Cassandra's Challenge (75 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

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“You had no say?” Cassandra frowns.

“I made suggestions, but all the paperwork was
done by the time I got there.”

“So Lucas?”

“Lucas Matthew, Lucas for her father Matthew for


“Kyle Weddell. She liked the name, Weddell for
her grandfather.” She looks into his eyes. Smiling softly she
touches his cheek.

“So what do you want for this one?”

“I…” He realizes he hadn’t thought of it. He’d
thought she’d want to choose.

“You’ll need to give it some thought, but we
have time.” She rubs her thumb across his lips.

“What are you thinking?”

“Oh, I’ve had some thoughts, but nothing seems
right. My mom liked to tell the story of how Peter was supposed to
be George Jacob or Jacob Robert, after my dad and then my
grandfathers. But once he was born they looked at each other and
knew he was a Peter.”

“Why Peter?”

“They didn’t know, but his name was to be Peter
and dad refused to let his middle name be Jacob because he didn’t
want him called PJ. Something about the names you military types
make up.” William laughs.

“So what was his middle name?”

“Matthew.” William’s eyes widen. “Interesting



“Pardon me Admiral.” Marat approaches the

“What is it Chief?”

“I have a message for the Princess.” William
frowns looking at Cassandra. “Deffand says it would be greatly
appreciated Princess.”

“Thank you Chief. I appreciate you taking the

“Princess.” Nodding Marat leaves.

“What is that about?”

“It’s about you and your sons attending the
private burial tomorrow.”


“He’s a friend that’s just lost his son. It
doesn’t matter why. He’s your King. You’re his surviving son’s
second father. You’re related by blood. You’re family, he needs his

“There are security issues that will

“No there’s not. Victoria and I will stay in the
Royal Wing,
the Wing. You can seal it yourself. We
won’t leave.” Cassandra puts a hand to his cheek. “I promise. You
need to go.”

William looks at her, realizing he should have
discussed it with her. She would have understood.

“Okay. I’ll let the boys know.” He gives her a
gentle kiss. “You are amazing.”

“Really? Remember that next time I piss you
off.” She grins at him. Her smile slowly fades, her eyes becoming
serious. “I love you William.”

“I know. That makes me a very lucky man.” Rising
he helps her stand. “Kyle’s working on compiling some information
for you.” He tucks her under his arm as he starts back to the

“Kyle is?”

“On Fayal and who translated the Regulian

“Really?” Her eyes flash at the thought. William
shakes his head. Some women like jewels, his woman likes data. His
woman….his mate….someday his wife.


“What? Sorry, just thinking. He should have it
for you tomorrow.”


Entering the Wing he leads her up the stairs.
“You should rest for a while.”

“If I sleep now I won’t tonight. Go talk to your
boys, I’ll find something to do on the comm.”

“That scares me.” William gives her a hard

“Liar. Nothing scares you.” Smiling at him she
turns entering the Royal Suite.

“Just losing you.” He says quietly, and goes to
find his sons.


“William?” Cassandra feels him pulling away.

“Sleep.” He kisses the top of her head as he
slides out of bed. “I need to get ready for Dadrian’s entombment.”
She watches him head to the shower. He explained last night what
would happen today.

At first sunrise, a transition ceremony would be
preformed, in the King’s private temple, preparing Dadrian to meet
the ancestors. At second sunrise his funeral coffin would be
transported to the family tomb, in a valley a short distance from
the Palace. With the rising of the third sun Dadrian will be placed
in the tomb. Then his journey to the ancestor’s begins with the
burning of Daktar, the white smoke rising to show him the way.
After the smoke disappears they will return to the Palace and have
a meal to celebrate his safe arrival.

William walks out of the bathroom, a towel low
on his hips, his chest still wet. Watching, Cassandra’s eyes flare,
God he’s beautiful, and he’s all hers. Smiling she watches as he
enters the closet. Several minutes later he walks out fully dressed
except for his jacket, seeing she’s still awake he walks to the

“You’re supposed to be sleeping.” He sits down
next to her.

