Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2)
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  “Betsy, Hawser, and Dra were all there.” Oh crap. Dra is hurt. I start to get out of bed.

“I need to get to him dad. He’s hurt and he needs me.” I see the tears in dad’s eyes he won’t let fall and I know. I know my heart is gone. “No! No Dad! He’s there and he’s hurt I need to go.”

  “No, Baby Girl. They’re all gone. The explosion completely destroyed the motel. Baby, he is gone. I am so sorry.” Dad is trying to comfort me.

  “How is Krill? Is he ok?” My mind is wandering. Why? Why would anyone do this? “Who did this dad? Why?” I need to know.

“From the intel we have uncovered, the Troubled Fathom MC have had problems with some marijuana growers. They have been getting threats. The MC own some land the growers want. Howser wouldn’t sell. This is the reason Dra wanted you gone. I swear I didn’t know. We could have tried to help. No one knew. Krill said they thought they could handle it. Krill is waiting on you for arrangements. He said for you to stay put and stay safe. It is what Dra would have wanted. We are all going for the services when you feel up to it.” My head is swirling with information. How could I have not known? I wouldn’t have left. How could he not tell me? I’m too tired to process.

“Mrs. Draven, I am giving you something for sleep. You need rest.” The nurse is putting something in my IV drip with a needle. I can’t respond. I can’t think. I can’t feel. I sink down in my bed and let the darkness take me. I thought it would be peaceful but all I get is haunting dreams of screams, explosions, and fire.

Chapter 37


  I watch Callie in her fitful sleep. She tosses and turns and cries out. I almost think I would be helping her if I woke her up, but then she would be hit with the harsh reality of life. I don’t know how much more she can take. I want to protect her, but trouble has a way of finding her. No one has left the hospital but the women. We know Callie is going to need us all.

  Our son is perfect. He has all the goodness I had left inside him. I lost the rest of my heart when I looked at him for the first time. I will do whatever I have to, to keep him and Callie safe. Callie is going to be hell bent for revenge. I will make sure she gets what she needs, but after that she will be going home with me. I promised and I keep my promises. I see her eyes flutter open.

Callie sets up in bed slowly and she looks around the room. Her eyes lock on Kellan. I go and pick him up and take him to her. I lay him in her arms and she kisses his head and holds him close. She opens up his blanket and I see her checking out his fingers and his toes. “He’s perfect.”

“He is that and more. Thank you, Callie. You gave him to us.” She wraps him back up.

“We gave him to us. Part you and part me.” Callie is staying strong.

  The nurse comes in and looks at Callie and the baby. “Time to try and feed the baby. Let’s see if he will latch on. Don’t be discouraged if he doesn’t. It’s not as easy as it looks. Baby and mom just have to work together.” I know I should leave but I don’t want to miss this.

“Should I step out?” The nurse looks at me like she thinks I’ve lost it. Callie smiles.

“We’re not together, but he is the father. No Devil. It’s fine. It’s not like it’s a peep show. It won’t be the last time you see it.” She’s telling the nurse but letting me know I can stay. To me this has to be one of the best bonding experiences between child and parent and I don’t want to miss any of it.

The nurse helps Callie position Kellan and he latches on like a champ. That’s my boy. Never let a meal pass you up. It is beautiful. I was afraid I wouldn’t get this. The nurse leaves and Kellan gets full enough and we put him back down. I’m thinking Callie may go back to sleep but she has a determined look on her face.

“I need everyone back in here. I need an update on Krill and what’s going on. I need my phone.” She puts her hand up to stop me from speaking. “I know you’re going to tell me to rest. Part of my family is gone. No one does that without paying. Everyone has repeated for me to come to you for help. I am. We can either do this together or I will do it myself. Your choice.” Well, she is right. I shoot a text to Chief and it isn’t long until all the men who care about Callie are standing in front of her. This room is full of men.

“She wants our help. She put it in a way I can’t refuse her. Hear her out.” Chief is looking at me like I am crazy and Diamondback has the same look.

