Cassandra's Challenge (70 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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Cassandra watches him as he crosses the room,
her eyes concerned. She knows he loves her, has no doubt, but
something isn’t right.

William sees the concern as he darkens the room.
Sliding in next to her he props himself up on an elbow, the other
hand resting over their child. Looking into her eyes he gives her a
gentle kiss. Putting a hand behind his head she holds him there
changing the angle, increasing the pressure. Slipping her tongue
between his lips she teases his mouth open to twine around his.

Breaking off the kiss, his eyes burn into hers,
his breathing ragged. She can see his desire, watches him pull it

“You need rest.” Rolling onto his back he
encloses her in his arms.


“Sleep Cassandra, you need to sleep.”

Suddenly she realizes what he’s doing. It’s just
like when she’d been hurt in the explosion. He’s holding back,
worried he’ll hurt her, her and their child. That carrying his
child would hurt her. Sliding over she straddles him.

“I need
.” Sliding the straps of her
nightgown down, she lets it pool at her waist, leaning down to kiss
him, her breasts caress his naked chest.

William grips her arms meaning to lift her away,
but her sharp gasp has him freezing. Looking at his hands he
realizes he’s gripping her bruises. Immediately he releases her.
“Fuck Cassandra, I’m sorry.” His voice full of regret.

“Stop.” She rests her hands on his chest,
looking into his eyes.

“I hurt you.”

“No, Dadrian did, and he would have done worse
if you hadn’t been there.” She watches his eyes flare. “You have
never hurt me, not like that. You never will.” She caresses his
cheek. “But it hurts me when you pull away because you’re worried
. You did it after the explosion. You’re doing it

“Cassandra, you are my love, my life, and now
you’re having my child I can’t
protect you.” Staring
into his eyes, she sees his love, his conflict.

“I know, but I don’t need protected from
.” She lifts his hands to her breasts. “I just
you.” Sliding her hands down she releases him.

”Cassandra…” He groans as she takes him in.

“I need you William.” She whispers against his
lips. “I’ll always need you.” As she slowly rotates her hips his
hands move to holding them still, thrusting into her to the

“Ahhh…” She moans into his mouth. She hadn’t
realized how much she needed this. To be close to him, like this,
after Dadrian, locking her mouth onto his, she sinks into him, to
the feelings only he can arouse.

Feeling her accept all of him, demand all of
him, makes William realize just how much he’d needed her too. He
had been pulling back, to protect her, because he hadn’t. Dadrian
made him fear his size, his strength, would hurt her. Her total
belief, trust in him washes away the fear.

Rolling her onto her back he rises above her,
gripping her hands, he watches her eyes as he increases his pace.
Watches them losing focus as she tightens around him, as he drives
her higher.

“Let go Cassandra.” His voice is thick with
demand. “Let me watch you let go.”

“William!” She cries as the orgasm rips through
her, her eyes locked with his. It shreds his control, with one
final thrust he empties himself into her.

Resting his forehead against hers he tries to
regain his breath. Lifting his head he watches her eyes, seeing her
mind reengages. The love they hold undeniable, but he also sees the

Giving her a gentle kiss he moves to his back.
Reaching for the covers he pulls them up as she settles in next to
him. With his arms encircling her they both fall asleep.


First sunrise is just beginning when Cassandra
feels his touch, William’s hand gingerly caressing her still flat
stomach. Staying still she enjoys his touch, knowing his thinking
about their child, should she tell him it’s a boy? She has no proof
expect Sabah, in a dream. Turning her head she gently kisses his
chest, before looking up at him. The love glowing in his eyes flows
around her.

“Morning.” She says softly. He answers her by
kissing her gently, his hand still on her stomach.

“You’ll sleep longer.” He orders still seeing
fatigue in her eyes.

“You won’t let me sleep too late?”

