her tongue.


After walking Victoria to Javiera’s, Cassandra
returns to start reading the research William has complied on the
Assemblymen from the House of Knowledge. Hours pass unnoticed as
she digests the material. It’s as in depth as yesterdays but
without William’s insider knowledge. Damn she wished he was

Rubbing her eyes she rises only to grip the edge
of the table. Breathing slowly she waits for the room to right

“New rule, always rise slowly.” She mutters to


“Anything else Quinn?” William looks at the
time. 1400. Six hours until the ball.

“Only this,” He holds up a memory foil.
“Cassandra asked for some information on the Battle of Fayal.”

“Fayal?” He wonders what she’s thinking. “I’ll
give it to her.” Taking the foil he puts it in his pocket.

“Then that’s it.”

“Go get some down time Quinn, I’ll see you at
the door at 1945.”

“Yes sir.”


Entering their suite he finds Cassandra standing
at a window, lost in thought. Walking over he tucks a piece of hair
behind her ear, bringing her eyes to him.


“Hi, did you eat?” She smiles at him.

“Yes. Thank you for the fudge torta. You made
Tori’s day.”


“I hadn’t realized you’d noticed.”

“That you all but moaned at the first bite?” He
teases her.

“I did not.”

“Pretty close.”

“Well it was good.” Smiling at him she steps
into his arms. “Did you eat?”

“With Quinn, we were working out some changes in
security for tonight.”

“What changes?”

“Quinn and Marat will be attending the ball with


“It’s common for there to be extra security for
the Royals.”

“I didn’t have ‘extra’ last night.”

“That was a controlled area, everyone always in
sight. There will be more movement tonight, people coming and going
from the Ball Room and gardens.” William’s arms tighten around her.
“You go
without security.”

“That will make it a little hard to dance.”

“You dance with no one but Jotham or me.”
Cassandra touches his cheek.

“I have no problem with that. But what excuse do
I give?”

“Royal’s only dance with their spouses family
members and trusted members of their Houses. It won’t be a

“So why am I dancing with Jotham?”

“As your host, it’s his choice.” She gives him a
serious look.

“If he has a choice then why? Won’t it be
perceived he supports my Challenge?”

“It will. You’ve impressed him, I never doubted


“Jotham knows what he’s doing.” He gives her a
quick kiss. “Now for your dance lesson.”

“Oh God, I’m a lousy dancer.”

“Nice to know there’s something you’re not good
at.” Stepping away he puts a foil in the comm. “Quinn gave me this
for you.” Pulling out the second foil he puts in on the table. “Why
are you interested in the Battle of Fayal?”

“It’s not so much the battle as the Regulian
ship. Something’s there, I just don’t know what.”

As the music starts he pulls her into his arms.
While it’s different from Earth music it still has a rhythm, it is
almost classical.

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