“After you leave, right know I’m enjoying the


“Oh yeah.” Rising up she kisses him, deeply. He
presses her back into the bed.

“I need to go.” He mummers against her lips.

“I know that should hold me until you get back.”
Attacking her lips he leaves her breathless.

“That will have to hold me.” Rising while he
still can, he leaves the room.


Watching him, she tries to catch her breath.
What this man can do to her…touching her lips she smiles, the man
can kiss. Rolling to her side she closes her eyes. After several
minutes she sighs, sleep won’t come. Suddenly a thought enters her

“Fudge torta.”
Her stomach growls,
sitting up she suddenly realizes she ‘needs’ fudge torta, her first
craving. Rising she pulls on her jeans and a shirt and heads to the

There it is…entering Hutu’s kitchen with the
light of first sunrise showing the way she spies the fudge torta in
a far corner. Pulling a large knife out of drawer she moves to cut
a slice.

“No High Admiral. If I’d known sooner I would
have informed you.” Freezing she turns toward the garden door.

“All security is in the Wing, only the Zafars’
left.” She watches as Ensign Paa enters the kitchen talking on a
portable comm. She turns the knife in her hand, gripping it

“There are no plans to leave the Wing. Everyone
else is sleeping.” Paa listens to Valerian. “Yes High Admiral, I
will notify you as soon as there is any change, I must get back to
my post.” Ending the communication Paa slips the portable comm
inside his jacket, than leaves the kitchen, never seeing

Sagging against the counter, she sucks in a much
needed breath. Here’s Valerian’s eyes within their own security.
What if he had seen her?”

“Princess?” Cassandra raises the knife than
realizes it’s Hutu.

“Princess, what’s wrong?” He looks at the knife
in her hand.

“Hutu, it’s you.”

“Yes, what’s wrong?” She puts the knife on the

“Would you contact Colonel Tar and Chief Marat,
tell them to meet me in the Admiral’s ready room. Please.” Hutu
looks at the knife, looks at her.

“Yes Princess, of course.”

“Thank you.” She leaves the kitchen.


Tar is the first to arrive. Entering the ready
room he finds Cassandra sitting behind the Admiral’s desk. Seconds
later Marat arrives.

“Cassandra, what’s going on?”

“Chief Marat, would you have Ensign Paa report
here please.”


“Ensign Paa. Please.”

“Yes Princess.” Marat looks at Tar then calls on
his portable comm. Tar watches Cassandra closely, minutes later Paa
enters the ready room.

“Colonel Tar.” She looks him in the eye. “Would
you please relieve Ensign Paa of his weapon.”

“What?” Paa asks. Tar looks at her then takes
the weapon.

Standing she walks around the desk stopping in
front of Paa, she holds out her hand. “You’re portable comm.”


“You’re comm Ensign Paa.”

Paa looks at Marat. “Give her you’re comm
Ensign.” Reaching into his pocket Paa pulls out his comm handing it
to Cassandra.

Putting it on the desk behind her she holds out
her hand again. “The other one.” She sees his eyes widen.


“The one inside your jacket pocket.” When he
doesn’t move Cassandra looks at Tar. “Colonel.”

Tar realizes what’s happening. He steps in front
of Paa, rips open his jacket he pulls out a second portable comm,
with hard eyes he hands it to her.

“Thank you Colonel.” Walking around the desk she
sits, watching Paa she pushes a few buttons.

“Paa what do you have for me.” High Admiral’s
Valerian’s voice comes across the comm. Marat and Tar suck in their

“He has nothing for you High Admiral.” Cassandra
tells him. There is no sound on the other end. “You’ve lost your

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,
.” The High Admiral sneers.

“That’s okay,
High Admiral
.” Cassandra
sneers back. “I expected no less from a man who’s allowed a traitor
to exist for over seven cycles.” She disconnects before Valerian
can answer.

Turning her attention to Paa she waits. Paa
starts to sweat in the silence.

“I’ve done nothing wrong.” Paa finally

“Really?” Her eyes are hard. “Sneaking around
the Royal Wing, reporting to Valerian who’s coming and going, where
security is, you see nothing wrong with that?”

