Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2)
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Chapter 29


  I park my bike and get off as fast as I can. I make my way over and help Callie out of the car. She’s as beautiful as always. I can barely see the little bulge she has going on now. I want her big. The thought of my baby swelling her out makes me go crazy. I want to keep my hands on her to protect her. If I could I would wrap her in bubble wrap. We are almost to the door and Callie stops for a minute and smiles. She reaches and takes my hand and places it on her stomach. My baby is kicking her stomach and she is smiling. It’s the most amazing thing I have ever felt. All the guys are standing around with dumb looks on their faces and she takes their hands one by one and lets them feel. We are all left in amazement. Even Fe. Then mom and Kim feel and we decide we need to get inside before she’s late. I sit beside her and she puts my hand on her stomach and I feel as the baby kicks off and on. I can’t get over it. After sitting for fifteen minutes we’re called back and it is almost time to see my baby.

  Callie and I go back first. The rest are coming when the sonogram starts. The nurse gets all of Callie’s vitals and takes her to weigh. She doesn’t like that I follow her. The nurse has her step on the scale and she weighs a whopping one hundred and eighteen pounds. That’s not much at all. The nurse says something about it. It perks my ears right up. We go back into the room and the nurse is asking her questions.

“It looks like you have lost two pounds since your last appointment in Colorado. We will have to call Dr. Singe’s office to reconfirm. Are you dieting? You know it is normal to gain about twenty-eight to thirty pounds with a pregnancy and it is not good to diet.” Callie looks at her like she is crazy. Has Callie been dieting?

“I have never dieted in my life. If you will look at my file again you will see I am having problems with my thyroid. I eat like a freaking horse. I like curves, but I’ve never really had a problem with weight. I am on a schedule to eat three meals a day with two snacks. I also drink protein shakes. I just eat healthy.” I wonder what thyroid problem she is having, but the woman writes it all down and after Callie explained the nurse didn’t seem worried. The nurse finally finishes typing in her little computer and writing on the chart and leaves us.

  “The doctor will be here in a few. Just relax.” She smiles at Callie but she winks at me. Callie notices but just smiles.

   “If we were together I would beat her ass.” If we were together I would never pay attention to another woman.

  “Would you now? Not very motherly.” I give her a quick wink and she smiles. She is laying back on the table and another nurse comes in the room pulling a machine behind her.

“Ok, let’s get you ready for the doctor. He’s running a few minutes late.”

  The nurse goes to pushing Callie’s pants down in the front and her shirt up. Callie’s stomach looks a little bigger with her shirt up, but not much. Her swollen stomach is beautiful. The nurse pushes her shirt up a little too much, and I can see her tits have gotten bigger. Now my pants are tighter and my cock is hard. Just the thought of her tits being exposed to me has me growing harder. Callie pushed the shirt back down some and the nurse takes the bottom of her shirt and sticks it under her bra. I see Callie is uncomfortable. I put my hand on her stomach to calm her and I get kicked. I smile at her. She relaxes a little. I keep rubbing my hand on her belly and she and the baby seem to calm down. The nurse leaves and I don’t remove my hand. I think Callie is almost asleep when the doctor walks through the door.

  “Well, Mrs. Steel, let’s see if we can find out if you are having a boy or a girl. You do want to know, right?” Callie and I both say yes at the same time and the doctor smiles. He puts some gel on her stomach and moves the wand around. He’s positioning and moving and I see my baby. I hear the heart beat and it is the most joyous sound. “Measurements on everything are good, and there it is.” We are having a son.

“Congratulations, it’s a boy. I understand there’s more people to see.” About that time there are heads sticking in the room. I refuse to move. This is Callie’s and my time.

Everyone finally moves in the door. The doctor lets everyone see and I can’t believe there isn’t a dry eye in the room except the doctor. Everyone says their congratulations and leave us. The nurse takes the DVD Callie has to record everything and she hands us pictures. The only thing that would make this day better is if I knew Callie was mine. One hell of a day.

Chapter 30


Today is the day. Callie has court at ten, and then I am whisking her away to Vegas to get married. She won’t know what hit her. She’s been back three weeks from Texas and I have not let her out of my sight except for when I was working. I missed that woman.

  Today is another milestone for us. Her divorce will finally be done. By tonight she will have my last name and I will finally get to claim what is mine. She’s been mine, but tonight she will feel it. The thought of fucking Callie is almost more than I can handle right now.  It has been four months of cold showers and my own hand. That’s the longest I have gone without since I was fourteen. It may have only been a blowjob but I had something. When I get inside her I am going to explode.

Devil is not coming for court and I am glad.  We can leave straight from the courthouse. She’s already packed and everything else is done. Gram helped me to make the plans. I called Chief and asked for her hand in marriage, biker style. I said she’s mine and we are doing it and he said he’d kill me if I ever hurt her and to call when we got back. Good enough. I also let Devil know. I think that’s why he isn’t showing up. I called Diamondback to let him know. His cancer is in remission right now but he doesn’t sound good. His goal is to see the baby. He’ll make it now.

