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Authors: Alex J. Cavanaugh

BOOK: CassaStorm
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by Alex J. Cavanaugh








"CassaStorM is a touching and mesmerising space opera full of action and emotion with strong characters and a cosmic mystery."

- Edi's Book Lighthouse


“Cavanaugh makes world building on the galactic scale look easy. The stakes affect the entire known universe and yet Cavanaugh makes it intensely personal for our hero. The final installment of this series will break your heart and put it back together.”

- Charity Bradford, science fantasy author of The Magic Wakes


“With a talent for worldbuilding and a compelling cast of characters, Alex J. Cavanaugh combines high powered space battles and the challenges of family dynamics to provide readers a space opera with heart.”

- Elizabeth S. Craig, author of the Southern Quilting and Myrtle Clover mysteries


“I thought the revelation was going to be one thing and I was completely wrong … CassaStorm pushes the limits…”

- Tyson Mauermann, Speculative Reviews


“…mesmerizing story of survival, personal sacrifice, tolerance, and compassion.  It’s a rare jewel that successfully utilizes both character and plot to tell a story of such immense scope and intimate passion…”

- Nancy S. Thompson, author of The Mistaken


"An exciting, nail-biting read which sweeps the reader off on adventures in another galaxy."

- Nicua Shamira, Terraveru


“Cavanaugh creates such an unforgettable world, and these characters will stay with you long after their story is over.”

- Cassie Mae, author of Friday Night Alibi and How to Date a Nerd


“…the racial conflicts propelled much of the plot in this story, driving home a message that's relevant to our own world and giving the book an interesting texture.”

- C. Lee. McKenzie, author of Alligators Overhead


“Cavanaugh has created wonderfully moving moments of great poignancy… CassaStorm could have been a dark story full of hardship and angst, but instead it's a cleverly balanced story about hope and triumph.”

- Lynda R. Young, author of Make Believe







Also by Alex J. Cavanaugh:





“…calls to mind the youthful focus of Robert Heinlein’s early military sf, as well as the excitement of space opera epitomized by the many Star Wars novels. Fast-paced military action and a youthful protagonist make this a good choice for both young adult and adult fans of space wars.”

- Library Journal





“…delivers on the promise of its predecessor, combining military action sequences and political intrigue with strong, memorable characters. Reminiscent of the action-driven stories of Robert A. Heinlein's early fiction…” - Library Journal






Copyright 2013 by Alex J. Cavanaugh

Published by Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.

P.O. Box 383, Pikeville, North Carolina, 27863-0383


ISBN: 9781939844019


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system in any form – either mechanically, electronically, photocopy, recording, or other – except for short quotations in printed reviews, without the permission of the publisher.


This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


Cover design by C.R.W.






Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data


Cavanaugh, Alex J.

     CassaStorm / Alex J. Cavanaugh.

     p. cm.

     ISBN 9781939844019


1. Space travel --Fiction. 2. Outer space –Exploration --Fiction. 3. Teleportation --Fiction. 4. Psychokinesis--Fiction. 5. Father-son relationship --Fiction. 6. Family --Fiction. 7. Science fiction. I. Title


PS3553.A964 C38 2013

[Fic] --dd23                                                                                       2013934525









To the readers and the dreamers

and the friends I’ve made along the way.

Byron’s journey would never have come this far

without your support and encouragement!









Chapter One


The war had escalated.

‘Narcon and Vindicarn forces have entered sector 118-326. The Fesell continue to lay claim to sectors 118-325 and 119-325. Numerous skirmishes reported.’

Leaning away from the screen, Byron brought a hand to his forehead. Enemy forces drew closer every day, gaining in numbers. It was only a matter of time before the Cassans entered the war. After this latest advancement, it might happen as soon as today.

The Tgrens won’t be happy about this development, he thought, arching his neck to relieve the tension in his muscles.

Byron noticed an available feed from the latest encounter. He entered his code and waited for clearance.

One of those rare moments I get to enjoy the perks of my position, he thought.

The visual appeared on his screen. A scrolling transcript ran across the bottom, and from the exchange, Byron surmised the recording originated from the squadron leader’s ship. The view past the nose of the Cosbolt displayed only stars and the depth of space. The fighter altered position and a fleet of Narcon vessels dominated the scene. The narrow ships hung like bright stars in the vastness of space. The squadron leader sent a message back to his flagship, the Darentor.