“What gives you the right to say anything about my daughter?”

I start to answer but Callie beats me to it.

“Dra gave him the say. You heard it as well as I did. When Dra came to me yesterday he reminded me of it. Dad you know what Grandma told us. Spirits come to us in our sleep to finish unfinished business. He reminded me what he told me about Devil. Call it what you want. I believe it, but we have other business.” I thought I would have to fight with her over it but maybe not. “What have you found out? Do you know who did it? I have my plan and you can either help or leave me alone to do it myself.” Diamondback is shaking his head.

“Little girl, has anyone told you that you just had a baby? You have to give your body time to heal.” He is muttering something under his breath.

“If you have something to say, say it where it can be heard or keep it to yourself.” Callie is no mood to put up with shit today. Diamondback is going to see her bad side real soon.

“I said you’re a real chip off the old block. Stubborn as hell and you can act like a real bitch when you want to be.” I step into Diamondbacks space and get in his face.

“No one calls Callie a bitch.” I push him back but he doesn’t back down.

“Damn, this group is wound up tight. I didn’t call her a bitch. I said she can act like one. Take it down a notch.” He can take it down a notch. All I see is red.

  “Ok. Callie, it was marijuana growers. They want to put a large hot house on some land Hawser and the club own. Also had something to do with two men who disappeared a little while ago, cousins, Abe and Harold. The men who want the land were relatives. You know anything about that?” Callie is weighing her words. “Tell us Callie. We can’t help if we don’t know it all.”

“Don’t know anything about any land, but this Abe and Harold, I met. Actually I shot Harold. The day after I got to Colorado. I was with Gram having breakfast and they came in and were trying to get back at the club. He rushed me and I knee capped him. Club got there and took over. End of story.” Damn this girl is always in trouble.

“Why am I just now finding out about this?” Chief is waiting. Callie smiles.

“Club business and not yours. Do you know how long I have waited to say that?” Chief is not amused.

“So my daughter carries a gun, too?” Diamondback sounds quite amused.

“Yes!” Chief, Mase, and Ty say at the same time.

“Ok. Did the man live?” Chief wants to make sure no one is coming after Callie next.

“Of course, dad. I just knee capped him, not killed him. Club took him away.” Sounds like the club got rid of them. “Ok, I need to talk to Krill then we can talk.”

“Baby Girl, you are a mom now, besides that, you know club takes care of things, not you. You will take a sideline and take care of my grandson.” Shouldn’t have said that.

  “No dad. You can either do this with me or I will do it by myself. My son will be safe, but this is my job to take care of and no one will sideline me. Take it or leave it. You know I will go alone. I want your help, but I am more than capable of taking care of it myself. You are the one that taught me. No one messes with family. This was part of my family. The man I love.” Callie is not giving in. She will have to be involved.

She’s holding her phone in her hand when it rings. She looks at the caller ID and a tear runs down her face. This could only be one person.

  “Krill how are you and what can I do? I’ll be there as soon as they will let me out. Tomorrow morning at the latest.” She listens to him. “Can I have some privacy please?” We all look at each other and we each head for the door. I am the last one and stop and turn.

“I’ll be right outside.” Then I leave her. I want to take away her pain but I know it’s not happening. She will feel it for some time to come.

Chapter 38


  Kellan is tucked away safe with Kat and Steel. I know I can trust them and their house has become a fortress. They have everything they need.

Krill and I have a plan, and as soon as we get there the better it will be. We are going to the memorial in force. Some of Feral Steel MC, most BlackPath MC and all of the Rebellions 4Blood MC. We will arrive only hours before the memorial. No one will know our numbers before we arrive. We’re coming from three different directions. I’m riding behind my dad. Devil didn’t like it, but it is what is needed.

The trip is long. We go to the clubhouse and shower and Krill lets everyone know the plan. Dad wants me with Krill, but it is not happening.

