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Authors: 101 Places Not to See Before You Die

BOOK: Catherine Price
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North Korea, 49–51, 205–206


garbage dumps, 198

testing sites, 197

Nudes, Running of the, 36

nurdle(s), 31, 101

nyotaimori, 65–66


O le nu’u-o-nonoa, 25

Oklahoma, Picher, 121–122

Old Firm Derby, 174–175

Onondaga, Lake, 90–91

opium dens, 98

Orange, Texas, 114

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, 67–68


Pacific Ocean, 62–64, 100–101, 157–158

pack-mules, large budget for, 114

paella, worst, 39–41

Pakistan, 82, 114, 144–145

Pamplona, Spain, 34–36

pancake(s), macerated 220

Paris, Siege of, 23

peat bog(s) and sumo wrestling costumes, 202

“Pee Boy,” Little, 172–173

penis(es), 18–19, 172–173, 209–210

Pennsylvania, 98–99

period, getting your, 14–17

Peru, 171

PETA, 35–36

Petak, 228–229

phallic rocks, 18–19

pig lagoon(s), bottom of, 221–222

Pike’s Place, 180–181


Jeanneke, 173

Manneken, 172–173

Pittsburgh, 98–99

plane crashes, 84

platza treatment(s), 131

playa foot, 218

poison oak, 176–177

Poland, 144


Isaac, 40–41

Michael, 39–40

porn convention, Las Vegas, xiv, 200–201

Powderhouse Hill, 72–73

prawns, world–weary, 40

prison(s), 105–106, 228–229

prostitutes, 79

pseudo-testes, 210


rabbi(s), twelve-inch, 81

rash(es), debilitating, 176–177, 231

rat pate, 23

rebar, wounds from, 207–208

Reef, Kingman, 62–64

religious theme park(s), 123–125

rendering plants, 184–185

Rendezvous Mountain, 74–75

Rhino, Yamaha, 146–147

riding chaps, leather, 49

rime ice, covering your body, 107–108

river of human excrement, 23

Roach, Mary, 54

Rocky Mountain Oysters, 1–2

Rome, 8, 159–160, 194–195

rotten eggs, stench of, 119

Running of the Nudes, 36

rush hour, Samoa, 52–53

Rushmore, Mount, 92–93

Russia, 109–110, 228–229

Russian & Turkish baths, 130–131


salt mine tourism, 144–145

Sam Kee Building, 98–99

Samoa, 52–53

San Jose, California, 20–22

sausage flies, 163–164

Schultz, Patricia, xiii

Scotland, 174–175


fake 210

on toilet seats, 188

Seattle, 180–181

security detail, your own, 128–129

selling dirt, 152

Service Area, Grover Cleveland, 78–79

sewage, xiv, 60–61, 90–91, 161, 222

sex museum(s), 188–189

Shambala, 114

Shangri-La, 113–114

shark-baiting, 63, 157–158

sheep, unlawful slaughtering of, 25

sherpa(s), risking the lives of, 139

shipwreck(s), 62

shit, 3–4, 60–61, 221–222

shooting range(s), 94–95

shrunken heads, 225

Sichuan Province, 114

Simons, Eric, 168–170

Skardu Valley, 114


quaint, 72–73

ridiculous, 74–75

skinniest buildings, 98–99

sloth-like thing(s), green, 168–170

Sohra, India, 223

Solnit, Rebecca, 102–104

South America, 123–125, 148–149, 168–170, 171

South China Mall, 150–151

South Dakota, 42–44, 92–93

South Korea, 30–33, 49–51

Soviet Union, 80–81, 102, 105, 109–110, 152, 205

Spain, 34–36, 39–41, 103

spam subject lines, room where created, 80–81

special area(s) for naughty children, 151

speedboat(s), stupid, 76–77

sports fans, crazy, 174–175

spotted hyena birth canal, 209–210

Stari Grad, 234–236

Stark, H. J. Lutcher, 114

STD(s), 8

steam room, Russian & Turkish baths, 130–131