“I’ll wake you if it gets late. You don’t have
anything until 1300.” He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

“Okay.” She lets him slide away. “I love

Pulling the covers back over her, he tells her,
“I love you too. Now sleep.” With one last kiss he heads for the


William works from the comm in the private
quarters. He’s staying close to Cassandra today he needs too, for
himself. The stakes have just gone up. She’s conceived, extra
precautions will be needed, at every level. The gatherings will
need to be spread further out so she can rest, eat properly. A
doctor will be needed to make sure she is okay.

A baby….he leans back from the comm. He’s fifty
cycles….to be a father again….for Cassandra to give him a
child…will it be a son or daughter? A daughter would be the heir to
the House of Knowledge. He lets that thought settle in his mind.
His daughter would one day be Queen of the House of Knowledge….as
her mother will be…he’d never fully considered that. Hearing a door
open he sees Victoria walking sleepily to him. Lifting her into his
lap, she burrows in.

“What are you doing up so early?” He rubs her

“I’m hungry.” She tells him still half

“What would you like Hutu to make?”

“Flatcakes.” Picking up the headset William
connects to Hutu.

“Hutu, Victoria would like flatcakes this
morning.” He listens. “Just for two right know I’ll let you know
when Cassandra is ready to eat.” Taking off the headset William
looks down at Victoria.

“It’ll be here in a little bit.”

“Okay.” Victoria looks at him now with alert
eyes. “Admiral?”


“Are you and Aunt Cassie getting married?”
William stills.


“You and Aunt Cassie, are you getting….it’s not
married here it’s called…”

“A Union.”

“Yeah, that. So are you?” She watches him with
curious eyes.

“I think that’s something for your aunt and me
to decide.”

“That’s what Aunt Cassie said too.”

“Why are you asking Victoria?” He watches her,
sees she’s trying to decide what to say.

“Well if you married Aunt Cassie, I wouldn’t
have to call you Admiral anymore.” She raises hopeful eyes to his.
“Everyone calls you Admiral. I could call you Uncle. I’d have Aunt
Cassie and Uncle William.”

He’s surprised at what she wants. She wants to
have a special claim to him, to be able to call him something no
one else did. Uncle. For it to be a special relationship just
between them, for him to truly be part of her family, for her to be
part of his. Touched he pulls her closer.

“I would like that Victoria, to be your Uncle
William. But Cassandra and I have to decide that.” Avid green eyes
look into his.

“But you’ll think about it?” She raises a
disarming eyebrow to him. Oh she’s going to be a handful as she
grows up. He’s going to enjoy being a part of it.


“Good. Why isn’t Aunt Cassie eating with

“She’s going to sleep awhile longer. She had a
busy day yesterday.”

“You promised she was okay.”

“She is she’s just going to sleep a little
longer.” A knock on the suite’s door stops Victoria from
questioning further. “That’s Hutu with first meal, should we go let
him in?”

“Yeah.” Sliding off his lap she leads the


“Cassandra…” Feeling William’s touch on her
cheek, she rolls towards him. “Cassandra, you need to wake up.”

“Don’t want too.” William smiles, she sounds
like Victoria.

“But you need to its 0900. I promised I wouldn’t
let you sleep to long.” He rubs a hand down her arm.

“0900?” Heavy eyes open to his.

“Yes, I’ve called Hutu, he’s bring up flatcakes
for you.” He gives her a hard look. “You’ll eat.”

“I can do that.” Sitting up she kisses him.
“Good morning.”

“Good morning.” He returns the kiss. “You have
time for a shower. Victoria’s already eaten and is over at

“Really? Sounds like you’ve been had a busy

“Not really. I enjoyed it.” He helps her out of
bed. “Go get in the shower.” Steering her towards the bathroom he
kisses the back of her head.

“You’re not joining me?” She gives him a playful
look over her shoulder. William’s eyes flare at the thought of
joining her, with her in the shower. Whipping her around, he gives
her a long hard kiss.

“Later.” He promises then turning, he leaves her


The shower feels wonderful, lathering up her
hair Cassandra lets the heat cascade down her. It will have to do
in place of William’s hands. She feels amazing this morning. No
queasiness, not light headiness. Maybe on Carina it’s evening
sickness when you’re pregnant. She’d have to ask Javiera.