I go into Dra’s and my room at the club for the last time. I know after this is over I won’t be back. There are other clubs here and everyone has given me condolences. I go inside and take a quick shower and put on my property cut and my riding leathers. I am sore from the long ride, but I did just give birth. I go through everything and put everything I want in a box to be shipped to me and leave the rest maybe someone can get use out of. The last thing I put in the box is the pregnancy pictures we took. I was so nervous to ask Dra to do them. Since Kellan wasn’t his I didn’t know if he would want to. He told me to quit being silly. I love that man. He said I was his beautiful wife and he would love to have such sweet pictures taken. If I’d only known. I wipe the tears from my eyes.

I know this will be a hard day, but it has to be done. I check my guns and make sure I have my knife and lighter. Time to go say good-bye to Dra, Hawser, and Gram.

I make my way back up the hall and see Krill coming out of the office. “You ready for this, Sis?” I nod my head yes, but can’t make my voice work. Krill and I hold hands going down the hall afraid to let go of the other.

We walk outside and everyone is waiting. We are bringing up the back of the procession. Krill leads with the remaining members. There is a limo for some of the ol’ ladies. The other visiting clubs follow them and we are at the back. This time I ride alone in Dra’s four wheel drive truck. We proceed through town. I get the same looks from town people that I got from other members of the Troubled Fathoms MC and visiting clubs. They think I am disrespecting Dra by not riding up front with Krill.

  We follow the procession to the grave yard but when they go into the gates we turn and head to the other side of town and vengeance. This is the only time they wouldn’t expect us. They would think we would all be at the memorial service, but that is what we wanted them to think.

We speed down the road. We knew our targets. We split in two groups so we could approach from two sides. I can see the house now. I never slow down. I hit the side of the house at full speed. We had taken the air bag out so I wouldn’t get a broken nose. I hear people yelling and wood busting. The jolts and jerking is going to leave marks, but at this point I feel nothing but relief. As soon as the truck stops I hear the bullets going by me. I slide down the door of the truck. I know all my guys are outside and I have to get there. I make my way out of the house and I hear Devil’s motorcycle and he stops in front of me. I get on his bike and when we are gone I count to twenty and I hit the switch. The house goes up.

The explosives on the truck leave hardly anything and then there is a second explosion. I want to think that was my little surprise. I look behind me and the guys have lit the grass up and the greenhouse behind the house. It will all be ash. Then we head to our second target. We make it to the abandoned house that Hawser had. The growers wanted it bad, so we light it up too, with the surrounding grounds. This property and the last will be soaked in chlorine within the hour. We make two more stops the same way and then it is done. We found out Lottie helped them set this up. She was dealt with swiftly by Krill. We make our way back to the clubhouse. Everyone is there waiting for us. We all walk into the clubhouse. Krill is the first one to us.

“Is it all done, Sis? We saw smoke even at the graveyard. Did you take care of it all? Anything left for us?” I don’t feel better at all. All I feel is hollow.

“It’s done Krill. It’s your job to keep them gone. They got a taste of hell today.” Krill takes me in his arms and hugs me and I cry. I cry for the man I loved with all my heart. I cry for the woman I had come to love as my Gram. I cry for a man I respected because he loved his family as hard as he fought. I cry for the family I wanted with Dra. This world lost a man with a giant heart. I cried for it all with no shame.

Chapter 39


6 months later…

  It’s hard to believe it has been six months since Dra’s burial. I went and visited Dra’s grave before we left, but it was hard. I make sure flowers are sent every week. I send them for all three sites. I talk to Krill at least once a week. He’s coming to visit soon. I worry about him. When I am strong enough I will go back and visit. I know one day I will get comfort from it the way I do visiting Tommy.

  Uncle Blake retired before we went to Colorado for Dra’s funeral. He road with us that day in Colorado.  Now he is taking his place with Dad at the BlackPath MC. He has joined ZMan in the enforcer position.

Dad and Kim had their baby. That is their story to tell, though.

  I moved back to Oklahoma with Devil. At first it was because it was what Dra wanted, but Devil has proven himself to me. He always puts me and Kellan first. He is very thoughtful of my feelings of Dra. I still keep that one pregnancy picture of Dra and myself in my room. Yes, I have my own room. I haven’t moved past Dra that fast. He’s still in my heart, but I know he wants me safe and happy.