At least it wasn’t the Vindicarn and their damn disrupters, Byron thought, leaning closer to the screen. The Tgren medical facility had received enough mentally damaged pilots and navigators of late.

The transcript displayed the squadron leader’s instructions as his ships approached the Narcon. He called for caution and restraint but did not order a direct attack. The enemy fighters maintained their position, hanging silent in the depths of space. Time appeared frozen as neither race made a move.

Without provocation, the Narcon opened fire on the Cosbolts. The squadron leader held his position, providing a stable observation point. Byron ignored the verbal feed and focused on the ensuing battle. The smaller, dart-shaped Narcon fighters ripped through the ranks of stout, rounded Cosbolts. Laser fire flew in every direction, flashing bright against the blackness of space. Two Narcon ships exploded and a Cosbolt spun out of view, stirring memories in Byron. He’d never faced the Narcon, but their aggressive tactics and movements reminded him of the Vindicarn.

Skirmishes my ass, he thought, scowling at the image.

Changing computer screens, he sent a message to his Tgren liaison officer. Byron wanted to know the current mindset of the local prefect before broaching the subject of intergalactic war. Relations between the planet’s natives and the Cassans were healthy, but the Tgrens still resisted outside involvement. Byron understood their neutral position, as they’d yet to venture into space, but the attitude concerned him.

What will you do if this war appears at your door? I don’t think the Vindicarn will care about your neutrality, he thought.

He punched the keypad and retrieved the week’s flight schedule. If the skirmishes continued to shift closer to Tgren, Ktren’s base would be called into action. His Cosbolt squadrons needed to prepare for a battle greater than the occasional rogue pirate raid.

Satisfied with the schedule, Byron made a mental note to speak with his squadron commander. The simulators still contained Vindicarn flight patterns, and he wanted all Cosbolt teams to brush up on their skills.

I’ll need the training as well, he thought. It’s been years since I faced the Vindicarn.

Pushing his chair away from the desk, he rose to his feet. Several joints popped in protest. Byron winced at the sound.

“You sit too damn much,” he grumbled, snatching an empty glass from his desk.

Lifting a crystal pitcher from the thin table to his left, he refilled the glass. Byron downed half of the water, letting the last swallow rest on his tongue for a moment. The Cassan facility was cool and comfortable, but no amount of climate control could replace the lack of moisture. The dry desert air invaded every fiber of his body.

Lowering the glass to his side, Byron stared at the large map covering the side wall of his office. A gift from the previous prefect, the sturdy parchment showed signs of deterioration. The edges now curled and the sandy colored surface had faded with time. The section directly in front of him boasted new cracks and he frowned. Byron doubted the current prefect would be willing to supply a replacement map.

His gaze shifted to the largest land mass just above the equator. Two tiny dots, nestled in between mountains and a river, marked the placement of the Cassan base and the city of Ktren. Byron’s fingers tightened around his glass. If not for the alien ruins buried within the surrounding mountains, only one dot would mark the map.

Something the Council of Prefects is so fond of reminding me, he thought. If the Vindicarn invade your planet, you’ll be damned grateful we’re here.

A gentle beep from the door panel announced a visitor. At the same time, a familiar presence touched his mind.

Byron returned to his desk and set down the glass.

The door slid open, ushering in a light breeze from the hall. He remained standing as his Tgren liaison officer approached, computer tablet in hand. She came to a halt and offered a proper salute before assuming a causal pose. Byron nodded, noting the playfulness in her thoughts. Straightening his shoulders, he offered his most authoritative scowl, determined to remain in control of this meeting.

“Sir, you realize you just pulled me from a very important council meeting regarding this year’s rtrax harvest,” she said, arching one eyebrow. “I’m going to miss the heated debate over the amount of fuel required to complete the task in a timely fashion.”

Her sarcasm bordered on the ridiculous and Byron’s composure slipped. Trust his mate to see the humor in every situation.

“I know how much you enjoy hearing the council bicker over fuel consumption,” he said, allowing a smile to tug at his lips.

Athee rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, fascinating. Jabbering fools! I’d rather harvest rtrax by hand than listen to them argue.”

Byron glanced at his computer screen. His thoughts returned to the purpose for their meeting.

“Well, let me show you something that will interest you,” he said, gesturing for Athee to sit in the closest chair.

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