Caught by Menace (27 page)

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Authors: Lolita Lopez

BOOK: Caught by Menace
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safe, one for testing and the other for teaching.

Naya’s smal firearm was in a drawer near the door.

He retrieved the unloaded weapon and removed four

magazines from a nearby drawer. He didn’t keep many

of these old-school projectile rounds on the ship. They

were so antiquated that only he and Venom had any

were so antiquated that only he and Venom had any

proficiency with the projectile weapons.

“Before I give this to you, we need to discuss the

safety procedures down here.” Menace pocketed the

magazines and carried the gun out of the safe. As he led

Naya to a shooting station, he walked her through the

rules and regulations of the range. To be sure she was

paying attention, he made her repeat them and quizzed

her on what to do if she had a jam or a misfire. Satisfied

with her answers, he instructed her to put on her safety

gear and handed over her weapon and one magazine.

Like an expert marksman, Naya checked the weapon.

Holding it with the muzzle pointed downrange, she puled

back the slide along the top of the barrel twice to ensure

the chamber was empty. Satisfied it was clear, she

examined the magazine to be sure it had been loaded

properly. She smacked the magazine into place, racked

the slide again to force a round into the chamber and ran

her finger over the safety to ensure it was locked.

“Fuck, Naya,” Menace swore loudly. “That is the

sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

She laughed and shot him an amused grin. “Whatever

happened to your no bad language rule?”

“Yeah, that went right out the window the second you

“Yeah, that went right out the window the second you

picked up that gun and showed it who was boss.”

Menace moved behind her and touched the target

control built into the station’s frame. “If your aim is as

good as mine, it’s al over, honey. I might have to take

you right here.”

Naya glanced over her shoulder. “You’re joking.”

Gripping her hips, Menace pressed his erection against

her soft backside. “Does that feel like a joke?”

“No, but it sure feels like a violation of your range

safety rules.”

Laughing, Menace put on his safety glasses and

headphones. He tapped her shoulder twice to let her

know she was clear to fire. She flicked off the safety,

took aim and fired her first round. She hit close to the

center target, close enough to tel him that she knew

exactly what she was doing with that gun. She popped

off two more and moved closer to the highest target


When she’d emptied the first magazine and stopped to

reload, Menace took the opportunity to adjust her

stance. “You’re a damn good shot but you could be even



To his surprise, she didn’t give him her usual attitude

when he tried to correct her.

“Show me.”

Menace wasn’t about to pass up the chance to teach

her or to put his hands on her hips and arms. Ever the

good student, Naya folowed his instructions to the letter

and vastly improved her accuracy and precision. By the

end of the fourth magazine, he was already making plans

to bring her back and let her try out different firearms in

the arsenal.

Back in the gun safe, he reloaded the four magazines

and tucked them into their drawers. He made quick

adjustments to the inventory and did a final sweep of the

range to make sure everything was cleared away and

tidied. The layers of balistics gel and magnets behind the

projectile targets had caught the bulets fired by her. The

spent casings were nabbed by the vacuum sensors on the

floor of the shooting station.

“Thank you,” she said as he closed down the range

and locked the door. “This was actualy a realy sweet

thing for you to do.”

Menace tucked her unloaded firearm into his empty

thigh holster. “I knew the moment I Grabbed you that

thigh holster. “I knew the moment I Grabbed you that

you were the woman for me.”

“Oh realy?” Now she was laughing at him.

“Yes.” He snatched her by the waist and dragged her

into the smal engineering access room just inside his

office. “Any woman that thinks an afternoon at the gun

range is sweet is a woman after my heart.”

Giggling, Naya kissed him. “Why are we in a closet?”

“Why do you think?” The blinking lights from the

ship’s systems and the miles of communication conduits

and cables glowed al around them.

“I think we’re going to get into trouble. Aren’t there

cameras al over this ship?”

“Not in here,” he answered. “There’s too much

interference from al this stuff to let them work properly.

Now lift up your skirt and let me take off your panties.”

“Menace!” she hissed. “We can’t have sex in here.”

“We can and we are.” He dropped to his knees and

shoved her skirt out of the way. If she wanted to play

hard to get, he would just have to play harder. He

gripped her inner thighs and forced them wide apart. The

soles of her shoes whooshed as they slid across the slick

floor. He grasped the fabric of her panties and puled it

floor. He grasped the fabric of her panties and puled it

out of the way.

“No, Menace! You can’t—oh fuck!”

This was one time he didn’t mind her exclamation. He

sucked her clit right between his lips. Her hands flew to

his head but she didn’t try to force him away from her

sex. Her capitulation only confirmed what he already

knew. She couldn’t resist him any more than he could

resist her.

Intoxicated by his need for her, Menace lashed her

pussy with his tongue. He coaxed her clit out from its

hood and fluttered his tongue over the sweling bud. She

moaned his name and scratched her nails over his scalp.

The fiery sensation she evoked made his toes buzz.

Loving her taste, he lapped at her pussy until she hovered

right on the edge.

When he puled his mouth from between her legs, she

groaned in protest. He made quick work of freeing his

cock and grasping the backs of her thighs. She placed

her hands on a wide, strong bar that ran around the room

and lifted her ass so he could jerk her panties down her

legs. Balancing with one hand, she reached down and

grabbed his dick. She pressed him into her wet entrance.