Today I went to visit Tommy. Dad is on Grandpa duty. He loves that position. I brought Tommy his single flower and I have told him everything new about his namesake. I also told him about Dra. It helps to talk to my brother. He’s a good listener. I let him know all my fears. I know Devil wants us to be a real family. I want it too, but I just can’t have any more loss or hurt. I’m sitting beside the grave and I am deep in thought but I hear a whisper in the air. I know. They want me happy. I know what I have to do.

I pick my son up and call Kat. She is going to do some babysitting for me tonight. She’s always happy to. She says I need to leave Kellan more. Thank goodness for grandmas.

I make it home and take the baby to Kat. She said Devil and Stone are at the club. I rush home and shower and get dressed. I dress in a pair of cut offs and tank top.  I blow dry my hair and leave it in a disheveled look. My hair has grown out to the top of my backside now and it is hard to do much with it in a hurry. I put on some make-up, which I rarely do. Just a little mascara and some shadow to give me smoky eyes and then some gloss on my lips. I put on some lotion and my chucks. I have a mission and I won’t be sidetracked.

  I make to the club and walk in. Devil and Stone’s backs are to me and there aren’t many people here. I see Stone has his arm around one of the club girls. I believe her name is Tallulah. She is a nice girl. But the one slinking up to Devil is only doing it because she saw me come in. She is one of those that wants to be an ol’ lady any way she can get it. Devil has sent her packing many times but this time he isn’t pushing her away. Not fast enough for my liking any way.

“Damn Devil, why not just your dick sucked if that bitch is not going to put out for you? She has always had a stick stuck up her ass. You’ve had her in your house for six fucking months and your hand is the only kind of action you get.” Stone is laying it on thick. Did my husband not just get killed? Ok. Calm down. Devil has done nothing wrong.

  “That’s right, honey. That bitch is never going to be yours. Why don’t you take me back to your room like the other day?” That’s it. Had enough. Then Devil pushes her off.

“Don’t call Callie a bitch. I haven’t touched you bitch, or anyone. Even if I never touch her again, she is better than you and Stone shut your fucking mouth, brother. She’s the mother of my child and don’t disrespect her.” My heart just exploded with love for Devil. He does love me.

I walk over to Stone and get up in his face. “You have a problem with me say it. Don’t be nice to me to my face and talk about me behind my back.” Stone looks like he could swallow his tongue but he recovers soon enough.

Then I walk over to Prissy and pick her up by the front of her shirt. “Bitch that is my man you’re talking to and if you approach him again I will throat punch you to hell and crawl in behind you and then whip your ass. Do we have that clear? I’m claiming him here and now for everyone to hear before his club.” I look at the few members here and I see Steel come in the back door. Didn’t think he would leave the house but guess he knew something was up.

“Well, it’s about damn time. Prissy find someone else or get out.” He then turns to Stone. “What’s your problem? Just because Kizzy was a bitch doesn’t mean every woman is.”

I feel Devil’s strong arms around me. “Do you mean it? You’re mine again? Damn, I love you.” With that my air is cut off. Devil is giving me a kiss that takes my breath away. “I am claiming this woman before my club. She is my woman. She is my ol’ lady. She is mine.” I can see Devil is taking no chances this time.

  “I mean it. I love you Devil. I am yours. For as long as I live.” Devil spins me around. I think he is happy.

“Done deal. You two have made the claim now. Devil, I expect to see that property patch tomorrow. You know you still have it.”  Steel is taking no chances. He seems happy Devil made his claim and I’ve made mine. “Now we have Kellan tonight so go celebrate right.” That’s all it took. Devil scoops me up over his shoulder and swats my backside and I love every single second of it. He heads us back to his room and everyone cheers us on but Stone. He stares at the back wall.



The End for Now……….

Coming summer 2016 Holding Out For Forever.

Chief & Kim’s story.









Never Ever

PT. 2

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