Caught in the Net (20 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #paranormal, #domestic discipline, #contemporary romance, #spanking

BOOK: Caught in the Net
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“Yes, sir, Uncle Scott.”  Both girls giggled. 

Scott rolled his eyes.  “Damn, Joe… We have another
pixie in our midst.  How will we survive?”


Chapter 13


Snuggling up to Rich’s chest, Sam pointed out the
beautiful wooded regions of the area.  They rolled down a long road to a large,
modern house sitting on a private cove.

“This is stunning!” Jen exclaimed, getting out.

“We like it.  Oh good, they cleared the lumber from
the beach,” Dr. Quimby said, handing everyone their bags. 

Holding Rich’s hand, Sam pointed to the isolated
inlet.  “That’s where I found Ton.  He was tangled in a net when he was just a
calf and starving to death.  Did you let him know we were coming here?” she
asked her father.

He made a face.  “How the hell was I going to do
that?  Besides, let’s have a dry weekend if we can, okay?  Go show Jen your

“I was thinking that maybe Rich…”

“No!” Scott barked.  He dropped his bag and sat in a
large, straight-backed chair.  “You!  Come here now.”

“Oh come on, Uncle Scott… I was just playing.”  The
girl hesitated, eyeing Jen.  Her eyes were wide. 

Although Scott wasn't angry, he still didn’t play
nice.  He pointed to the floor.  “Don’t make me come get you.”

Wrinkling her nose, she approached him, then flung her
arms around his neck to rain kisses over his face.  “I LOVE
yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu!” she sang. 

Scott hugged her before yanking her across his lap. 
“I love you too.  See how much?”

“Ow!  Okay, I get it!  Stoooooooop it,” she yelled,
trying to escape.  The spanking didn’t hurt over her jeans, but it was still

He finally let her go with a big kiss.  “Now behave. 
You!”  He pointed to Jen, then to the floor.  Hesitating, she silently
approached him.  He kissed her cheek.  “Don’t think that won’t happen to you if
you start acting like her.  Now go find your room,” he ordered, dismissing her
with a heavy swat on the rump.  Jen yelped, running behind her friend.

“Come on, Rich, I’ll show you our room,” Michael
chuckled, leading the way.

Dr. Quimby shook his head, sitting next to Scott. 
“It’s good to be back here.  I love this house.  I’m just worried, though.”

“About what, Joe?”

“The kids.  I forgot how romantic this place is.”

“Listen, old friend… They are adults now and we can’t
stop them from doing what comes naturally.  We can only hope they will trust us
if they need help.  Michael’s a responsible young man, I’m sure he’ll use
protection if needed,” Scott chuckled, watching his friend close his eyes.

“I never did,” Dr. Quimby admitted, waiting for the

Scott punched his arm.  “I got her on birth control
the minute she started looking at boys.  I knew I couldn’t watch her 24/7, so I
had to do something to calm my nerves.”

“You are unbelievable.  I would have thought just the
idea of your sister being sexually active would have caused an aneurysm!”

“It’s probably the only thing I wasn’t too concerned
about.  Besides, she only had eyes for you once she discovered who Joey was.”

“You still confound me.  Unbelievable.”

* * * * *

“It’s so romantic here, Sam.  Look at those trees!” 
Jen fell back on the bed. 

Sam sat on hers, nodding.  “I know.  Hey, I need to
ask you something.  Have you and Mike…”

“Not yet.  I did get myself on protection though, just
in case.  How about you and Rich?”

“Not yet.  Can I talk to you, sister to sister?”

“Sure.  What’s up?”  Jen sat up, looking at her young

Sam sighed.  “How would you define sex?  I mean, how
far can we go before Rich feels like he broke his promise to wait?”

“Gosh, I don’t know.  For me, sex is intercourse.  I
don’t count heavy petting or oral as having sex.  It’s more like foreplay.”

“Do you like oral?”

“Oh God, yes.  I know he’s your brother, but he can
kiss like nothing I’ve ever had.  I want to feel those lips everywhere,” Jen
groaned, leaning back on the bed.