stone genitalia, 18–19

Stonehenge, 142–143

“stressed” is desserts spelled backwards
, 22

Strip, Las Vegas, 196–197

stroboscopic zoetrope(s), in Nevada desert, 218

sulphuric acid, 118–119

Sumqayit, 152

sunblock, a serious need for, 171

sun, 118

Superfund site(s), 90–91, 121–122

supervolcano, 190–191

sushi, naked, 65–66

swine flu, 134–136, 140–141

Switzerland, 75

Syracuse, New York, 90–91


Tap Water, Beijing Museum of, 10–11

Tar Creek, 121–122

Tartarus, 25

Tecnu, 177

Templestay Korea, 30–33

Tennessee, 115–116

testicle(s), 1, 75, 81, 160

festival, 1–2

Texas, 96, 100, 114, 207–208

Thailand, 18–19

Thing, The, 224–225

Third Infiltration Tunnel, 49–51

Third Tunnel of Aggression, 50

1362, places not to be in, 153–154

Tibet, 113

tide, scum-dappled, 201

Tierra del Fuego, 102–104, 168–170

Tierra Santa theme park, 123–125

Times Square, New Year’s Eve in, 69–71

toilet(s), 14–17, 71, 189, 218

Tokyo, Japan, 65–66, 85–86, 211–212

Traction Park, 58–59

Troost, J. Maarten, 120

Tupperware Museum, 54

turd on shoe, 3

Turkey, 120

Turnpike, New Jersey, 78–79

2021, Outdoor Weddings in, 55–57


UNESCO World Heritage Site, 9, 144

United States, 1–2, 20–22, 25–26, 42–44, 45–46, 47–48, 54, 55–57, 58–59, 60–61, 67–68, 69–71, 72–73, 74–75, 76–77, 78–79, 87–89, 90–91, 92–93, 94–95, 98–99, 107–108, 111–112, 115–116, 121–122, 130–131, 137–138, 176–177, 180–181, 190–191, 196–199, 200–201, 207–208, 215–216, 217–219, 220, 221–222, 224–225, 226–227

urinating statue(s), 172–173

urine, lukewarm, 86

Utah, 226–227


Vancouver, 98–99

Varrigan City, 182–183

Vatican City, 182

Venus, 118

videogames, violent, 182–183

volunteering, interesting opportunities for, 207–208

vomitorium, the truth, 126–127


wakame sake, 66

Wales, 202–203

Wall Drug, 42–44

Walt Whitman Cinnabon franchise, 79

Washington state, 180–181

waterfalls, falling off of, 120,

wave pools, crowded, 85–86

White Shark Café, 157–158

Whittier, Alaska, 87–89

whores, plastic, 123

Wiener’s Circle, 137–138

Winchester Mystery House, 20–22

Winchester, Sarah, 20–22

wounds, licking open, 230–231

Wyoming, 74–75, 190–191


Yamaha Rhino, 146–147

Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon, 114

Yellowstone, 190–191

YMCA dance, by coersion, 76–77

yoga, Bikram, 230–231

Yucatan peninsula, xiv, 213–214

Yungas, 165–167


Zabbaleen, 140–141

Zhongdian, 114

Ziploc bag, urinating in a, 15

Zoroastrianism, 25

Copyright © 2010 by Catherine Price. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Price, Catherine, 1978–

  101 places not to see before you die/by Catherine Price.—1st ed.

     p. cm.

  Summary: “A spirited, ingenious, tongue-in-cheek guide to some of the least appealing destinations and experiences in the world”—Provided by publisher.

  Includes index.

  ISBN 978-0-06-178776-8

  1. sc22 2010004502

EPub Edition © 2010 ISBN:9780062000040

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Not kidding.

Steps 2 and 3 may be combined.

It’s actually not. Measured from base to summit, Mauna Kea in Hawaii is taller, if mostly underwater.

Not to be confused with Vatican City.

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