I don’t go in to the courtroom with Callie. She said it is her job to do it on her own. I let her know I am here in case she needs me. She’s so damn independent. She has a heavy heart today. She feels like she has failed. I don’t know what to say about that. If she hadn’t failed, as she puts it, I wouldn’t have her. I’m glad, is all I can say.

  Now I just have to keep her safe from the shit we have brewing. Every day the danger seems to escalate. We just have to be careful. I wish I could share with her, but I don’t want her to worry. That’s my job.

   I see her coming out of the courthouse and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Even at almost six months pregnant she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She takes my breath away. She sees me watching her and she comes over to the SUV and gets into the warmth. She leans over and kisses me softly on the lips.

“I believe you owe me a wedding. Or do you want the honeymoon first?” She winks at me. She knows exactly what she is doing to me.

“Don’t tempt me. We have a wedding to get to and you have a night full of surprises.” My voice is husky and I have a need for her. With that she kisses me again, deeper. I don’t know who moans the loudest. My cock is so hard I will have permanent zipper tracks. Next time I will go with some boxers. I didn’t take the time. “Hold on, baby. Next stop is the Serenity Chapel of Love.” We are on our way to the rest of our lives.

  Callie gets comfortable and it isn’t long before she’s sleeping. I’m glad I brought that pillow and blanket. It’ll be easier with her asleep.

I think of the time we’ve spent together and I hardly remember a time without her. She has consumed my life. I know her favorite color is black. A non-color as she says, or without color. I know her favorite ice cream is caramel roasted pecan right now, with crackers. She doesn’t like to kill flowers. She’d rather see them growing. She doesn’t want a store bought card. She says “Why spend so much money on someone else’s words when you can just write your own down for free?” She doesn’t like to shop. She’d rather be fishing or working on a car or on a bike. She says she doesn’t need diamonds. They’re only shiny. So are guns and they have better options. I love my woman. I love her tattoo of her brother’s name. I love that her tit is pierced. Even if she hasn’t let me play with it yet. Her belly button is pierced too, but her doctor told her to take it out until after the baby is born. She said she’d redo it afterwards. She is perfect for me.

Chapter 31


  I wake up right as we get to the chapel. I flip my visor down and run a brush through my hair and reapply my lip balm. Good as it gets these days.

I look down at my dress and it has a few wear wrinkles, but it is ok. My cowboy boots top it off. Ready for a wedding. Dra hasn’t quit smiling since I have been watching him.

“You ready to become Mrs. Andrew Draven? All we have to do is walk in. Let’s start the rest of our life.” I nod my head. He gets out and walks around and opens my door. He reaches in and takes my hand and helps me out. “Let’s start the rest of our life together.” That’s it, not only did he melt my heart, but my panties too. I want this man.

We head in to the chapel and are met by a sweet lady who takes all our information. Dra goes back to the SVU to get something and comes back with a single daisy. I almost cry. He hands it to me and kisses my cheek. He takes out four pictures and then he leads me to the front of the chapel. The man to marry us is at the front and the lady has made her way up there with another lady. They stand on each side of us and play some soft music. The lights are turned down and Dra lines the pictures up on the pews behind us. There is a picture of his family, his dad, mom, Krill, and Grams. The next picture is one taken when I was at Dad’s this last time. It has Diamondback, Sarah, Hanna, and Fe in it. The next one is my family, Dad, Ty, Uncle Trent and Blake, Aunt Laura and me. The last is a picture of Tommy, Grandma, and me. Our family is all represented. We can do this. My man thinks of everything. A thought flashes through my mind, I try to ignore it, but it is there. Kylar. He’s family, too. I push it away.

  The man asks if we want him to speak or if we had vows and Dra surprises me by saying he has vows. Really? The man of few words has vows? Ok, now is the time for the vows. He looks to me and I know exactly what I want to say.

  I take Dra’s hand and look into his eyes. “Andrew Stephen Draven, I’ll love you every day until I die. I give you my heart, my soul, my body, my loyalty, and my honesty. I will be your friend, confidant, wife, ol’ lady, lover, and your life, as you are mine. I promise to keep you on your toes and keep it interesting. Forever my love. I love you.” I have a tear running down my cheek and Dra wipes it away with a kiss.

  The man looks at Dra and waits.

  “Ok, Callie. You are the only woman I have ever truly loved. I love you more every day. With all my heart. With all I am. I wasn’t whole, but I didn’t know. Until your hand touched my soul. You’ll never be alone again. Until my dying day and beyond. Two souls and hearts bound as one. For now, and eternity. I love you.” Dra reaches in and kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear. “I love you.”

The man goes ahead and says some words, but it is pretty much a blur until the end. I keep going over the beautiful words my tough biker just gave to me. I will cherish them forever. I will never forget a word. They are burnt in my soul. Then I am brought back to attention.

“Do you Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black take Andrew Stephen Draven as your lawfully wedded husband?” The man asks.