“I feel like that with Rich.  I guess I should talk
with him about it, huh?”

“Probably.  I guess discussing this with your dad is
out of the question.”

“Oh, not at all.  I just don’t want Rich to feel like
he’s broken his promise.”

* * * * *

“Mike, I’m getting too close for comfort.  Any ideas?”
Rich asked, plopping on his bed. 

Michael sat on the edge of his.  “I guess it’s a
matter of defining what you mean by sex.  You need to be comfortable with
whatever you two decide.  I think it’s the consensus that you guys won’t make
it for six months.”

“It’s been over two and it’s pure torture.  How about
you and Jen?  A month now?”

“I’m hoping to get some of that sweetness soon, my
friend.  We could go talk to the folks.  It might help.”

“Yeah… I need to know my boundaries without feeling
like I broke my promise.  Let’s go.”

Michael and Rich pounded on the door to the left wing
of the house.  It housed a full suite with two large bedrooms and bathrooms, a
living room and private kitchenette with dining area.

“Dad?  Uncle Scott?  Are you in here?”

“In my room, son.  Come on in.  What’s up?  Are you
settled?” Dr. Quimby asked, hanging up his clothes.  The boys sat on his bed.

“We need to talk with you.  We are in a quandary.”

“Spill it.  In here, Scott!”

“Okay, here goes.  How far is too far?” Rich asked,

“What he wants to know is when will our actions be
defined as sex?  Particularly by you two.”

“I have never known any young man who would show such
courtesy to a girl’s father to ask how far can he go, before he crosses the
line.  But that alone makes him want to tell you both that it’s up to the
girls,” Scott grinned.

“I, on the other hand, am more concerned about the
emotional connection.  Do you both feel this is a monogamous relationship?”

“Doc, Scott… I’ve fallen in love with the little
brat.  I know it’s not appropriate, given the time we’ve known each other and
her inexperience, but…”

“Have you told her?”  Dr. Quimby’s eyes were soft.  He
really had grown to love this boy as one of his own.

“No, sir.  Not yet.  I don’t think I can keep my
promise to you for much longer and stay with her.  It’s torment on so many

“Has she been swirling you?”

“No sir, not at all.  She’s afraid it’s going to chase
me off.”

“Mike, you know her best.  Your opinion?”

“Despite being naïve and somewhat immature of other
levels, her ability to deal with relationships is strong.  I have no doubt she
can handle it.  God forbid you two don’t work out, she’ll be hurt.  But that’s
part of life.”

“I’d be devastated if it didn’t work out,” Rich
admitted.  “I want to marry her one day.”

“Wait until she’s at least 20, please.  That I insist
on,” Dr. Quimby stated.  “I was glad that we waited that long when I married
her mom.  We had been involved for four years prior to that too.”

“So you DO understand?  Wow, I had no idea.”

“Just be careful with her.  As for you, my son, I
can’t speak for Jen’s family.  She is an adult and you two have to decide for
yourselves.  Just use protection, okay?  We want her to reach her goals and
dreams first.  For both your sakes.”

“I feel like I’ve known her for years.  She’s
special.  And she’s starting to interact with the family like she belongs.  It
makes me smile.”

“Don’t think I won’t put her across my lap if she acts
up, either.  She’s got that little devil inside her,” Scott warned.

“I would hope you do.  She should know what it feels
like to be one of your girls.  You too, Dad.”

“I’m not arguing.  Neither is Rich.  Keep her focused,
though.  I’m suspecting she would disregard school for you and we can’t have

“I agree.  Thanks for the chat.  Okay, so are we going
to the Boathouse for dinner?  I’m starving.”  Michael rolled off the bed.

“That’s the plan, my boy.  I also have a yacht to take
us out afterwards,” Scott grinned.  “Just call me an old romantic.”

“Did you plan this so we would get laid, Uncle Scott?”
Michael asked with a frown.  He knew his uncle too well. 

Dr. Quimby rolled his eyes.  “You forget one of the
individuals you are discussing is my baby daughter.  Please stop it.”

