Caught in the Net (18 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #paranormal, #domestic discipline, #contemporary romance, #spanking

BOOK: Caught in the Net
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She scowled.  “And you’d let Michael do the same to

“If that is what was needed in their relationship, I
certainly would not stop it.  You and I both know there is no risk of abuse or
harm, and Michael needs to be who he is as much as Rich does.  It’s about
trust, not comfort.  As for Jen, that has to be between them.  Now go outside
and play for a while.  Wake me when you guys come back and we’ll have brunch.”

“Okay.  Thanks for taking care of my ow.”

She skipped downstairs to see Michael and Rich sipping
coffee with Scott, and Jen sitting cross-legged on the floor in cut off sweats
and one of Michael’s tee shirts.

“How’s the hand?” Scott asked, kissing her fingertips.

“Sore, but doing okay.  Are you going to come down
with us?”

“Nah, I’m going to go back to sleep.  Go put some
clothes on before you go out,” he said firmly, eyeing the long tee shirt she

She grinned, lifting it high to expose the high cut
string panties she wore.  “I’m dressed, see?  More than usual, anyway.”

“Put on more, please.  Mike, supervise.  I’m going
back to bed,” Scott ordered. 

Michael pointed to the stairs.  “Get up there.  Call
if you need help.”

Jen giggled, watching her friend bound up the stairs.
“She is so funny.  She’ll do anything to yank your chain, won’t she?”

“Yeah… brat.  She’s not very modest, either.  You
might as well know,” Michael sighed, sitting down behind her and undoing her
hair from the ponytail.  He started to braid it absently.

“Wow, a man who braids hair.  That’s a first for me,”
she said, feeling his hands expertly make the plaits. 

He chuckled.  “I love long hair.  I’ve brushed and
braided hers since she was two.  Rich, if you ever want to calm her down when
she’s upset, brush her hair.  And sing to her, if you can carry a tune.”

“I can sing just fine, thank you.  You’re gonna have
to teach me how to be a big brother, now that I’ve got me a new little sister,
you know.”  Rich winked at Jen.  She looked so happy.

“This is so great, you guys.  Thank you so much.  But
be careful, Rich - as a little sister, I might have to get lessons from Sam,”
she threatened. 

Rich raised his eyebrow and his eyes reflected a
strength she hadn’t noticed before.  “One day you will see exactly how Mike
handles his little sister, so you might want to think twice before being a brat
with me.  Am I right, Mike?”

“No problem here.  There you go, even more beautiful
than ever.  I like you without makeup, by the way.  You have beautiful

“I’m ready,” Sam announced, coming down in the
skimpiest bikini she owned.

Rich gulped.  It left nothing to his imagination.

Jen hid her smile; she knew what her friend was up

Michael shook his head.  “Isn’t that the suit that Dad
and Scott forbade you to wear in public?  I thought so, go get changed.  You
have five minutes.”

“But it’s takes forever with my hand.  Rich, you can

“Excuse me,” Michael said, standing to approach his
sister.  Seeing his expression, she ran back upstairs quickly. 

Jen giggled again.  “She actually looked afraid for a

“With good reason.  Mike doesn’t let her get away with
too much.  How are you doing?  Is this a little overwhelming for you?” Rich

She shook her head. “After my embarrassing display last
night, I feel very relaxed.  I can’t believe I cried in front of perfect

“They have a way of making us feel like we’ve known
them forever.  It’s a gift, that’s for sure.  I love this family, good and
bad.  They’ve become my adopted dads, too and I’ve found a brother in Mike. 
People like you and me need this.”

“Were you serious about being a big brother to me?”

“Yes ma’am.  If that’s okay.”

“I’ve always wanted a big brother.  It’s in my nature
to be a little bratty and I never have anyone to mess with,” she laughed. 