  “I do.” Of course I do. I can’t take my eyes off Dra.

“Do you Andrew Stephen Draven take Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The man asks Dra.

  “I do.” Dra keeps his eyes on me.

Before I know it the ceremony is done. I am now Callie Draven. Heck yeah!

Dra pays the lady and gathers our pictures from the pews. We get the three pictures that were taken during the wedding and we are headed for our hotel.

Chapter 32


The trip to the motel is a blur. I couldn’t get us here fast enough. The woman at the front desk seemed to be taking her time, but I was rude enough to get her to put a rush on it. As soon as the elevator doors close, I have Callie in my arms. I can barely believe she is finally mine. I give Callie a soft kiss. I know not to deepen it or we’ll never make it all the way to our room. It seems like my cock has been constantly hard for the last three months. As soon as the elevator doors open I move Callie to the door of our room. I drop the bags I’m carrying and open the door and scoop Callie up and carry here in. I grab the Do Not Disturb sign and slip it on the outside of the door and pick our bags up and slam the door and lock it.

  I see right away our food cart is already here in our room and our bed is turned back. That is the end of my control. Callie better be ready because I have to have her. I’ll be as gentle as I can. I’d never hurt her intentionally, but my control is gone.

  I turn to look at Callie and crook my finger at her to come closer. She kicks her boots off and comes towards me. When she is almost to me she jumps and I catch her in mid-air. She wraps her legs around me and I am in heaven. I take her mouth in a deep kiss. I am demanding control, and she gives it. I lead her back to the chair and turn around and ease myself into the chair never losing her luscious lips and warm mouth.

I know I need to slow down, but I need in her now. I reach down and pull her dress over her head. I would hope I’m being gentle enough for her, but I know I’m not. I pull her bra down to expose her swollen pierced nipple and put it in my mouth. I suck on it with a vengeance. I play with the barbell. I take her other nipple in between my fingers and pull and then massage. I hear a wild moan leave her lips. I nearly lose it. I grab her bra and tear it from her. Too many clothes. I lift my hips to undo my jeans and Callie is trying to help.

  There is nothing sweet or slow about this. We are two people who both need a fast release. As soon as my jeans are down Callie has her hand trying to get to my cock. She can’t do that or I will erupt. I rip her panties from her and get my hands on her hips. I feel her wet pussy on my skin. She is so hot and wet. Her heat is burning me up. She takes my cock in her hand and I almost lose it, but she has me lined up and I push up into her. She is so fucking tight. She fits me like a glove. I have to hold her still. I don’t want to come too fast. I have to control this.

  I take a hold of her hips and start to move her up and down slowly. I need to make this good for her, even if it is going to end fast. I go to her other nipple and start to lick on it and take it in my mouth and suck on it. I bite down to give her a little pain and she goes crazy trying to move. She is panting as hard as I am. We find our rhythm and I know I’m going to blow. I feel it moving up my spine and then she moves her hand between us and I see her playing with her clit and I can’t wait anymore. I take her hips and go in deep and fast. One stroke. She is clamping down on me with her slick hot cunt. Oh shit. “Callie fuck! I’m going to come.” I can’t help it, I have to feel it.

“Dra, I’m coming. It is so fucking good. Dra now.” Callie is clamping down tight and I still feel my seed shooting up inside her. I’m still pushing up into her. She is squeezing me tight. I have never felt so damn good.  Nothing has ever felt so fucking good. I’m home. Callie is my home. I have made her mine. All mine, and I will never let her go.

“I love you so damn much! You are mine and I will never let you go. We belong together.” Damn this woman owns me.

Callie starts laughing. Not a time for laughter. I look at her and myself and I start to laugh too. “We could have at least gotten all your clothes off. I’m naked and my clothes are in shreds but you’re still half dressed.” I look down at myself and she’s right.

“Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” I start to look Callie over but she is smiling.

“I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine. I am so happy.” Callie starts kissing my face and I begin to think maybe we can do this again before we move. Slower this time, but I hear Callie’s stomach growl. Time to feed my babies.

I slap Callie’s ass lightly and nudge her. “Get up, babe. I need to feed you.” I feel how wet Callie is now but her sliding up is very tempting. I groan as she gets up. I want back in her heat. I get up and toe my boots off and take my pants off. Then I rush in the bathroom and clean up a little. I wash my hands and get Callie a clean warm rag and take it back to her. She’s acting all shy and goes into the bathroom while I set our food out and wait. After I get the food all set I reach into my bag and grab a pair of gym shorts and I hear Callie come over to join me. She reaches in and gets one of my t-shirts and slips it over her head. It falls past her knees, but it the cutest thing I have ever seen.

“Let’s feed the baby.” I take her by the hand and lead her over to our food. I kiss the top of her head and sit her on my lap. Not letting her go for a while. I feel so much in this moment. Callie makes me feel so much. I take a slice of orange and feed it to her. The way she moves her lips around the slice makes my cock twitch. It won’t be long until we are naked again. I have no intention of getting any sleep tonight.

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