* * * * *

“I now know what it truly feels like to be wined and
dined.  This was amazing.  Thank you all so much,” Jen sighed, leaning back in
her chair.

“You deserve it.  You worked hard on keeping those
grades up.  One year down, three to go.”  Dr. Quimby smiled, raising his glass.

“I couldn’t have done it without my tutors.  I will
say, though, Samantha is more focused in teaching me French than Michael was.” 

Michael’s fingers grazed over her arm.  “Yes, but I
helped with your chemistry, didn’t I?”

“No, that was Samantha too.  You aren’t the best study
buddy.  You’re too easily distracted,” Jen laughed.

“Be good and we’ll have a nice tutoring session later,”
he whispered.  Jen blushed, clutching his hand.  The six boarded the yacht for
a moonlit cruise along the channel.  The air was cool and crisp, the water
quiet and still.

Rich led Sam to the port bow, resting against the
rail.  “I want to take this to the next level,” he whispered after kissing
her.  “How do you feel about that?”

“You have to ask?  Rich, I’m putty in your hands.  I
just don’t want you to feel pressured.”

“I… I’m falling in love with you,” he said quietly. 
“I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  I know it’s too soon,

“I’m in love with you, too,” she interrupted, kissing
him gently.  “I know what it feels like to be loved, Rich.  My world has been
filled with it from the very beginning.  This type of love is new for me, but I
know enough to sense its rightness.  I just don’t want you to ever feel like
you have to do anything to convince me.”

“We’ll still take it slowly.  You have so much to
learn.”  Rich nibbled on her ear before gliding his lips to her neck. 

She gasped, holding the rail.  “Please… stop.  It’s
making me swirl,” she panted, clutching his arm.

“Now you know how it feels, my love.  Come, let’s join
the family.”

* * * * *

Michael held Jen’s hand as they walked over to the top
deck and watched the gentle wake behind the stern.  “Cold?” he asked.

“A little.  Thanks,” she responded as he placed his
dinner jacket around her shoulders. 

He held her close, resting his chin on the top of her
head.  “You’re short,” he commented. 

She snuggled against him.  “5’4”.  Two inches taller
than Sammi.”

“You are really growing on me.  I haven’t met anyone
like you in, well, never.  Except for the little sister, of course.  You’re a
lot like her in some ways.”

“I will take that as a compliment.  I really want to
be more like her.  I admire and respect her a lot, even when she’s goofy.  I
like being part of this family, Mike.”

“We like you with us as well.  The fact that Scott is
threatening to tan your hide, says everything.”

“He really wouldn’t though, would he?”

“Don't count of that.  I think he definitely would in
a heartbeat.  And it won’t be the game he played tonight with my sister.  He’s
a beast.  Trust me, you don’t ever want to face him and his damn ruler.” 
Michael shuddered.  “That man could bring me to tears in less than two minutes
when I was younger.  No, you’d be better off facing Dad.  Or me.”

“From what I hear, you’re pretty much of a beast
yourself, Dr. Michael.”  She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

“So you have been talking with my sister about this. 
I suspected.  That was very naughty of you.”  Michael smiled, his teeth
trailing her throat.  He slowly brought his hands down her back to cup her
bottom as he drew her closer.

“Mike, I want you so badly,” Jen gasped, feeling his
hardness against her stomach. 

Michael probed her mouth with his tongue, tasting her
sweetness.  “You get nothing from me until I know that this little bottom is
mine.  To do with whatever I want, whenever I want.”  He broke away, staring
into her glazed eyes.

“I have no desire to see anyone else, Mike.  I believe
in commitment,” Jen answered.

“Let’s wait a few more weeks and see how you do with
the family.  I want you to just be yourself, okay?  Good and bad.  I don’t want
to scare you off.  We can be a bit overwhelming,” he sounded concerned. 

Jen nodded in agreement.  “I know, but I have to be
truthful with you.  I’ve always wanted this.  All of it.  I will let you take
control and decide if and when it’s right, okay?”

“Are you all right with that?”

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