Cat and Mouse (21 page)

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Authors: Genella DeGrey

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Cat and Mouse
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Fuck he was hard. He nearly disregarded the note on the bed, but his curiosity got the better of him.

Take the rest of your clothes off and join me

! She was in the tub.

He stripped his remaining clothes off and opened the door so hard a waft of air tousled his hair.

But she wasn’t inside the bathroom.

“You’ve got to be joking.” He stepped towards the dry tub and saw his dressing gown folded and laying at the bottom with a note sticking out of the pocket. Reaching down, he plucked the paper from its resting place.

Come to where we first met

He harrumphed.
The study
. “Why, so I can find another clue to where you
?” He threw the note at the corner of the room, not giving a damn where it landed.

Well, she is running out of rooms in which to hide… Perhaps she’ll be there this time

Max slipped on the dressing robe and, after making sure no one was about to witness his state of undress, not to mention his cockstand, he headed for the study. Once inside, he found not her, not even a note, but a brandy that had been poured and set on the table next to a chair. He sat down, took up the brandy and shot half the liquid down his throat.

How much more of this was he expected to take? It seemed his rod was still anticipating some sort of reimbursement for being, for the last half-hour, in an uninterrupted state of stiffness, the way it poked through the opening of his robe.

Consuming the rest of his drink, Max set it back upon the table, when a sound came from behind the drapes.

Was it his imagination or had he actually heard something?

He stood, strode over to the window and yanked the drapes aside.

Katrina, his little mouse, stood there in nothing but her underpinnings.

Relieved, his gaze roamed over her and he noticed the tray from his silver tea service that should have been in the upstairs sitting room was lodged between her thighs. With a loud clang, it hit the floor at her feet.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Katrina dropped her gaze to Maxwell’s stiff cock, which protruded from between the opening of his dressing robe. “I see I have your full attention now.”

“Katrina, I—”

She poked her finger at his chest. “I didn’t lure you up here to listen to you lecture me.” She pushed harder and he backed up a step. “Sit down. I have a few things to say.”

It took much less muscle than she’d imagined it would for him to concede. He sat in the chair next to the glass she’d previously filled with brandy. The snifter was empty now, so she retrieved the decanter and refilled it.

Barely looking at Maxwell, she handed him the glass and paced to the opposite side of the room.

“If there’s one thing I despise, it’s the lack of communication. I don’t mean language barriers between different cultures, but flat-out, closed-mouthed failure to voice the exchange of ideas.”

“When I—”

“Shut it!” She took a step towards him. Afraid she’d actually do him bodily harm if he attempted to obstruct her speech one more time, Katrina fisted her hands at her sides. “I’m not finished yet.” She stomped her foot on the floor. “Occupy your mouth in some other way, Goddamn it. Drink!”

She watched him sink lower into his chair and raise the glass to his lips.

“Your sister has told me that when you get angry, you retreat—you stop talking and just…brood. But there is something you need to know—that sort of behaviour is not going to work for me. When I get frustrated, it is imperative that I voice what’s happening in my head or I will run mad. For weeks now, you have forbidden me to speak to you and honestly, I’ve had enough of it. I don’t love Jimmy, I love you. I’m sorry you misinterpreted what you saw that day when I found out my friend wasn’t dead, but what you thought you knew for certain is completely wrong. If you’d have heard me out that day, I wouldn’t have been harbouring this pain in my heart.”

She paused, unsure whether she’d been getting through to him at all and, additionally, undecided as to whether she’d even allow him to speak if he tried. During her tirade, she’d watched the expression on his face go from blank, to something akin to interest, then back to blank again. It might be prudent at this juncture, she imagined, if she let him voice at least one of his thoughts. She crossed her arms over her chest in anticipation of…something.


Well, that didn’t take long
. “Yes?”

“Did—? Did you say you love me?”

“You— I— Maxwell, is
what you unearthed out of everything I just told you?”

In one motion, he set his now empty glass down and stood. “Frankly, yes—at least… All right, to a great degree.”

Now Katrina felt like sitting down. “Wha—?”