Rich returned it.  “I love brats.  And I can dish out
my share of teasing too.  The most fun I have is when Mike and I gang up on
Sam.  She has no idea how to handle the two of us.  I just need to make a
little suggestion, if that’s okay.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Have fun, by all means, but don’t cross the line of
being rude or disrespectful.  I don’t anticipate you being like that, but I can
tell you it wouldn’t fare well.  Just remember it’s a military family with
high-ranking officers.  Even I watch my Ps & Qs around them.”

“I don’t want them getting mad at me.”

“It would take a lot for them to get angry.  I hope
I’m not stepping out of line here, but I strongly suspect they would treat you
as a member of the family if you do.  You won’t like it, trust me.  I don’t
want to scare you off, just trying to be honest.”

“Will they throw me out?”  Jen looked fearful. 

Rich patted her hand, shaking his head.  “Hell no. 
Once you are here, you are stuck with them.  No, they will treat you as a
daughter.  And, like I said, it won’t be enjoyable.  So whatever you do, don’t
let my girl influence you too much.”

“Would it piss off Mike?  I really like him a lot.”

“Not at all.  Remember, he has a lifetime of practice
dealing with a brat.  You might not like him very much for a while if he gets
on your case, though.  Us big brothers are a mean lot.”

“I’m not too worried.  I don’t get myself into
situations very often.  My grades are my biggest challenge, especially with
having to work.  I suck in math, chemistry and French.”

“You have a family of highly educated scientists to
help you with everything you need.  The guys home-schooled Mike and Sam, too,
so they are well rounded in general ed.  Joe, Mike and Sam are also
multi-lingual in five different languages, and can help you there as well. 
Education is very important in this family, so try to do your best.  If you
have problems, let them know before it’s too late.  I don’t want to see you get
grounded for doing poorly on your chemistry test,” Rich teased.

“Yeah, right,” Jen responded, laughing. 

Rich looked serious.  “Don’t think they won’t try. 
Ah, here is my beauty.  You don’t look happy.”

“Michael’s being mean.  He made me wear this.”  She
lifted the shirt to show the one piece racing suit.  “And my hand hurts.”

“That’s because you kept fighting me when I was trying
to dress you.  Now, let’s go,” Michael said, holding his hand out for Jen.  She
grabbed it and was easily hauled to her feet.

Surf boards in hand, the boys led the way down the stairs
to the water line.  Tide was high with good peaks and the girls watched them
paddle out past the breakers.  Jen closed her eyes to the sun and sighed
deeply.  “Sam?  Thank you so much for rescuing me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The day you guys came in.  I was so frustrated and at
the end of my rope, the rut thing.  Be truthful; does it bother you to share
your family with me?”

“I’m very secure as to where I stand with them, Jen. 
Believe me, if I start feeling like I’m being ignored, they will hear it from
me.  You have to remember, Michael is the most important thing in my life.  I
will do anything to see him be happy - except give up my time with him.  As
long as you’re cool with that, I see no problems.”

“Are you okay with Rich and me adopting each other?”

“Of course.  I’m really not used to women.  Are most
of them that jealous or insecure that they worry about things like this?”

Jen nodded.  “Yeah.  I’ve always been more comfortable
around men than women.  It seems like most girls just want to possess and backstab. 
I’m not like that, so it’s always been hard for me to have female friendships. 
You’re different.  You think more like, well, a guy.  It’s comfortable for me.”

“I’ve never had a female friend.  I wouldn’t know how
to deal with that type of cattiness in regard to my family.  I’ve had to handle
stuff like that at work, but that’s where being the lead had its advantages. 
Speaking of which, when do you want to start in the labs?  Daddy said he’s
going to make it so you can get paid and not have to worry about waitressing.”

“He’s so sweet.  I have my finals next week and then
will be free.  I really should be studying instead of playing, but I don’t want
to.  I’m not doing too well in some of my classes.”

“Define not doing well.”

“Just passing.  If I fail all my finals, I’ll barely
pass.  I’m on scholarship, so I’m being forced to maintain a B overall.”

“Tell my dads.  They’ll set up a study schedule for

“It’s a little late for that.  I’ll cram tomorrow
night for Tuesday.”

“I can come over and help a bit, if you want.  I’d be
less distracting than Michael.”

