Read Cast On, Bind Off Online

Authors: Leslie Ann Bestor

Cast On, Bind Off (41 page)

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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• Stretchy edge

• Edge looks rolled over, seemingly without beginning

• Bulky yarn causes edges to flare out


• K1, P1 or K2, P2 ribbing

• Matching the Tubular Bind Off (
page 200

• Hats, gloves, mittens, socks, and cuffs

Working the Cast On

This cast on makes an odd number of stitches. For an even number, after step 1, skip to step 3 and then repeat steps 2 and 3 until the desired stitches are cast on. Instead of working steps 6 and 7, work only step 6 a total of four times before beginning a regular rib stitch.

Knot the working yarn and the waste yarn together in an overhand knot. Hold the knot and needle in your right hand, using your index finger to hold the knot against the needle. With your left hand, hold the yarn in slingshot position, with the waste yarn over your left thumb and the working yarn over your index finger.

Reach under the waste yarn, over the top of working yarn and bring the working yarn under and in front of waste yarn. This is 1 stitch.

Reach over the top of waste yarn and scoop the working yarn forward (like doing a yarnover). This is your second stitch.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have cast on one fewer than the desired number of stitches. Work step 2 once more: You should have an odd number of stitches.

All the stitches are made with the working yarn. The waste yarn loops through the bottom of the stitches. Up to this point the cast on has been like the Provisional Cast On. Now, turn work and drop the waste yarn.

With the working yarn, *K1, with yarn in front slip 1 stitch purlwise, move yarn to back; repeat from * across row.

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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