“Look. I understand. I shouldn’t shut down when you need to talk. It comes down to this—when two people love each other they should communicate—and I agree entirely. That is why when I
, as you say, it’s your job to regain my attention.”

“L—love…each other?” She hoped with all her body and soul that this wasn’t a gross misinterpretation.

He closed the distance between them. “Exactly.” He put his arms around her waist, lifted her from the ground and held her tight against his chest. “I love you, too.”

His admission melted away any other defence she may have possessed. “Oh, Maxwell,” she said just before he kissed her. “How I’ve missed you.”

“I’m sorry,” he murmured between kisses. “I’ve been a fool.”

She couldn’t help but smile against his lips. “You won’t hear any protestations on that account from me.”

Maxwell chuckled. “You know, I kind of liked it when you took control the way you did.”

She opened her eyes and found him gazing at her. “Really?”

His nod was nearly imperceptible.

“Should we, perhaps…explore this new-found…

“Yes.” He kissed her again. “But not tonight. Tonight, I only want you—no toys, no playroom, no sex games—just you.”

Undeniable joy bubbled up from the depths of her soul. She took hold of the collar of his robe and began to tug it off his shoulders.

“Wait. Not here. I want you in my bed.”

“All right.” She hadn’t meant to whisper.

Maxwell loosened his grip and her feet came to rest on the floor. He took her by the hand and they made their way, as discreetly as possible, to his room.

Once inside she stood next to the bed and undid the front of her corset. It fell to the floor and she turned to see what he was doing. Facing her, he still clung to the bolt that he’d just slammed home and he leaned against the door, unmoving…his gaze on her body. She almost inquired as to what it was exactly that he was looking at when she realised it was she.

Katrina Harwood

She’d have never thought she possessed such power over any man, but there he stood, mesmerised.

Slowly, Katrina turned her body away from him, but watched over her shoulder as his expression became very interested in her movements. Untying her drawers, she then hooked her thumbs beneath the waistband at her sides. She began nudging down first one side, then the other—the action painstakingly measured in tiny increments—her hips rocking, dipping down and up again with each movement. Lower and lower and lower the fabric slid along her skin. Aware that the top of her bum was about to be exposed, she paused and heard Maxwell’s breathing from where she stood.

She turned to the side, showing Maxwell her profile, and continued the dance until she was sure her bottom was exposed. She pivoted to face him.

His gaze snapped from the white cotton fabric to her eyes. “Don’t stop,” he responded.

“I have something to show you, Maxwell,” she whispered. “It’s

He swallowed, strode forward, stopped directly in front of her, then sank to his knees. “Show me.”

“Are you sure you want to see it?”


He lifted a hand, likely to assist, but she took a step backwards. “Ah, ah.”

“Are you determined to kill me, Katrina?”

She chuckled. “Very well.” She turned her back to him and let her drawers fall to her ankles. “Ready, then?”

“Katrina—” In his voice she detected a plea.

“Here it is.” Pivoting on the ball of her foot, she faced him head on.

He licked his lips, staring at her pussy.

“Do you like it?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips. She’d sheared her pubic hairs so short that one could see every curve of the skin between her legs.

He nodded.

She slid her hands down towards where his gaze was fixated. “Do you want to touch it?”

He repeated the action.

With her fingers she delved into the folds. She peeled apart the skin and revealed her clitoris to him. “Do you want to taste it?”

In an instant, Maxwell was on his feet. The next thing she knew he’d tossed her onto the bed. With a moan he parted her knees and feasted on her pussy, murmuring adoration. His tongue wiggled her nubbin back and forth until just before she came, then he switched directions—up and down faster and faster. She opened her mouth, gulping in gusts of air until at last she balanced upon the crest of a great mountain. He took this crucial moment to suckle her, and when he did, her orgasm hit like a fierce storm. She dug her fingers into his hair and pulled his head closer, pumping her hips, grinding against his mouth.

He moaned an enthusiastic sound and when the tremors subsided, she released him.

“That’s my girl,” he panted as if he’d been the one to climax. “I admire your zeal, my little mouse. But now it’s my turn.”