“Rich said you might help me in French.  Can you?”

“Sure, I’m fluent in French, Spanish, Russian, German
and Japanese.  So are Michael and Daddy.  We’re here for you.”

“Wow.  Thanks.  Oh, look at those boys.  They are so


Chapter 12


The girls watched the surfers for a while before Sam
touched Jen’s arm.  “Do you like seals?”

“Sure, I guess.  I haven’t been very close to one

“I’m going to try something.  Let me know if anything

Closing her eyes and concentrating, Sam tried to send
a call for local peds.  The connection was not easy with the seal population
(inferior creatures), but still remotely possible, using the pod as a conduit. 

Jen touched her friend’s leg.  “I see a seal near
Michael’s board.  It just knocked him off.”

“Cool!  It worked.  They stink, but don’t worry.  Just
keep still.”

“What worked?”

“I'll explain later.”

The large bull sea lion waddled onto the beach,
barking loudly and burping.  It came straight to the girls and plopped its head
into Sam’s lap.

“You weren’t kidding.  It smells terrible.”  Jen
wrinkled her nose. 

Sam scratched the ear flaps, laughing as the bull
rolled onto his back to expose its underside.  “Pet him.  He’s giving you
permission.  And you stink to him.”

“Oh gag,” Jen exclaimed as the animal belched again. 
She timidly began to rub its chest, enjoying the feel of its soft wet fur.  The
boys slowly approached them, carrying the boards.

“Oh look, it’s my old friend,” Michael said, sitting
next to the bull’s head and patting its neck.  “Beat up anyone recently, old
fella?  This asshole broke my rib.”

“Can I pet him too?” Rich asked. 

Sam nodded.  “He’s feeling very generous today.  I
need to find a way to let them know you are also my mate.  They usually are
pretty monogamous, so I don’t know how they’ll react.”

“We’re stupid land walkers, it shouldn’t surprise
them.  God, you reek, you stinky slug,” Michael commented as the animal belched
once again.  The sea lion lifted its head, and then quickly wiggled back to the
water.  “Wonder what’s gotten into him?” Michael commented, wrinkling his nose
at the smell of his hands.

“Probably that,” Rich said, pointing.  Ton was coming.

“It’s too rocky over here.  Move down to a sand bank
so he doesn’t hurt himself,” Sam said, getting up.  The animal followed her
until she stood still, then launched himself up, banking himself with wiggling
and snapping his jaws.

“Keep your hand dry!” Michael ordered as his sister
went running to her companion.  Ton imaged the injury.

“Eel.  No, I didn’t eat it.  No, my flukes are fine. 
It was an accident.  No, I don’t know how.”

“What is she talking about?” Jen whispered to

He frowned.  “Not sure.  Sam?  Is he integrating you? 

The girl didn’t answer, leaning against the whale's
head as he joined with her gently.  She felt the endorphins kick it,
eliminating the pain in her hand.  The swirls moved differently, faster and
more erratic.  They started to overtake her and Ton slowed the movement,
bringing her out of the integration.  She sank onto the sand next to him,
unable to stand.  Michael held Rich back; he had gotten a strong ‘no’ from the

The water gently washed over the girl’s legs as she
sat next to the broad body of her water companion.  She began to feel the
contact again, slower this time and more gentle.  Her body shivered as she
allowed him to touch her.  Satisfied, Ton began to wiggle to return to the
water.  Michael and Rich helped push him in before coming to Sam’s aid.

“What was that about?” Rich asked, helping her to her
feet and brushing her off.

“I’m not certain.  I think he’s trying to teach me how
to integrate better.  I can say this much, my hand doesn’t hurt right now.”

“Yeah, but if it’s anything like what happened before,
the pain will return with a vengeance,” Michael warned her.  “Plus, it’s
soaked.  Let’s get back to the house and clean it up before it gets infected.”

“I’m coming,” his sister answered slowly.  She felt
different this time.  Something had changed again. 

Jen grabbed her friend’s arm as they followed the
boys.  “Are you okay?  You look weird.”