Finishing up she steps out of the shower to wrap
a soft towel around her, drying her hair she looks in the mirror.
Her eyes are clear and bright. She looks rested and happy. She is
going to have William’s baby, his son. Grinning at herself she goes
to get dressed for the day.


“Thank you Hutu.” The Admiral watches as he
lifts the cover to check the plate of flatcakes he’d brought up for
Cassandra. “She’s going to enjoy them.”

“I hope so sir, she didn’t eat last night.”

“I know. She will today. She’s going to start
taking better care of herself.” Hutu sees the Admiral’s eyes

“Yes sir.”

“Also, the fudge torta….” The Admiral smiles.
“She really likes it, so does Victoria.”

“I’ll make sure to have some on hand sir.”

“Maybe just for one meal. Victoria had three
pieces yesterday.”



“I’ll keep an eye on it sir.

“Thank you Hutu.” As his portable comm rings
Hutu leaves.


Standing in the closet Cassandra tries to decide
what to wear. It needed to be something with sleeves, the bruises
on her arms were even darker today. Choosing the black pant outfit,
with sapphire camisole, she’d worn to meet Jotham she dresses.
Deciding against the shoes and jacket just yet she walks out to the
mirror to fix her hair. Pulling it back she hears raised voices in
the outer room.



“Admiral, King Jotham and Barek are on their way
up.” Marat tells him.


“Sir, I couldn’t stop them.”

“Is Deffand with them?”

“They were alone sir.”

“Contact him make sure the King’s security is
allowed in.”

“Yes sir.” Disconnecting he heads for the suite
door, knowing this isn’t going to be a pleasant meeting. He’s still
in the hallway when he hears them.

“Zafar!” Jotham storms down the hallway toward
him. “What the
is going on!”

“Majesty, Barek.” The Admiral nods. “Won’t you
have a seat.” He gestures back to the private area.

“You will explain!” Jotham’s eyes are blazing.
“Explain why you lied to me! To ME!”

“I never lied to you, Majesty.”

“Then you did to me.” Barek’s eyes are just as
angry. “You told me my father was being kept informed.”

“He was. He was given all the information he

“He didn’t know if I was
dead or

Cassandra enters the room, her eyes widening as
she sees Tibullus, he isn’t supposed to be here for another two
days. Hearing his last comment she quickly assesses the

“But you are. Alive that is. You can thank the
Admiral for that.
.” Her eyes are hard as she stops next
to William, looking at both Barek and Jotham. She isn’t going to
let them talk to him like this. Both men suck in a breath at her

“You may leave Princess, this doesn’t concern
you.” Jotham dismisses her, turning his attention back to his
. In doing so he misses the cold fury in her eyes.
Barek doesn’t.

“I think
, Majesty, and it does
concern me. When
life mate puts himself on the line,
calls in favors, all to keep a promise he made to
, it

“He kept my son’s condition from
Jotham turns toward her. William tenses.

“He kept him
!” Cassandra moves just
a step. “I must have misjudged you Majesty. I thought you cared
about your son. That
him alive would be more
important to you then
he was alive.”

Jotham sucks in a sharp breath at her

“You know nothing!”

“I know that nearly twenty nine cycles you ask
William to protect
son if
couldn’t. That’s
what he’s done, whether you like the
he did it or

“Cassandra.” William puts a gentle hand on her
back, telling her enough.

“There was no reason to keep his status,
secret.” Jotham fires back but with less heat.

“Everything you told me,” Barek looks at his
second father. “Was true, to a point. The Regulians were trying to
stop Cassandra from reaching Carina, but not only her.”

“Correct.” William answers Cassandra watches
Tibullus mind work.

“There were assassination attempts.”


“Not only against Cassandra.”

“No not only against her.”

Jotham follows the conversation between his
first born and the man he’d asked to be his second father. A sick
feeling grows in his stomach.

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