He climbed onto the bed and sank his cock into her. Katrina shrieked as the next orgasm assailed her. Her pussy throbbed in time to the spasms of her inner muscles.

“Fuck,” he groaned and pumped into her harder. “You are so wet.”

“Maxwell—” She wanted to convey the rapture she felt, but the only word that tumbled from her lips was his name—her love, the one who gave her such profound pleasure. She had no idea what she wanted of him—stop, go, faster, slower? Whatever the case, she had never imagined that these glorious physical sensations were capable of such breadth and width. Her body shuddered, climbing higher and higher.

Just when she thought she could stand no more, Maxwell increased his efforts once again. “I’m going to come, my sweet.”

“Yes—” she panted. “Hurry. Before I shatter!”

He called to the heavens, shouting for God, echoing the very words Katrina was previously unable to perceive.

Finally, he shifted to lie next to her, his arm draped across her ribcage. She could have laid entwined with him in this manner forever.

“I love you, Maxwell.”

“And I love you, Katrina.”

* * * *

Martin opened the door to the newly restored carriage in front of the ship Jimmy had just booked passage on. He lowered the steps and Maxwell alighted, then handed Katrina down. They turned to watch Jimmy descend the two steps.

When Jimmy went to retrieve his two travelling valises from Martin, Katrina looked up at Maxwell for his approval and he nodded. She crooked a finger at him and he brought his face to hers.

“Thank you,” she whispered and kissed his cheek.

Maxwell smiled, folded his arms across his chest, and leaned against the side of the carriage.

“Well, this is it,” Jimmy said once he stood before Katrina, bags in hand.

Fighting a lump in her throat that had more to do with his bravery than his actual departure, Katrina set her hand in the crook of his elbow and together they started forward towards the gangplank.

Jimmy glanced over his shoulder at Maxwell and addressed Katrina quietly. “Shall I write?” He grinned.

“Very humorous. You realise all communications must cease between us if you are going to disappear.”

They stopped at the base of the ramp and he turned to face Katrina. “I’ll think of you every day.”

“Jimmy. Don’t. I want you to go and start a new life. How can you accomplish this if you dwell on…things that were never meant to be?”

“You’ve driven your point home, my sweet, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop lovin’ you.”

Katrina placed a hand on his cheek. “I care about you so much, but you can’t say things like that.”

“But my heart says—”

“It’s our hearts that get us into the most trouble.” She let her palm slip from his face. “I think it’s time you start listening to your head.”

Jimmy sighed. “I know, I know.”

The ship’s horn blew so loudly that Katrina was tempted to cover her ears.

“God, I hope they don’t do that while you’re trying to sleep.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps I’ll appropriate it tonight and hide it in the brig.”

“You’ll do no such thing! No more stealing, now. I mean it,” she said firmly. “This is a prime opportunity to start life anew. Not many people get a chance like this.”

“Only you and I.”

“We are the lucky ones, Jimmy.”

He glanced up at the ship and rolled his shoulders back. “Onward then, I suppose.”

Katrina reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Be good.”

He stepped up onto the wooden plank and looked back at her with that roguish smile of his. “Oh, I’m always that, love.” Then he turned and up he went, disappearing through the portal.

At once Maxwell was next to Katrina. She swept a tear from her cheek and looked up at him.

“You’ll miss him, I gather.”

She shrugged. “As much as any dear friend, I would imagine.”

“I know Simmons will.”

“Simmons, how so?”

“According to him, your friend, Jimmy not only groomed the horses as if they were going to show, but he also weeded the herb and flower garden, polished every piece of silver in the house, and finished refurbishing my travelling coach that has sat dormant in my buggy port for a good two years.”

“Um, did Simmons, by chance,
the silver when Jimmy was finished?”

Maxwell chuckled. “He did, indeed. He is very thorough.”

“Yes, well, so is Jimmy,” she murmured sardonically.

He put his arm about her waist and kissed the top of her head. “Not to worry. Simmons wouldn’t have let Queen Victoria walk away with something that belonged to me.”

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