“He is the High Admiral. I took an oath to
defend the Coalition, to obey orders.” Paa fires back.

She leans back in the Admiral’s chair. “On
Earth, men in the military take a similar oath, to defend against
any enemy, foreign or domestic. Do you understand what that means
Ensign Paa?


“Yet you’ve chosen to
defend against
a traitor.”

“There is no traitor. That’s just a rumor you
made up to get the Admiral to help you.” Ensign Paa fires at

“And who told you that?”

“High Admiral Valerian, Commander of the

“When?” Paa is silent.

“You will answer Ensign.” Colonel Tar

“The day we arrived on Carina.”

the Admiral gave you a


“So you’re a spy for the High Admiral.”

“I am protecting the Coalition.” His voice is

“From what Ensign? A little girl?”

“No, from you.”

“Me. How is my Challenge to the House of
Knowledge a threat to the

“The High Admiral said it is. I didn’t question
his judgment.”

“But you feel you can question the Admiral’s?”
Cassandra’s voice is cold. “Valerian is using you Paa, to protect
am a threat to

“I followed orders.” Paa justifies himself.

“Colonel Tar.”


“I would like Ensign Paa restrained until the
Admiral’s return, kept isolated.

“Restrained!” Paa is shocked.

“You put my niece in
with your blind following of Valerian’s orders.” She walks to stand
in front of the younger man. “No one threatens my
Ensign. But you are right about one thing. This is a military
matter and will be handled by the Admiral.
decide what
happens to you.” Cassandra looks to Marat.

“You will make sure his patrol is covered?”

“Yes Princess.”

“Thank you gentlemen.” She leaves the room.

It’s nearly 1000 when the Zafars return to the
Royal Wing. As they approach the Admiral notices the looks the
guards give each other. They’re tense. Something’s not right.
Entering the Wing they find Marat waiting for them.

“Report.” He demands.

“The Royal Wing is secure sir.” He reports.
“There is a situation that needs your immediate attention in your
ready room, sir.” While Marat’s eyes remain steady with the
Admiral’s, he can see guilt in them.

“The Princess?”

“Is secure sir, as is Victoria. They are
upstairs, they never left the Wing.”

“Kyle, get that Intel to Cassandra, Lucas with
me. Where is Colonel Tar?”

“In your ready room Admiral.” Marat responds,
turning he follows them.


Kyle enters the guest suite to find Cassandra,
Victoria, Amina, and Javiera in the common area.

“Hi Kyle.” Victoria sees him first.

“You’re back. All of you?” Cassandra asks.

“Yeah, dad and Lucas are down in the ready room.
I’ve got some Intel for you.”

“Javiera?” Cassandra looks at her.

“I’ve got them, go.”

“I’ll get it from you later.” Cassandra turns
and leaves the room.


Entering his ready room the Admiral finds
Colonel Tar sitting across from Ensign Paa who is in restraints.
His expression unreadable he walks around his desk and sits.

“ATTENTION Ensign Paa.” His voice hard and cold,
Paa jumps to his feet. “Explain.”

“Sir I was following orders, sir.” Paa can’t
look the Admiral in the eye.

“Whose orders Ensign Paa?”

“High Admiral Valerian’s sir.” William sees
Cassandra slip into the room.

“And what were those
orders Ensign

“That I was to report all movement in and out of
the Royal Wing, so he could properly defend the Coalition against
unfounded rumors that were causing a disruption in effectiveness of
the fleet.”

“You were informing High Admiral Valerian on the
locations of the Royals, within the House of Protection.” The
Admiral’s tone is deadly.

“NO SIR! Only the locations of the two refugees
from Earth.”

“The returning QUEEN of the House of Knowledge
and her family!”

“The High Admiral guaranteed me her claims are

“And you believed him.”

“Sir, he’s the High Admiral.” Cassandra looks at
William she can hear the youth and innocence in Paa’s voice. He
truly believes that the High Admiral wouldn’t lie to him, wouldn’t
use him.

The Admiral puts his comm on speaker then enters
the High Admiral’s code.

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