“I’ll explain this stuff later when I can think
clearly.  The method of communication over stimulates my endorphins so I’m kind
of high.”

“Isn’t this the stuff I’m supposed to have a clearance
for before you show me?” Jen asked with concern. 

Sam shrugged.  “I already took care of all that. 
You’re clear.  I have my ways, trust me.”

“I’m worried about you.  You don’t look good.”

Dr. Quimby said the same thing when they approached
him.  He peered into his daughter's eyes and felt her pulse.  Everything was
normal, except her pallor.  Her turgor was sluggish too.  “Okay, since you
already got this wet, I want you to go down for an hour or two.  Michael,
please go with her.  Jen, I need to explain some things to you.  Come on,” Dr.
Quimby said, taking the girl’s hand and leading her back down to the dock where
they waited for Michael to return with his gear.  The man slowly began to explain
the situation and what she was going to witness.  Rich sat quietly by them,
holding Sam next to his chest. 

Jen looked at her friend.  “I don’t get it.  Okay, you
need to be wet.  I don’t quite understand how it works.  But aren’t you going
to get your wetsuit and stuff too?”

“She doesn’t need to.  She’s fully amphibious,” Dr.
Quimby said softly. 

Jen’s jaw dropped.  “That's crazy.  There is no
possible way for that to be true.”

“Daddy, I’m going in.  I’ll stay down here so Michael
can find me,” Sam said softly, sliding into the water and sinking down to the

Jen followed her with her eyes.  “She’s going to

“Not when she’s out of balance.  She can stay
indefinitely submerged without any complications.  She can also swim to depths
that are humanly impossible.  Probably deeper than even I’m aware of,” the
father said sadly, gazing into the deep water before turning to meet Jen's
eyes.  He was telling the truth.

“Rich, explain how this could be true.  Please,” she

He nodded.  “I wish I could.  I still haven’t gotten
used to it.  Hey Mike, she had to go down.  She’s just below, waiting for you.”

“Okay, thanks.  We’ll be out soon.  Don’t worry, she's
all right.”  He smiled with reassurance at his father.

“Where’s your tank?” Jen asked as Michael slipped the
mask on over his face.  He winked and slid below the surface.

“He doesn’t need one.  That apparatus allows him
unlimited air.  I’ve tried it; it’s pretty cool.  You’re freaking out,” Rich
said, watching her face.

“Wouldn’t you?  This is like a science fiction fantasy

“If I could understand how this could all be possible,
I wouldn’t be so worried all the time.  Do you really think she’s okay?” Dr.
Quimby asked Rich. 

He placed his hand on the man's shoulder.  “Mike wasn't
worried, so you know she’s fine.  I just wish I knew what that whale did to
her.  This came on right after he integrated with her.”

“Again?  I thought I made it clear that she was to
stop that without supervision.”

“We were there.  He halted Mike from approaching.  He
did take care of the pain in her hand.  I think he’s trying to teach her how to
use and control the swirly things.”

“I wish I knew what you guys were talking about.”

Rich patted her leg.  “I wish I knew what I was
talking about, too.  I can’t really explain it well.”

“The cetaceans communicate both verbally and mentally. 
It’s a form of telepathy; however, it uses images and chemicals, not words. 
Samantha’s just discovered it recently.  It’s top secret; I’m sure I don’t have
to tell you that.  The odd thing is that the pods selected her, and
subsequently, Michael, to become one of them.  They’ve integrated their brain
activity with the kids.  Samantha is very sensitive to it, and the pods have
been slamming her with instruction and experience.  Too much and too fast.  Ton
has tried to slow them down without much success.  I don’t know how else to
explain it.”

“It sounds pretty fucked up,” Jen stated. 

Dr. Quimby nodded.  “I agree.  Although, we try not to
use quite that expression.  I’ve experienced it from her.  It’s pretty

“Me too, although that isn’t the word I would chose. 
It’s seductive and addictive for me.  I lose all sense of control and reason. 
She’s forbidden to practice on me now because of the implications.”