He thrust forward and impaled her on his cock.

He thrust forward and impaled her on his cock.

Gripping his shoulders now, she let him bear her

weight and fuck her as if he were a wild man. Cheek-to-

cheek, they panted and moaned. She clawed at his back

and whispered his name again and again. In their month

together, he’d grown so attuned to her body and her

needs. A shift in the angle of his penetration and sinking

his teeth into her neck sent her over the edge with a

screech of pleasure. He surrendered to the sheer delight

of her pussy gripping and squeezing his cock. Bals-deep,

he shuddered and shot his seed.

She lovingly stroked the back of his head while they

both tried to recover from the intensity of their quickie.

Smiling, he licked the spot he’d marked with his teeth

and kissed it gently. Now seemed like a good time to tel

her about his plans for their evening. Sated and sleepy

with afterglow, she was less likely to whack him upside

the head.

“We’re going out tonight.”

“Dinner, right?”

“Not exactly,” he said carefuly and puled back

enough to meet her questioning gaze. “I’m taking you to

the officers’ club.”

the officers’ club.”


“I’m taking you to the officers’ club. We’re going to

have some fun.” Before she could argue, he put his finger

to her mouth. “This isn’t up for discussion. We’re going.

You wil have a good time.”

“Wil I?” The tone of her voice warned him there

would be repercussions for his unilateral decision to take

her to the BDSM club.

“You don’t scare me, sweetheart.” He kissed her hard

and deep and then let her slide to the floor.

Naya righted her clothing. “Brave words from a man

who is bringing my sidearm back into our quarters.”

He wanted to believe she was joking, but she was just

feisty enough to be serious. “It’s unloaded.”

She brushed by him and opened the door. Tapping his

chest, she smiled mischievously. “As if I’d let a little thing

like that stop me.”

Her breasts rubbed against his chest as she

disappeared out of the closet. He stepped out after her

and snatched her arm, hauling her tightly to his chest. He

pushed loose waves of hair behind her ear and peered

into her dark eyes. “Give this a chance, Naya.”

into her dark eyes. “Give this a chance, Naya.”

She exhaled roughly. “You could have asked me first.”

“I could have,” he agreed, “but I wanted to surprise


“Yeah, wel, mission accomplished.”

“Don’t be like that,” he whispered and kissed her

tenderly. “I arranged something especialy for you.”

Interest sparked in her eyes. “Oh?”

He let his hands travel the curve of her back to settle

on her backside. He gave her bottom a little swat and

she rose up on her toes. “Remember that film we

watched last week?”

Her shalow breaths and the faint blush of

embarrassment told him she did. “Um…yes.”

The moment her riveted attention had snapped to the

screen that evening in their quarters, he had recognized

that he had finaly uncovered her deepest, darkest

fantasy. He stil wasn’t sure if she wanted to live that

fantasy out in the flesh, so to speak. Tonight he planned

to get that answer.

Chapter Thirteen

Naya nervously adjusted the cups of the black leather

bra. She gazed at her reflection in the mirror and

wondered how in the hel she was ever going to work up

the courage to walk out that bathroom door. It was one

thing to prance around half-naked in their home, but quite

another to go to a club dressed like this.

The leather bra pushed her breasts up and together,

creating an obscene amount of cleavage. The tiny scrap

of fabric that was supposed to be panties barely covered

her privates and completely exposed her ass. Black

stockings with a wide lace band hugged her legs. Bright-

red pumps tilted her forward and made her legs look

longer and leaner.

Menace had given her the new outfit with such

excitement but she wasn’t exactly thriled by the idea of

letting other men see her like this. She enjoyed looking

sexy for him, but having strange guys ogling her? Not at

the top of her list of ways she wanted to spend a Friday


“Do you need some help?” Menace’s voice

“Do you need some help?” Menace’s voice

penetrated the door.

Naya picked up the strange black contraption that had

come with the outfit. She stil hadn’t figured out how it

worked. “Yes.”

The door opened but Menace didn’t come inside. She

met his gaze in the mirror. He looked taken aback. She

squirmed anxiously. “What?”

“Baby, you are
.” He crossed the distance

between them in two long strides. His appreciative hands

roamed her body. “So sexy.”

She could say the same about him. He wore leather

pants and a skintight black shirt that outlined al those

hard muscles of his chest and arms. His tattoos looked

even harsher on his tanned skin. The way he looked at

her made her pussy throb. She showed him the strange

leather belt with the dangling straps. “I don’t know what

this is.”

“It’s a garter belt.” He took it from her hand and

wrapped it around her waist. His strong fingers easily

snapped the silver studs together in the back. Hands on

her hips, he kissed his way down her back. She shivered

under his sensual touch. Kneeling behind her, Menace

under his sensual touch. Kneeling behind her, Menace

rubbed her bare upper thighs. “These straps clip on to

the tops of your stockings.”

“Oh.” She used the mirror to watch him fix the garter

belt. She touched the metal rings placed at each hipbone.

“What are these for?”

“Your cuffs.” He rose slowly and put his hands on her

shoulders. He dipped his nose into the high ponytail

she’d fixed according to his instruction. “I’l keep your

hands cuffed at your sides in the club.”

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