“Is that them?” Jen asked, seeing bubbles rising. 

Dr. Quimby nodded.  “Yes.  Are you doing better,
honey?  You didn’t go down deep or for very long.”

“I feel much better.  My hand still doesn’t hurt,
either.  Thanks,” she said as Rich pulled her out and wrapped a towel around
her body. 

He kissed her.  “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.  This itches,” she said, rubbing
her wounded hand against her thigh. 

Dr. Quimby placed his hand on her back.  “Let’s go
change that into a dry dressing.  You also need to talk with Jen about your
situation and,” he winked at the blonde girl, “her choice of language.  We’ll
be right back.”

Sam sat at the kitchen table while her father brought
his supplies in.  He laid a pad down then cut the wet bandage away from the
wound.  “Still not hurting?” he asked as he carefully unwrapped the remainder
of the dressing. 

She shook her head.  “Not at all.  What’s wrong?”

“What the... Samantha, this is impossible.  Look,” he
gasped, showing her the wound.  It was completely healed with a small puckered
scar and the sutures still embedded in the skin.

“How did that happen?” she asked, staring at it.

Dr. Quimby frowned, probing at the scar tissue.  “I
have no idea.  Let me see if I can get these sutures out.  Say OW.”

“No ow.  It’s numb.  Daddy, if the swirls can heal…”

“We really need to see how these things work.  I don’t
even know where to begin.  Scott!  Come here,” Dr. Quimby called, pointing to
Sam’s hand.

“You’re joking.  Let me see that,” Scott said.  Sam
gave him her hand and he poked at it.  “Incredible.  How long since this

“About two hours now.  Why?” Dr. Quimby asked.

“If there is a repeat of what happened before, she’s
going to start feeling it again in another hour or two.”

“That’s what I thought too.  And remember, she had
healed before the pain returned the other time,” Michael added, entering the
kitchen with the others.  Jen looked at him confused.  He sighed, glancing at
his family.  He choose to keep things vague, explaining that she had gotten
mildly hurt and what had occurred with the pain and healing. 

“I never connected the absence of those marks with
healing, though,” Scott said.  He looked at his niece.  “Should we give you
something in case it starts to hurt again?”

“No, we shouldn’t mask it.  If it does start up, I
would like your permission to try to use the swirls on myself.”

“Go ahead.  Just talk with us,” Dr. Quimby said. 

Rich beckoned to him.  “I still need to speak with you
two.  Can we grab a minute while it’s quiet?”

“Sure.  Scott, outside.  Michael, please stay here and
keep an eye on your sister.”

* * * * *

“What’s up?” Scott asked, settling down in the lounger
across from Rich.  Dr. Quimby sat in the chair next to them.

“I need your permission for something and I don’t know
quite how to ask without being misunderstood.”

“You know us better by now.  Just say what’s on your
mind,” Scott ordered. 

Rich took a deep breath.  “Sam is getting more
comfortable with me and, as a result, she’s starting to test me a bit.  I want
your permission to discipline her if I feel it’s necessary,” Rich said quietly.

Scott grinned.  “Are you asking us for permission to
paddle that little monster's bottom?  This is priceless.”

“You know I’m responsible and would never harm her,
but she is starting to push buttons and I’m afraid if I don’t assert myself
that she will lose respect for me.  I know how you two and Michael discipline
her.  I think it’s needed if we plan on continuing our relationship.”

“Why are you asking us?  I don’t understand,” Dr.
Quimby asked, amused.

“Out of respect for you and the fact she’s still lives
under your care.  I’ve already had to deal with a small issue once, but I
assure you, she was not exposed or harmed in any way.  Michael was aware prior
to the event.”

“Rich, the more family she has around to keep her
under control, the less likely she is to hurt herself.  Go for it.  With my
blessing,” Scott chuckled. 

Dr. Quimby smiled gently.  “I trust you to be fair and
not take advantage of her vulnerability at that moment.  You also have my
blessing, and I wish you the best of luck.  She’s going to fight you tooth and

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